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Line 192: ,p_asg_row in per_all_assignments_f%rowtype

188: (p_currepe_row in ben_determine_rates.g_curr_epe_rec
189: := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_epe_rec
190: ,p_per_row in per_all_people_F%rowtype
191: := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_per_rec
192: ,p_asg_row in per_all_assignments_f%rowtype
193: := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_asg_rec
194: ,p_ast_row in per_assignment_status_types%rowtype
195: := ben_determine_rates.g_def_curr_ast_rec
196: ,p_adr_row in per_addresses%rowtype

Line 268: from per_all_assignments_f asg, per_assignment_status_types ast

264: --
265: -- FONM
266: cursor c_asg(cv_effective_date date) is
267: select asg.assignment_id,asg.organization_id
268: from per_all_assignments_f asg, per_assignment_status_types ast
269: where asg.person_id = p_person_id
270: and ((asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
271: and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
272: and 'IREC' <> ( select ler.typ_cd

Line 435: from hr_locations_all loc,per_all_assignments_f asg

431: --
432: -- FONM
433: Cursor c_state(cv_effective_date date) is
434: select loc.region_2
435: from hr_locations_all loc,per_all_assignments_f asg
436: where loc.location_id = asg.location_id
437: and asg.person_id = p_person_id
438: and asg.assignment_type <> 'C'
439: and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'