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1 package body jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules_pkg as
2 /* $Header: jgzzvarb.pls 120.4.12010000.2 2009/06/17 05:14:14 vkejriwa ship $*/
3 /* CHANGE HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 DATE            AUTHOR       VERSION       BUG NO.         DESCRIPTION
5 (DD/MM/YYYY)    (UID)
6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 23/6/2006       BRATHOD      120.2         5166688         Modified the signature of INSERT_ROW procedure in
9                                                            to return rowid to caller of API by adding out
10                                                            parameter in the call. Refer bug# 5166688 for details
11 24/07/2006      BRATHOD      120.3                         Bug:5408280
12                                                            Modified the package to upateke the impact due to
13                                                            addition of new sign flag columns and removal of
14                                                            SIGN_FLAG column
15 15/09/2006      RJREDDY      120.4         5532038         Removed the taxable_box_recoverable and taxable_rec_sign_flag
16                                                            field from all the procedures
17 17/06/2009      VKEJRIWA 120.4.12000000.2  8587516         Added the taxable_box_recoverable and taxable_rec_sign_flag
18                                                            field to all the procedures
19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20   procedure insert_row
21                 (   x_record                          jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype
22                   , x_allocation_rule_id  out nocopy  jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules.allocation_rule_id%type
23                   , x_row_id              out nocopy  rowid
24                 )
25   is
27     cursor  c_gen_alloc_rule_id
28     is
29     select  jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules_s.nextval
30     from    dual;
32   begin
34     if x_record.allocation_rule_id is null then
35       /*  Generate a new allocation_rule_id if not provied in procedure arguments */
36       open  c_gen_alloc_rule_id;
37       fetch c_gen_alloc_rule_id into x_allocation_rule_id;
38       close c_gen_alloc_rule_id;
39     else
40       /* Use the allocation_rule_id given in the procedure arguments */
41       x_allocation_rule_id := x_record.allocation_rule_id;
42     end if;
44     insert into jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
45                 (  allocation_rule_id
46                 ,  vat_reporting_entity_id
47                 ,  source
48                 ,  financial_document_type
49                 ,  vat_transaction_type
50                 ,  tax_id
51                 ,  tax_code
52                 ,  tax_status
53                 ,  tax_jurisdiction_code
54                 ,  tax_rate_code
55                 ,  tax_rate_id
56                 ,  tax_box_recoverable
57                 ,  tax_box_non_recoverable
58                 ,  taxable_box_recoverable
59                 ,  taxable_box_non_recoverable
60                 ,  total_box
61                 ,  effective_from_date
62                 ,  effective_to_date
63                 ,  period_type
64                 ,  created_by
65                 ,  creation_date
66                 ,  last_updated_by
67                 ,  last_update_date
68                 ,  last_update_login
69                 ,  tax_rec_sign_flag
70                 ,  tax_non_rec_sign_flag
71                 ,  taxable_rec_sign_flag
72                 ,  taxable_non_rec_sign_flag
76                 )
77     values      (  x_allocation_rule_id
78                 ,  x_record.vat_reporting_entity_id
79                 ,  x_record.source
80                 ,  x_record.financial_document_type
81                 ,  x_record.vat_transaction_type
82                 ,  x_record.tax_id
83                 ,  x_record.tax_code
84                 ,  x_record.tax_status
85                 ,  x_record.tax_jurisdiction_code
86                 ,  x_record.tax_rate_code
87                 ,  x_record.tax_rate_id
88                 ,  x_record.tax_box_recoverable
89                 ,  x_record.tax_box_non_recoverable
90                 ,  x_record.taxable_box_recoverable
91                 ,  x_record.taxable_box_non_recoverable
92                 ,  x_record.total_box
93                 ,  x_record.effective_from_date
94                 ,  x_record.effective_to_date
95                 ,  x_record.period_type
96                 ,  x_record.created_by
97                 ,  x_record.creation_date
98                 ,  x_record.last_updated_by
99                 ,  x_record.last_update_date
100                 ,  x_record.last_update_login
101                 ,  x_record.tax_rec_sign_flag
102                 ,  x_record.tax_non_rec_sign_flag
103                 ,  x_record.taxable_rec_sign_flag
104                 ,  x_record.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag
106                 )returning rowid into x_row_id;
107   exception
108   when others then
109     x_allocation_rule_id := null;
110     x_row_id := null;
111     raise;
112   end insert_row;
114 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
116   procedure lock_row
117                 (   x_row_id   rowid
118                   , x_record   jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype
119                 )
120   is
122     cursor  c_locked_row is
123     select  jzvar.*
124     from    jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules jzvar
125     where   rowid = x_row_id
126     for update nowait;
128     lr_locked_row   jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype;
130   begin
132     open c_locked_row;
133     fetch c_locked_row into lr_locked_row;
135     if (c_locked_row%notfound) then
136       close c_locked_row;
137       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
138       app_exception.raise_exception;
139     end if;
141     close c_locked_row;
143     if (    lr_locked_row.allocation_rule_id        = x_record.allocation_rule_id
144        and  lr_locked_row.vat_reporting_entity_id   = x_record.vat_reporting_entity_id
145        and  lr_locked_row.source                    = x_record.source
146        and  lr_locked_row.financial_document_type   = x_record.financial_document_type
147        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.vat_transaction_type,'X$') = nvl(x_record.vat_transaction_type, 'X$')
148        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_id,-9999)               = nvl(x_record.tax_id,-99999)
149        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_status,'X$')      = nvl(x_record.tax_status,'X$')
150        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_jurisdiction_code,'X$') = nvl(x_record.tax_jurisdiction_code,'X$')
151        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_rate_code, 'X$')  = nvl(x_record.tax_rate_code, 'X$')
152        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_rate_id,'-9999')  = nvl(x_record.tax_rate_id,'-9999')
153        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_box_recoverable,'X$')     = nvl(x_record.tax_box_recoverable, 'X$')
154        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_box_non_recoverable,'X$') = nvl(x_record.tax_box_non_recoverable, 'X$')
155        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.taxable_box_recoverable,'X$') = nvl(x_record.taxable_box_recoverable, 'X$')
156        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.taxable_box_non_recoverable,'X$') = nvl(x_record.taxable_box_non_recoverable, 'X$')
157        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.total_box,'X$')       = nvl(x_record.total_box,'X$')
158        and  lr_locked_row.effective_from_date       = x_record.effective_from_date
159        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.effective_to_date,sysdate) = nvl(x_record.effective_to_date, sysdate)
160        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.period_type,'X$')     = nvl(x_record.period_type,'X$')
161        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_rec_sign_flag,'+') = nvl(x_record.tax_rec_sign_flag,'+')
162        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.tax_non_rec_sign_flag,'+') = nvl(x_record.tax_non_rec_sign_flag,'+')
163        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.taxable_rec_sign_flag,'+') = nvl(x_record.taxable_rec_sign_flag,'+')
164        and  nvl(lr_locked_row.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag,'+') = nvl(x_record.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag,'+')
165        )
166     then
167       return;
168     else
169       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
170       app_exception.raise_exception;
171     end if;
172   end lock_row;
174 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
176   procedure update_row( x_record             jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules%rowtype
177                       )
178   is
179     le_no_rows_updated  exception;
180     lx_row_id           rowid;
182   begin
184     update jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
185     set    vat_reporting_entity_id              = x_record.vat_reporting_entity_id
186         ,  source                               = x_record.source
187         ,  financial_document_type              = x_record.financial_document_type
188         ,  vat_transaction_type                 = x_record.vat_transaction_type
189         ,  tax_id                               = x_record.tax_id
190         ,  tax_code                             = x_record.tax_code
191         ,  tax_status                           = x_record.tax_status
192         ,  tax_jurisdiction_code                = x_record.tax_jurisdiction_code
193         ,  tax_rate_code                        = x_record.tax_rate_code
194         ,  tax_rate_id                          = x_record.tax_rate_id
195         ,  tax_box_recoverable                  = x_record.tax_box_recoverable
196         ,  tax_box_non_recoverable              = x_record.tax_box_non_recoverable
197         ,  taxable_box_recoverable              = x_record.taxable_box_recoverable
198         ,  taxable_box_non_recoverable          = x_record.taxable_box_non_recoverable
199         ,  total_box                            = x_record.total_box
200         ,  effective_from_date                  = x_record.effective_from_date
201         ,  effective_to_date                    = x_record.effective_to_date
202         ,  period_type                          = x_record.period_type
203         ,  created_by                           = x_record.created_by
204         ,  creation_date                        = x_record.creation_date
205         ,  last_updated_by                      = x_record.last_updated_by
206         ,  last_update_date                     = x_record.last_update_date
207         ,  last_update_login                    = x_record.last_update_login
208         ,  tax_rec_sign_flag                    = x_record.tax_rec_sign_flag
209         ,  tax_non_rec_sign_flag                = x_record.tax_non_rec_sign_flag
210         ,  taxable_rec_sign_flag                = x_record.taxable_rec_sign_flag
211         ,  taxable_non_rec_sign_flag            = x_record.taxable_non_rec_sign_flag
212     where allocation_rule_id                    = x_record.allocation_rule_id;
214   end update_row;
216 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
218   procedure delete_row(  x_allocation_rule_id   jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules.allocation_rule_id%type)
219   is
220     le_no_rows_deleted  exception;
221   begin
223     delete from jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules
224     where       allocation_rule_id = x_allocation_rule_id ;
226   end delete_row;
228 end jg_zz_vat_alloc_rules_pkg;