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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

     p_program_update_date        IN out NOCOPY per_positions.program_update_date%type,
     p_attribute_category         IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute_category%type,
     p_attribute1                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute1%type,
     p_attribute2                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute2%type,
     p_attribute3                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute3%type,
     p_attribute4                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute4%type,
     p_attribute5                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute5%type,
     p_attribute6                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute6%type,
     p_attribute7                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute7%type,
     p_attribute8                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute8%type,
     p_attribute9                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute9%type,
     p_attribute10                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute10%type,
     p_attribute11                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute11%type,
     p_attribute12                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute12%type,
     p_attribute13                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute13%type,
     p_attribute14                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute14%type,
     p_attribute15                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute15%type,
     p_attribute16                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute16%type,
     p_attribute17                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute17%type,
     p_attribute18                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute18%type,
     p_attribute19                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute19%type,
     p_attribute20                IN out NOCOPY per_positions.attribute20%type,
     p_last_update_date           IN out NOCOPY per_positions.last_update_date%type,
     p_last_updated_by            IN out NOCOPY per_positions.last_updated_by%type,
     p_last_update_login          IN out NOCOPY per_positions.last_update_login%type,
     p_created_by                 IN out NOCOPY per_positions.created_by%type,
     p_creation_date              IN out NOCOPY per_positions.creation_date%type,
     p_org_name                   IN out NOCOPY hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
     p_job_name                   IN out NOCOPY per_jobs.name%type,
     p_location_code              IN out NOCOPY hr_locations.location_code%type,
     p_status_desc                IN out NOCOPY hr_lookups.meaning%type,
     p_frequency_desc             IN out NOCOPY hr_lookups.meaning%type,
     p_prob_units_desc            IN out NOCOPY hr_lookups.meaning%type,
     p_rep_req_desc               IN out NOCOPY hr_lookups.meaning%type,
     p_rel_name                   IN out NOCOPY per_positions.name%type,
     p_succ_name                  IN out NOCOPY per_positions.name%type,
     p_result_code                IN out NOCOPY varchar2
   l_proc   VARCHAR2(61)  := g_package_name || 'CLOSE_CURSOR';
Line: 76

     SELECT org.name
     FROM hr_all_organization_units org
     WHERE org.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 81

     SELECT job.name
     FROM per_jobs job
     WHERE job.job_id = p_job_id;
Line: 86

     SELECT loc.location_code
     FROM hr_locations loc
     WHERE loc.location_id = p_loc_id;
Line: 91

     SELECT hrl.meaning
     FROM hr_lookups hrl
     WHERE hrl.lookup_code         =  p_lookup_code
       AND hrl.lookup_type         =  p_lookup_type;
Line: 127

       p_program_update_date        := l_position_rec.program_update_date;
Line: 149

       p_last_update_date           := l_position_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 150

       p_last_updated_by            := l_position_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 151

       p_last_update_login          := l_position_rec.last_update_login;