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Line 692: from csd_repairs

688: -- try to get the instance from the repair order.
689: begin
690: select instance_id
691: into bk_rcv_rec.instance_id
692: from csd_repairs
693: where repair_line_id = bk_rcv_rec.repair_line_id;
694: exception
695: when no_data_found then
696: null;

Line 1055: from csd_repairs

1051: -- try to get the instance from the repair order.
1052: begin
1053: select instance_id
1054: into bk_rcv_rec.instance_id
1055: from csd_repairs
1056: where repair_line_id = bk_rcv_rec.repair_line_id;
1057: exception
1058: when no_data_found then
1059: null;