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4 -- Mass reclass record from fa_mass_reclass table.
2 /* $Header: FARXRPB.pls 120.10.12020000.2 2012/07/23 10:06:11 rmandali ship $ */
5 mr_rec	FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.mass_reclass_rec;
7 -- Table of asset records.
8 -- (Stores book_type_code as well, and thus one asset will appear multiple
9 --  times if the asset belongs to multiple books.)
10 a_tbl  	FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.asset_table;
11 -- Index into the asset table, a_tbl.
12 a_index		NUMBER := 0;
14 -- Number of assets(disregaring book_type_code) stored in a_tbl.
15 -- Reset at every 200 assets.
16 g_asset_count 	NUMBER := 0;
17 -- Total number of assets to be printed in report.
18 --g_total_assets 	NUMBER := 0;
19 /* a_index <> g_asset_count if asset belongs to more than one book. */
21 g_print_debug boolean := fa_cache_pkg.fa_print_debug;
23 g_log_level_rec fa_api_types.log_level_rec_type;
25 /*============================================================================+
26 |   PROCEDURE Preview_Reclass                                                 |
27 +=============================================================================*/
29 PROCEDURE Preview_Reclass(
30 	X_Mass_Reclass_Id	IN	NUMBER,
31 	X_RX_Flag		IN	VARCHAR2 := 'NO',
32 	retcode		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
33 	errbuf		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
35     -- cursor to fetch the current and preview status
36     CURSOR get_status IS
37         SELECT  lu_prev.meaning,
38                 lu_curr.meaning
39         FROM    fa_lookups lu_prev,
40                 fa_lookups lu_curr
41         WHERE   lu_prev.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS'  AND
42                 lu_prev.lookup_code = 'PREVIEW'
43         AND     lu_curr.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS' AND
44                 lu_curr.lookup_code = mr_rec.status;
46     -- cursor to get category flex structure.
47     CURSOR get_cat_flex_struct IS
48 	SELECT 	category_flex_structure
49 	FROM 	fa_system_controls;
51     -- cursor to fetch mass reclass record from fa_mass_reclass
52     CURSOR mass_reclass IS
53 	SELECT	mr.mass_reclass_id,
54 		mr.book_type_code,
55 		mr.transaction_date_entered,
56 	       	mr.concurrent_request_id,
57 		mr.status,
58 	  	mr.asset_type,
59 		mr.location_id,
60 		mr.employee_id,
61 		mr.asset_key_id,
62 		mr.from_cost,
63 		mr.to_cost,
64 		mr.from_asset_number,
65 		mr.to_asset_number,
66 		mr.from_date_placed_in_service,
67 		mr.to_date_placed_in_service,
68 		mr.from_category_id,
69 		mr.to_category_id,
70 		mr.segment1_low, mr.segment2_low, mr.segment3_low, mr.segment4_low,
71 		mr.segment5_low, mr.segment6_low, mr.segment7_low, mr.segment8_low,
72 		mr.segment9_low, mr.segment10_low, mr.segment11_low, mr.segment12_low,
73 		mr.segment13_low, mr.segment14_low, mr.segment15_low, mr.segment16_low,
74 		mr.segment17_low, mr.segment18_low, mr.segment19_low, mr.segment20_low,
75 		mr.segment21_low, mr.segment22_low, mr.segment23_low, mr.segment24_low,
76 		mr.segment25_low, mr.segment26_low, mr.segment27_low, mr.segment28_low,
77 		mr.segment29_low, mr.segment30_low,
78 		mr.segment1_high, mr.segment2_high, mr.segment3_high, mr.segment4_high,
79 		mr.segment5_high, mr.segment6_high, mr.segment7_high, mr.segment8_high,
80 		mr.segment9_high, mr.segment10_high, mr.segment11_high, mr.segment12_high,
81 		mr.segment13_high, mr.segment14_high, mr.segment15_high, mr.segment16_high,
82 		mr.segment17_high, mr.segment18_high, mr.segment19_high, mr.segment20_high,
83 		mr.segment21_high, mr.segment22_high, mr.segment23_high, mr.segment24_high,
84 		mr.segment25_high, mr.segment26_high, mr.segment27_high, mr.segment28_high,
85 		mr.segment29_high, mr.segment30_high,
86 		mr.include_fully_rsvd_flag,
87 		mr.copy_cat_desc_flag,
88 		mr.inherit_deprn_rules_flag,
89 		mr.amortize_flag,
90 		mr.created_by,
91 		mr.creation_date,
92 		mr.last_updated_by,
93         	mr.last_update_login,
94         	mr.last_update_date
95 	FROM	fa_mass_reclass mr
96 	WHERE 	mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
98     -- assets that meet the user's selection criteria.
99     -- some assets selected by this cursor are discarded in the validation engine.
100     CURSOR mass_reclass_assets IS
101 	SELECT 	ad.asset_id,
102 	    	ad.asset_number,
103 		ad.description,
104 		ad.asset_category_id
105 	FROM	gl_code_combinations	gc,
106 		fa_distribution_history	dh,
107 		fa_book_controls	bc,
108 		fa_books		bk,
109 		fa_additions		ad
110 	WHERE	ad.asset_type = nvl(mr_rec.asset_type, ad.asset_type)
111 	AND	ad.asset_number >= nvl(mr_rec.from_asset_number, ad.asset_number)
112 	AND	ad.asset_number <= nvl(mr_rec.to_asset_number, ad.asset_number)
113 	AND	nvl(ad.asset_key_ccid, -9999)  = nvl(mr_rec.asset_key_id,
114 						  nvl(ad.asset_key_ccid, -9999))
115 	AND	ad.asset_category_id = nvl(mr_rec.from_category_id, ad.asset_category_id)
116 	AND	bk.book_type_code = mr_rec.book_type_code
120 	AND	bk.asset_id = ad.asset_id
117 	AND	bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
118 	-- corp book should be currently effective.
119 	AND	nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
121     AND NVL(bk.Disabled_flag, 'N') = 'N' --HH
122 	AND	bk.date_ineffective IS NULL -- pick the most recent row.
123 	-- dpis, exp acct, employee, location, cost range: selection criteria
124 	-- for corporate book only.
125 	AND 	bk.date_placed_in_service >= nvl(mr_rec.from_dpis,
126 						 bk.date_placed_in_service)
127 	AND	bk.date_placed_in_service <= nvl(mr_rec.to_dpis,
128 						 bk.date_placed_in_service)
129 	AND	bk.cost >= nvl(mr_rec.from_cost, bk.cost)
130 	AND	bk.cost <= nvl(mr_rec.to_cost, bk.cost)
131 	AND	dh.asset_id = ad.asset_id
132 	AND	nvl(dh.assigned_to, -9999) = nvl(mr_rec.employee_id, nvl(dh.assigned_to, -9999))
133 	AND	dh.location_id = nvl(mr_rec.location_id, dh.location_id)
134 	AND	dh.date_ineffective IS NULL -- pick only the active distributions.
135 	AND	dh.code_combination_id = gc.code_combination_id
136 	-- cannot avoid the use of OR, since gc.segment1 can be null.
137 	-- cannot use nvl(gc.segment1, 'NULL') for comparison, since
138 	-- the value 'NULL' may fall between the range accidentally.
139 	-- may break the OR to UNION later.
140         -- rule-based optimizer transforms OR to UNION ALL automatically
141         -- when it sees it being more efficient.  since the columns
142         -- in OR are not indexed, transforming to UNION ALL has
143         -- no gain in performance and using OR is unavoidable here
144         -- for the correctness of the program.
145 	AND	((gc.segment1 between nvl(mr_rec.segment1_low, gc.segment1)
146 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment1_high, gc.segment1)) OR
147 		 (mr_rec.segment1_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment1_high IS NULL))
148 	AND	((gc.segment2 between nvl(mr_rec.segment2_low, gc.segment2)
149 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment2_high, gc.segment2)) OR
150 		 (mr_rec.segment2_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment2_high IS NULL))
151 	AND	((gc.segment3 between nvl(mr_rec.segment3_low, gc.segment3)
152 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment3_high, gc.segment3)) OR
153 		 (mr_rec.segment3_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment3_high IS NULL))
154 	AND	((gc.segment4 between nvl(mr_rec.segment4_low, gc.segment4)
155 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment4_high, gc.segment4)) OR
156 		 (mr_rec.segment4_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment4_high IS NULL))
157 	AND	((gc.segment5 between nvl(mr_rec.segment5_low, gc.segment5)
158 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment5_high, gc.segment5)) OR
159 		 (mr_rec.segment5_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment5_high IS NULL))
160 	AND	((gc.segment6 between nvl(mr_rec.segment6_low, gc.segment6)
161 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment6_high, gc.segment6)) OR
162 		 (mr_rec.segment6_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment6_high IS NULL))
163 	AND	((gc.segment7 between nvl(mr_rec.segment7_low, gc.segment7)
164 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment7_high, gc.segment7)) OR
165 		 (mr_rec.segment7_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment7_high IS NULL))
166 	AND	((gc.segment8 between nvl(mr_rec.segment8_low, gc.segment8)
167 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment8_high, gc.segment8)) OR
168 		 (mr_rec.segment8_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment8_high IS NULL))
169 	AND	((gc.segment9 between nvl(mr_rec.segment9_low, gc.segment9)
170 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment9_high, gc.segment9)) OR
171 		 (mr_rec.segment9_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment9_high IS NULL))
172 	AND	((gc.segment10 between nvl(mr_rec.segment10_low, gc.segment10)
173 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment10_high, gc.segment10)) OR
174 		 (mr_rec.segment10_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment10_high IS NULL))
175 	AND	((gc.segment11 between nvl(mr_rec.segment11_low, gc.segment11)
176 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment11_high, gc.segment11)) OR
177 		 (mr_rec.segment11_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment11_high IS NULL))
178 	AND	((gc.segment12 between nvl(mr_rec.segment12_low, gc.segment12)
179 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment12_high, gc.segment12)) OR
180 		 (mr_rec.segment12_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment12_high IS NULL))
181 	AND	((gc.segment13 between nvl(mr_rec.segment13_low, gc.segment13)
182 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment13_high, gc.segment13)) OR
183 		 (mr_rec.segment13_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment13_high IS NULL))
184 	AND	((gc.segment14 between nvl(mr_rec.segment14_low, gc.segment14)
185 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment14_high, gc.segment14)) OR
186 		 (mr_rec.segment14_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment14_high IS NULL))
187 	AND	((gc.segment15 between nvl(mr_rec.segment15_low, gc.segment15)
188 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment15_high, gc.segment15)) OR
189 		 (mr_rec.segment15_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment15_high IS NULL))
190 	AND	((gc.segment16 between nvl(mr_rec.segment16_low, gc.segment16)
191 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment16_high, gc.segment16)) OR
192 		 (mr_rec.segment16_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment16_high IS NULL))
193 	AND	((gc.segment17 between nvl(mr_rec.segment17_low, gc.segment17)
194 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment17_high, gc.segment17)) OR
195 		 (mr_rec.segment17_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment17_high IS NULL))
196 	AND	((gc.segment18 between nvl(mr_rec.segment18_low, gc.segment18)
197 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment18_high, gc.segment18)) OR
198 		 (mr_rec.segment18_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment18_high IS NULL))
199 	AND	((gc.segment19 between nvl(mr_rec.segment19_low, gc.segment19)
200 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment19_high, gc.segment19)) OR
201 		 (mr_rec.segment19_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment19_high IS NULL))
202 	AND	((gc.segment20 between nvl(mr_rec.segment20_low, gc.segment20)
203 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment20_high, gc.segment20)) OR
204 		 (mr_rec.segment20_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment20_high IS NULL))
205 	AND	((gc.segment21 between nvl(mr_rec.segment21_low, gc.segment21)
206 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment21_high, gc.segment21)) OR
207 		 (mr_rec.segment21_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment21_high IS NULL))
208 	AND	((gc.segment22 between nvl(mr_rec.segment22_low, gc.segment22)
209 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment22_high, gc.segment22)) OR
210 		 (mr_rec.segment22_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment22_high IS NULL))
211 	AND	((gc.segment23 between nvl(mr_rec.segment23_low, gc.segment23)
212 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment23_high, gc.segment23)) OR
216 		 (mr_rec.segment24_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment24_high IS NULL))
213 		 (mr_rec.segment23_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment23_high IS NULL))
214 	AND	((gc.segment24 between nvl(mr_rec.segment24_low, gc.segment24)
215 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment24_high, gc.segment24)) OR
217 	AND	((gc.segment25 between nvl(mr_rec.segment25_low, gc.segment25)
218 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment25_high, gc.segment25)) OR
219 		 (mr_rec.segment25_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment25_high IS NULL))
220 	AND	((gc.segment26 between nvl(mr_rec.segment26_low, gc.segment26)
221 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment26_high, gc.segment26)) OR
222 		 (mr_rec.segment26_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment26_high IS NULL))
223 	AND	((gc.segment27 between nvl(mr_rec.segment27_low, gc.segment27)
224 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment27_high, gc.segment27)) OR
225 		 (mr_rec.segment27_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment27_high IS NULL))
226 	AND	((gc.segment28 between nvl(mr_rec.segment28_low, gc.segment28)
227 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment28_high, gc.segment28)) OR
228 		 (mr_rec.segment28_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment28_high IS NULL))
229 	AND	((gc.segment29 between nvl(mr_rec.segment29_low, gc.segment29)
230 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment29_high, gc.segment29)) OR
231 		 (mr_rec.segment29_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment29_high IS NULL))
232 	AND	((gc.segment30 between nvl(mr_rec.segment30_low, gc.segment30)
233 				  and nvl(mr_rec.segment30_high, gc.segment30)) OR
234 		 (mr_rec.segment30_low IS NULL and mr_rec.segment30_high IS NULL))
235 	-- more check is done on retired asset in reclass validation engine.
236 	-- more check is done on reserved asset in Check_Criteria function.
237 	AND	bk.period_counter_fully_retired IS NULL
238 	ORDER BY ad.asset_number;
240     h_request_id	NUMBER;
241     h_msg_count		NUMBER;
242     h_msg_data		VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
243     h_preview_status_d  VARCHAR2(80);
244     h_current_status_d  VARCHAR2(80);
245     h_status 	 	BOOLEAN := FALSE;
246     -- to keep track of the last asset id that entered the mass_reclass_assets
247     -- cursor loop.  we need this to avoid DISTINCT in the SELECT statement
248     -- for mass_reclass_assets cursor.  asset may be selected multiple times
249     -- if it is multi-distributed and if more than one distribution lines
250     -- meet the reclass selection criteria(if at least one distribution line
251     -- meets user criteria, the asset is selected for reclass.)
252     h_last_asset	NUMBER(15) := NULL;
253     h_cat_flex_struct	NUMBER;
254 	/* Bug#14062713: Increased variable size */
255     h_new_concat_cat    VARCHAR2(1000);  -- new category in concatenated string.
256     h_cat_segs		FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Seg_Array;
257     h_debug_flag	VARCHAR2(3) := 'NO';
258     -- exception raised from this module and child modules.
259     mrcl_failure	EXCEPTION;
260     h_dummy		VARCHAR2(30);
261     -- Commit results per every 200 assets.
262     h_commit_level	NUMBER := 200;
263     /* do not need these variables as per bug 8402286
264        need to remove large rollback segment
265     rbs_name            VARCHAR2(30);
266     sql_stmt            VARCHAR2(101);
267     */
271     -- Initialize message stacks.
272     FA_SRVR_MSG.Init_Server_Message;
274     FA_DEBUG_PKG.Initialize;
278     -- Set debug flag.
279     IF (g_print_debug) THEN
280 	h_debug_flag := 'YES';
281     END IF;
283           if (g_print_debug) then
284                fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
285 	       'Starting Preview',
286 	        '');
287 	  end if;
288 /* Fix for BUG# 1302611 where rbs_name was being intepreted as a literal
289    rather than using the value in the variable
290 */
291     /* Bug 8402286 removing LARGE ROLLBACK SEGMENT
292     -- Set large rollback segment.
293     fnd_profile.get('FA_LARGE_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT', rbs_name);
294     IF (rbs_name is not null) THEN
295         sql_stmt := 'Set Transaction Use Rollback Segment '|| rbs_name;
296         execute immediate sql_stmt;
297     END IF;
298     */
300     -- Initialize global variables.
301     -- (These are session specific variables, and thus values need to
302     --  be re-initialized.)
303     a_tbl.delete;
304     a_index := 0;
305     g_asset_count := 0;
306     --g_total_assets := 0;
308     -- Get concurrent request id for the mass reclass preview request.
309     -- h_request_id is used when request_id is inserted into the interface
310     -- table, fa_mass_reclass_itf.
311     -- Need to fetch request id from fnd_global package instead of fa_mass_reclass
312     -- table, since fa_mass_reclass table stores the latest request id for
313     -- the SRS Preview report requests(run after this module) or
314     -- Run requests only.
315     h_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
317     -- Fetch mass reclass record information.
318     OPEN mass_reclass;
319     FETCH mass_reclass INTO mr_rec;
320     CLOSE mass_reclass;
322     -- Concurrent request id fetched from fa_mass_reclass table is in no use
323     -- in the preview module.
324     -- Assign h_request_id to the global mass reclass record field so that
325     -- it can be used in other procedures.
326     mr_rec.conc_request_id := h_request_id;
328     /*=========================================================================
329       Delete rows previously inserted into the interface table with the same
330       request id, if there is any.
331      =========================================================================*/
332     DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
333     WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
334     COMMIT;
336     /*=========================================================================
337       Check to make sure current status is 'PREVIEW'
341     CLOSE get_status;
338      =========================================================================*/
339     OPEN get_status;
340     FETCH get_status INTO h_preview_status_d, h_current_status_d;
343     IF (h_preview_status_d <> h_current_status_d) THEN
344         -- Re-using message for mass reclass program.
345         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
346                 CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
347                 NAME => 'FA_MASSRCL_WRONG_STATUS',
348                 TOKEN1 => 'CURRENT',
349                 VALUE1 => h_current_status_d,
350                 TOKEN2 => 'RUNNING',
351                 VALUE2 => h_preview_status_d);
352         -- Preview will complete with error status.
353         RAISE mrcl_failure;
354     END IF;
356     /*=========================================================================
357       Check if reclass transaction date for the mass reclass record from
358       mass reclass form is in the current corporate book period.
359       (No prior period reclass is allowed.)
360      =========================================================================*/
361     IF NOT FA_MASS_RECLASS_PKG.Check_Trans_Date(
362                 X_Corp_Book     => mr_rec.book_type_code,
363                 X_Trans_Date    => mr_rec.trans_date_entered) THEN
364         RAISE mrcl_failure;
365     END IF;
367     /*=========================================================================
368       Validate assets and insert preview records into the interface table.
369      =========================================================================*/
370     IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') THEN
371     -- Depreciation rules will be redefaulted.
372         -- Reset g_deprn_count before loading the cache table.
373         FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.g_deprn_count := 0;
374         -- Load depreciation rules table for the corporate book and all the
375         -- associated tax books for the new category.
376         -- Simulates caching effect.
377         FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.Load_Deprn_Rules_Tbl(
378                 p_corp_book     => mr_rec.book_type_code,
379                 p_category_id   => mr_rec.to_category_id,
380                 x_return_status => h_status,
381                 p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
382         IF NOT h_status THEN
383                 RAISE mrcl_failure;
384         END IF;
385 	-- Load the conversion table to store converted values for certain
386 	-- fields of the depreciation rules records in the depreciation rules
387 	-- table.
388 	FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Load_Conversion_Table(p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
389     END IF;
391     /* Get category flex structure. */
392     OPEN get_cat_flex_struct;
393     FETCH get_cat_flex_struct INTO h_cat_flex_struct;
394     CLOSE get_cat_flex_struct;
396     /* Get the new category code from the new category id. */
397     FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Concat_Category(
398                 struct_id       => h_cat_flex_struct,
399                 ccid            => mr_rec.to_category_id,
400                 concat_string   => h_new_concat_cat,
401                 segarray        => h_cat_segs);
403     /* Loop all the qualified assets, and insert all the validated assets
404        into the interface table, fa_mass_reclass_itf. */
405     OPEN mass_reclass_assets;
407     LOOP
408 	a_index := a_index + 1;
409         FETCH mass_reclass_assets
410 	INTO a_tbl(a_index).asset_id, a_tbl(a_index).asset_number,
411 	     a_tbl(a_index).description, a_tbl(a_index).category_id;
412         EXIT WHEN mass_reclass_assets%NOTFOUND;
414 	IF (a_tbl(a_index).asset_id <> h_last_asset OR
415 	    h_last_asset IS NULL) THEN
416 	-- This is the first time the asset entered this loop.
418 	    -- Save the asset id for the next loop.
419 	    h_last_asset := a_tbl(a_index).asset_id;
421 	    -- Check if the asset meets the additional user criteria.
422 	    IF FA_MASS_RECLASS_PKG.Check_Criteria(
423                         X_Asset_Id              => a_tbl(a_index).asset_id,
424                         X_Fully_Rsvd_Flag       => mr_rec.fully_rsvd_flag) THEN
426           if (g_print_debug) then
427                fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
428 	       'Preview - after check_criteria',
429 	        a_tbl(a_index).asset_id );
430 	  end if;
431 		IF (a_tbl(a_index).category_id = mr_rec.to_category_id) THEN
432 		-- Reclass and redefault are not processed on the asset, if
433                 -- the new category is the same as the old category.
434 		-- Retrieve the old asset information into the pl/sql table,
435 	        -- a_tbl for all the books the asset belongs to.
436 		-- (At every 200 assets, the records stored in a_tbl, will be inserted
437 		--  into the interface table.)
438 		    Store_Results(X_Get_New_Rules => 'NO',
439 				  X_Cat_Flex_Struct => h_cat_flex_struct);
440 		    -- Increment the number of assets stored in a_tbl.
441 		    g_asset_count := g_asset_count + 1;
442 	    	ELSE
443 		    /* Validate asset for reclass with Reclass Validation engine. */
444 		    IF FA_REC_PVT_PKG1.Validate_Reclass_Basic(
445                 	  p_asset_id              => a_tbl(a_index).asset_id,
446                 	  p_old_category_id       => a_tbl(a_index).category_id,
447                 	  p_new_category_id       => mr_rec.to_category_id,
448                 	  p_mr_req_id             => h_request_id,
449                 	  x_old_cat_type          => h_dummy,
450                           p_log_level_rec         => g_log_level_rec) THEN
451 			-- Now, we allow redefault to be performed per book.
452 			-- Validate redefault per each book and store the
453 			-- results in the asset table.
454 			Store_Results(X_Get_New_Rules => 'YES',
455 				      X_Cat_Flex_Struct => h_cat_flex_struct);
456 			-- Increment the number of assets stored in a_tbl.
457 		    	g_asset_count := g_asset_count + 1;
461 	       'Preview - validate_reclass_basic skipped asset',
458 		    ELSE
459           if (g_print_debug) then
460                fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
462 	        a_tbl(a_index).asset_id );
463 	  end if;
464 		    -- Basic reclass validation failed.  Reclass fails.
465 			a_index := a_index - 1;
466 		    END IF; /* IF FA_REC_PVT_PKG1.Validate_Reclass_Basic */
467 		END IF; /* IF (a_tbl(a_index).category_id = */
468 	    ELSE
469           if (g_print_debug) then
470                fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
471 	       'Preview - check_criteria skipped asset ',
472 	        a_tbl(a_index).asset_id );
473 	  end if;
474 		-- Invalid asset record.
475 		a_index := a_index - 1;
476 	    END IF; /* 	IF FA_MASS_RECLASS_PKG.Check_Criteria */
477 	ELSE /* a_tbl(a_index).asset_id = h_last_asset */
478 	    -- This asset has already been validated.  Decrementing index count
479 	    -- to avoid records with duplicate asset id's in a_tbl.
480 	    a_index := a_index - 1;
481 	END IF; /* IF (a_tbl(a_index).asset_id <> */
483 	/* Insert asset records into the interface table, FA_MASS_RECLASS_ITF,
484 	   at every 200 assets. */
485 	-- If g_asset_count(number of valid assets) = 200, insert all the 200
486 	-- asset records in a_tbl(1..a_index) into the interface table,
487 	-- re-initialize the pl/sql table, a_tbl, and reset g_asset_count
488 	-- and a_index to 0.  Commit changes at every 200 assets as well.
489 	IF (g_asset_count = h_commit_level) THEN
490 	    FOR i IN 1 .. a_index LOOP
491           if (g_print_debug) then
492                fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass',
493 	       'Preview - inserting asset into itf-table',
494 	        a_tbl(a_index).asset_id );
495 	  end if;
496 	        FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Insert_Itf(
497 		 	X_Report_Type		=> 'PREVIEW',
498         		X_Request_Id  		=> h_request_id,
499 			X_Mass_Reclass_Id	=> X_Mass_Reclass_Id,
500         		X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
501         		X_New_Category         	=> h_new_concat_cat,
502         		X_Last_Update_Date    	=> mr_rec.last_update_date,
503         		X_Last_Updated_By    	=> mr_rec.last_updated_by,
504         		X_Created_By        	=> mr_rec.created_by,
505         		X_Creation_Date    	=> mr_rec.creation_date,
506         		X_Last_Update_Login     => mr_rec.last_update_login,
507                         p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
508         		);
509 	    END LOOP;
510 	    a_tbl.delete;
511 	    --g_total_assets := g_total_assets + g_asset_count;
512 	    g_asset_count := 0;
513 	    a_index := 0;
514 	    COMMIT WORK;
515 	END IF;
517     END LOOP;
519     CLOSE mass_reclass_assets;
521     /* Insert the remaining valid asset records into the interface table. */
522     -- Up to a_index - 1, to account for the extra increment taken for a_index
523     -- when no more rows were found in the cursor loop.
524     FOR i IN 1 .. (a_index - 1) LOOP
525 	FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Insert_Itf(
526 		X_Report_Type		=> 'PREVIEW',
527         	X_Request_Id  		=> h_request_id,
528 		X_Mass_Reclass_Id	=> X_Mass_Reclass_Id,
529         	X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
530         	X_New_Category         	=> h_new_concat_cat,
531         	X_Last_Update_Date    	=> mr_rec.last_update_date,
532         	X_Last_Updated_By    	=> mr_rec.last_updated_by,
533         	X_Created_By        	=> mr_rec.created_by,
534         	X_Creation_Date    	=> mr_rec.creation_date,
535         	X_Last_Update_Login     => mr_rec.last_update_login,
536                 p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
537         	);
538     END LOOP;
539     a_tbl.delete;
540     --g_total_assets := g_total_assets + g_asset_count;
541     g_asset_count := 0;
542     a_index := 0;
543     COMMIT WORK;
545     IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') THEN
546         -- Reset g_deprn_count after completing mass reclass transaction.
547         FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.g_deprn_count := 0;
548     END IF;
550     /*=========================================================================
551       Fetch the preview records from the interface table and print them on
552       the SRS output screen for the preview report.
553      =========================================================================*/
554 /* Commenting out, since this will be taken care of by SRS report(FASRCPVW.rdf.)
555      FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Print_RX_Report(
556 	X_Report_Type		=> 'PREVIEW',
557 	X_Mass_Reclass_Rec	=> mr_rec,
558 	X_Num_Assets		=> g_total_assets);
559 */
561     /*=========================================================================
562       Update the status of the mass reclass to 'PREVIEWED'
563       (This step is now handled in SRS report(FASRCPVW.rdf), which is fired
564        after the RX report request.)
565      =========================================================================*/
566 /*
567     UPDATE      fa_mass_reclass
568     SET         status = 'PREVIEWED'
569     WHERE       mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id
570     AND         status = 'PREVIEW';
571     COMMIT WORK;
572 */
573     errbuf := ''; -- No error.
574     retcode := 0; -- Completed normally.
577     WHEN mrcl_failure THEN
578 	retcode := 2;  -- Completed with error.
580 	-- Reset global variable values.
581         FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.g_deprn_count := 0;
582 	a_tbl.delete;
583 	a_index := 0;
584 	g_asset_count := 0;
585 	--g_total_assets := 0;
586         /* A fatal error has occurred.  Update status to 'FAILED_PRE'. */
587         ROLLBACK WORK;
588         UPDATE fa_mass_reclass
589         SET status = 'FAILED_PRE'
590         WHERE mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
591         /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
592         DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
596         /* Retrieve message log and write result to log and output. */
593         WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
594 	/* Commit changes. */
597 	IF (X_RX_Flag = 'YES') THEN
598             FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
599                 p_count         => h_msg_count,
600                 p_data          => h_msg_data);
601             FA_SRVR_MSG.Write_Msg_Log(
602                 msg_count       => h_msg_count,
603                 msg_data        => h_msg_data);
604             IF (h_debug_flag = 'YES') THEN
605                 FA_DEBUG_PKG.Write_Debug_Log;
606             END IF;
607 	END IF;
609 	retcode := 2;  -- Completed with error.
610         IF SQLCODE <> 0 THEN
611             FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(
612                 CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RP.Preview_Reclass');
613         END IF;
615 	-- Reset global variable values.
616         FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.g_deprn_count := 0;
617 	a_tbl.delete;
618 	a_index := 0;
619 	g_asset_count := 0;
620 	--g_total_assets := 0;
621         /* A fatal error has occurred.  Update status to 'FAILED_PRE'. */
622         ROLLBACK WORK;
623         UPDATE fa_mass_reclass
624         SET status = 'FAILED_PRE'
625         WHERE mass_reclass_id = X_Mass_Reclass_Id;
626         /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
627         DELETE FROM fa_mass_reclass_itf
628         WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
629 	/* Commit changes. */
631         /* Retrieve message log and write result to log and output. */
632 	IF (X_RX_Flag = 'YES') THEN
633             FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
634                 p_count         => h_msg_count,
635                 p_data          => h_msg_data);
636             FA_SRVR_MSG.Write_Msg_Log(
637                 msg_count       => h_msg_count,
638                 msg_data        => h_msg_data);
639             IF (h_debug_flag = 'YES') THEN
640                 FA_DEBUG_PKG.Write_Debug_Log;
641             END IF;
642 	END IF;
643 END Preview_Reclass;
646 /*============================================================================+
647 |   PROCEDURE Store_Results                                                   |
648 +=============================================================================*/
650 PROCEDURE Store_Results(
651 	X_Get_New_Rules		IN	VARCHAR2 := 'NO',
652 	X_Cat_Flex_Struct	IN	NUMBER := NULL
653 	) IS
655     h_book_type_code	VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
656     h_cat_flex_struct	NUMBER := X_Cat_Flex_Struct;
657     h_concat_cat	VARCHAR2(220);
658     h_cat_segs          FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Seg_Array;
659     h_dpis		DATE;
660     h_depreciate_flag	VARCHAR2(3);
661     pos			NUMBER;
662     h_dummy_bool1       BOOLEAN;
663     h_dummy_bool2       BOOLEAN;
664     h_dummy_rules1      FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.asset_deprn_info;
665     h_dummy_rules2      FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.asset_deprn_info;
666     h_dummy_date        DATE;
667     h_dummy_char1	VARCHAR2(10);
668     h_dummy_char2	VARCHAR2(4);
669     store_failure	EXCEPTION;
671     -- cursor to get all the corporate and tax books the asset belongs to.
672     -- books are ordered in alphabetical order in preview report.
673     CURSOR book_cr IS
674         SELECT  bk.book_type_code
675         FROM    fa_book_controls bc, fa_books bk
676         WHERE   bk.asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
677         AND     bk.date_ineffective IS NULL
678         AND     bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
679         AND     bc.book_class IN ('CORPORATE', 'TAX')
680         AND     nvl(bc.date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
681 	ORDER BY bk.book_type_code;
682 /*
683 	SELECT      TH.book_type_code
684         FROM        FA_BOOK_CONTROLS BC,
685                     FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS TH
686         WHERE       TH.transaction_type_code||''  IN ('ADDITION','CIP ADDITION')
687         AND         TH.asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
688         AND         BC.book_type_code = TH.book_type_code
689         AND         nvl(BC.date_ineffective, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
690         GROUP BY    TH.book_type_code
691         ORDER BY    MIN(TH.date_effective);
692 */
694     -- cursor to get the category flex structure.
695     CURSOR get_cat_flex_struct IS
696         SELECT  category_flex_structure
697         FROM    fa_system_controls;
699     -- cursor to get date placed in service and depreciate flag.
700     CURSOR get_dpis_deprn_flag IS
701 	SELECT 	date_placed_in_service, depreciate_flag
703 	WHERE	asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
704 	AND	book_type_code = h_book_type_code
705 	AND	date_ineffective IS NULL;
707     -- cursor to get the old(current) depreciation rules.
708     CURSOR get_old_rules IS
709 	SELECT	prorate_convention_code, ceiling_name, deprn_method_code,
710 		life_in_months, basic_rate, adjusted_rate,
711 		bonus_rule, production_capacity, unit_of_measure,
712 		depreciate_flag, allowed_deprn_limit, allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
713 		percent_salvage_value
715 	WHERE	asset_id = a_tbl(a_index).asset_id
716 	AND	book_type_code = h_book_type_code
717 	AND	date_ineffective IS NULL;
720     -- Get the category flexfield structure, if value not provided.
721     IF X_Cat_Flex_Struct IS NULL THEN
722 	OPEN get_cat_flex_struct;
723     	FETCH get_cat_flex_struct INTO h_cat_flex_struct;
724     	CLOSE get_cat_flex_struct;
725     END IF;
727     -- Get the category in concatenated string for the asset's current
728     -- category.
729     FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Concat_Category(
730 	struct_id       => h_cat_flex_struct,
731         ccid            => a_tbl(a_index).category_id,
732         concat_string   => h_concat_cat,
733         segarray        => h_cat_segs);
735     IF (X_Get_New_Rules = 'YES') THEN
736         OPEN book_cr;
737         LOOP
738             FETCH book_cr INTO h_book_type_code;
739             EXIT WHEN book_cr%notfound;
741             /* For each book, store a preview record for an asset with
742 	       new depreciation rules, if redefault is allowed and if user
743 	       chooses to redefault the depreciation rules.  Otherwise,
744 	       there is no change in depreciation rules for the book. */
745 	    -- asset_id, asset_number, category_id fields are already assigned.
746 	    a_tbl(a_index).book_type_code := h_book_type_code;
747 	    a_tbl(a_index).category := h_concat_cat;
749 	    IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') THEN
750 	    -- User chooses to redefault.  Validate redefault.
751 	        IF FA_REC_PVT_PKG2.Validate_Redefault(
752                 	p_asset_id              => a_tbl(a_index).asset_id,
753                 	p_new_category_id       => mr_rec.to_category_id,
754                 	p_book_type_code        => h_book_type_code,
755                 	p_amortize_flag         => mr_rec.amortize_flag,
756                 	p_mr_req_id             => mr_rec.conc_request_id,
757                 	x_rule_change_exists    => h_dummy_bool1,
758                 	x_old_rules             => h_dummy_rules1,
759                 	x_new_rules             => h_dummy_rules2,
760                 	x_use_rules             => h_dummy_bool2,
761                 	x_prorate_date          => h_dummy_date,
762 			x_rate_source_rule	=> h_dummy_char1,
763 			x_deprn_basis_rule	=> h_dummy_char2,
764                         p_log_level_rec         => g_log_level_rec) AND
765 		   Check_Trans_Date_Book(
766 			X_Asset_Id		=> a_tbl(a_index).asset_id,
767 			X_Book_Type_Code	=> h_book_type_code,
768 			X_Trx_Type		=> 'ADJUSTMENT')
770 		/* Now also check the transaction_date_entered for the asset
771 		   in each book in which we try to perform redefault.
772 		   Make sure no other transaction follows.
773 		   Transaction_date_entered values are validated in reclass/redefault
774 		   engines, as the values required for the validation are all
775 		   calculated in the transaction engine.  Here, we separate this
776 		   logic out nocopy for redefault.
777 		   FA_MASS_RECLASS_PKG.Check_Trans_Date(called in Preview_Reclass())
778 		   performs an equivalent validation for transaction_date_entered
779 		   for the reclass part. */
780         	THEN
781 		-- Validation for redefault succeeded in this book.
782 		-- Store new rules for this book.
783 	    	    -- Get the date placed in service of the asset to fetch
784 	    	    -- the new depreciation rules.
785  	    	    -- Also get depreciate flag, since we will not redefault depreciate
786  	    	    -- flag through mass reclass any more.
787 	    	    OPEN get_dpis_deprn_flag;
788 	    	    FETCH get_dpis_deprn_flag INTO h_dpis, h_depreciate_flag;
789 	    	    CLOSE get_dpis_deprn_flag;
791 	    	    -- Get new depreciation rules.
793 	    	    -- First, get the index of the new depreciation rules record
794 	    	    -- from the depreciation table.
795 	    	    FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.Find_Position_Deprn_Rules(
796                 	p_book_type_code         => h_book_type_code,
797                 	p_date_placed_in_service => h_dpis,
798 	  		x_pos			 => pos,
799                         p_log_level_rec          => g_log_level_rec);
800 	    	    IF pos IS NULL THEN
801         		FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
802                 		CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RP.Store_Results',
803                	 		NAME => 'FA_REC_NO_CAT_DEFAULTS');
804 			raise store_failure;
805     	    	    END IF;
807 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).convention
808 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).prorate_conv_code;
809        	    	    a_tbl(a_index).ceiling
810 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).ceiling_name;
811             	    a_tbl(a_index).method
812 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).deprn_method;
813             	    a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months
814 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).life_in_months;
815             	    a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate
816 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).basic_rate;
817             	    a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate
818 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).adjusted_rate;
819             	    a_tbl(a_index).bonus_rule
820 	   		:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).bonus_rule;
821             	    a_tbl(a_index).capacity
822 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).production_capacity;
823             	    a_tbl(a_index).unit_of_measure
824 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).unit_of_measure;
825 	    	    -- We will not redefault depreciate flag through mass reclass.
826             	    a_tbl(a_index).depreciate_flag := h_depreciate_flag;
827             	    a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit
828 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).allow_deprn_limit;
829             	    a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_amt
830 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).deprn_limit_amount;
831             	    a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val
832 			:= FA_LOAD_TBL_PKG.deprn_table(pos).percent_salvage_value;
834 	       	    -- Convert values using conversion_table, which caches
835 	    	    -- converted values of certain fields for the new rules.
836 	    	    -- (The corresponding converted record is stored in the
837 	    	    --  same index position in conv_tbl as that of deprn_table.)
838 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).life	:= FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.conv_tbl(pos).life;
839 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate_pct
840 			:= FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.conv_tbl(pos).basic_rate_pct;
841 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate_pct
842 			:= FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.conv_tbl(pos).adjusted_rate_pct;
846 			:= FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.conv_tbl(pos).salvage_val_pct;
843 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_pct
844 			:= FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.conv_tbl(pos).deprn_limit_pct;
845 	    	    a_tbl(a_index).salvage_val_pct
847 	    	ELSE /* IF FA_REC_PVT_PKG2.Validate_Redefault */
848 		-- Validation for redefault failed in this book.
849 		-- Store old results for this book.
850 	            -- Get the old(current) depreciation rules.
851             	    OPEN get_old_rules;
852             	    FETCH get_old_rules
853             	    INTO a_tbl(a_index).convention, a_tbl(a_index).ceiling,
854                  	 a_tbl(a_index).method,
855                  	 a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months, a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
856                  	 a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
857                  	 a_tbl(a_index).bonus_rule, a_tbl(a_index).capacity,
858                  	 a_tbl(a_index).unit_of_measure,
859                  	 a_tbl(a_index).depreciate_flag,
860 			 a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
861                  	 a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_amt,
862                  	 a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val;
863             	    CLOSE get_old_rules;
865 	    	    -- Convert formats for certain fields.
866  	    	    FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Convert_Formats(
867         		X_Life_In_Months => a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months,
868         		X_Basic_Rate 	 => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
869         		X_Adjusted_Rate  => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
870         		X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit => a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
871        	 		X_Percent_Salvage_Val => a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val,
875         		X_Deprn_Limit_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_pct,
872         		X_Life           => a_tbl(a_index).life,
873         		X_Basic_Rate_Pct => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate_pct,
874         		X_Adjusted_Rate_Pct   => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate_pct,
876         		X_Salvage_Val_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).salvage_val_pct,
877                         p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
878         		);
879 		END IF; /* IF FA_REC_PVT_PKG2.Validate_Redefault */
880 	    ELSE /* IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') */
881 	    -- User chooses not to redefault.
882 	    -- Store old results.
883 	    	-- Get the old(current) depreciation rules.
884             	OPEN get_old_rules;
885             	FETCH get_old_rules
886             	INTO a_tbl(a_index).convention, a_tbl(a_index).ceiling,
887               	     a_tbl(a_index).method,
888                      a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months, a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
889                      a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
890                      a_tbl(a_index).bonus_rule, a_tbl(a_index).capacity,
891                      a_tbl(a_index).unit_of_measure,
892                      a_tbl(a_index).depreciate_flag,
893 		     a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
894                      a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_amt,
895                      a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val;
896             	CLOSE get_old_rules;
898 	        -- Convert formats for certain fields.
899  	        FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Convert_Formats(
900         		X_Life_In_Months => a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months,
901         		X_Basic_Rate 	 => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
902         		X_Adjusted_Rate  => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
903         		X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit => a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
904        	 		X_Percent_Salvage_Val => a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val,
905         		X_Life           => a_tbl(a_index).life,
906         		X_Basic_Rate_Pct => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate_pct,
907         		X_Adjusted_Rate_Pct   => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate_pct,
908         		X_Deprn_Limit_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_pct,
909         		X_Salvage_Val_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).salvage_val_pct,
910                         p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
911         		);
912 	    END IF; /* IF (mr_rec.redefault_flag = 'YES') */
914 	    -- The following values are used in review reports only.
915             a_tbl(a_index).cost_acct_ccid := NULL;
916             a_tbl(a_index).cost_acct := NULL;
917             a_tbl(a_index).deprn_rsv_acct_ccid := NULL;
918             a_tbl(a_index).deprn_rsv_acct := NULL;
920 	    -- Propagate asset_id, asset_number, category_id to the next
921 	    -- book record for the asset.
922 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).asset_id := a_tbl(a_index).asset_id;
923 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).asset_number := a_tbl(a_index).asset_number;
924 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).description := a_tbl(a_index).description;
925 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).category_id := a_tbl(a_index).category_id;
927 	    -- Increment the index position for the next book to be stored.
928 	    a_index := a_index + 1;
930     	END LOOP;
932 	-- Decrement a_index by 1 to cancel the extra index movement made
933 	-- at the last book entry.
934 	a_index := a_index - 1;
936     	CLOSE book_cr;
937     ELSE /* X_Get_New_Rules = 'NO' */
938 	OPEN book_cr;
939         LOOP
940             FETCH book_cr INTO h_book_type_code;
941             EXIT WHEN book_cr%notfound;
943             /* For each book, store a preview record for an asset in the
944 	       asset table.  Depreciation rules remain unchanged for
945 	       the asset. */
946 	    -- asset_id, asset_number, category_id fields are already assigned.
947 	    a_tbl(a_index).book_type_code := h_book_type_code;
948 	    a_tbl(a_index).category := h_concat_cat;
950 	    -- Get the old(current) depreciation rules.
951 	    OPEN get_old_rules;
952 	    FETCH get_old_rules
953 	    INTO a_tbl(a_index).convention, a_tbl(a_index).ceiling,
954 		 a_tbl(a_index).method,
955 		 a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months, a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
956 		 a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
957 		 a_tbl(a_index).bonus_rule, a_tbl(a_index).capacity,
958 		 a_tbl(a_index).unit_of_measure,
959 		 a_tbl(a_index).depreciate_flag, a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
960 		 a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_amt,
961 		 a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val;
962 	    CLOSE get_old_rules;
964 	    -- The following values are used in review reports only.
965             a_tbl(a_index).cost_acct_ccid := NULL;
966             a_tbl(a_index).cost_acct := NULL;
967             a_tbl(a_index).deprn_rsv_acct_ccid := NULL;
968             a_tbl(a_index).deprn_rsv_acct := NULL;
970 	    -- Convert formats for certain fields.
971  	    FA_MASS_REC_UTILS_PKG.Convert_Formats(
972         	X_Life_In_Months => a_tbl(a_index).life_in_months,
973         	X_Basic_Rate 	 => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate,
974         	X_Adjusted_Rate  => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate,
975         	X_Allowed_Deprn_Limit => a_tbl(a_index).allowed_deprn_limit,
976        	 	X_Percent_Salvage_Val => a_tbl(a_index).percent_salvage_val,
977         	X_Life           => a_tbl(a_index).life,
978         	X_Basic_Rate_Pct => a_tbl(a_index).basic_rate_pct,
979         	X_Adjusted_Rate_Pct   => a_tbl(a_index).adjusted_rate_pct,
980         	X_Deprn_Limit_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).deprn_limit_pct,
981         	X_Salvage_Val_Pct     => a_tbl(a_index).salvage_val_pct,
982                 p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec
983         	);
985 	    -- Propagate asset_id, asset_number, category_id to the next
986 	    -- book record for the asset.
987 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).asset_id := a_tbl(a_index).asset_id;
988 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).asset_number := a_tbl(a_index).asset_number;
989 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).description := a_tbl(a_index).description;
990 	    a_tbl(a_index + 1).category_id := a_tbl(a_index).category_id;
992 	    -- Increment the index position for the next book to be stored.
993 	    a_index := a_index + 1;
995     	END LOOP;
997 	-- Decrement a_index by 1 to cancel the extra index movement made
998 	-- at the last book entry.
999 	a_index := a_index - 1;
1001     	CLOSE book_cr;
1002     END IF; /* IF (X_Get_New_Rules = 'YES') */
1006         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(
1007                 CALLING_FN =>  'FARX_RP.Store_Results');
1008         raise;
1009 END Store_Results;
1012 /*============================================================================+
1013 |   FUNCTIONE Check_Trans_Date_Book                                           |
1014 +=============================================================================*/
1016 FUNCTION Check_Trans_Date_Book(
1017 	X_Asset_Id		IN	NUMBER,
1018 	X_Book_Type_Code	IN	VARCHAR2,
1019 	X_Trx_Type		IN	VARCHAR2
1021 	h_current_period_flag	VARCHAR2(3) := 'N';
1022 	h_trans_date		DATE;
1023 	h_dpis			DATE;
1024         -- Cursor to check whether the asset was added in the current open period.
1025         CURSOR added_this_period IS
1026             SELECT 'Y'
1027             FROM FA_DEPRN_PERIODS dp,
1028                  FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS th
1029             WHERE th.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
1030             AND th.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
1031             AND th.transaction_type_code||'' in ('ADDITION', 'CIP ADDITION')
1032             AND dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
1033             AND dp.period_open_date <= th.date_effective
1034             AND nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate) > th.date_effective
1035             AND dp.period_close_date IS NULL
1036 	    AND th.transaction_date_entered >= dp.calendar_period_open_date;
1037 	-- Cursor to get transaction date entered.
1038     	CURSOR get_trx_date_entered IS
1039             SELECT greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
1040                    least(trunc(sysdate), dp.calendar_period_close_date))
1041             FROM   FA_DEPRN_PERIODS dp
1042             WHERE  dp.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
1043             AND    dp.period_close_date is null;
1044 	-- Cursor to get date placed in service.
1045 	CURSOR get_dpis IS
1046 	    SELECT date_placed_in_service
1047 	    FROM   FA_BOOKS bk
1048 	    WHERE  bk.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
1049 	    AND    bk.book_type_code = X_Book_Type_Code
1050 	    AND    date_ineffective IS NULL;
1051 BEGIN
1052     /* Get transaction_date_entered. */
1053     /* Adjustment calculates transaction_date_entered slightly differently from
1054        other transaction engines.  If the asset is added in the current period,
1055        transaction_date_entered defaults to date placed in service. */
1056     IF (X_Trx_Type = 'ADJUSTMENT') THEN
1057         -- Check if the asset is added in the current period or not.
1058     	OPEN added_this_period;
1059     	FETCH added_this_period INTO h_current_period_flag;
1060     	CLOSE added_this_period;
1062     	-- Get transaction_date_entered.
1063     	IF (h_current_period_flag = 'Y') THEN
1064     	-- Added in the current period.
1065 	    OPEN get_dpis;
1066 	    FETCH get_dpis INTO h_dpis;
1067 	    CLOSE get_dpis;
1068             h_trans_date := h_dpis;
1069         ELSE
1070     	    OPEN get_trx_date_entered;
1071     	    FETCH get_trx_date_entered INTO h_trans_date;
1072    	    CLOSE get_trx_date_entered;
1073         END IF;
1074     ELSE /* IF (X_Trx_Type = 'ADJUSTMENT') */
1075         OPEN get_trx_date_entered;
1076         FETCH get_trx_date_entered INTO h_trans_date;
1077         CLOSE get_trx_date_entered;
1078     END IF;
1080     -- Check if any other transaction exists between the transaction date
1081     -- entered and the current date.
1082     IF NOT FA_REC_PVT_PKG1.Check_Trans_Date(
1083                 p_asset_id              => X_Asset_Id,
1084                 p_book_type_code        => X_Book_Type_Code,
1085                 p_trans_date            => h_trans_date,
1086                 p_log_level_rec         => g_log_level_rec)
1087     THEN
1088         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
1089                 CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RP.Check_Trans_Date_Book');
1090         RETURN (FALSE);
1091     END IF;
1093     RETURN (TRUE);
1097         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(
1098                 CALLING_FN =>  'FARX_RP.Check_Trans_Date_Book');
1099     	RETURN (FALSE);
1100 END Check_Trans_Date_Book;