2629: decode(p_amount_type, 'FYTD',NVL(begin_balance_dr, 0), 'QTD'
2630: , NVL(quarter_to_date_dr, 0), 0) -
2631: decode(p_amount_type, 'FYTD', NVL(begin_balance_cr, 0), 'QTD'
2632: , NVL(quarter_to_date_cr, 0), 0)
2633: FROM gl_balances
2634: WHERE ledger_id = p_sob_id
2635: AND code_combination_id = p_source_ccid /** .source_ccid */
2636: AND currency_code = p_currency_code
2637: AND period_name = p_run_period
2680: pa_debug.write_file('calculate_src_GL_amounts: ' || 'LOG', 'no amount found for the source');
2681: END IF;
2682: v_amount := 0; /* for bug 2154559 */
2683: alloc_errors( p_rule_id, p_run_id, 'S', 'W',
2685: END IF;
2686: CLOSE get_gl_amount;
2687: -- Commented the following line as a part of fixing rounding issues.
2688: -- The rounding is done for eligible amount