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2 /* $Header: hrorgbsi.pkb 120.5.12000000.2 2007/04/13 08:12:39 brsinha ship $ */
4 g_package varchar2(60) := 'hr_organization_internal.';
7       (
8        p_name            	in varchar2
9       ,p_organization_id  		in out nocopy number
10       ,p_date_from            		in date
11       ,p_date_to              		in date
12       ,p_internal_external_flag 	in varchar2
13       ,p_operating_unit   		in varchar2
14        )
15   IS
16   --
17   -- Declare cursors and local variables
18   l_organization_name	varchar2(240)	:=p_name;
19   l_organization_id	number		:=p_organization_id ;
20   l_date_from date			:=p_date_from;
21   l_date_to date			:=p_date_to;
22   l_internal_external_flag varchar2(30)	:=p_internal_external_flag;
23   l_operating_unit_id	number		:=fnd_number.canonical_to_number(p_operating_unit);
25   ---
26   l_proc                     varchar2(80) := g_package||'hr_org_operating_unit_upload';
27   --
28   l_int_ext_temp varchar2(30);
29   l_business_group_id number;
30   l_org_information_id number;
31   l_duplicate_org_warning  boolean;
32   l_object_version_number_org number;
33   l_object_version_number_inf number;
34   l_object_version_number  number;
35   l_org_info_type_code varchar2(40);
36   l_chk_org_par varchar2(1):='N';
37   l_int_ext_check varchar2(1):='Y';
38   l_ou_check varchar2(1) := 'N';
39   l_name_check varchar2(1) := 'N';
40   --
41   --
42 --Cursor to check if Operating unit has been assigned or not
43   cursor check_ou_exists is
44   select hou1.org_information_id,hou1.org_information_context,hou1.object_version_number
45     	 ,ho1.object_version_number
46   from
47        hr_all_organization_units ho1,
48        hr_organization_information hou1
49   where ho1.organization_id=l_organization_id
50   and hou1.organization_id=ho1.organization_id
51   and hou1.org_information_context='Exp Organization Defaults';
53  -- Cursor to make sure that internal_external flag is not allowed to update
54   cursor get_internal_external_flag is
55   select 'Y'
56   from hr_all_organization_units
57   where organization_id=l_organization_id
58   and nvl(internal_external_flag,'X')=nvl(l_internal_external_flag,'X');
60  -- Cursor to check orgname, start_date or end_date is modified or not, If modified return object_version_number.
61   cursor get_object_version_number is
62   select object_version_number
63   from  hr_all_organization_units
64   where organization_id=l_organization_id
65   and
66   (name <> l_organization_name
67    or date_from <> l_date_from
68    or nvl(date_to,to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/rrrr')) <>
69   		nvl(l_date_to,to_date('31/12/4712','dd/mm/rrrr')));
72 --Cursor to check valid operating unit id is passed or not
73 cursor is_valid_ou_id is
74 select 'Y' from HR_OPERATING_UNITS
75 where trunc(sysdate) between trunc(date_from) and nvl(trunc(date_to), trunc(sysdate))
76 and organization_id = p_operating_unit;
78 -- Cursor to check valid organization name is passed or not.
79 cursor is_valid_name is
80 select 'Y' from hr_all_organization_units
81 where  business_group_id =  l_business_group_id
82 and name = l_organization_name ;
83   --
84   begin
85   --
86    l_business_group_id:=fnd_global.per_business_group_id ;
87     hr_utility.set_location('id'||l_operating_unit_id,1000);
88     hr_utility.set_location('name'||l_organization_name,1000);
89     hr_utility.set_location('OID'||l_organization_id,1000);
90     hr_utility.set_location('date'||l_date_from,1000);
91     hr_utility.set_location('flag'||l_internal_external_flag,1000);
92     hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
93   --
94    -- Validation of incoming values.
95    if (l_organization_name is null ) then
96 	hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' || l_organization_name, 1001);
97        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_ORG_NAME_INVALID');
98        Hr_utility.raise_error;
99    end if ;
100    if ( l_organization_id is null) then
101      open is_valid_name ;
102      fetch is_valid_name into l_name_check ;
103      if ( is_valid_name %found ) THEN  -- Organization exists, update needed
104        select organization_id into l_organization_id
105        from hr_all_organization_units
106        where  business_group_id =  l_business_group_id
107        and name = l_organization_name ;
108        /***********
109        hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' || l_organization_name, 1002);
110        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_289773_MULTI_ORG_DUPLICATE');
111        Hr_utility.raise_error;
112        */
113      else      -- Organization does not exist.New org to be created
114         null;
115      end if;
116    end if;
117    if (l_date_from is null) then
118        	hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' || l_organization_name, 1003);
119        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_START_DATE_INVALID');
120        Hr_utility.raise_error;
121    end if;
122    if ((p_internal_external_flag is null) or (p_internal_external_flag not in ('INT', 'EXT'))) then
123       	hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' , 1004);
124        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_INT_EXT_INVALID');
125        Hr_utility.raise_error;
126    end if;
128    if (l_date_to is not null) then
129 	if (l_date_to < l_date_from) then
130 	      	hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' , 1005);
131    	        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_END_DATE_INVALID');
132 		Hr_utility.raise_error;
133 	end if;
134    end if;
136    if ( p_operating_unit is not null) then
137 	open is_valid_ou_id;
138 	fetch is_valid_ou_id into l_ou_check ;
139 	if (is_valid_ou_id%NOTFOUND) then
140 		hr_utility.set_location ('Error!!' , 1006);
141 	       Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_OU_INVALID');
142 	       Hr_utility.raise_error;
143 	end if;
144    end if;
145  -- Validation ends
146   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
148   --check if hr organization exists
149   if (l_organization_id is not null) then
151      --Update row in HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION Table
153      open get_internal_external_flag;
154      fetch get_internal_external_flag into l_int_ext_check;
155      if (get_internal_external_flag%notfound) then
156 	       Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449749_INT_EXT_ERROR');
157 		Hr_utility.raise_error;
158      end if;
159        open check_ou_exists;
160        fetch check_ou_exists into l_org_information_id,l_org_info_type_code,l_object_version_number_inf
161                                      ,l_object_version_number_org;
163       if (check_ou_exists%found) then
164               begin
165                hr_organization_api.update_org_information(
166               p_effective_date       =>sysdate
167              ,p_org_information_id   =>l_org_information_id
168              ,p_org_info_type_code   =>l_org_info_type_code
169              ,p_org_information1     =>l_operating_unit_id
170              ,p_object_version_number=>l_object_version_number_inf
171              );
172              exception
173               when others then
174               Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449738_UNABLE_TO_UPD_HRORG');
175               Hr_utility.raise_error;
176               end;
178      elsif(l_operating_unit_id is not null) then
179         begin
180      	  hr_organization_api.create_org_information(
181      	   p_effective_date          =>sysdate
182      	  ,p_organization_id         =>l_organization_id
183      	  ,p_org_information1        =>l_operating_unit_id
184      	  ,p_org_info_type_code      =>'Exp Organization Defaults'
185      	  ,p_org_information_id      =>l_org_information_id
186      	  ,p_object_version_number   =>l_object_version_number);
187        exception
188        when others then
189            Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449738_UNABLE_TO_UPD_HRORG');
190            Hr_utility.raise_error;
191        end;
192      end if;
194  -----verify if other parameters modified or not
195   begin
196   open get_object_version_number;
197   fetch get_object_version_number into l_object_version_number_org;
198    hr_utility.set_location(l_object_version_number_org,99);
199   --Update row in HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Table
200   if get_object_version_number%found then
201       hr_organization_api.update_organization(
202        p_effective_date          =>sysdate
203       ,p_name			=>l_organization_name
204       ,p_organization_id        =>l_organization_id
205       ,p_internal_external_flag =>l_internal_external_flag
206       ,p_date_from              =>l_date_from
207       ,p_date_to                =>l_date_to
208       ,p_object_version_number  =>l_object_version_number_org
209       ,p_duplicate_org_warning  =>l_duplicate_org_warning
210    );
211   end if;
212   exception
213      when others then
214        Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449738_UNABLE_TO_UPD_HRORG');
215        Hr_utility.raise_error;
216   end;
217   close get_internal_external_flag;
218   close get_object_version_number;
219   close check_ou_exists;
222 --
223   else
224   --Create an Hr organization
225     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
226       begin
227       hr_organization_api.create_hr_organization(
228        p_effective_date             =>sysdate
229       ,p_business_group_id          =>l_business_group_id
230       ,p_name                       =>l_organization_name
231       ,p_date_to                    =>l_date_to
232       ,p_date_from                  =>l_date_from
233       ,p_internal_external_flag     =>l_internal_external_flag
234       ,p_enabled_flag               =>'Y'
235       ,p_object_version_number_inf  =>l_object_version_number_inf
236       ,p_object_version_number_org  =>l_object_version_number_org
237       ,p_organization_id            =>l_organization_id
238       ,p_org_information_id         =>l_org_information_id
239       ,p_duplicate_org_warning      =>l_duplicate_org_warning);
240       --
241      exception
242      when others then
243       Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449737_UNABLE_TO_CREATE');
244       Hr_utility.raise_error;
245      end;
247       if(l_operating_unit_id is not null) then
248        begin
249       hr_organization_api.create_org_information(
250        p_effective_date          =>sysdate
251       ,p_organization_id         =>l_organization_id
252       ,p_org_information1        =>l_operating_unit_id
253       ,p_org_info_type_code      =>'Exp Organization Defaults'
254       ,p_org_information_id      =>l_org_information_id
255       ,p_object_version_number   =>l_object_version_number
256      );
257      exception
258      when others then
259       Hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_449737_UNABLE_TO_CREATE');
260       Hr_utility.raise_error;
261       end;
262     end if;
263   end if;
264   p_organization_id := l_organization_id ;
265  commit;     -- bug 5722328
266   --
267   --
268     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,40);
269   --