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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 290

    18-Jul-2011 abellur    115.88  9788510  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO for NY, now
                                             only one garnishment will be processed
                                             in a run.
    07-Sep-2011 abellur    115.89 12767090  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO to include CA
                                             for one garnishment deduction per
    04-Sep-2011 abellur    115.90 12795985  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO for MA.
    31-Oct-2011 abellur    115.91 12795985  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO for MA.
    01-Jan-2012 abellur    115.92 13546097  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO for CO
    22-Feb-2012 abellur    115.93 13727976  Updated CAL_FORMULA_SS child support
                                             fee calculation stays with in limit.
    28-May-2012 rgottipa   115.94 13694776  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO to include GA
                                             for one garnishment deduction per
    27-Jun-2012 abellur    115.95 14032248  Updated BASE_FORMULA, CAL_FORMULA_SS
                                             and CAL_FORMULA_BO for Voluntary
                                             deduction, so state level selection
                                             needs to work for earnings rules.
    19-Jul-2012 abellur    115.96 14265307  Updated BASE_FORMULA, CAL_FORMULA_SS
                                             to include the global variable
                                             This addresses multiple deductions
                                             fee aspect overriding max limit.
    21-Aug-2012 sbachu     115.97 14324196  Initialized the local variables
                                             so that null is not returned to
                                             fast formula and Quick pay does not
                                             error out.
    21-Aug-2012 rgottipa   115.98 14357293  The logic for
                                             DI_total_state_exemption is
                                             modified in Cal_Formula_BO if two
                                             payments happened in the same
                                             pay period.
    10-Oct-2012 abellur    115.99 14265244  Updated BASE_FORMULA, fee is not
                                             made to zero if dedn is zero for
                                             support. It is handled in calc
                                             formula, to process arrears.
    12-Oct-2012 rgottipa  115.100 14357621  Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO, fee should
                                            be deducted if there is
                                            no mulitple deductions and
                                            Subject_DISPOSABLE_INCOME - dedn_amt
                                            is greater than zero.
    19-Oct-2012 abellur   115.101 13976486 Updated CAL_FORMULA_BO, the logic
                                  13246850  introduced for the bug 7674615, is
                                            and checking for federal minimum wages
                                            when DCIA is present is updated.
                                            Federal exemption now excludes
                                            the categories AY,BO,CS,SS and TL.
    01-Jan-2013 abellur   115.102 15844070 Updated BASE_FORMULA, the percentage
                                            entered at element entry will be
                                            considered against Gross Wages
                                            for Illinois, categories CD and G.
    15-Feb-2013 rgottipa  115.103 16212524  If FEE is rule is defined for 'EL'
                                            category (either seed or custom defined)
                                            fee should deduct for that state.
    11-Mar-2013 rgottipa  115.104 14726857  Modified CAL_FORMULA_BO for CA,
                                            caliculation for DI_state_exemption_amt

-- New Function added (Reference Bug# 5295813)
    Description : This Function Prorates the Deduction Amount in case one or
                  more Actual Deduction Amount expects less than the Divide
                  Equally Amount.

  DI_subj                 number,


  cntr                 number ;
Line: 442

              hr_utility.trace('Original Deduction is less and Modified Deduction Table is Updated already, Counter := '||ln_counter_lwrdedn) ;
Line: 588

    SELECT parameter_value
      FROM pay_action_parameters
     WHERE parameter_name = 'GARN_DEBUG_ON';
Line: 594

    select target.MAX_FEE_AMOUNT from
           PAY_US_GARN_FEE_RULES_F target,
           PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F pet,
           PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F pee
    WHERE target.state_code = substr(P_CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE,1,2)
      AND target.garn_category = pet.element_information1
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN target.effective_start_date
                                AND target.effective_end_date
      AND pet.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id
      AND pee.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                AND pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 609

    SELECT nvl(entry_information9, 'N')
      FROM pay_element_entries_f
     WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
       AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
       AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 617

    select peev.screen_entry_value
      from pay_element_entries_f peef,
           pay_element_entry_values_f peev,
           pay_input_values_f pivf
     where peef.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
       and peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and pivf.element_type_id = peef.element_type_id
       and pivf.name = c_input_value_name
       and peev.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between peev.effective_start_date
                                 and peev.effective_end_date;
Line: 632

    select peev_si.screen_entry_value
      from pay_element_entries_f peef_base,
           pay_element_entries_f peef_si,
           pay_element_entry_values_f peev_si,
           pay_input_values_f pivf_si,
           pay_element_types_f pet_base,
           pay_element_types_f pet_si
     where peef_base.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
       and peef_base.element_type_id = pet_base.element_type_id
       and pet_base.element_information18 = pet_si.element_type_id
       and peef_base.assignment_id = peef_si.assignment_id
       and peef_si.element_type_id = pet_si.element_type_id
       and peev_si.element_entry_id = peef_si.element_entry_id
       and pivf_si.element_type_id = peef_si.element_type_id
       and pivf_si.name = c_input_value_name
       and peev_si.input_value_id = pivf_si.input_value_id
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between peev_si.effective_start_date
                                 and peev_si.effective_end_date
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between peef_si.effective_start_date
                                 and peef_si.effective_end_date
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between pivf_si.effective_start_date
                                 and pivf_si.effective_end_date
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between pet_si.effective_start_date
                                 and pet_si.effective_end_date ;
Line: 1575

        SELECT parameter_value
          FROM pay_action_parameters
         WHERE parameter_name = 'GARN_DEBUG_ON';
Line: 1580

        SELECT nvl(entry_information4, default_number),
               nvl(entry_information5, default_number),
               nvl(entry_information6, default_number),
               nvl(entry_information7, default_number)
          FROM pay_element_entries_f
         WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
           AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
           AND c_override_date BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1591

        select aei.aei_information3
          from per_assignment_extra_info aei,
               pay_element_entries_f pee
         where aei.assignment_id = pee.assignment_id
           and aei.information_type = 'US_PRORATION_RULE'
           and aei.aei_information_category = 'US_PRORATION_RULE'
           and aei.aei_information2 = garn_cat
           and substr(aei.aei_information1, 1, 2) = substr(P_CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, 2)
           and pee.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID ;
Line: 1603

    SELECT nvl(entry_information9, 'N')
      FROM pay_element_entries_f
     WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
       AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
       AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1612

    select target.MAX_FEE_AMOUNT from
           PAY_US_GARN_FEE_RULES_F target,
           PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F pet
    WHERE target.state_code = substr(P_CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE,1,2)
      AND target.garn_category = pet.element_information1
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN target.effective_start_date
                                AND target.effective_end_date
      AND pet.element_type_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                AND pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 1627

    select rtrim(element_name,' Calculator' )
      from pay_element_types_f
     where element_type_id = p_ele_type_id;
Line: 1634

     SELECT fed_information1
       FROM pay_us_federal_tax_info_f
      WHERE fed_information_category = 'WAGEATTACH LIMIT'
        AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                  AND effective_end_date;
Line: 2919

     * Delete the GLOBAL tables once an employee is procesed
    if GLB_NUM_ELEM = 0 then
Line: 2991

  SELECT hr_general.decode_lookup('FREQUENCY', ASSIGN.frequency)
  FROM  per_all_assignments_f ASSIGN
  where cp_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
  AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
  and ASSIGN.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
  and UPPER(ASSIGN.frequency) = 'W';
Line: 3056

  SELECT	lookup_code
  INTO		v_pay_basis
  FROM		hr_lookups	 	lkp
  WHERE 	lkp.application_id	= 800
  AND		lkp.lookup_type		= 'PAY_BASIS'
  AND		lkp.meaning		= p_freq;
Line: 3105

        SELECT	user_column_name
        INTO	v_work_sched_name
        FROM	pay_user_columns
        WHERE	user_column_id 			= v_ws_id
        AND	NVL(business_group_id, p_bg) 	= p_bg
  	AND     NVL(legislation_code,'US')      = 'US';
Line: 3137

         select TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
          into    v_periods_per_fiscal_yr
          from   pay_payrolls_f  PPF,
                 per_time_period_types TPT,
                 fnd_sessions fs
         where  PPF.payroll_id = p_payroll
         and    fs.session_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
         and    fs.effective_date between PPF.effective_start_date and PPF.effective_end_date
            and   TPT.period_type = PPF.period_type;
Line: 3159

    SELECT  TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
    INTO        v_annualizing_factor
    FROM    pay_payrolls_f          PRL,
            per_time_period_types   TPT,
            fnd_sessions            fs
    WHERE   TPT.period_type         = PRL.period_type
    and     fs.session_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
    and     fs.effective_date  BETWEEN PRL.effective_start_date
                          AND PRL.effective_end_date
    AND     PRL.payroll_id          = p_payroll
    AND     PRL.business_group_id + 0   = p_bg;
Line: 3197

Line: 3213

    SELECT  TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
    INTO    v_annualizing_factor
    FROM    pay_payrolls_f          PRL,
            per_time_period_types   TPT,
            fnd_sessions            fs
    WHERE   TPT.period_type         = PRL.period_type
    and     fs.session_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
    and     fs.effective_date  BETWEEN PRL.effective_start_date
                          AND PRL.effective_end_date
    AND     PRL.payroll_id          = p_payroll
    AND     PRL.business_group_id + 0   = p_bg;
Line: 3234

    hr_utility.trace(' selecting from per_time_period_types');
Line: 3236

    SELECT	PT.number_per_fiscal_year
    INTO		v_annualizing_factor
    FROM	per_time_period_types 	PT
    WHERE	UPPER(PT.period_type) 	= UPPER(p_freq);
Line: 3279

        SELECT	user_column_name
        INTO	v_work_sched_name
        FROM	pay_user_columns
        WHERE	user_column_id 			= v_ws_id
        AND	NVL(business_group_id, p_bg) 	= p_bg
  	AND     NVL(legislation_code,'US')      = 'US';
Line: 3311

         select TPT.number_per_fiscal_year
          into    v_periods_per_fiscal_yr
          from   pay_payrolls_f        PPF,
                 per_time_period_types TPT,
                 fnd_sessions          fs
         where  PPF.payroll_id = p_payroll
         and    fs.session_id = USERENV('SESSIONID')
         and    fs.effective_date  between PPF.effective_start_date and PPF.effective_end_date
         and   TPT.period_type = PPF.period_type;
Line: 3528

        SELECT entry_information8
          FROM pay_element_entries_f
         WHERE element_entry_id = CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
           AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
           AND PAY_EARNED_START_DATE BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3536

         SELECT petei.eei_information12
         FROM   pay_element_entries_f peef,
                pay_element_types_f petf,
                pay_element_types_f petf_calc,
                pay_element_type_extra_info petei
         WHERE  peef.element_entry_id = CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
         AND    petf.element_type_id = peef.element_type_id
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = CTX_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = petf.element_information5
         AND    petf.element_type_id = petei.element_type_id
         AND    petei.information_type = 'PAY_US_GARN_PROCESSING_RULE'
         AND    petei.eei_information11 = substr(CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, 2) ;
Line: 3832

        SELECT parameter_value
          FROM pay_action_parameters
         WHERE parameter_name = 'GARN_DEBUG_ON';
Line: 3839

        SELECT entry_information4
          FROM pay_element_entries_f
         WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
           AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
           AND c_override_date BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3848

    SELECT nvl(entry_information9, 'N')
      FROM pay_element_entries_f
     WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
       AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
       AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3856

        select aei.aei_information3
          from per_assignment_extra_info aei,
               pay_element_entries_f pee
         where aei.assignment_id = pee.assignment_id
           and aei.information_type = 'US_PRORATION_RULE'
           and aei.aei_information_category = 'US_PRORATION_RULE'
           and aei.aei_information2 = garn_cat
           and substr(aei.aei_information1, 1, 2) = substr(P_CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, 2)
           and pee.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID ;
Line: 3868

    select target.MAX_FEE_AMOUNT from
           PAY_US_GARN_FEE_RULES_F target,
           PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F pet
    WHERE target.state_code = substr(P_CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE,1,2)
      AND target.garn_category = pet.element_information1
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN target.effective_start_date
                                AND target.effective_end_date
      AND pet.element_type_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
      AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                                AND pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 3882

    select rtrim(element_name,' Calculator' )
      from pay_element_types_f
     where element_type_id = p_ele_type_id;
Line: 3888

    select min(effective_start_date)
      from pay_element_entries_f
     where element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
     group by element_entry_id;
Line: 3895

	select 	paf.assignment_id,
	  from 	pay_element_entries_f pee,
		per_all_assignments_f paf,
		per_all_people_f ppf,
		per_addresses pa,
		pay_us_states pus
	 where	pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
	   and  pee.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	   and  paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
	   and  ppf.person_id = pa.person_id
	   and  pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
	   and  trim(pa.region_2) = pus.state_abbrev ;
Line: 3910

    select  filing_status_code
	from    pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f pestr,
	        per_all_assignments_f paf,
     		hr_locations hl,
		    pay_us_states pus
	where   pestr.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	and     pestr.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	and     paf.location_id = hl.location_id
	and     pus.state_abbrev = nvl(loc_information17,region_2) ;
Line: 3921

    select peev.screen_entry_value
      from pay_element_entries_f peef,
           pay_element_entry_values_f peev,
           pay_input_values_f pivf
     where peef.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
       and peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and pivf.element_type_id = peef.element_type_id
       and pivf.name = c_input_value_name
       and peev.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
       and P_CTX_DATE_EARNED between peev.effective_start_date
                                 and peev.effective_end_date;
Line: 3935

     SELECT fed_information1
       FROM pay_us_federal_tax_info_f
      WHERE fed_information_category = 'WAGEATTACH LIMIT'
        AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                  AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3943

	select puci.value
	from pay_user_column_instances_f puci,
	   pay_user_tables put,
	   pay_user_rows_f pur,
	   pay_user_columns puc
	where puci.user_column_id = puc.user_column_id
	and puci.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id
	and put.user_table_id = puc.user_table_id
	and put.user_table_id = pur.user_table_id
	and put.user_table_name = 'Wage Attach State Exemptions Table'
	and pur.row_low_range_or_name = p_row_name
	and puc.user_column_name = p_column_name
	and p_ctx_date_earned between puci.effective_start_date
                                  and puci.effective_end_date;
Line: 3960

	select period_type
	   from pay_all_payrolls_f
	 where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
	 and p_ctx_date_earned between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date;
Line: 3971

         SELECT count(petei.eei_information13)
         FROM   pay_element_entries_f peef,
                pay_element_types_f petf,
                pay_element_types_f petf_calc,
                pay_element_type_extra_info petei
         WHERE  peef.element_entry_id = CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
         AND    petf.element_type_id = peef.element_type_id
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = CTX_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = petf.element_information5
         AND    petf.element_type_id = petei.element_type_id
         AND    petei.information_type = 'PAY_US_GARN_PROCESSING_RULE'
         AND    petei.eei_information11 = substr(CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, 2)
         GROUP BY petei.information_type
Line: 3988

         SELECT petei.eei_information13
         FROM   pay_element_entries_f peef,
                pay_element_types_f petf,
                pay_element_types_f petf_calc,
                pay_element_type_extra_info petei
         WHERE  peef.element_entry_id = CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
         AND    petf.element_type_id = peef.element_type_id
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = CTX_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
         AND    petf_calc.element_type_id = petf.element_information5
         AND    petf.element_type_id = petei.element_type_id
         AND    petei.information_type = 'PAY_US_GARN_PROCESSING_RULE'
         AND    petei.eei_information11 = substr(CTX_JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, 2) ;
Line: 6012

        SELECT parameter_value
          FROM pay_action_parameters
         WHERE parameter_name = 'GARN_DEBUG_ON';
Line: 6019

    select rtrim(element_name,' Calculator' )
      from pay_element_types_f
     where element_type_id = p_ele_type_id;
Line: 6026

    select ppei.pei_information1
      from per_people_extra_info ppei,
           pay_element_entries_f peef,
           per_all_assignments_f paaf
     where peef.element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
       and peef.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
       and paaf.person_id = ppei.person_id
       and ppei.information_type = 'US_FED_LEVY_FIL_STATUS_YEAR';
Line: 6038

    select min(effective_start_date)
      from pay_element_entries_f
     where element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
     group by element_entry_id;
Line: 6046

    SELECT entry_information10
      FROM pay_element_entries_f
     WHERE element_entry_id = P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID
       AND entry_information_category = 'US_INVOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS'
       AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 6055

     SELECT fed_information1
       FROM pay_us_federal_tax_info_f
      WHERE fed_information_category = 'WAGEATTACH LIMIT'
        AND P_CTX_DATE_EARNED BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                  AND effective_end_date;
Line: 6256

       select decode(GLB_FIL_STAT(P_CTX_ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID),'01','Single','03','Head Of HouseHold')
       into   lv_Filing_Status_name
       from   dual ;
Line: 6644

    Description : This procedure deletes all Global tables created and
                  resets the value of other Global variables.
   l_proc_name varchar2(50);
Line: 6653

Line: 6654

Line: 6655

Line: 6656

Line: 6657

Line: 6658

    mod_dedn_tab.delete ; /* Bug# 5295813 */
Line: 6659

Line: 6660

Line: 6661

Line: 6662

Line: 6663

Line: 6664

Line: 6665

Line: 6666

Line: 6667

Line: 6668

Line: 6669

Line: 6670

Line: 6671

Line: 6672

Line: 6673

Line: 6674

Line: 6687

    hr_utility.trace('Global Tables Deleted');