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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

procedure INSERT_ALU (
--* Inserts Assignment Link Usages for a new element link.                     *
--* bug 12833901 this is also called from delete next change so determine if   *
--* existing alus exist before inserting.  If they do exist but are different  *
--* delete old alus and insert new                                             *
        p_business_group_id     number,
        p_people_group_id       number,
        p_element_link_id       number,
        p_effective_start_date  date,
        p_effective_end_date    date) is
v_previous_assignment_id        number;
Line: 76

    select greatest(asg.effective_start_date,el.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
           least(asg.effective_end_date, el.effective_end_date) effective_end_date,
    from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
           pay_people_groups ppg,
           pay_element_links_f el,
           pay_people_groups el_pg
    where  el_pg.id_flex_num       = ppg.id_flex_num
      and el.element_link_id = p_element_link_id
      and  el.business_group_id + 0  = asg.business_group_id
      and  el.effective_start_date <= asg.effective_end_date
      and  el.effective_end_date   >= asg.effective_start_date
      and  el_pg.people_group_id   = el.people_group_id
      and  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and  asg.assignment_type not in ('A','O')
      and  asg.people_group_id is not null
      and  ppg.people_group_id = asg.people_group_id
      and  (el_pg.segment1  is null or el_pg.segment1  = ppg.segment1)
      and  (el_pg.segment2  is null or el_pg.segment2  = ppg.segment2)
      and  (el_pg.segment3  is null or el_pg.segment3  = ppg.segment3)
      and  (el_pg.segment4  is null or el_pg.segment4  = ppg.segment4)
      and  (el_pg.segment5  is null or el_pg.segment5  = ppg.segment5)
      and  (el_pg.segment6  is null or el_pg.segment6  = ppg.segment6)
      and  (el_pg.segment7  is null or el_pg.segment7  = ppg.segment7)
      and  (el_pg.segment8  is null or el_pg.segment8  = ppg.segment8)
      and  (el_pg.segment9  is null or el_pg.segment9  = ppg.segment9)
      and  (el_pg.segment10 is null or el_pg.segment10 = ppg.segment10)
      and  (el_pg.segment11 is null or el_pg.segment11 = ppg.segment11)
      and  (el_pg.segment12 is null or el_pg.segment12 = ppg.segment12)
      and  (el_pg.segment13 is null or el_pg.segment13 = ppg.segment13)
      and  (el_pg.segment14 is null or el_pg.segment14 = ppg.segment14)
      and  (el_pg.segment15 is null or el_pg.segment15 = ppg.segment15)
      and  (el_pg.segment16 is null or el_pg.segment16 = ppg.segment16)
      and  (el_pg.segment17 is null or el_pg.segment17 = ppg.segment17)
      and  (el_pg.segment18 is null or el_pg.segment18 = ppg.segment18)
      and  (el_pg.segment19 is null or el_pg.segment19 = ppg.segment19)
      and  (el_pg.segment20 is null or el_pg.segment20 = ppg.segment20)
      and  (el_pg.segment21 is null or el_pg.segment21 = ppg.segment21)
      and  (el_pg.segment22 is null or el_pg.segment22 = ppg.segment22)
      and  (el_pg.segment23 is null or el_pg.segment23 = ppg.segment23)
      and  (el_pg.segment24 is null or el_pg.segment24 = ppg.segment24)
      and  (el_pg.segment25 is null or el_pg.segment25 = ppg.segment25)
      and  (el_pg.segment26 is null or el_pg.segment26 = ppg.segment26)
      and  (el_pg.segment27 is null or el_pg.segment27 = ppg.segment27)
      and  (el_pg.segment28 is null or el_pg.segment28 = ppg.segment28)
      and  (el_pg.segment29 is null or el_pg.segment29 = ppg.segment29)
      and  (el_pg.segment30 is null or el_pg.segment30 = ppg.segment30)
      and  (el.organization_id is null or el.organization_id = asg.organization_id)
      and  (el.employment_category is null or el.employment_category = asg.employment_category)
      and  (el.payroll_id is null or el.payroll_id = asg.payroll_id)
    order by 4,1;
Line: 132

select id_flex_num,
       segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5,
       segment6, segment7, segment8, segment9, segment10,
       segment11, segment12, segment13, segment14, segment15,
       segment16, segment17, segment18, segment19, segment20,
       segment21, segment22, segment23, segment24, segment25,
       segment26, segment27, segment28, segment29, segment30
from pay_people_groups link_group
where link_group.people_group_id       = p_people_group_id;
Line: 209

            hr_utility.set_location('PAY_ASG_LINK_USAGES_PKG.INSERT_ALU. row_count:'||row_count,50);
Line: 271

          delete from pay_assignment_link_usages_f
           where element_link_id = p_element_link_id;
Line: 276

Line: 277

Line: 278

Line: 284

        insert into pay_assignment_link_usages_f
Line: 300

Line: 301

Line: 302

Line: 315

Line: 322

   select assignment_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date
          bulk collect into
          v_old_asg_id_tab, v_old_start_date_tab, v_old_end_date_tab
          from pay_assignment_link_usages_f
          where element_link_id = p_element_link_id
   order by 1,2;
Line: 329

   hr_utility.set_location('PAY_ASG_LINK_USAGES_PKG.INSERT_ALU. old_alu_count:'||v_old_asg_id_tab.count,20);
Line: 375

   select organization_id, employment_category, payroll_id
    into  l_lnk_org_id, l_lnk_emp_cat, l_lnk_payroll_id
    from pay_element_links_f
    where element_link_id = p_element_link_id
    and   p_effective_start_date between
          effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 383

select  assignment.assignment_id,
from    per_all_assignments_f ASSIGNMENT,
        pay_people_groups ASSIGNMENT_GROUP
where   assignment.assignment_type       not in (''A'',''O'')
and     assignment.business_group_id + 0 = :p_business_group_id
and     assignment.effective_start_date <= :p_effective_end_date
and     assignment.effective_end_date   >= :p_effective_start_date
and     assignment_group.id_flex_num     = :p_id_flex_num
and     assignment_group.people_group_id = assignment.people_group_id';
Line: 411

   statem := statem || ' for update';
Line: 456

            hr_utility.set_location('PAY_ASG_LINK_USAGES_PKG.INSERT_ALU. row_count:'||row_count,50);
Line: 529

end insert_alu;
Line: 540

        p_delete_mode           varchar2,
        p_effective_start_date  date,
        p_effective_end_date    date,
        p_validation_start_date date,
        p_validation_end_date   date    ) is
v_session_date  date;
Line: 550

if p_delete_mode = 'DELETE' then
  v_session_date := p_validation_start_date -1;
Line: 554

  from  pay_assignment_link_usages_f
  where element_link_id = p_element_link_id
  and   effective_start_date    >= p_validation_start_date;
Line: 559

  if p_delete_mode = 'DELETE' then
    update pay_assignment_link_usages_f
    set         effective_end_date = v_session_date
    where       element_link_id = p_element_link_id
    and         v_session_date between effective_start_date
                                and effective_end_date;
Line: 570

if p_delete_mode in ('ZAP') then
  from pay_assignment_link_usages_f
  where element_link_id = p_element_link_id;
Line: 578

if p_delete_mode = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' then
    insert_ALU (
        p_effective_end_date    );
Line: 609

  select 1
  from   pay_people_groups el_pg,
         pay_people_groups asg_pg
  where  asg_pg.people_group_id  = p_asg_people_group_id
    and  el_pg.people_group_id   = p_link_people_group_id
    and  el_pg.id_flex_num       = asg_pg.id_flex_num
    and  (el_pg.segment1  is null or el_pg.segment1  = asg_pg.segment1)
    and  (el_pg.segment2  is null or el_pg.segment2  = asg_pg.segment2)
    and  (el_pg.segment3  is null or el_pg.segment3  = asg_pg.segment3)
    and  (el_pg.segment4  is null or el_pg.segment4  = asg_pg.segment4)
    and  (el_pg.segment5  is null or el_pg.segment5  = asg_pg.segment5)
    and  (el_pg.segment6  is null or el_pg.segment6  = asg_pg.segment6)
    and  (el_pg.segment7  is null or el_pg.segment7  = asg_pg.segment7)
    and  (el_pg.segment8  is null or el_pg.segment8  = asg_pg.segment8)
    and  (el_pg.segment9  is null or el_pg.segment9  = asg_pg.segment9)
    and  (el_pg.segment10 is null or el_pg.segment10 = asg_pg.segment10)
    and  (el_pg.segment11 is null or el_pg.segment11 = asg_pg.segment11)
    and  (el_pg.segment12 is null or el_pg.segment12 = asg_pg.segment12)
    and  (el_pg.segment13 is null or el_pg.segment13 = asg_pg.segment13)
    and  (el_pg.segment14 is null or el_pg.segment14 = asg_pg.segment14)
    and  (el_pg.segment15 is null or el_pg.segment15 = asg_pg.segment15)
    and  (el_pg.segment16 is null or el_pg.segment16 = asg_pg.segment16)
    and  (el_pg.segment17 is null or el_pg.segment17 = asg_pg.segment17)
    and  (el_pg.segment18 is null or el_pg.segment18 = asg_pg.segment18)
    and  (el_pg.segment19 is null or el_pg.segment19 = asg_pg.segment19)
    and  (el_pg.segment20 is null or el_pg.segment20 = asg_pg.segment20)
    and  (el_pg.segment21 is null or el_pg.segment21 = asg_pg.segment21)
    and  (el_pg.segment22 is null or el_pg.segment22 = asg_pg.segment22)
    and  (el_pg.segment23 is null or el_pg.segment23 = asg_pg.segment23)
    and  (el_pg.segment24 is null or el_pg.segment24 = asg_pg.segment24)
    and  (el_pg.segment25 is null or el_pg.segment25 = asg_pg.segment25)
    and  (el_pg.segment26 is null or el_pg.segment26 = asg_pg.segment26)
    and  (el_pg.segment27 is null or el_pg.segment27 = asg_pg.segment27)
    and  (el_pg.segment28 is null or el_pg.segment28 = asg_pg.segment28)
    and  (el_pg.segment29 is null or el_pg.segment29 = asg_pg.segment29)
    and  (el_pg.segment30 is null or el_pg.segment30 = asg_pg.segment30)
Line: 674

Line: 676

Line: 694

    from per_all_assignments_f
    where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and assignment_type not in ('A','O')
    and people_group_id is not null
    order by effective_start_date;
Line: 767

Line: 899

  select 1 from pay_assignment_link_usages_f
  where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
  and element_link_id = p_element_link_id;
Line: 915

    select 1
    from per_all_assignments_f
    where assignment_id      = p_asg_id
    and effective_start_date <= p_end_date
    and effective_end_date   >= p_start_date
    for update nowait
Line: 1030

      insert into pay_assignment_link_usages_f
Line: 1147

Line: 1148

Line: 1149

Line: 1233

    select greatest(asg.effective_start_date,el.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
           least(asg.effective_end_date, el.effective_end_date) effective_end_date,
    from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
           pay_people_groups ppg,
           pay_element_links_f el,
           pay_people_groups el_pg
    where  el_pg.id_flex_num       = ppg.id_flex_num
      and  el.business_group_id + 0  = asg.business_group_id
      and  el.effective_start_date <= asg.effective_end_date
      and  el.effective_end_date   >= asg.effective_start_date
      and  el_pg.people_group_id   = el.people_group_id
      and  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and  asg.assignment_type not in ('A','O')
      and  asg.people_group_id is not null
      and  ppg.people_group_id = asg.people_group_id
      and  (el_pg.segment1  is null or el_pg.segment1  = ppg.segment1)
      and  (el_pg.segment2  is null or el_pg.segment2  = ppg.segment2)
      and  (el_pg.segment3  is null or el_pg.segment3  = ppg.segment3)
      and  (el_pg.segment4  is null or el_pg.segment4  = ppg.segment4)
      and  (el_pg.segment5  is null or el_pg.segment5  = ppg.segment5)
      and  (el_pg.segment6  is null or el_pg.segment6  = ppg.segment6)
      and  (el_pg.segment7  is null or el_pg.segment7  = ppg.segment7)
      and  (el_pg.segment8  is null or el_pg.segment8  = ppg.segment8)
      and  (el_pg.segment9  is null or el_pg.segment9  = ppg.segment9)
      and  (el_pg.segment10 is null or el_pg.segment10 = ppg.segment10)
      and  (el_pg.segment11 is null or el_pg.segment11 = ppg.segment11)
      and  (el_pg.segment12 is null or el_pg.segment12 = ppg.segment12)
      and  (el_pg.segment13 is null or el_pg.segment13 = ppg.segment13)
      and  (el_pg.segment14 is null or el_pg.segment14 = ppg.segment14)
      and  (el_pg.segment15 is null or el_pg.segment15 = ppg.segment15)
      and  (el_pg.segment16 is null or el_pg.segment16 = ppg.segment16)
      and  (el_pg.segment17 is null or el_pg.segment17 = ppg.segment17)
      and  (el_pg.segment18 is null or el_pg.segment18 = ppg.segment18)
      and  (el_pg.segment19 is null or el_pg.segment19 = ppg.segment19)
      and  (el_pg.segment20 is null or el_pg.segment20 = ppg.segment20)
      and  (el_pg.segment21 is null or el_pg.segment21 = ppg.segment21)
      and  (el_pg.segment22 is null or el_pg.segment22 = ppg.segment22)
      and  (el_pg.segment23 is null or el_pg.segment23 = ppg.segment23)
      and  (el_pg.segment24 is null or el_pg.segment24 = ppg.segment24)
      and  (el_pg.segment25 is null or el_pg.segment25 = ppg.segment25)
      and  (el_pg.segment26 is null or el_pg.segment26 = ppg.segment26)
      and  (el_pg.segment27 is null or el_pg.segment27 = ppg.segment27)
      and  (el_pg.segment28 is null or el_pg.segment28 = ppg.segment28)
      and  (el_pg.segment29 is null or el_pg.segment29 = ppg.segment29)
      and  (el_pg.segment30 is null or el_pg.segment30 = ppg.segment30)
      and  (el.organization_id is null or el.organization_id = asg.organization_id)
      and  (el.employment_category is null or el.employment_category = asg.employment_category)
      and  (el.payroll_id is null or el.payroll_id = asg.payroll_id)
    order by 4,1;
Line: 1289

   select effective_start_date, effective_end_date, element_link_id
         from pay_assignment_link_usages_f
         where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   order by 3,1;
Line: 1319

Line: 1322

Line: 1409

         delete from pay_assignment_link_usages_f alu
         where alu.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1415

          insert into pay_assignment_link_usages_f
Line: 1432

Line: 1433

Line: 1434

Line: 1435
