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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

 | This Private Procedure Update_Approve_Invoices Updates                     |
 | PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL table with invoice approval columns                  |
  Procedure Update_Approve_Invoices ( P_Project_ID         in  number,
                                      P_Draft_Invoice_Num  in  number,
                                      P_User_ID            in  number,
                                      P_Employee_ID        in  number) is

    UPDATE PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL
       SET Approved_Date         = sysdate,
           Approved_by_person_id = P_Employee_ID,
           Last_Update_Date      = sysdate,
           Last_Updated_By       = P_User_ID
     WHERE Project_ID            = P_Project_ID
       AND Draft_Invoice_Num     = P_Draft_Invoice_Num;
Line: 27

  END Update_Approve_Invoices;
Line: 30

 | This Private Procedure Update_Unapprove_Invoices Updates                   |
 | PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL table with invoice approval columns as NULL          |
  Procedure Update_Unapprove_Invoices ( P_Invoice_Set_ID     in  number,
                                        P_User_ID            in  number) is

    UPDATE PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL
       SET Approved_Date         = NULL,
           Approved_by_person_id = NULL,
           Released_Date         = NULL,
           Released_by_person_id = NULL,
           RA_Invoice_Number     = NULL,
           Invoice_Date          = NULL,
           Last_Update_Date      = sysdate,
           Last_Updated_By       = P_User_ID
     WHERE Invoice_Set_ID        = P_Invoice_Set_ID;
Line: 51

  END Update_Unapprove_Invoices;
Line: 54

 | This Private Procedure Update_Release_Invoices Updates                     |
 | PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL table with invoice Release attributes                |
  Procedure Update_Release_Invoices ( P_Project_ID               in  number,
                                      P_Draft_Invoice_Num        in  number,
                                      P_RA_Invoice_Date          in  date,
                                      P_RA_Invoice_Num           in  varchar2,
                                      P_User_ID                  in  number,
                                      P_Employee_ID              in  number,
				      P_Credit_Memo_Reason_Code  in  varchar2) is

    UPDATE PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL
       SET Released_Date           = sysdate,
           Released_by_person_id   = P_Employee_ID,
           RA_Invoice_Number       = P_RA_Invoice_Num,
           Invoice_Date            = P_RA_Invoice_Date,
           Last_Update_Date        = sysdate,
           Last_Updated_By         = P_User_ID,
	   Credit_Memo_Reason_Code = P_Credit_Memo_Reason_Code /* Bug #2728431*/
     WHERE Project_ID              = P_Project_ID
       AND Draft_Invoice_Num       = P_Draft_Invoice_Num;
Line: 81

  END Update_Release_Invoices;
Line: 85

 | This Private Procedure Update_Unrelease_Invoices Updates                   |
 | PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL table with invoice Release attributes as NULL        |
  Procedure Update_Unrelease_Invoices ( P_Invoice_Set_ID     in  number,
                                        P_User_ID            in  number) is

    UPDATE PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL
       SET Released_Date           = NULL,
           Released_by_person_id   = NULL,
           RA_Invoice_Number       = NULL,
           Invoice_Date            = NULL,
           Last_Update_Date        = sysdate,
           Last_Updated_By         = P_User_ID,
           Credit_memo_reason_code = NULL    /*  Bug #2728431*/
     WHERE Invoice_Set_ID        = P_Invoice_Set_ID;
Line: 106

  END Update_Unrelease_Invoices;
Line: 110

 | This Private Procedure Insert_Distrbution_Warning Inserts draft Invoice    |
 | distribution warning.                                                      |
  Procedure Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( P_Project_ID         in  number,
                                         P_Draft_Invoice_Num  in  number,
                                         P_User_ID            in  number,
                                         P_Request_ID         in  number,
                                         P_Invoice_Set_ID     in  number,
                                         P_Error_Message_Code in  varchar2) is

    l_error_message   pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
Line: 125

      SELECT Meaning
        INTO l_error_message
        FROM PA_Lookups
         AND Lookup_Code = P_Error_Message_Code;
Line: 138

      P_Project_ID, P_Draft_Invoice_Num, sysdate, P_User_ID,
      sysdate, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, l_error_message
Line: 151

      SELECT Project_ID, Draft_Invoice_Num, sysdate, P_User_ID,
             sysdate, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, l_error_message
        FROM PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL
       WHERE Invoice_Set_ID = P_Invoice_Set_ID;
Line: 166

  END Insert_Distrbution_Warning;
Line: 182

   SELECT Credit_Memo_Reason_Flag
   FROM pa_implementations;
Line: 186

  FROM dual
  WHERE EXISTS(SELECT draft_invoice_num
               FROM pa_draft_invoices i
               WHERE i.project_id = P_Project_ID
               AND i.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
               AND i.draft_invoice_num_credited IS NOT NULL);
Line: 195

  SELECT 'Y' FROM dual
  WHERE EXISTS( select lookup_code
                from   fnd_lookup_values_vl
                where  lookup_type='CREDIT_MEMO_REASON'
	        and    lookup_code = P_Credit_Memo_Reason_Code
                and    enabled_flag='Y'
                and    P_RA_invoice_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active,P_RA_invoice_date));
Line: 283

       SELECT i.customer_id, i.generation_error_flag,
              i.approved_date , i.project_status_code
         FROM pa_draft_invoices_v i
        WHERE i.project_id = P_Project_ID
          AND i.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num;
Line: 291

        SELECT i.customer_id, i.generation_error_flag,
               i.approved_date, prj.project_status_code project_status_code
         FROM  pa_draft_invoices i,
               pa_projects_all prj
        WHERE  prj.project_id = P_Project_ID
          AND  i.project_id = prj.project_id
          AND  i.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num;
Line: 303

       SELECT 1
        WHERE customer_id = l_customer_id
          AND NVL(status, 'A') <> 'A'
          AND customer_prospect_code = 'CUSTOMER';
Line: 309

       SELECT 1
        WHERE cust_account_id = l_customer_id
          AND NVL(status, 'A') <> 'A';
Line: 410

       SELECT user_defined_invoice_num_code, manual_invoice_num_type
         FROM pa_implementations;
Line: 414

         FROM pa_implementations;
Line: 441

       SELECT PROJCUST.customer_id,PROJCUST.bill_to_customer_id,PROJCUST.bill_to_address_id,
                         'Y', 'INTERNAL-INVOICE',
                                'Y', 'INTERNAL-INVOICE',
       INTO  l_customer_id,l_bill_ship_to_customer_id, l_bill_to, l_ship_to, l_invoice_category
       FROM pa_draft_invoices INV, pa_agreements_all  AGREE, /* fix bug 2082864 for MCB2 */
            pa_project_customers PROJCUST,
            pa_projects PROJ,
            pa_project_types PROJTYPE
       WHERE INV.project_id = P_Project_id
       AND INV.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
       AND AGREE.agreement_id = INV.agreement_id
       AND PROJCUST.customer_id = AGREE.customer_id
       AND PROJCUST.project_id = P_Project_id
       AND PROJ.project_id = INV.project_id
       AND PROJ.project_type = PROJTYPE.project_type;
Line: 489

       SELECT null INTO l_dummy
       FROM sys.dual
       WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT project_id
                      FROM pa_project_contacts
                      WHERE project_id = P_project_id
                      AND customer_id = l_customer_id
                      AND bill_ship_customer_id=l_bill_ship_to_customer_id -- Added for customer account relation
                                                                            -- enhancement
                      AND project_contact_type_code = 'BILLING');
Line: 511

         SELECT nvl(draft_invoice_num_credited,0)
         INTO   l_draft_inv_num_cr
         FROM   pa_draft_invoices
         WHERE  project_id = p_project_id
         AND    draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num;
Line: 536

             SELECT null INTO l_dummy
             FROM dual
             WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT project_id
                            FROM   pa_draft_invoices di, hz_cust_account_roles rc
                            WHERE  di.project_id = p_project_id
                            AND    di.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
                            AND    di.bill_to_contact_id = rc.cust_account_role_id
                            AND    nvl(rc.status,'N') = 'A'
Line: 579

            select to_number(P_RA_Invoice_Num)
              into l_dummy
              from dual;
Line: 602

       SELECT COUNT(*)
         INTO l_dummy
        FROM pa_draft_invoices_all cm, pa_draft_invoices_all i
       WHERE cm.project_id = P_Project_ID
         AND cm.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
         AND cm.project_id = i.project_id
         AND i.draft_invoice_num = cm.draft_invoice_num_credited
         AND i.invoice_date > P_RA_Invoice_Date;
Line: 631

       SELECT count(*)
         INTO l_dummy
         FROM pa_draft_invoices_all
        WHERE project_id = P_Project_ID
          AND draft_invoice_num < P_Draft_Invoice_Num
          AND released_date is null
          AND nvl(generation_error_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 647

        SELECT 1
        into l_dummy
        WHERE PROJECT_ID =P_Project_ID
        AND DRAFT_INVOICE_NUM = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
Line: 670

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO l_dummy
           FROM pa_draft_invoices i,
                pa_projects  p,
                pa_project_types pt,
                pa_agreements_all AGREE, /* fix bug 2082864 for MCB2 */
                pa_project_customers PROJCUST
          WHERE i.ra_invoice_number      = l_RA_Invoice_Num
            AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'x'
                               FROM pa_draft_invoices x
                              WHERE x.project_id = P_Project_ID
                                AND x.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
                                AND x.project_id = i.project_id
                                AND x.draft_invoice_num = i.draft_invoice_num)
            AND i.project_id = p.project_id
            AND pt.project_type = p.project_type
            AND AGREE.agreement_id = i.agreement_id
            AND PROJCUST.customer_id = AGREE.customer_id
            AND projcust.project_id = p.project_id   /* added for bug#2634995 */
            AND decode(nvl(pt.cc_prvdr_flag,'N'),
                              'Y', 'INTERNAL-INVOICE',
                                     'Y', 'INTERNAL-INVOICE',
                 = l_invoice_category;
Line: 717

       SELECT count(*)
         INTO l_dummy
         FROM pa_draft_invoices_all
        WHERE project_id = P_Project_ID
          AND draft_invoice_num < P_Draft_Invoice_Num
          AND released_date is null
          AND nvl(generation_error_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 772

    SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_dummy
      FROM PA_Draft_Invoices_ALL i
     WHERE i.invoice_set_id    = P_Invoice_Set_ID
       AND i.customer_bill_split not in (0, 100)
       AND (   (    (i.approved_date is not null)
                               FROM pa_draft_invoices ia
                               WHERE ia.project_id = i.project_id
                                 AND ia.invoice_set_id = i.invoice_set_id
                                 AND ia.approved_date is null))
            OR (    (i.released_date is not null)
                               FROM pa_draft_invoices ir
                               WHERE ir.project_id = i.project_id
                                 AND ir.invoice_set_id = i.invoice_set_id
                                 AND ir.released_date is null)));
Line: 803

  Procedure Post_Update_Release ( P_Project_ID         in  number,
                                  P_Draft_Invoice_Num  in  number,
                                  P_User_ID            in  number,
                                  P_Employee_ID        in  number) is

/* Commented for bug 3088395 */ /* The following SQL statement was uncommented for bug 3872496 */
       SELECT ei.expenditure_item_id
         FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei, pa_tasks t
        WHERE ei.bill_hold_flag = 'O'
          AND ei.task_id = t.task_id
          AND t.project_id = P_Project_ID;
Line: 821

       SELECT ei.expenditure_item_id
         FROM pa_expenditure_items_all ei
        WHERE ei.bill_hold_flag = 'O'      /*Bill Hold Once
          AND ei.project_id = P_Project_ID;
Line: 843

    UPDATE pa_draft_revenues dr
    SET    dr.last_update_date      = sysdate,
           dr.last_updated_by       = P_User_ID,
           dr.released_date         = sysdate,
           dr.last_update_login     = P_Employee_ID
    WHERE  dr.project_id            = P_Project_ID
    AND    dr.generation_error_flag = 'N'
    AND    dr.released_date        IS  NULL
    AND    dr.draft_revenue_num <=
              (SELECT max(rdl.draft_revenue_num)
               FROM   pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines rdl
               WHERE  rdl.project_id             = P_Project_ID
               AND    rdl.draft_invoice_num      = P_Draft_Invoice_Num);
Line: 861

 UPDATE pa_draft_revenues dr
    SET    dr.last_update_date      = sysdate,
           dr.last_updated_by       = P_User_ID,
           dr.released_date         = sysdate,
           dr.last_update_login     = P_Employee_ID
    WHERE  dr.project_id            = P_Project_ID
    AND    dr.generation_error_flag = 'N'
    AND    dr.released_date        IS  NULL
    AND    dr.draft_revenue_num <=
              (SELECT max(rdl.draft_revenue_num)
               FROM   pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines rdl
               WHERE  rdl.project_id             = P_Project_ID
               and    exists /* check if the event is an automatic event */
                      (select 1
                       from pa_events e, pa_event_types et
                       where e.project_id = rdl.project_id
                       and e.event_num = rdl.event_num
                       and nvl(e.task_id,-99) = nvl(rdl.task_id,-99)
                       and e.event_type = et.event_type
                       and et.event_type_classification = 'AUTOMATIC')
               AND    exists /* check if the invoice released is related to this automatic event */
                      (select 1
                       from pa_draft_invoice_items dii
                       where dii.project_id = rdl.project_id
		       and dii.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num
                       and dii.event_num is not null
                       and dii.event_num = rdl.event_num
                       and nvl(dii.event_task_id, -99) = nvl(rdl.task_id, -99)));
Line: 894

    UPDATE pa_draft_revenues dr
    SET    dr.last_update_date      =  sysdate,
           dr.last_updated_by       =  P_User_ID,
           dr.released_date         =  sysdate,
           dr.last_update_login     =  P_Employee_ID
    WHERE  dr.project_id            =  P_Project_ID
    AND    dr.generation_error_flag = 'N'
    AND    dr.released_date        IS  NULL
    AND    dr.draft_revenue_num <=
                /* Commented code fix for bug 2968645
              (SELECT max(rdl.draft_revenue_num)
               FROM   pa_cust_rev_dist_lines rdl
               WHERE  rdl.project_id             = P_Project_ID
               AND    rdl.draft_invoice_num      = P_Draft_Invoice_Num); */
Line: 909

               (SELECT max(rdl1.draft_revenue_num)
               FROM   pa_cust_rev_dist_lines rdl1
               WHERE  rdl1. expenditure_item_id in
                                (       SELECT  expenditure_item_id
                                        FROM    pa_cust_rev_dist_lines rdl2
                                        WHERE   rdl2.project_id = P_Project_ID
                                        AND     rdl2.draft_invoice_num = P_Draft_Invoice_Num));
Line: 944

    UPDATE pa_events
      SET bill_hold_flag    = 'N',
          last_update_date  = sysdate,
          last_updated_by   = P_User_ID,
          last_update_login = P_Employee_ID
    WHERE project_id = P_Project_ID
      AND bill_hold_flag || '' = 'O';
Line: 955

  END Post_Update_Release;
Line: 988

    /* Cursor for Select All Unapproved invoices created in This Run */
      SELECT i.project_id,
             nvl(i.invoice_set_id, 0),
             decode(P_Calling_Place, 'INV_CR_MEMO',
                decode(i.draft_invoice_num_credited, NULL, 'INVOICE',
                        'CREDIT_MEMO'), P_Calling_Place) invoice_class,
        FROM pa_projects p,
             pa_draft_invoices i,
             pa_draft_invoice_items ii
       WHERE p.project_id = i.project_id
         AND i.project_id = ii.project_id
         AND i.draft_invoice_num = ii.draft_invoice_num
         AND i.request_id = P_Request_ID
         AND i.approved_date is null
         AND nvl(i.generation_error_flag, 'N') = 'N'
         AND (i.project_id+0 = P_Project_ID or P_Project_ID is NULL)
    GROUP BY i.project_id,
             nvl(i.invoice_set_id, 0),
             decode(P_Calling_Place, 'INV_CR_MEMO',
                decode(i.draft_invoice_num_credited, NULL, 'INVOICE',
                        'CREDIT_MEMO'), P_Calling_Place),
    ORDER BY i.project_id, i.draft_invoice_num; /*Added order by clause for bug 6009706 */
Line: 1021

    /* Cursor for Select All Unreleased invoices created in This Run */
      SELECT i.project_id,
             nvl(i.invoice_set_id, 0),
             decode(P_Calling_Place, 'INV_CR_MEMO',
                decode(i.draft_invoice_num_credited, NULL, 'INVOICE',
                        'CREDIT_MEMO'), P_Calling_Place) invoice_class,
        FROM pa_projects p,
             pa_draft_invoices i,
             pa_draft_invoice_items ii
       WHERE p.project_id = i.project_id
         AND i.project_id = ii.project_id
         AND i.draft_invoice_num = ii.draft_invoice_num
         AND i.request_id = P_Request_ID
         AND i.approved_date is not null
         AND i.released_date is null   /* For bug 2863710 */
         AND nvl(i.generation_error_flag, 'N') = 'N'
         AND (i.project_id+0 = P_Project_ID or P_Project_ID is NULL)
    GROUP BY i.project_id,
             nvl(i.invoice_set_id, 0),
             decode(P_Calling_Place, 'INV_CR_MEMO',
                decode(i.draft_invoice_num_credited, NULL, 'INVOICE',
                        'CREDIT_MEMO'), P_Calling_Place),
    ORDER BY i.project_id, i.draft_invoice_num; /*Added order by clause for bug 6009706 */
Line: 1055

    /* Cursor for Select All invoices Released in This Run */
      SELECT i.project_id,
        FROM pa_draft_invoices i
       WHERE i.request_id = P_Request_ID
         AND i.released_date is not null;
Line: 1070

       SELECT nvl(Employee_ID,0)
         INTO l_employee_id
         FROM FND_USER
        WHERE User_ID = P_User_ID;
Line: 1082

     |    Select The Invoices that were created in this run             |
     |    For a single run of generate Draft invoice program this API   |
     |    will be called once for Invoice/Credit Memo, Write Off or     |
     |    Cancellation of an invoice.                                   |

     |    Select UnApproved Invoices that were Created in this run      |

    -- Initialize Local Variables
    l_prv_project_id := 0;
Line: 1114

         SELECT Project_ID
           INTO l_dummy
           FROM PA_Projects_ALL
          WHERE Project_ID = l_project_id
Line: 1140

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                      P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1148

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                      P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1170

          Update_Approve_Invoices( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                   P_User_ID, l_employee_id);
Line: 1173

          Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                       P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1193

           Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( NULL, NULL, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID,
                                        l_prv_invoice_set_id, l_err_msg_code);
Line: 1195

           Update_Unapprove_Invoices ( l_prv_invoice_set_id, P_User_ID);
Line: 1211

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( NULL, NULL, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID,
                                      l_invoice_set_id, l_err_msg_code);
Line: 1213

         Update_Unapprove_Invoices ( l_invoice_set_id, P_User_ID);
Line: 1223

     |    Select UnReleased Invoices that were Created in this run      |

    -- Initialize Local Variables
    l_prv_project_id := 0;
Line: 1248

         SELECT Project_ID
           INTO l_dummy
           FROM PA_Projects_ALL
          WHERE Project_ID = l_project_id
Line: 1283

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                      P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1291

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                      P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1322

          Update_Release_Invoices( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                   l_ra_invoice_date, l_ra_invoice_num,
                                   P_User_ID, l_employee_id,l_Credit_memo_reason_code);
Line: 1326

          Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( l_Project_ID, l_draft_invoice_num,
                                       P_User_ID, P_Request_ID, NULL,
Line: 1346

           Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( NULL, NULL, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID,
                                        l_prv_invoice_set_id, l_err_msg_code);
Line: 1348

           Update_Unrelease_Invoices ( l_prv_invoice_set_id, P_User_ID);
Line: 1363

         Insert_Distrbution_Warning ( NULL, NULL, P_User_ID, P_Request_ID,
                                      l_invoice_set_id, l_err_msg_code);
Line: 1365

         Update_Unrelease_Invoices ( l_invoice_set_id, P_User_ID);
Line: 1371

    /* Do the Post Release update for all the released Records */
Line: 1439

      select record_version_number, last_credit_request_id
      into l_record_version_number, l_last_credit_request_id
      from pa_draft_invoices
      where project_id = p_project_id
      and draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num;
Line: 1449

	  l_msg_data := 'PA_REC_ALREADY_UPDATED';
Line: 1450

	  /*  This means that another session has updated the record_version_number and fired
	      the concurrent request for invoice processing since the start of the current session.
		  Hence the current session needs to rollback and restart in order to include the changes
		  from the other session.
Line: 1556

   |     p_net_inv_amount           IN      Net invoice amount of the selected lines.             |
   |     p_credit_amount            IN      Total entered credit amount.                          |
   |     p_balance due              IN      Due amount in AR.                                     |
   |     x_tot_credited_amt         OUT     Total credited amount applied on invoice.             |
   |     x_return_status            OUT     Return status of this procedure                       |
   |     x_msg_count                OUT     Error message count                                   |
   |     x_msg_data                 OUT     Error message                                         |
   |     ==================================================================================       |

  Procedure validate_invoice_amount (
             p_project_id             IN NUMBER,
             p_credit_action          IN VARCHAR2,
             p_credit_action_type     IN VARCHAR2,
             p_draft_invoice_num      IN NUMBER,
             p_invoice_amount         IN NUMBER,
             p_net_inv_amount         IN NUMBER,
             p_credit_amount          IN NUMBER,
             p_balance_due            IN NUMBER,
             x_tot_credited_amt       OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
             x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
             x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
             x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   IS

         l_return_status            VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
Line: 1589

           SELECT NVL(typ.allow_overapplication_flag,'N')
           FROM   pa_implementations imp,
                  ra_batch_sources bs,
                  ra_cust_trx_types typ
           WHERE  decode(l_intercompany_flag,'N',imp.invoice_batch_source_id,
                         imp.cc_ic_ar_batch_source_id) = bs.batch_source_id
           and    bs.default_inv_trx_type = typ.cust_trx_type_id;
Line: 1599

           SELECT NVL(ptype.cc_prvdr_flag, 'N')
           FROM   pa_projects proj,
                  pa_project_types ptype
           WHERE  proj.PROJECT_ID = p_project_id
           AND    proj.PROJECT_TYPE = ptype.PROJECT_TYPE;
Line: 1606

Line: 1611

           SELECT IMP.business_group_id,
           FROM   pa_implementations IMP,
                  fnd_languages BASELANG,
                  pa_draft_invoices_all INV,
                  pa_projects PROJ
           WHERE  INV.project_id = p_project_id
           AND    INV.draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
           AND    BASELANG.installed_flag = 'B'
           AND    PROJ.project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 1636

           SELECT NVL(typ.allow_overapplication_flag,'N')
           FROM   ra_cust_trx_types typ
           WHERE  typ.cust_trx_type_id = TO_NUMBER(x_trx_type);
Line: 1659

     /* Second Check - Check if net invoice amount of the selected lines is negative.
                      Write-Off/Concession cannot be performed when net invoice amount of the
                       selected lines is negative. */
          IF  (p_credit_action_type in ('GROUP', 'LINE'))THEN
              IF sign(p_net_inv_amount) <> 1 THEN

                    l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 1675

          /* Get the total credited amount for the selected invoice in Oracle Projects. */

          SELECT ABS(nvl(SUM(nvl(ii.inv_amount,0)),0))
          INTO	l_tot_credited_amt
          FROM	pa_draft_invoices i,
                pa_draft_invoice_items ii
          WHERE	i.project_id = p_project_id
          AND	ii.project_id = i.project_id
          AND	ii.draft_invoice_num = i.draft_invoice_num
          AND   i.draft_invoice_num_credited = p_draft_invoice_num
          AND	i.canceled_flag IS NULL
          AND	i.generation_error_flag = 'N';
Line: 1930

      /* Update credit_process_flag, credit_amount to NULL */

      update pa_draft_invoice_items
      set credit_process_flag = NULL,
          credit_amount = NULL
      where project_id = p_project_id
      and   draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num;
Line: 1950

   |   Procedure  :   update_credit_qual_lines                                                    |
   |   Purpose    :   To mark the draft invoice lines which have been selected for                |
   |                  crediting                                                                   |
   |   Parameters :                                                                               |
   |     ==================================================================================       |
   |     Name                       Mode    Description                                           |
   |     ==================================================================================       |
   |     p_project_id               IN      Project ID                                            |
   |     p_credit_action            IN      Indicates if credit is WRITE-OFF/CONCESSION           |
   |     p_credit_action_type       IN      Indicates if credit action type is                    |
   |                                        SUMMARY/GROUP/LINES                                   |
   |     p_draft_invoice_num        IN      Draft invoice for which credit action is to be done   |
   |     p_draft_invoice_line_num   IN      Draft invoice line which has to be credited           |
   |     p_line_credit_amount       IN      Total credit amount on the invoice                    |
   |     x_return_status            OUT     Return status of this procedure                       |
   |     x_msg_count                OUT     Error message count                                   |
   |     x_msg_data                 OUT     Error message                                         |
   |     ==================================================================================       |

  Procedure update_credit_qual_lines (
             p_project_id             IN NUMBER,
             p_credit_action          IN VARCHAR2,
             p_credit_action_type     IN VARCHAR2,
             p_draft_invoice_num      IN NUMBER,
             p_draft_invoice_line_num IN NUMBER,
             p_line_credit_amount     IN NUMBER,
             x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
             x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
             x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   IS

         l_return_status            VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
Line: 1999

         b) GROUP level (user selects specific lines and gives credit amount which has to pro-rated only on those lines)
            The total credit amount will be pro-rated across the specified lines by subsequent API's. The line selected for
            crediting by the user will be specified by p_draft_invoice_line_num. Since the credit amount will be given as one
            whole amount, p_line_credit_amount will be NULL. Credit_process_flag will be set to 'Y' for the line specified
            by p_draft_invoice_line_num. While calculating the rounding difference the sum of line amounts
            SELECTED BY USER (INFERRED BY CREDIT_PROCESS_FLAG) should match the credit amount entered by the user.
            In this case p_line_credit_amount will be null

         c) LINES level (user selects the line and specifies the credit amount on the line)
            No pro-ration of credit amount is to be performed as it is specified one on one on the line.  No rounding also
            needs to be checked. Both p_line_credit_amount/p_draft_invoice_line_num will be specified

         Both (b) and (c) will be called in a loop for as many lines selected by the user in Invoice Review Form

      if p_credit_action_type = 'SUMMARY' then

         /* Update all lines of draft_invoice_items for credit_process_flag = 'Y' */

         update pa_draft_invoice_items
         set credit_process_flag = 'Y'
         where project_id = p_project_id
         and   draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
         /* Added for Payroll Billing ER #11896864 - Start */
         and   NVL(credit_process_flag, 'N') <> 'X';
Line: 2031

            /* Update specific line of draft_invoice_items for credit_process_flag = 'Y' */

            update pa_draft_invoice_items
            set credit_process_flag = 'Y'
            where project_id = p_project_id
            and   draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
            and   line_num = p_draft_invoice_line_num
            /* Added for Payroll Billing ER #11896864 - Start */
            and   NVL(credit_process_flag, 'N') <> 'X';
Line: 2044

            /* Update specific line of draft_invoice_items for credit_process_flag = 'Y'and credit_amount = p_line_credit_amount */

            update pa_draft_invoice_items
            set credit_process_flag = 'Y',
                credit_amount = p_line_credit_amount
            where project_id = p_project_id
            and   draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
            and   line_num = p_draft_invoice_line_num
            /* Added for Payroll Billing ER #11896864 - Start */
            and   NVL(credit_process_flag, 'N') <> 'X';
Line: 2067

  END update_credit_qual_lines;
Line: 2113

          total selected line invoice amount for credit action WRITE-OFF.  For Concession, we allow
          over credit application. */

      IF p_credit_action_type = 'GROUP' THEN

      /* First check - Total credit amount should not exceed the net invoice amount of the selected
                        lines.  This is true for Write-Off only. */
         IF p_credit_action = 'CONCESSION' THEN
Line: 2186

   |   Purpose    :   To pro-rate the total credit amount across the lines selected for      |
   |                  crediting on the specified invoice                                     |
   |   Parameters :                                                                          |
   |     ==================================================================================  |
   |     Name                             Mode    Description                                |
   |     ==================================================================================  |
   |     p_project_id          IN      Project ID                                            |
   |     p_credit_action       IN      Indicates if credit is WRITE-OFF/CONCESSION           |
   |     p_credit_action_type  IN      Indicates if credit action type is                    |
   |                                   SUMMARY/GROUP/LINES                                   |
   |     p_draft_invoice_num   IN      Draft invoice for which credit action is to be done   |
   |     p_total_credit_amount IN      Total credit amount on the invoice                    |
   |     x_return_status       OUT     Return status of this procedure                       |
   |     x_msg_count           OUT     Error message count                                   |
   |     x_msg_data            OUT     Error message                                         |
   |     ==================================================================================  |

  Procedure distribute_credit_amount (
             p_project_id             IN NUMBER,
             p_credit_action          IN VARCHAR2,
             p_credit_action_type     IN VARCHAR2,
             p_draft_invoice_num      IN NUMBER,
             p_total_credit_amount    IN NUMBER,
             x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
             x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
             x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2)   IS

      l_inv_amount   NUMBER;
Line: 2230

         In case of GROUP, the total credit amount has to be pro-rated across the user selected lines indicated by
         credit_process_flag = 'Y'
         In case of LINES the credit amount is already populated  on the lines that are to be credited
         In case of GROUP/LINES, after the credit amount is populated in the standard lines, corresponding retention lines
         are also to be credited . A separate API distribute_credit_amount_retn will be called to do the same */

      if p_credit_action_type = 'GROUP' then

            /* Get the sum of invoice amount of the user selected lines (credit_process_flag = 'Y'). Apply the ratio
            of p_total_credit_amount over sum_invoice_amount on the line invoice amount. Inv_currency_code is required
            to define the precision of the computed credit amount */

            select sum(dii.inv_amount), max(di.inv_currency_code)
            into l_inv_amount, l_inv_currency_code
            from pa_draft_invoice_items dii, pa_draft_invoices di
            where di.project_id = p_project_id
            and   di.draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
            and   dii.project_id = di.project_id
            and   dii.draft_invoice_num = di.draft_invoice_num
            and   nvl(dii.credit_process_flag,'N') = 'Y' ;
Line: 2251

            update pa_draft_invoice_items dii
            set credit_amount =
                            (inv_amount * (p_total_credit_amount/l_inv_amount)),
            where project_id = p_project_id
            and   draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
            and   nvl(dii.credit_process_flag,'N') = 'Y' ;
Line: 2351

/*        insert into bss_conc
          (serial_no, proc_ind)
        values(2, 'DISTRIBUTE_RETN_CREDIT');
Line: 2360

        SELECT nvl(retention_percentage,0), inv_currency_code
        INTO l_retention_percentage, l_inv_currency_code
        FROM pa_draft_invoices
        WHERE project_id = p_project_id
        AND draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
        AND EXISTS (select null from pa_draft_invoice_items
                    WHERE project_id = p_project_id
                    AND draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
                    AND invoice_line_type = 'RETENTION');
Line: 2377

          select sum(nvl(credit_amount,0))
          into l_tot_credit_amount
          from pa_draft_invoice_items
          where project_id = p_project_id
          and  draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num;
Line: 2387

          update pa_draft_invoice_items
          set credit_amount =
               pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt(l_retn_credit_amount, rtrim(l_inv_currency_code))
          where project_id = p_project_id
          and  draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
          and invoice_line_type = 'RETENTION';
Line: 2396

           /* select the standard lines which are to be credited within a loop
              For every line of the draft invoice item, we require the retained amount
                 (will be in invoice processing currency) , retention rule id and retention_line_num (indicates which line
                 in the draft_invoice_items corresponds to retention of this standard line.
                 Once we get these, store these values into local variables and set line_processed_flag to TRUE
                 Call compute_retn_credit_amount API with the fetched values. The logic to get these values will be:

              If the line represents event (event_num will be not null)
                 the retained amount (will be in invoice processing currency) ,
                 retention rule id, retention_line_num  will be stored on the line itself. Set line_processed flag to TRUE

              If line_processed is FALSE, then check in ERDL( Could be WRITE-ON events) with project_id, draft_invoice_num,
                 and line_num.  One line of draft invoice item may have multiple lines in ERDL. Since we need to get the
                 retention info for every retention_rule_id, we group by retention_rule_id and get sum of the amount.
                 Set line_processed_flag to TRUE

              If line_processed is FALSE, then check in RDL( Could be EI's) with project_id, draft_invoice_num,
                 and line_num.  One line of draft invoice item may have multiple lines in RDL. Since we need to get the
                 retention info for every retention_rule_id, we group by retention_rule_id and get sum of the amount.
                 Set line_processed_flag to TRUE

           for inv_lines in (
               select nvl(dii.line_num,0) line_num,
                           nvl(dii.event_num,0) event_num,
                           nvl(dii.retn_draft_invoice_line_num,0) retention_line_num,
                           nvl(dii.retention_rule_id,-1) retention_rule_id,
                           nvl(dii.retained_amount,0)  retained_amount,
                           dii.amount          amount,
                           dii.credit_amount   credit_amount
                from pa_draft_invoice_items dii
                where project_id = p_project_id
                AND draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
                AND invoice_line_type <> 'RETENTION'
                AND nvl(dii.credit_amount, 0) <> 0
                order by dii.line_num) LOOP

                l_amount          := inv_lines.amount;
Line: 2446

/*                      insert into bss_conc values (3, p_project_id, p_draft_invoice_num,
                                                   'DII', l_retention_rule_id, l_retention_line_num,
                                                    l_retained_amount, l_amount, l_credit_amount, inv_lines.line_num, 'RETN');
Line: 2479

                       select nvl(erdl.retn_draft_invoice_line_num, -1) retention_line_num,
                           nvl(erdl.retention_rule_id,-1) retention_rule_id,
                           nvl(sum(nvl(erdl.retained_amount,0)),0) retained_amount
                       from pa_cust_event_rdl_all erdl
                       where project_id = p_project_id
                       AND draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
                       AND draft_invoice_item_line_num = inv_lines.line_num
                       group by nvl(erdl.retn_draft_invoice_line_num,-1) , nvl(erdl.retention_rule_id,-1) ) LOOP

                       l_line_processed  := 'TRUE';
Line: 2495

/*                      insert into bss_conc values (4,p_project_id, p_draft_invoice_num,
                                                   'ERDL', l_retention_rule_id, l_retention_line_num,
                                                    l_retained_amount, l_amount, l_credit_amount, inv_lines.line_num, 'RETN');
Line: 2531

                       select nvl(rdl.retn_draft_invoice_line_num, -1) retention_line_num,
                           nvl(rdl.retention_rule_id,-1) retention_rule_id,
                           sum(nvl(rdl.retained_amount,0)) retained_amount
                       from pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all rdl
                       where project_id = p_project_id
                       AND draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
                       AND draft_invoice_item_line_num = inv_lines.line_num
                       group by nvl(rdl.retn_draft_invoice_line_num,-1) , nvl(rdl.retention_rule_id,-1) ) LOOP

                       l_line_processed  := 'TRUE';
Line: 2547

/*                      insert into bss_conc values (5, p_project_id, p_draft_invoice_num,
                                                   'RDL', l_retention_rule_id, l_retention_line_num,
                                                    l_retained_amount, l_amount, l_credit_amount, inv_lines.line_num,'RETN');
Line: 2584

           update pa_draft_invoice_items
           set credit_amount =
                     pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt(credit_amount, rtrim(l_inv_currency_code)) * -1
           where project_id = p_project_id
           and  draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
           and invoice_line_type = 'RETENTION';
Line: 2676

        select nvl(threshold_amount,0), nvl(retention_percentage,0), nvl(retention_amount,0)
        into l_threshold_amount, l_retention_percentage, l_retention_amount
        from pa_proj_retn_rules
        where retention_rule_id = p_retention_rule_id;
Line: 2694

        update pa_draft_invoice_items
        set credit_amount = nvl(credit_amount ,0) + l_retn_credit_amount
        where project_id = p_project_id
        and draft_invoice_num = p_draft_invoice_num
        and line_num =  p_retention_line_num;