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1 PACKAGE BODY jl_globe_util_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: jlgutilb.pls 120.4 2010/11/02 10:02:57 mbarrett noship $ */
4    l_line           VARCHAR2 (1999);
5    pg_debug_level   NUMBER;
7    -- procedure to retrieve transaction reason code for PO
8    PROCEDURE populate_po_trx_reason_code (
9       p_level_id   IN   NUMBER,
10       p_org_id          NUMBER
11    )
12    IS
13       l_inv_org_id        NUMBER;
14       l_item_id           NUMBER;
15       l_trx_reason_code   VARCHAR2 (80);
16    BEGIN
17       DEBUG ('Begin populate_trx_reason_code');
19       BEGIN
20          SELECT pol.item_id
21            INTO l_item_id
22            FROM po_lines_all pol
23           WHERE pol.po_line_id = p_level_id;
24       EXCEPTION
25          WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
26          THEN
27             NULL;
28       END;
30       DEBUG ('Item Id: ' || '**' || l_item_id || '**');
32       IF l_item_id IS NOT NULL
33       THEN
34          BEGIN
35             SELECT global_attribute2
36               INTO l_trx_reason_code
37               FROM mtl_system_items mtl
38              WHERE mtl.organization_id = (SELECT inventory_organization_id
39                                             FROM financials_system_parameters
40                                            WHERE org_id = p_org_id)
41                AND mtl.inventory_item_id = l_item_id
42                AND ROWNUM = 1;
43          EXCEPTION
44             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
45             THEN
46                NULL;
47          END;
48       ELSE
49          BEGIN
50             SELECT global_attribute1
51               INTO l_trx_reason_code
52               FROM po_system_parameters
53              WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
54          EXCEPTION
55             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
56             THEN
57                NULL;
58          END;
59       END IF;
61       DEBUG ('Transaction Reason Code: ' || '**' || l_trx_reason_code || '**');
63       BEGIN
64          UPDATE po_lines_all
65             SET transaction_reason_code = l_trx_reason_code
66           WHERE po_line_id = p_level_id;
67       END;
69       DEBUG ('End  populate_trx_reason_code');
70    END populate_po_trx_reason_code;
72    -- function to retrieve transaction reason code for Requisitions
73    FUNCTION populate_icx_trx_reason_code (
74       p_org_id              IN   NUMBER,
75       p_item_id             IN   NUMBER,
76       p_deliver_to_org_id   IN   NUMBER
77    )
79    IS
80       -- Bug 10226487 Start
81       l_txn_reason_code       VARCHAR2 (80);
82       -- Bug 10226487 End;
83       l_country_code          VARCHAR2 (10);
84       l_org_id                NUMBER;
85       l_trx_reason_def_rule   VARCHAR2 (80);
86       l_def_from_org_id       NUMBER;
87    BEGIN
88       DEBUG ('Entered populate_icx_trx_reason_code');
89       DEBUG (p_org_id);
90       DEBUG (p_item_id);
91       DEBUG (p_deliver_to_org_id);
92       DEBUG (l_txn_reason_code);
94       --
95       -- get transaction reason code from mtl system items if
96       -- item is known.
97       -- Determine which organization to use from po system parameters
98       -- and then fetch transaction reason accordingly.
99       --
100       IF p_item_id IS NOT NULL
101       THEN
102          SELECT global_attribute3
103            INTO l_trx_reason_def_rule
104            FROM po_system_parameters_all
105           WHERE org_id = p_org_id;
107          IF NVL (l_trx_reason_def_rule, 'MASTER INVENTORY ORGANIZATION') =
108                                                       'INVENTORY ORGANIZATION'
109          THEN
110             l_def_from_org_id := p_deliver_to_org_id;
112             SELECT global_attribute2
113               INTO l_txn_reason_code
114               FROM mtl_system_items mtl
115              WHERE mtl.organization_id = l_def_from_org_id
116                AND mtl.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
117                AND ROWNUM = 1;
119             --
120             -- try to get trx reason code based on
121             -- validation organization id
122             --
123             IF l_txn_reason_code IS NULL
124             THEN
125                SELECT inventory_organization_id
126                  INTO l_def_from_org_id
127                  FROM financials_system_parameters
128                 WHERE org_id = p_org_id;
130                SELECT global_attribute2
131                  INTO l_txn_reason_code
132                  FROM mtl_system_items mtl
133                 WHERE mtl.organization_id = l_def_from_org_id
134                   AND mtl.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
135                   AND ROWNUM = 1;
137                IF l_txn_reason_code IS NOT NULL
138                THEN
139                   --
140                   -- return if trx reason code is found at validation organization id
141                   --
142                   RETURN l_txn_reason_code;
143                END IF;
144             END IF;
145          ELSIF NVL (l_trx_reason_def_rule, 'MASTER INVENTORY ORGANIZATION') =
146                                                'MASTER INVENTORY ORGANIZATION'
147          THEN
148             SELECT inventory_organization_id
149               INTO l_def_from_org_id
150               FROM financials_system_parameters
151              WHERE org_id = p_org_id;
153             SELECT global_attribute2
154               INTO l_txn_reason_code
155               FROM mtl_system_items mtl
156              WHERE mtl.organization_id = l_def_from_org_id
157                AND mtl.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
158                AND ROWNUM = 1;
160             IF l_txn_reason_code IS NOT NULL
161             THEN
162                --
163                -- return if trx reason code is found at Master org
164                --
165                RETURN l_txn_reason_code;
166             END IF;
167          END IF;
168       END IF;
170       -- get here then 1 of the following is true
171        -- p_item_id is NULL or
172        -- p_item_id is not NULL but trx reason code is
173        -- not available for Local/Master org
174        -- need to get trx reason code from
175        -- PO system parameters
176        --
177       SELECT global_attribute1
178         INTO l_txn_reason_code
179         FROM po_system_parameters_all
180        WHERE org_id = p_org_id;
182       RETURN l_txn_reason_code;
183       DEBUG ('End populate_icx_trx_reason_code');
185       WHEN OTHERS
186       THEN
187          DEBUG ('Error Code' || SQLCODE);
188          DEBUG ('Error Message' || SQLERRM);
189       -- Bug 10226487 Start
190          RETURN NULL;
191       -- Bug 10226487 End
192    END populate_icx_trx_reason_code;
194      /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*
195    |Public Procedure                                                       |
196    |      debug        Write the text message  in log file                 |
197    |                   if the debug is set "Yes".                          |
198    | Description       This procedure will generate the standard debug     |
199    |                   information in to the log file.User can open the    |
200    |                   log file <user name.log> at specified location.     |
201    |                                                                       |
202    | Requires                                                              |
203    |      p_line       The line of debug messages that will be writen      |
204    |                   in the log file.                                    |
205    | Exception Raised                                                      |
206    |                                                                       |
207    | Known Bugs                                                            |
208    |                                                                       |
209    | Notes                                                                 |
210    |                                                                       |
211    | History                                                               |
212    |                                                                       |
213    *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
215    IS
216       p_module_name                 VARCHAR2 (50);
217       g_log_statement_level         NUMBER;
218       g_current_runtime_level       NUMBER;
219       g_level_event        CONSTANT NUMBER        := fnd_log.level_event;
220       g_level_exception    CONSTANT NUMBER        := fnd_log.level_exception;
221       g_level_unexpected   CONSTANT NUMBER        := fnd_log.level_unexpected;
222    BEGIN
223       p_module_name := 'JG: Globe Util';
224       g_log_statement_level := fnd_log.level_statement;
225       pg_debug_level := fnd_log.level_procedure;
226       g_current_runtime_level := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
228       IF (g_log_statement_level >= g_current_runtime_level)
229       THEN
230          IF LENGTHB (p_line) > 1999
231          THEN
232             l_line := SUBSTRB (p_line, 1, 1999);
233          ELSE
234             l_line := p_line;
235          END IF;
237          fnd_log.STRING (log_level      => g_log_statement_level,
238                          module         => p_module_name,
239                          MESSAGE        => l_line
240                         );
241       END IF;
243       WHEN OTHERS
244       THEN
245          IF (g_level_unexpected >= g_current_runtime_level)
246          THEN
247             fnd_log.STRING
248                   (log_level      => fnd_log.level_unexpected,
249                    module         => p_module_name,
250                    MESSAGE        => 'Unexpected Error When Logging Debug Messages.'
251                   );
252          END IF;
253    END DEBUG;
254 END;