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Line 33: --htp.tableData( htf.img(curl=>'terman32.gif'));

29: htp.headClose;
30: htp.bodyopen(cattributes=>'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
31: htp.tableOpen('border="0" ');
32: htp.tableRowOpen( calign => 'TOP' );
33: --htp.tableData( htf.img(curl=>'terman32.gif'));
34: htp.tableData( '' || 'Territory Definition Report', cnowrap => 'TRUE');
35: htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time),calign => 'right',ccolspan => '110');
36: htp.tableRowClose;
37: htp.tableClose;

Line 35: htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time),calign => 'right',ccolspan => '110');

31: htp.tableOpen('border="0" ');
32: htp.tableRowOpen( calign => 'TOP' );
33: --htp.tableData( htf.img(curl=>'terman32.gif'));
34: htp.tableData( '' || 'Territory Definition Report', cnowrap => 'TRUE');
35: htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time),calign => 'right',ccolspan => '110');
36: htp.tableRowClose;
37: htp.tableClose;
38: htp.tableOpen( cattributes => 'border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=561' );
39: htp.tableRowOpen( cvalign => 'top' );

Line 41: htp.tableData( '' ||htf.bold( 'Please specify the criteria and select OK. ') ||

37: htp.tableClose;
38: htp.tableOpen( cattributes => 'border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=561' );
39: htp.tableRowOpen( cvalign => 'top' );
40: htp.tableData( ' ', ccolspan => '2', cattributes => ' height=9');
41: htp.tableData( '' ||htf.bold( 'Please specify the criteria and select OK. ') ||
42: '', calign => 'center', crowspan => '2', ccolspan => '110', cattributes => ' width=346');
43: htp.tableData( ' ', ccolspan => '6');
44: htp.Br;
45: htp.tableRowClose;

Line 160: htp.tableData( htf.hr, crowspan => '1', ccolspan => '190', cnowrap => 'TRUE');

156: BEGIN
157: l_agent := owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME');
158: htp.htmlopen;
159: htp.tableRowOpen;
160: htp.tableData( htf.hr, crowspan => '1', ccolspan => '190', cnowrap => 'TRUE');
161: htp.tableRowClose;
162: htp.tableOpen( calign => 'center', cattributes => ' border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2' );
163: htp.tableRowOpen;
164: htp.formOpen( curl => l_agent||'JTF_TERR_DEFINITION_REPORT_PVT.report_wrapper', cmethod => 'post', cattributes => ' NAME="MyForm" TARGET="_top"');

Line 165: htp.tableData( htf.formSubmit( cvalue => 'OK', cattributes => ' onMouseOver="window.status=''OK'';return true"'));

161: htp.tableRowClose;
162: htp.tableOpen( calign => 'center', cattributes => ' border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2' );
163: htp.tableRowOpen;
164: htp.formOpen( curl => l_agent||'JTF_TERR_DEFINITION_REPORT_PVT.report_wrapper', cmethod => 'post', cattributes => ' NAME="MyForm" TARGET="_top"');
165: htp.tableData( htf.formSubmit( cvalue => 'OK', cattributes => ' onMouseOver="window.status=''OK'';return true"'));
166: htp.tableData( '');
167: htp.tableRowClose;
168: htp.tableClose;
169: htp.htmlClose;