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2 /* $Header: apinlins.pls 120.17 2011/01/19 11:42:31 sbonala ship $ */
4 TYPE r_dist_info IS RECORD
5  (
6    dist_line_num        AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.distribution_line_number%TYPE
7   ,accounting_date         AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.accounting_date%TYPE
8   ,period_name             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.period_name%TYPE
9   ,description             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.description%TYPE
10   ,dist_ccid            AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.dist_code_combination_id%TYPE
11   ,charge_applicable_to_dist
12        AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.charge_applicable_to_dist_id%TYPE
13   ,project_id              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.project_id%TYPE
14   ,task_id                 AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.task_id%TYPE
15   ,expenditure_type        AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.expenditure_type%TYPE
16   ,expenditure_organization_id
17        AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.expenditure_organization_id%TYPE
18   ,expenditure_item_date   AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.expenditure_item_date%TYPE
19   ,project_accounting_context AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.project_accounting_context%TYPE
20   ,pa_quantity             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.pa_quantity%TYPE
21   ,pa_addition_flag        AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.pa_addition_flag%TYPE
22   ,award_id                AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.award_id%TYPE
23   ,attribute_category      AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute_category%TYPE
24   ,attribute1              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute1%TYPE
25   ,attribute2              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute2%TYPE
26   ,attribute3              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute3%TYPE
27   ,attribute4              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute4%TYPE
28   ,attribute5              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute5%TYPE
29   ,attribute6              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute6%TYPE
30   ,attribute7              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute7%TYPE
31   ,attribute8              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute8%TYPE
32   ,attribute9              AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute9%TYPE
33   ,attribute10             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute10%TYPE
34   ,attribute11             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute11%TYPE
35   ,attribute12             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute12%TYPE
36   ,attribute13             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute13%TYPE
37   ,attribute14             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute14%TYPE
38   ,attribute15             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.attribute15%TYPE
39   ,amount                  AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.amount%TYPE
40   ,base_amount             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.base_amount%TYPE
41   ,rounding_amt            AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.rounding_amt%TYPE
42   ,type_1099               AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.type_1099%TYPE
43   ,income_tax_region       AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.income_tax_region%TYPE
44   ,assets_tracking_flag    AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.assets_tracking_flag%TYPE
45   ,asset_book_type_code    AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.asset_book_type_code%TYPE
46   ,asset_category_id       AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.asset_category_id%TYPE
47   ,awt_group_id            AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.awt_group_id%TYPE
48   ,org_id                  AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.org_id%TYPE
49   ,set_of_books_id         AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.set_of_books_id%TYPE
50   --ETAX: Invwkb
51   ,intended_use		   AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.intended_use%TYPE
52   --bugfix:4674194
53   ,global_attribute3       AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.global_attribute3%TYPE
54   --7022001
55   ,pay_awt_group_id	   AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.pay_awt_group_id%TYPE
56   --Bug9296445
57   ,reference_1             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.reference_1%TYPE
58   ,reference_2             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.reference_2%TYPE
59    --Bug10241241
60   ,stat_amount             AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS.stat_amount%TYPE
61  );
64 TYPE r_alloc_line IS RECORD
65    (
66      invoice_line_number AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES.to_invoice_line_number%TYPE
67     ,percentage          AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES.percentage%TYPE
68     ,amount              AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES.amount%TYPE
69     ,sum_amount_dists    AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES.amount%TYPE);
71 TYPE dist_tab_type IS TABLE OF r_dist_info
74 TYPE alloc_line_tab_type IS TABLE of r_alloc_line
78 /*==========================================================================*/
79 /*                                                                          */
80 /* This FUNCTION may be called from the insert_from_dist_set function of    */
81 /* invoice lines, or from the import process.  This FUNCTION takes a series */
82 /* of mandatory parameters.                                                 */
83 /* The mandatory parameters are:                                            */
84 /* 1) X_vendor_id                                                           */
85 /* 2) X_invoice_date                                                        */
86 /* 3) X_invoice_lines_rec  -- Lines record as defined in AP_INVOICES_PKG    */
87 /* 4) X_dist_tab           -- Variable to contain the plsql table of dists  */
88 /* 5) X_dist_set_total_percent - 100 = Full Dist set, <> 100 = Skeleton     */
89 /* 6) X_exchange_rate                                                       */
90 /* 7) X_exchange_rate_type                                                  */
91 /* 8) X_exchange_date                                                       */
92 /* 9) X_invoice_currency                                                    */
93 /* 10)X_base_currency                                                       */
94 /* 11)X_chart_of_accounts_id                                                */
95 /* 12)X_Error_Code         -- Variable RETURNing error code IF one is found */
96 /*           Possible Codes are:                                            */
97 /*               'INVALID ACCOUNT EXISTS' - Invalid account found           */
98 /*              'CANNOT OVERLAY' - Cannot overlay with overlay info.        */
99 /* 13)X_Debug_Info         -- Variable RETURNing debug info for fatal error */
100 /* 14)X_Debug_Context      -- Variable RETURNing context for fatal error    */
101 /* 15)X_msg_application    -- Variable to RETURN info from errors in PA Val */
102 /* 16)X_msg_data           -- Variable to RETURN data from errors in PA Val */
103 /* 17)X_calling_sequence   -- Calling sequence                              */
104 /* An optional parameter is:                                                */
105 /* 1) X_line_source   -- Should only be populated with the value 'IMPORT'   */
106 /*                    -- IF calling from the Open Interface Import Program  */
107 /*                    -- Should be null otherwise.                          */
108 /*                                                                          */
109 /*==========================================================================*/
110 FUNCTION Generate_Dist_Tab_For_Dist_Set(
111  X_vendor_id               IN            AP_INVOICES.VENDOR_ID%TYPE,
112  X_invoice_date            IN            AP_INVOICES.INVOICE_DATE%TYPE,
113  X_invoice_lines_rec       IN            AP_INVOICES_PKG.r_invoice_line_rec,
114  X_line_source             IN            VARCHAR2,
115  X_dist_tab                IN OUT NOCOPY AP_INVOICE_LINES_PKG.dist_tab_type,
116  X_dist_set_total_percent  IN            NUMBER,
117  X_exchange_rate           IN            AP_INVOICES.EXCHANGE_RATE%TYPE,
118  X_exchange_rate_type      IN            AP_INVOICES.EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE%TYPE,
119  X_exchange_date           IN            AP_INVOICES.EXCHANGE_DATE%TYPE,
120  X_invoice_currency        IN      AP_INVOICES.INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE,
121  X_base_currency           IN      AP_INVOICES.INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE,
122  X_chart_of_accounts_id    IN      GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS.CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID%TYPE,
123  X_Error_Code                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
124  X_Debug_Info                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
125  X_Debug_Context              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
126  X_msg_application            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
127  X_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
128  X_calling_sequence        IN            VARCHAR2)
131 /*==========================================================================*/
132 /*                                                                          */
133 /* This FUNCTION may be called by any process requiring generation of       */
134 /* an invoice line/distributions from a distribution set.                   */
135 /* It takes the following parameters:                                       */
136 /* 1) X_invoice_id - ID of invoice requesting generation of line/dists      */
137 /* 2) X_line_number - Line NUMBER IF line already exists, NULL otherwise    */
138 /*                  - This process will error IF a line NUMBER is provided  */
139 /*                  - and the line does not exist.                          */
140 /* 3) X_GL_Date - Accounting Date to use in insert of lines/dists.  It is   */
141 /*              - assumed to have been validated to be in an open period.   */
142 /*              - You should pass this date IF generating distributions     */
143 /*              - for a line with a date in a closed period.  This will     */
144 /*              - ensure the distributions are created in an open period.   */
145 /* 4) X_period_name - Period corresponding to GL_Date parameter.            */
146 /* 5) X_Skeleton_Allowed - Indicates whether a check must be performed to   */
147 /*                       - ensure no skeleton dist set in use.              */
148 /* 6) X_Generate_Dists - Indicates whether to Generate distributions as part*/
149 /*                     - of this function.                                  */
150 /* 7) X_Generate_Permanent - Indicates whether to create distributions in   */
151 /*                         - permanent or candidate mode.                   */
152 /* 8) X_Line_Source - 'HEADER DSET' IF called from the Invoice Workbench   */
153 /*                    'AUTO INVOICE CREATION'  IF called from the           */
154 /*                    AP_Recurring_Invoices_pkg.Ap_create_Recurring_Invoices*/
155 /* 9) X_Item_Description| Copied from the Recurring Invoices Template  IF  */
156 /*     X_Manufacturer    | the Invoice Lines/Dists are created via Recurring*/
157 /*     X_Model_Number    | Invoices                                         */
158 /* 10) Out parameters to be used as stated below to handle errors.          */
159 /* This FUNCTION will:                                                      */
160 /* 1) validate that IF Skeleton_Allowed is 'N', the given distribution set  */
161 /*    is not a skeleton distribution set.  If skeleton, set error code to   */
162 /*    'SKELETON_NOT_ALLOWED' and RETURN FALSE.                              */
163 /* 2) validate that distribution set is active. If inactive, set error code */
164 /*    to 'DIST_SET_INACTIVE' and RETURN FALSE.                              */
165 /* 3) validate that all accounts in the distribution set are valid and/or if*/
166 /*    overlay information provided, the overlayed                           */
167 /*    accounts are valid. If an invalid account is found prior to overlay,  */
168 /*    set error code to 'INVALID_ACCOUNT_EXISTS' and RETURN FALSE.          */
169 /*    If overlay RETURNs an error set error code to 'CANNOT_OVERLAY' and    */
170 /*    RETURN FALSE.                                                         */
171 /* 4) IF no line already exists, create the line with the given parameters  */
172 /*    and information from the dist set.                                    */
173 /* 5) call to create distributions                                          */
174 /* 6) IF at any given time an error is encountered not covered in the error */
175 /*    codes, populate debug_info with specific error and RETURN the debug   */
176 /*    info and the calling sequence as debug context with a FUNCTION output */
177 /*    of FALSE.                                                             */
178 /*                                                                          */
179 /*==========================================================================*/
180 FUNCTION Insert_From_Dist_Set(
181               X_invoice_id          IN         NUMBER,
182               X_line_number         IN         NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
183               X_GL_Date             IN         DATE,
184               X_Period_Name         IN         VARCHAR2,
185               X_Skeleton_Allowed    IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
186               X_Generate_Dists      IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
187               X_Generate_Permanent  IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
188               X_Error_Code          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
189               X_Debug_Info          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
190               X_Debug_Context       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
191               X_Msg_Application     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
192               X_Msg_Data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
193               X_calling_sequence    IN         VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
195 /*==========================================================================*/
196 /*                                                                          */
197 /* This FUNCTION RETURNs the maximum distribution line NUMBER for a given   */
198 /* invoice and invoice line.  If the line contains no distributions, this   */
199 /* FUNCTION RETURNs 0.                                                      */
200 /*                                                                          */
201 /*==========================================================================*/
202  FUNCTION Get_Max_Dist_Line_Num(
203            X_invoice_id          IN         NUMBER,
204            X_line_number         IN         NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
206  -- table to hols the dist ids that can be adjusted - bug 6892789
207 TYPE distribution_id_tab_type IS
211 -- function modified to get the dists that can be adjusted - bug 6892789
212 FUNCTION round_base_amts(
213                      X_INVOICE_ID           IN NUMBER,
214                      X_LINE_NUMBER          IN NUMBER,
216                      X_ROUND_DIST_ID_LIST   OUT NOCOPY distribution_id_tab_type,
217                      X_ROUNDED_AMT          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
218                      X_Debug_Info           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
219                      X_Debug_Context        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
220                      X_Calling_sequence     IN         VARCHAR2 )
223 /*=============================================================================
224  |  public PROCEDURE Discard_Inv_Line
225  |
226  |      Discard or cancel the invoice line depending on calling mode. If error
227  |      occurs, it return FALSE and error code will be populated. Otherwise,
228  |      It return TRUE.
229  |
230  |  Parameters
231  |      P_line_rec - Invoice line record
232  |      P_calling_mode - either from DISCARD, CANCEL or UNAPPLY_PREPAY
233  |      p_inv_cancellable - 'Y' if invoice is canellable.
234  |      P_last_updated_by
235  |      P_last_update_login
236  |      P_error_code - Error code indicates why it is not discardable
237  |      P_calling_sequence - For debugging purpose
238  |
240  |
241  |      1. check if line is discardable
242  |      2. if line is discardable/cancellable and matched - reverse match
243  |      3. reset the encumberance flag, create account event
244  |      4. if there is an active distribution - reverse distribution
245  |      5. populate the out message and set the return value
246  |
247  |  NOTES
248  |
250  |  Date         Author             Description of Change
251  |  03/07/03     sfeng                Created
252  |
253  *============================================================================*/
255    Function Discard_Inv_Line(
256                P_line_rec          IN  ap_invoice_lines%ROWTYPE,
257                P_calling_mode      IN  VARCHAR2,
258                p_inv_cancellable   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
259                P_last_updated_by   IN  NUMBER,
260                P_last_update_login IN  NUMBER,
261                P_error_code        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
262 	       P_token		   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
263                P_calling_sequence  IN  VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
265 -- Bug 5114543
266 -- Allow discard of an item line with allocated charges. This utility is placed in the spec
267 -- so that it can be invoked from ap_invoice_lines_pkg and ap_invoice_distributions_pkg.
269 /*=============================================================================
270  |  Public Function Reverse_Charge_distributions
271  |
272  |      Reverse distributions for an invoice line. This will be called for
273  |      a charge line (Freight, Miscellaneous). Returns false when an error
274  |      occurs and error code will be populated. Otherwise, Returns False.
275  |
276  |  Parameters
277  |      P_inv_line_rec      - Invoice line record.
278  |      p_calling_mode	    - DISCARD, CANCEL
279  |      x_error_code        - For error handling
280  |      x_debug_info        - For debugging purposes
281  |      p_calling_sequence  - For debugging purposes
282  |
283  *============================================================================*/
285 FUNCTION Reverse_Charge_Distributions
286                         (p_inv_line_rec         IN  AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL%rowtype,
287                          p_calling_mode         IN  VARCHAR2,
288 			 x_error_code           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
289 			 x_debug_info           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
290 			 p_calling_sequence     IN  VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;