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2 /*  $Header: GMLFGMEB.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 16:37:22 appldev noship $
3  +=========================================================================+
4  |                Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation                    |
5  |                        TVP, Reading, England                            |
6  |                         All rights reserved                             |
7  +=========================================================================+
8  | FILENAME                                                                |
9  |    GMIURSVS.pls                                                         |
10  |                                                                         |
11  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
12  |     This package contains private APIs  relating to OPM                 |
13  |     reservation.                                                        |
14  |                                                                         |
15  |                                                                         |
16  | HISTORY                                                                 |
17  |     Aug-18-2003  Liping Gao Created                                     |
18  +=========================================================================+
19   API Name  : GML_GME_API_PVT
20   Type      : Private
21   Function  : This package contains Private API procedures used to
22               OPM reservation for a batch.
23   Pre-reqs  : N/A
24   Parameters: Per function
26   Current Vers  : 1.0
28 */
30  G_PROD_YIELDED     Number(5) := 0;    -- Product has not been yielded
31  G_BATCH_ID         Number(15):= 0;    -- Batch id for the session
32  G_BATCH_LINE_ID    Number(15):= 0;    -- Batch line id for the session
34  PROCEDURE process_om_reservations
35  (
36     P_from_batch_id          IN  NUMBER default null
37   , P_batch_line_rec         IN  GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.batch_line_rec
38   , P_Gme_trans_row          IN  ic_tran_pnd%rowtype
39   , P_batch_action           IN  VARCHAR2
40   , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
41  ) IS
42   l_so_line_rec           GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.so_line_rec ;
43   l_rule_rec              GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.gme_om_rule_rec ;
44   l_history_rec           GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.alloc_history_rec;
45   ll_history_rec          GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.alloc_history_rec;
46   l_batch_line_rec        GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.batch_line_rec ;
47   l_batch_id              NUMBER;
48   l_batch_line_id         NUMBER;
49   l_batch_trans_id        NUMBER;
50   l_msg_cont              NUMBER;
51   l_msg_data              VARCHAR2(300);
52   l_old_gme_trans_row     ic_tran_pnd%rowtype;
53   l_new_gme_trans_row     ic_tran_pnd%rowtype;
54   l_tran_row              ic_tran_pnd%rowtype;
55   l_res_qty               NUMBER;
56   l_res_qty2              NUMBER;
57   l_trans_qty             NUMBER;
58   l_trans_qty2            NUMBER;
59   l_planned_qty           NUMBER;
60   l_planned_qty2          NUMBER;
61   l_whse_code             VARCHAR2(5);
62   l_trans_id              NUMBER;
63   l_tran_rec              GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.ictran_rec;
64   l_dft_tran_rec          GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.ictran_rec;
65   l_notify                NUMBER;
66   l_update_history        NUMBER;
67   l_return_status         VARCHAR2(30);
69   Cursor get_trans_row (p_trans_id IN NUMBER) is
70   Select *
71   from ic_tran_pnd
72   where trans_id = p_trans_id;
74   Cursor check_res_whse (p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER) is
75   Select distinct whse_code
76   From gml_batch_so_reservations
77   Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
79   Cursor get_res_qty(p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER
80                    , p_whse_code IN VARCHAR2) is
81   Select sum(reserved_qty), sum(reserved_qty2)
82   From gml_batch_so_reservations
83   Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
84    and  whse_code = p_whse_code
85    and  delete_mark = 0;
87   Cursor get_planned_qty (p_batch_line_id IN NUMBER
88                        ,  p_whse_code IN VARCHAR2) is
89   Select abs(sum(nvl(trans_qty,0))), abs(sum(nvl(trans_qty2,0)))
90   From ic_tran_pnd
91   Where line_id = p_batch_line_id
92     and whse_code = p_whse_code
93     and doc_type in ('PROD', 'FPO')
94     and delete_mark = 0
95     and completed_ind = 0;
97   Cursor get_trans_id (P_batch_trans_id IN NUMBER) IS
98   Select ic.trans_id
99   From ic_tran_pnd ic
100      , gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
101   Where his.batch_trans_id = p_batch_trans_id
102     and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
103     and ic.line_id = his.line_id
104     and ic.staged_ind = 0
105     and ic.delete_mark = 0
106     and ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'
107     ;
109   Cursor get_total_OMSO (p_gme_trans_id IN NUMBER) IS
110   Select abs(sum(trans_qty)),abs(sum(trans_qty2))
111   From ic_tran_pnd ic
112     ,  gml_batch_so_alloc_history his
113   Where his.batch_trans_id = p_gme_trans_id
114     and his.trans_id = ic.trans_id
115     and his.delete_mark = 0
116     and ic.delete_mark = 0
117     and ic.completed_ind = 0
118     ;
120   Cursor get_history_id (p_gme_trans_id in NUMBER) IS
121   Select alloc_rec_id
122   From gml_batch_so_alloc_history
123   Where batch_trans_id = p_gme_trans_id
124     and delete_mark = 0
125     ;
127   Cursor get_res_for_batch_line(p_batch_line_id In NUMBER) is
128   Select scheduled_ship_date
129   From gml_batch_so_reservations
130   Where batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
131     and delete_mark = 0
132     and reserved_qty <> 0
133     ;
135   Cursor get_lnid_for_batch(p_batch_id In NUMBER) is
136   Select distinct batch_line_id
137   From gml_batch_so_reservations
138   Where batch_id = p_batch_id
139     and delete_mark = 0
140     and reserved_qty <> 0
141     ;
143  BEGIN
144   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
145   l_notify := 0;
146   l_update_history := 0;
148   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('--- Process_OM_reservations --- ');
149   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Action code '||p_batch_action);
150   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('p_from_batch_id'||p_from_batch_id);
151   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('p_batch_line.batch_id '||p_batch_line_rec.batch_id);
152   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('p_batch_line.batch_line_id '||p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id);
153   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('p_batch_line.trans_id '||p_batch_line_rec.trans_id);
154   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('p_gme_trans_row.trans_id '||p_gme_trans_row.trans_id);
155   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('g_batch_id '||g_batch_id);
156   GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('g_batch_line_id '||g_batch_line_id);
157   l_batch_line_rec := p_batch_line_rec;
158   l_batch_id := p_batch_line_rec.batch_id;
159   l_batch_line_id := p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id;
160   l_batch_trans_id := p_batch_line_rec.trans_id;
161   l_new_gme_trans_row := p_gme_trans_row;
163   IF g_batch_id = 0 THEN
164      g_batch_id := l_batch_id ;  -- initialize the gloable variable
165   END IF;
166   IF g_batch_line_id = 0 THEN
167      g_batch_line_id := l_batch_line_id ;  -- initialize the gloable variable
168   END IF;
170   IF l_batch_id <> g_batch_id OR l_batch_line_id <> g_batch_line_id THEN
171      GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('reset global ');
172      g_batch_id := l_batch_id;
173      g_batch_line_id := l_batch_line_id;
174      g_prod_yielded := 0; -- Batch initiation
175      GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_delete := 0; -- always delete reservation when availability is 0
176   END IF;
178   IF p_from_batch_id is not null THEN
179      l_batch_id := p_from_batch_id;
180   END IF;
182   /* check the reservations, if non exists, exit */
183   IF l_batch_line_id is not null THEN
184      IF NOT GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.check_reservation
185          (
186             P_Batch_line_id          => p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id
187           , X_return_status          => x_return_status
188           , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
189           , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
190          )
191      THEN
192         return;
193      END IF;
194   END IF;
195   IF l_batch_id is not null THEN
196      IF NOT GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.check_reservation
197          (
198             P_Batch_id               => l_batch_id
199           , X_return_status          => x_return_status
200           , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
201           , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
202          )
203      THEN
204         return;
205      END IF;
206   END IF;
208   -- Batch level actions
209   IF p_batch_action = 'CONVERT' THEN
210      GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' Batch level actions: CONVERT');
211      /* FPO convert to batches */
212      IF p_from_batch_id is null THEN
213         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('PRocess_om_reservations ...FPO batch_id is null');
214         return;
215      END IF;
216      GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.create_reservation_from_FPO
217        (
218           P_FPO_batch_id           => p_from_batch_id
219         , P_New_batch_id           => p_batch_line_rec.batch_id
220         , X_return_status          => x_return_status
221         , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
222         , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
223        );
224      return;
225   END IF;
227   IF p_batch_action = 'DELETE' THEN
228       /* 1) cancel-terminate batch -- batch level done here
229       * 2) reserval batch at the trans level -- batch line level blocks below
230       */
231      IF p_batch_line_rec.batch_id is not null
232         and p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id is null
233         and p_batch_line_rec.trans_id is null
234      THEN
235         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' Batch level actions: DELETE');
236         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....Calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_batch');
237         For res in get_lnid_for_batch(p_batch_line_rec.batch_id) Loop
238            l_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id := res.batch_line_id;
239            /* get the rule for the batch line */
240            GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.get_rule
241                  (
242                     P_so_line_rec            => l_so_line_rec
243                   , P_batch_line_rec         => l_batch_line_rec
244                   , X_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
245                   , X_return_status          => x_return_status
246                   , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
247                   , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
248                  );
249            IF l_rule_rec.order_notification = 'Y' THEN
250               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....Calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR');
251               GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
252                  (
253                    P_Batch_line_id          => res.batch_line_id
254                  , P_action_code            => 'CANCEL'
255                  , X_return_status          => x_return_status
256                  , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
257                  , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
258                  );
259            END IF;
260          END LOOP;
262          GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....After GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_batch');
263          GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_batch
264            (
265               P_Batch_id               => p_batch_line_rec.batch_id
266             , X_return_status          => x_return_status
267             , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
268             , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
269            );
270         return;
271      END IF;
272   END IF;
274   IF p_batch_line_rec.batch_id is not null
275      And p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id is null THEN
276      IF p_batch_action = 'NOTIFY_CSR' THEN
277         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' Batch level actions: NOTIFY_CSR');
278         /* check to see the planned complt date */
279         For res in get_lnid_for_batch(p_batch_line_rec.batch_id) Loop
280            l_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id := res.batch_line_id;
281            /* get the rule for the batch line */
282            GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.get_rule
283                  (
284                     P_so_line_rec            => l_so_line_rec
285                   , P_batch_line_rec         => l_batch_line_rec
286                   , X_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
287                   , X_return_status          => x_return_status
288                   , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
289                   , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
290                  );
291            IF l_rule_rec.order_notification = 'Y' THEN
292               For res_line in get_res_for_batch_line(res.batch_line_id) Loop
293                  IF p_batch_line_rec.cmplt_date > res_line.scheduled_ship_date THEN
294                     GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
295                     (
296                        P_batch_id               => p_batch_line_rec.batch_id
297                      , P_action_code            => 'CMPLT_DATE_CHANGE'
298                      , X_return_status          => x_return_status
299                      , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
300                      , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
301                     );
302                  END IF;
303               END LOOP;
304            END IF;
305         END LOOP;
306         return;
307      END IF;
308   END IF;
310   -- Batch line level or trans level actions
311   /* get the rule for this batch line */
312   l_so_line_rec.so_line_id := null;
313   /* always use the whse from the gme trans */
314   l_so_line_rec.whse_code := p_gme_trans_row.whse_code;
315   GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.get_rule
316         (
317            P_so_line_rec            => l_so_line_rec
318          , P_batch_line_rec         => p_batch_line_rec
319          , X_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
320          , X_return_status          => x_return_status
321          , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
322          , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
323         );
324   IF l_rule_rec.order_notification = 'Y' THEN
325      l_notify := 1;
326   END IF;
327   /* based on the p_batch_action code, do the appropriate calls */
328   IF p_batch_action = 'COMPLETE' THEN
329      /* action at batch side is either ADDC or UPDP with completed_ind = 1
330       * We will create OMSO allocations based on the reservations */
331      GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.create_allocations
332        (
333           P_batch_line_rec         => p_batch_line_rec
334         , P_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
335         , P_Gme_trans_row          => p_gme_trans_row
336         , X_return_status          => x_return_status
337         , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
338         , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
339        );
340      /* if rule says so
341         pick confirm is done per batch not per trans
342         Moved pick confirm to UPDP where UPDP is called from GME per batch consolidation
343       */
344      g_prod_yielded := 1;
345      /* set g_not_to_delete to 1 if convertion is waiting for the lot status */
346   END IF;
347   IF p_batch_action = 'DELETE' THEN
348      /* actions at the batch side could be
349       * 1) cancel-terminate batch -- batch level, above
350       * 2) reserval batch at the trans level
351       */
352       GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations...... IF p_batch_action = DELETE');
353       IF l_rule_rec.order_notification = 'Y' THEN
354         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....Calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR');
355         GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
356            (
357               P_Batch_trans_id         => p_batch_line_rec.trans_id
358             , P_action_code            => 'CANCEL'
359             , X_return_status          => x_return_status
360             , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
361             , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
362            );
363       END IF;
364       IF p_batch_line_rec.trans_id is not null THEN
365         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....IF p_gme_trans_row.trans_id is not null');
366         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....Calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_alloc_for_trans');
367         GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_alloc_for_trans
368            (
369               P_Batch_trans_id         => p_batch_line_rec.trans_id
370             , X_return_status          => x_return_status
371             , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
372             , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
373            );
374       END IF;
375       return;
376   END IF;
377   IF p_batch_action = 'NOTIFY_CSR' THEN
378      /* p_batch_line_rec.trans_id will be passed as the from trans_id
379       * p_gme_trans_row.trans_id will be passed as the new (to be updated) trans_id
380       */
381      IF p_batch_line_rec.trans_id is not null THEN
382         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Fetch old gme trans '||p_batch_line_rec.trans_id);
383         Open get_trans_row(p_batch_line_rec.trans_id);
384         Fetch get_trans_row
385         Into l_old_gme_trans_row;
386         Close get_trans_row;
387      END IF;
388      /* if p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id is passed, meaning UPDP at GME
389       * 1) planned qty is changed
390       * 2) update pending to complete
391       */
392      IF p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id is not null THEN
393         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('batch line level');
394         /* 1) Reduce planned qty  or any pending transactions change
395                   -- no actions for increasing qty
396          *    the trans_row would be pending
397          */
398         IF p_gme_trans_row.trans_id is null THEN -- Pending transactions
399            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, pending trans is changed');
400            For whse_rec in check_res_whse(p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id) LOOP
401               l_whse_code := whse_rec.whse_code;
402               Open get_res_qty(l_batch_line_id, l_whse_code);
403               Fetch get_res_qty
404               Into l_res_qty, l_res_qty2;
405               Close get_res_qty;
406               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, total res qty '|| l_res_qty);
408               Open get_planned_qty(l_batch_line_id, l_whse_code);
409               Fetch get_planned_qty
410               Into l_planned_qty, l_planned_qty2;
411               Close get_planned_qty;
413               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, total planned qty '|| nvl(l_planned_qty,0));
414               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println(' global g_not_to_notify '||GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_notify);
415               IF (l_res_qty > nvl(l_planned_qty,0) * (1+ l_rule_rec.allocation_tolerance/100))
416                   and l_notify = 1
417                   and GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_notify <> 1
418               THEN
419                  /* pending qty has been reduced
420                   * check the tolerance
421                   */
422                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, planned qty is changed');
423                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_om_reservations...UPDP Pending Qty is reduced');
424                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_om_reservations...Pending Qty is reduced Calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR');
425                  GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
426                  (
427                     P_batch_line_id         => p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id
428                   , P_whse_code		     => l_whse_code
429                   , P_action_code            => 'REDUCE_PLANNED_QTY'
430                   , X_return_status          => x_return_status
431                   , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
432                   , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
433                  );
434                  /* if planned qty becomes 0, delete all the res for this whse */
435                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println(' global g_not_to_delete '||GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_delete);
436                  IF (nvl(l_planned_qty,0) <= 0 AND GML_GME_API_PVT.g_not_to_delete = 0) THEN
437                     GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_res_for_batch_line
438                     (
439                       P_Batch_line_id          => p_batch_line_rec.batch_line_id
440                     , P_whse_code              => l_whse_code
441                     , X_return_status          => x_return_status
442                     , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
443                     , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
444                     ) ;
445                  END IF;
446               END IF;
447            END LOOP;
448         END IF;
449         IF p_gme_trans_row.trans_id is not null
450            and l_old_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 0
451            and p_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 1
452         THEN
453            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, update pending to complete');
454            GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.create_allocations
455              (
456                 P_batch_line_rec         => p_batch_line_rec
457               , P_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
458               , P_Gme_trans_row          => p_gme_trans_row
459               , X_return_status          => x_return_status
460               , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
461               , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
462              );
464            g_prod_yielded := 1;
466         END IF;
468         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('    Global value g_prod_yielded  '||g_prod_yielded);
469         /* Pick confirm is here after consolidation at GME side */
470         IF l_rule_rec.auto_pick_confirm = 'Y' AND g_prod_yielded = 1 THEN
471            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Product yielded. Now Pickconfirm');
472            /* get the mo line id for the source line */
473            GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.pick_confirm
474            (
475               P_batch_line_rec         => p_batch_line_rec
476             , P_Gme_trans_row          => p_gme_trans_row
477             , X_return_status          => x_return_status
478             , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
479             , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
480            );
481         END IF;
482      END IF; -- batch line level
483      IF p_batch_line_rec.trans_id is not null
484         and p_gme_trans_row.trans_id is not null THEN
485         GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('transaction level');
486         IF l_old_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 1
487            and l_new_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 1
488         THEN
489            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, update the completed transaction');
490            /* 1) if qty is increased, new OMSO should be created for the newly added qty
491             */
492            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, old trans_qty '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_qty);
493            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, new trans_qty '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty);
494            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, old lot_id '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.lot_id);
495            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, new lot_id '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.lot_id);
496            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, old location '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.location);
497            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, new location '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.location);
498            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, old whse_code '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.whse_code);
499            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDC, new whse_code '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.whse_code);
500            IF abs(l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty) > abs(l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_qty) THEN
501               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('   New qty added');
502               Open get_total_OMSO(l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_id);
503               Fetch get_total_OMSO Into l_trans_qty, l_trans_qty2;
504               Close get_total_OMSO;
505               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('      Total OMSO trans_qty '||l_trans_qty);
506               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('      Total OMSO trans_qty2 '||l_trans_qty2);
507               l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty := -1 * (abs(l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty)
508                                                - abs(l_trans_qty));
509               l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty2 := -1 * (abs(l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty2)
510                                                - abs(l_trans_qty2));
511               GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.create_allocations
512                 (
513                    P_batch_line_rec         => p_batch_line_rec
514                  , P_gme_om_rule_rec        => l_rule_rec
515                  , P_Gme_trans_row          => l_new_gme_trans_row
516                  , X_return_status          => x_return_status
517                  , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
518                  , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
519                 );
520               /* update history ? */
521               /* increasing qty is to create neg orginal qty and create new trans with the new qty*/
522               l_update_history := 1;
523               g_prod_yielded := 1;
525            ELSIF abs(l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_qty) < abs(l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_qty) THEN
526               /* qty is reduced, backflash */
527               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println(' Process_om_reservations completed batch  qty reduced');
528               /* notify CSR */
529               l_notify := 1;
530               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println(' Process_om_reservations completed batch  qty reduced calling GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR');
531               GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
532                  (
533                     P_batch_trans_id         => p_batch_line_rec.trans_id
534                   , P_action_code            => 'REDUCE_QTY_ON_COMPLETED_BATCH'
535                   , X_return_status          => l_return_status
536                   , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
537                   , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
538                  );
540               /* decreasing qty is to create neg orginal qty and create new trans with the new qty*/
541               l_update_history := 1;
542            END IF;
544            /* 2) lot_id is changed
545             */
546             IF l_new_gme_trans_row.lot_id <> l_old_gme_trans_row.lot_id THEN
547               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Lot is changed from '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.lot_id);
548               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('                to '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.lot_id);
549               For trans_rec in get_trans_id(l_batch_trans_id) LOOP
550                  l_trans_id := trans_rec.trans_id;
551                  l_tran_rec.trans_id := l_trans_id;
552                  IF GMI_TRAN_PND_DB_PVT.FETCH_IC_TRAN_PND (l_tran_rec, l_tran_rec ) THEN
553                     l_tran_rec.lot_id := l_new_gme_trans_row.lot_id;
554                     GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('       Changing lot_id for trans_id '|| l_trans_id);
555                     GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.update_pending_transaction
556                                     (p_api_version      => 1.0,
557                                      p_init_msg_list    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
558                                      p_commit           => FND_API.G_FALSE,
559                                      p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE,
560                                      p_tran_rec         => l_tran_rec,
561                                      x_tran_row         => l_tran_row,
562                                      x_return_status    => x_return_status,
563                                      x_msg_count        => l_msg_cont,
564                                      x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
565                                     );
566                     IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success Then
567                        GMI_reservation_Util.PrintLn('update complete trans, alloc creation error');
568                        FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMI','GMI_QTY_RSV_NOT_FOUND');
569                        FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('WHERE', 'Check rules');
570                        FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
571                     END IF;
572                     /* no need
573                     l_dft_tran_rec.line_id := l_tran_rec.line_id;
574                     l_dft_tran_rec.trans_id := null;
575                     GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.balance_default_lot
576                       ( p_ic_default_rec            => l_dft_tran_rec
577                       , p_opm_item_id               => l_dft_tran_rec.item_id
578                       , x_return_status             => x_return_status
579                       , x_msg_count                 => x_msg_cont
580                       , x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data
581                       );
582                     IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
583                     THEN
584                       GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Error returned by balancing default lot');
585                     END IF;
586                     */
587                     l_update_history := 1;
588                  END IF;
589               END LOOP;
590               l_notify := 1;
591             END IF;
592            /* 3) location is changed
593             */
594             IF l_new_gme_trans_row.location <> l_old_gme_trans_row.location THEN
595               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Location is changed from '|| l_old_gme_trans_row.location);
596               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('                      to '|| l_new_gme_trans_row.location);
597               For trans_rec in get_trans_id(l_batch_trans_id) LOOP
598                  l_trans_id := trans_rec.trans_id;
599                  l_tran_rec.trans_id := l_trans_id;
600                  IF GMI_TRAN_PND_DB_PVT.FETCH_IC_TRAN_PND (l_tran_rec, l_tran_rec ) THEN
601                     l_tran_rec.location := l_new_gme_trans_row.location;
602                     GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('       Changing location for trans_id '|| l_trans_id);
603                     GMI_TRANS_ENGINE_PUB.update_pending_transaction
604                                     (p_api_version      => 1.0,
605                                      p_init_msg_list    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
606                                      p_commit           => FND_API.G_FALSE,
607                                      p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE,
608                                      p_tran_rec         => l_tran_rec,
609                                      x_tran_row         => l_tran_row,
610                                      x_return_status    => x_return_status,
611                                      x_msg_count        => l_msg_cont,
612                                      x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
613                                     );
614                     IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success Then
615                        GMI_reservation_Util.PrintLn('update complete trans, alloc creation error');
616                        FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMI','GMI_QTY_RSV_NOT_FOUND');
617                        FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('WHERE', 'Check rules');
618                        FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
619                     END IF;
620                  END IF;
621               END LOOP;
622               l_notify := 1;
623               l_update_history := 1;
624             END IF;
625            /* 4) whse_code is changed
626             */
627             IF l_new_gme_trans_row.whse_code <> l_old_gme_trans_row.whse_code THEN
628               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_Om_reservations .....Whse is Changed');
629               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_Om_reservations .....Completed batch tran is deleted');
630               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_Om_reservations .........Before  deleting OMSO trans');
631               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Process_om_Reservations.... First Notify CSR');
632               l_notify := 1;
633               /* Send a notification */
634                GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
635                  (
636                     P_batch_trans_id         => l_batch_trans_id
637                   , P_action_code            => 'WHSE_CHANGED'
638                   , X_return_status          => x_return_status
639                   , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
640                   , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
641                  );
643               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println(' Deleting OMSO trans');
644               GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_alloc_for_trans
645                  (
646                       P_Batch_trans_id         => l_batch_trans_id
647                     , X_return_status          => X_return_status
648                     , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
649                     , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
650                  );
652               /* we don't change the history because old trans are deleted and still
653                * linked with the old gme trans */
654             END IF;
656            /* 5) trans_date is changed
657             * check the scheduled ship date, if over, notify
658             */
660            /* balance the default lot */
661            /* notify the CSR */
662            /*
663            IF l_notify = 1 THEN
664               GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('Notifications to CSR    ');
665               GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
666               (
667                  P_batch_trans_id         => p_batch_line_rec.trans_id
668                , X_return_status          => x_return_status
669                , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
670                , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
671            );
672            END IF;
673            */
674            /* the old trans is deleted and replaced by the new trans
675             * need to update the history table to keep the link alive
676             */
677            /* just do the update */
678            /* update gml_batch_so_alloc_history
679            Set batch_trans_id = l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_id
680            Where  batch_trans_id = l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_id
681               and nvl(trans_id,0) <> 0
682               and delete_mark = 0
683            ;
684            */
685            -- insert new record with new info
686            IF l_update_history = 1 THEN
687               for his_rec in get_history_id (l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_id) LOOP
688                  /* delete the old history record  */
689                  update gml_batch_so_alloc_history
690                  Set delete_mark = 1
691                  Where  alloc_rec_id = his_rec.alloc_rec_id
692                  ;
693                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('      delete history.alloc_rec_id '||his_rec.alloc_rec_id);
694                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('             old batch_trans_id '||l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_id);
695                  l_history_rec.alloc_rec_id := his_rec.alloc_rec_id;
696                  GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.query_alloc_history
697                  (
698                    P_alloc_history_rec      => l_history_rec
699                  , X_return_status          => x_return_status
700                  , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
701                  , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
702                  ) ;
703                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('      new history.batch_trans_id '||l_history_rec.batch_trans_id);
704                  l_history_rec.alloc_rec_id := null;
705                  l_history_rec.batch_trans_id := l_new_gme_trans_row.trans_id;
706                  l_history_rec.location := l_new_gme_trans_row.location;
707                  l_history_rec.lot_id   := l_new_gme_trans_row.lot_id;
708                  GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('          for batch_res_id '||l_history_rec.batch_res_id);
709                  GML_BATCH_OM_UTIL.insert_alloc_history
710                      (
711                           P_alloc_history_rec      => l_history_rec
712                         , X_return_status          => x_return_status
713                         , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
714                         , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
715                      );
716               END LOOP;
717            END IF;
718         END IF;  -- UPDC changed trans is still a complted trans
719         IF l_old_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 1
720            and l_new_gme_trans_row.completed_ind = 0
721         THEN
722            /* uncomplete the completed trans */
723            GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.println('UPDP, update complete to pending');
724            GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.cancel_alloc_for_trans
725                  (
726                       P_Batch_trans_id         => l_old_gme_trans_row.trans_id
727                     , X_return_status          => X_return_status
728                     , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
729                     , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
730                  );
731            IF l_rule_rec.order_notification = 'Y' THEN
732              GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn(' In Process_om_reservations....Canceling the PROD transaction');
733              GML_BATCH_OM_RES_PVT.notify_CSR
734                 (
735                    P_Batch_trans_id         => p_batch_line_rec.trans_id
736                  , P_action_code            => 'CANCEL'
737                  , X_return_status          => x_return_status
738                  , X_msg_cont               => l_msg_cont
739                  , X_msg_data               => l_msg_data
740                 );
741            END IF;
742         END IF; -- update complted to pending
743      END IF; -- trans level
744   END IF;
746  END process_om_reservations;