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2 /* $Header: csdvwjbs.pls 120.6.12020000.3 2013/04/10 01:04:00 takwong ship $ */
3 -- Start of Comments
4 -- Package name     : CSD_WIP_JOB_PVT
5 -- Purpose          : This package submits and creates WIP jobs using WIP Mass Load.
6 --			    Submit_Jobs is the API which uses various helper procedures to
7 --                    Submit WIP Mass Load, waits for it to complete successfully, then
8 --                    calls WIP_UPDATE API to update CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the
9 --			    newly created wip_entitity_id values.
10 --			    Besides these procedure, this package has a helper function
11 --			    is_dmf_patchset_level_j which is used by the client application
12 --			    to check if the discrete manufacturing patchset level is at 'j' or
13 --			    beyond. Based on this, the client application decides how to call
14 --			    the WIP completion form.
15 --
16 -- History          : 08/20/2003, Created by Shiv Ragunathan
17 -- History          :
18 -- History          :
19 -- NOTE             :
20 -- End of Comments
23 -- Record Type for job header information
26 JOB_PREFIX                                         VARCHAR2(80),
27 ORGANIZATION_ID                                    NUMBER,
28 STATUS_type                                        NUMBER,
29 SCHEDULED_START_DATE                               DATE,
30 SCHEDULED_END_DATE                                 DATE,
31 INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                                  NUMBER,
32 CLASS_CODE                                         VARCHAR2(10),
33 QUANTITY                                           NUMBER,
34 -- rfieldma, project integration, new parameters project_id, task_id, unit_number
35 PROJECT_ID								 NUMBER := null, --CSD_PROCESS_UTIL.G_MISS_NUM,        -- rfieldma, default?
36 TASK_ID									 NUMBER := null, --CSD_PROCESS_UTIL.G_MISS_NUM,        -- rfieldma, default?
37 UNIT_NUMBER								 VARCHAR2(30) := null --CSD_PROCESS_UTIL.G_MISS_CHAR  -- rfieldma, default?
38 );
41 -- Record Type for bills and routings information. This also has
42 -- source_type and source information
45 routing_reference_id                               NUMBER,
46 bom_reference_id                                   NUMBER,
47 alternate_routing_designator                       VARCHAR2(10),
48 alternate_bom_designator                           VARCHAR2(10),
49 COMPLETION_SUBINVENTORY                            VARCHAR2(10),
50 COMPLETION_LOCATOR_ID                              NUMBER,
51 JOB_NAME                                           VARCHAR2(240),
52 source_type_code                                   VARCHAR2(30),
53 source_id1                                         NUMBER,
54 ro_service_code_id                                 NUMBER,
55 group_id                                           NUMBER := NULL
56 );
59 -- Table Type corresponding to JOB_BILL_ROUTING_REC_TYPE
63 --12.1 create job from repair estimate tab, subhat.
64 -- Record type for having the UI details from the estimates tab. This also consists project --integration information
67 	repair_line_id			     NUMBER,
68 	inventory_item_id             NUMBER,
69 	repair_quantity			NUMBER,
70 	project_id				NUMBER,
71 	task_id					NUMBER,
72     --bug#6930575,subhat
73     --unit_number                  NUMBER
74 	unit_number			     VARCHAR2(30)
75 	);
77 TYPE job_header_tbl IS TABLE OF wip_job_schedule_interface%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
78 -- API
80 --
81 -- Purpose
82 --    This API creates WIP Jobs by submitting the passed in Job information to
83 --    WIP Mass Load and updates CSD tables with the newly created jobs information.
84 --    It achieves this by calling helper procedures.
85 --
86 -- 	This API inserts Job header, Bills and Routing information passed in into
87 --    WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table by calling procedure insert_job_header.
88 --
89 --    If job name is not passed in, then it is generated here by appending a
90 --    sequence generated number to the job_name_prefix passed in.
91 --    If job name is passed in, it is validated to make sure that it is unique
92 --    for the specified organization.
93 --
94 -- 	This API then submits the concurrent request for concurrent
95 --    program 'Depot Repair WIP Job Submission', which submits WIP Mass Load,
96 --    waits for it to complete and then runs the WIP Update program to update WIP
97 --    information in CSD tables.
98 --
99 -- 	If no routings or bills are passed in, jobs are submitted to WIP Mass Load based
100 -- 	on the header information to create jobs with no operations, material requirements
101 -- 	or resource requirements.
102 --
103 -- Arguments
104 --  p_repair_line_id - 	  	  Repair Line Id of the repair order for which the jobs are being created.
105 --					  WIP Update program is run for the specified repair order.
106 --                      	  If jobs are being submitted for more than one repair order, then this is
107 --                              passed in as null and the WIP Update program is run for all the eligible
108 --				        repair orders.
109 --  p_job_header_rec - 	  	  Job header Information record. This is the same for all the jobs being created.
110 --  p_x_job_bill_routing_tbl -  Table of Bill and Routing information records. Each record results in a
111 --					  new job. If a record here has a not null Job Name specified, then the job name
112 --					  specified here is used, instead of generating it. This is done only when one job
113 --					  is being submitted and the profile option 'Use CSD as Job Prefix' is set to 'N'.
114 --					  This is a IN OUT parameter as the generated Job names are passed back to the
115 --					  calling program in this table.
116 --  x_group_id -			  Group_id used for the WIP Mass Load concurrent request submission. This is returned
117 --					  to the calling program.
118 --  x_request_id -              Concurrent Request id of the concurrent request submitted for concurrent program
119 --					  'Depot Repair WIP Job Submission'. This is passed back to the calling program.
120 --
121 --   Note, p_commit is not specified as a parameter to this API, as for successful submission of a concurrent
122 --   request, a commit is required always, so this API always commits. For the same reason, this API is
123 --   declared as an AUTONOMOUS Transaction. For a AUTONOMOUS Transaction, we cannot rollback to a specified
124 --   SAVEPOINT, hence SAVEPOINT is not specified.
126 PROCEDURE submit_jobs
127 (
128     	p_api_version                       IN     		NUMBER,
129     	p_init_msg_list                     IN     		VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
130     	p_validation_level                  IN     		NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
131     	x_return_status		          	OUT  	NOCOPY  	VARCHAR2,
132     	x_msg_count		                	OUT 	NOCOPY   	NUMBER,
133     	x_msg_data		                	OUT 	NOCOPY   	VARCHAR2,
134     	p_repair_line_id                    IN 			NUMBER,
135     	p_job_header_rec                    IN 			job_header_rec_type,
136     	p_x_job_bill_routing_tbl	    	IN OUT NOCOPY	job_bill_routing_tbl_type,
137     	x_group_id                          OUT  	NOCOPY  	NUMBER,
138     	x_request_id                  	OUT  	NOCOPY  	NUMBER
139 );
143 -- This is the executable procedure for concurrent program
144 -- 'Depot Repair WIP Job Submission'. This program is submitted from
145 -- submit_jobs API.
146 -- This procedure submits WIP Mass Load, waits for it to complete successfully,
147 -- then calls the WIP_Update API to associate new records
148 -- created in csd_repair_job_xref table with corresponding newly
149 -- created wip_entity_ids.
150 -- This concurrent program is passed in group_id and repair_line_id as
151 -- parameters. If repair_line_id is null, then the WIP Update program is
152 -- run for all the eligible repair orders, otherwise the WIP Update porgram
153 -- is run for the specified repair_line_id.
155 procedure  submit_wip_mass_load_conc
156 (
157     	errbuf              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
158     	retcode             OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
159     	p_group_id          IN              NUMBER,
160     	p_repair_line_id    IN              NUMBER
161 );
164 -- This function checks if the discrete manufacturing patchset level is
165 -- at j or beyond and if so, returns true. For now, this is used from
166 -- Repair Jobs tab, when COMPLETE_JOB button is pressed. If the patchset level
167 -- is at j or beyond, then the new WIP Completion form is called, hence
168 -- new parameters are passed, If not, the old WIP Completion form is called, hence
169 -- the new parameters are not passed. The new parameters are wip_entity_id and
170 -- transaction_quantity which are used to default the WIP job information, when the
171 -- WIP Completion form opens.
173 FUNCTION is_dmf_patchset_level_j RETURN BOOLEAN;
175 -- This procedure creates WIP job, when the create job process is invoked from repair estimate tab.
176 -- the procedure defaults all the required job header information from the profile values.
177 -- This procedure inserts the job information into WIP interface table, and the WIP api picks up from
178 -- interface table to create the job. This is the new feature in 12.1 subhat
180 PROCEDURE create_job_from_estimate(
181     p_api_version_number                    IN           NUMBER,
182     p_init_msg_list                         IN           VARCHAR2 ,
183     p_commit                                IN           VARCHAR2 ,
184     p_validation_level                      IN           NUMBER,
185     x_return_status                         OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
186     x_msg_count                             OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
187     x_msg_data                              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
188     x_job_name                              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
189 	x_wip_entity_id							OUT  NOCOPY	 NUMBER,
191    );
193   -- This procedure creates the material requirements for the job using the material estimate lines.
194   -- the procedure is invoked after a job is successfuly completed. This procedure inturn calls one -- more routine to get the material requirements table type.
195   -- 12.1 Create Job from estimate function subhat.
197  PROCEDURE matrl_reqmnt_from_estms(
198 	p_api_version_number			IN	NUMBER,
199 	p_init_msg_list					IN  VARCHAR2,
200 	p_commit						IN  VARCHAR2,
201 	p_validation_level				IN  NUMBER,
202 	x_return_status					OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
203 	x_msg_count						OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
204 	x_msg_data						OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
205 	x_op_created					OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
206 	p_rep_line_id					IN	NUMBER,
207 	p_wip_entity_id					IN	NUMBER
208 	);
210 -- 12.1.3 changes, subhat.
211 -- Exposing this API. This is for the use of internal depot dev team only. No other use is supported.
212 -- This procedure generates a job name by appending a sequence generated number
213 -- to the passed in Job_Prefix
214 -- It Validates that the generated job name is unique for the specified organization,
215 -- It keeps looping and appending the subsequent sequence generated number, till a
216 -- unique Job name is generated
219 PROCEDURE generate_job_name
220 (
221     	p_job_prefix 	        	IN  		VARCHAR2,
222     	p_organization_id          	IN  		NUMBER,
223     	x_job_name                  OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
224 );
226 --  Mass create jobs functionality for HW and many more customers.
227 -- Returns a table of concatenated job names delimited by ",". It also
228 -- returns the concurrent request id for depot repair create jobs program.
229 -- rest of the paramters are self explanatory. Pass a valid value or null.
230 -- do NOT pass FND_API.G_MISS_* for unknown values.
232 PROCEDURE bulk_submit_jobs(
233     p_api_version           		IN	NUMBER,
234 	p_init_msg_list					IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
235 	p_commit						IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
236     x_return_status		          	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
237     x_msg_count		                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
238     x_msg_data		                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
239     px_job_names                    IN  OUT NOCOPY JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
240     p_repair_line_ids               IN  JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
241     p_inventory_item_ids            IN  JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
242     p_quantities                    IN  JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
243     p_inventory_org_id              IN  NUMBER,
244     p_start_date                    IN  DATE,
245     p_end_date                      IN  DATE,
246     p_accouting_class               IN  VARCHAR2,
247     p_job_type                      IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
248     p_bill_reference_id             IN  NUMBER,
249     p_route_reference_id            IN  NUMBER,
250     p_alternate_bom                 IN  VARCHAR2,
251     p_alternate_route               IN  VARCHAR2,
252     p_service_code_id               IN  NUMBER,
253     p_upgrade_to_item_id            IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
254     p_job_status                    IN  NUMBER,
255     x_request_id                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
256     p_scheduling_priority           IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
257     );
259 --bug#12316893
260 /* Delete_Completed_Wip_Records (interface_id)
261    This procedure deletes records from the WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table
262    that were successfully loaded by the Mass Load Process
263    -WIP_MASSLOAD_PUB.createOneJob.
264  */
265 PROCEDURE Delete_Completed_Wip_Records
266 (
267     	p_interface_id	        	IN  		NUMBER
268 );
269 --bug#12316893