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1 package body FND_LOAD_UTIL as
2 /* $Header: AFLDUTLB.pls 120.11 2011/06/20 22:20:12 smadhapp ship $ */
5 --
7 --   Return owner tag to be used in FNDLOAD data file
8 -- IN
9 --   p_id - user_id of last_updated_by column
11 --   OWNER attribute value for FNDLOAD data file
12 --
13 function OWNER_NAME(
14   p_id in number)
15 return varchar2 is
16   l_owner_name varchar2(100);
17   l_release_name varchar2(50);
18 begin
19   -- Look for profile over-ride for internal seed env
20   l_owner_name := fnd_profile.value('FNDLOAD_OWNER');
21   if (l_owner_name is not null) then
22      return l_owner_name;
23   end if;
25   if (p_id in (0, 1, 2) or ((p_id >=120) and (p_id<=129))) then
26    begin
27     -- Seed data, old or new
28     -- get release name of source seed database
29     select RELEASE_NAME
30     into l_release_name
33     if ( l_release_name like '12.%.%') then
34     	-- embody OWNER with RELEASE_NAME info only for R12 release
35     	l_owner_name := 'ORACLE' || l_release_name;
36     else
37     	-- old fashion to back support 11i development
38     	l_owner_name := 'ORACLE';
39     end if;
41     exception
42       when no_data_found then
43       	-- if FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS is not seeded, back to 11i old fashion
44       	l_owner_name := 'ORACLE';
45    end;
46   else
47    begin
48     -- User customized data
49     select user_name
50      into l_owner_name
51      from fnd_user
52     where user_id = p_id;
54     exception
55      when no_data_found then
56         l_owner_name := 'USER';
57    end;
58   end if;
60   return l_owner_name;
61 end OWNER_NAME;
63 --
64 -- OWNER_ID
65 --   Return the user_id of the OWNER attribute
66 -- IN
67 --   p_name - OWNER attribute value from FNDLOAD data file
69 --   user_id of owner to use in who columns
70 --
71 function OWNER_ID(
72   p_name in varchar2)
73 return number is
74 l_user_id number;
75 begin
76   if (p_name in ('SEED','CUSTOM')) then
77     -- Old loader seed data
78     return 1;
79   elsif (p_name = 'ORACLE') then
80     -- New loader seed data
81     return 2;
82   elsif (p_name like 'ORACLE12._.%') then
83     return 120+to_number(substr(p_name,10,1));
84   else
85    begin
86     -- User customized data
87     select user_id
88      into l_user_id
89      from fnd_user
90     where p_name = user_name;
91      return l_user_id;
92     exception
93      when no_data_found then
94         return -1;
95    end;
96   end if;
97 end OWNER_ID;
99 --
101 --   Test whether or not to over-write database row when uploading
102 --   data from FNDLOAD data file, based on owner attributes of both
103 --   database row and row in file being uploaded.
104 -- IN
105 --   p_file_id - FND_LOAD_UTIL.OWNER_ID(<OWNER attribute from data file>)
106 --   p_file_lud - LAST_UPDATE_DATE attribute from data file
107 --   p_db_id - LAST_UPDATED_BY of db row
108 --   p_db_lud - LAST_UPDATE_DATE of db row
109 --   p_custom_mode - CUSTOM_MODE FNDLOAD parameter value
110 -- RETURNS
111 --   TRUE if safe to over-write.
112 --
113 function UPLOAD_TEST(
114   p_file_id     in number,
115   p_file_lud    in date,
116   p_db_id       in number,
117   p_db_lud      in date,
118   p_custom_mode in varchar2)
119 return boolean is
120   l_db_id number;
121   l_file_id number;
122   l_original_seed_data_window date;
123   retcode boolean;
124 begin
125   -- CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE trumps all.
126   if (p_custom_mode = 'FORCE') then
127     retcode := TRUE;
128     return retcode;
129   end if;
131   -- CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE_SEED bug12675934 to overwrite only seed data.
132   if ((p_custom_mode='FORCE_SEED') and (p_db_id in (0,1,2,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129))) then
133     return TRUE;
134   end if;
136   -- Handle cases where data was previously up/downloaded with
137   -- 'SEED'/1 owner instead of 'ORACLE'/2, but DOES have a version
138   -- date.  These rows can be distinguished by the lud timestamp;
139   -- Rows without versions were uploaded with sysdate, rows with
140   -- versions were uploaded with a date (with time truncated) from
141   -- the file.
143   -- Check file row for SEED/version
144   l_file_id := p_file_id;
145   if ((l_file_id in (0,1)) and (p_file_lud = trunc(p_file_lud)) and
146       (p_file_lud < sysdate - .1)) then
147     l_file_id := 2;
148   end if;
150   -- Check db row for SEED/version.
151   -- NOTE: if db ludate < seed_data_window, then consider this to be
152   -- original seed data, never touched by FNDLOAD, even if it doesn't
153   -- have a timestamp.
154   l_db_id := p_db_id;
155   l_original_seed_data_window := to_date('01/01/1990','MM/DD/YYYY');
156   if ((l_db_id in (0,1)) and (p_db_lud = trunc(p_db_lud)) and
157       (p_db_lud > l_original_seed_data_window)) then
158     l_db_id := 2;
159   end if;
162 if (NLS_MODE) then
163   if (l_file_id in (0,1)) then
164     -- File owner is old FNDLOAD.
165     if (l_db_id in (0,1)) then
166       -- DB owner is also old FNDLOAD.
167       -- Over-write, but only if file ludate >= db ludate.
168       if (p_file_lud >= p_db_lud) then
169         retcode := TRUE;
170       else
171         retcode := FALSE;
172       end if;
173     else
174       retcode := FALSE;
175     end if;
176   elsif (l_file_id = 2) then
177     -- File owner is new FNDLOAD.  Over-write if:
178     -- 1. Db owner is old FNDLOAD, or
179     -- 2. Db owner is new FNDLOAD, and file date >= db date
180     if ((l_db_id in (0,1)) or
181 	((l_db_id = 2) and (p_file_lud >= p_db_lud))) then
182       retcode :=  TRUE;
183     else
184       retcode := FALSE;
185     end if;
186  elsif ((l_file_id >= 120)  and (l_file_id<=129)) then
187     -- File owner is R12 seed data, Over-write if:
188     -- 1. Db owner is (0, 1, 2,120..129) and l_db_id<l_file_id, or
189     -- 2. Db owner is file owner, and file date >= db date
190     if (
191         ((l_db_id in (0,1,2) or ((l_db_id>=120) and (l_db_id<=129))) and (l_db_id<l_file_id)) or
192         ((l_db_id = l_file_id) and (p_file_lud >= p_db_lud))
193        ) then
194       retcode :=  TRUE;
195     else
196       retcode := FALSE;
197     end if;
200   else
201     -- File owner is USER.  Over-write if:
202     -- 1. Db owner is old or new FNDLOAD, or
203     -- 2. File date >= db date
204     if ((l_db_id in (0,1,2,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129)) or
205 	(trunc(p_file_lud) >= trunc(p_db_lud))) then
206       retcode := TRUE;
207     else
208       retcode := FALSE;
209     end if;
210   end if;
211 else
212   if (l_file_id in (0,1)) then
213     -- File owner is old FNDLOAD.
214     if (l_db_id in (0,1)) then
215       -- DB owner is also old FNDLOAD.
216       -- Over-write, but only if file ludate > db ludate.
217       if (p_file_lud > p_db_lud) then
218         retcode := TRUE;
219       else
220         retcode := FALSE;
221       end if;
222     else
223       retcode := FALSE;
224     end if;
225   elsif (l_file_id = 2) then
226     -- File owner is new FNDLOAD.  Over-write if:
227     -- 1. Db owner is old FNDLOAD, or
228     -- 2. Db owner is new FNDLOAD, and file date > db date
229     if ((l_db_id in (0,1)) or
230         ((l_db_id = 2) and (p_file_lud > p_db_lud))) then
231       retcode :=  TRUE;
232     else
233       retcode := FALSE;
234     end if;
235  elsif ((l_file_id >= 120) and (l_file_id <= 129)) then
236     -- File owner is R12 seed data, Over-write if:
237     -- 1. Db owner is (0,1), or
238     -- 2. Db owner is 2 and p_file_lud != p_db_lud, or
239     -- 2. Db owner is 120 and file date > db date
240     if ((l_db_id in (0,1)) or
241         ((l_db_id in ( 2,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129) and (l_db_id < l_file_id)) and (p_file_lud <> p_db_lud)) or
242         ((l_db_id = l_file_id) and (p_file_lud > p_db_lud))) then
243       retcode :=  TRUE;
244     else
245       retcode := FALSE;
246     end if;
249   else
250     -- File owner is USER.  Over-write if:
251     -- 1. Db owner is old or new FNDLOAD, or
252     -- 2. File date > db date
253     if ((l_db_id in (0,1,2,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129)) or
254         (trunc(p_file_lud) > trunc(p_db_lud))) then
255       retcode := TRUE;
256     else
257       retcode := FALSE;
258     end if;
259   end if;
261 end if;
264   if (NLS_MODE) then
265     if (retcode = FALSE) then
266       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FNDLOAD_CUSTOMIZED');
267     end if;
268   else
269     if (retcode = FALSE) then
270       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FNDLOAD_CUSTOMIZED_US');
271     end if;
272   end if;
274   return retcode;
275 end UPLOAD_TEST;
277 -- Bug 2438503 Routine to return NULL value.
279 function NULL_VALUE
280  return varchar2 is
281 begin
282    return '*NULL*';
283 end NULL_VALUE;
285 procedure SET_NLS_MODE is
286 begin
288 end SET_NLS_MODE;
290 end FND_LOAD_UTIL;