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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

g_update_object_version varchar2(30) := 'update_object_version';
Line: 45

  cursor csr_person is select person_id from per_all_people_f where person_id = PersonId;
Line: 48

  select trs.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
    where  trs.transaction_id = hr_transaction_ss.get_transaction_id
                        (WfItemType  ,WfItemKey )
    and    trs.api_name ='HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API';
Line: 56

	select status from hr_api_transactions hrt
	where hrt.transaction_id = hr_transaction_ss.get_transaction_id(WfItemType  ,WfItemKey);
Line: 102

/* Replaced commit_transaction with process_selected_transaction, commit transaction will
   call all the steps for a given item key. However we need only person and address apis

--ignore the emp number generation for newhire flow
hr_new_user_reg_ss.g_ignore_emp_generation := 'YES';
Line: 132

   select 1 into l_session_c from fnd_sessions where session_id=userenv('sessionid');
Line: 135

     insert into fnd_sessions(session_id,effective_date) values(userenv('sessionid'),l_effective_date);
Line: 138

(p_item_type => WfItemType,
 p_item_key => WfItemKey);
Line: 166

procedure process_selected_transaction
  (p_item_type           in varchar2
  ,p_item_key            in varchar2
  ,p_ignore_warnings     in varchar2 default 'Y'
  ,p_validate            in boolean default false
  ,p_update_object_version in varchar2 default 'N'
  ,p_effective_date      in varchar2 default null
  ,p_api_name            in varchar2 default null
  ,p_source              in varchar2 default null) is
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- declare local variables
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  l_transaction_id      hr_api_transactions.transaction_id%type;
Line: 189

    select trs.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
    where  trs.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
    and    trs.api_name in ('HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API',
    order by trs.processing_order,trs.transaction_step_id;
Line: 205

    select trs.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
    where  trs.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
    and    trs.api_name = p_api_name
    order by trs.processing_order;
Line: 309

      if p_update_object_version = 'Y' then
        -- update object version for each step
        l_obj_api_name := substr(i.api_name,1, instr(i.api_name,'.'));
Line: 312

        l_obj_api_name := l_obj_api_name || g_update_object_version;
Line: 421

end process_selected_transaction;
Line: 433

  cursor csr_person is select person_id,person_type_id from per_all_people_f where person_id = l_person_id
Line: 466

	  select max(object_version_number) into l_object_version_number from per_all_people_f
	  where person_id = l_person_id
	    and l_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date; --Added the condition as a part of bug#13739532
Line: 501

		(p_item_type => WfItemType,
 		p_item_key => WfItemKey,
    p_source => p_source);
Line: 532

select fs.id_flex_structure_code people_grp_f_struct_code
from hr_organization_information oi,
     fnd_id_flex_structures fs
where   oi.organization_id = bg_id
and     oi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
and     oi.org_information5 = fs.id_flex_num(+)
and     fs.id_flex_code(+) = 'GRP'
and     fs.application_id(+) = 801;
Line: 542

  select trs.transaction_step_id
    from   hr_api_transaction_steps trs
    where  trs.transaction_id = hr_transaction_ss.get_transaction_id
                        (WfItemType  ,WfItemKey )
    and    trs.api_name ='HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API';