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2 /* $Header: pyappap.pkb 115.3 99/08/24 06:49:02 porting shi $ */
5 PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                        IN OUT VARCHAR2,
6                      X_Accrual_Plan_Id                     IN OUT NUMBER,
7                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
8                      X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id        NUMBER,
9                      X_Pto_Input_Value_Id                  NUMBER,
10                      X_Co_Input_Value_Id                   NUMBER,
11                      X_Residual_Input_Value_Id             NUMBER,
12                      X_Accrual_Category                    VARCHAR2,
13                      X_Accrual_Plan_Name                   VARCHAR2,
14                      X_Accrual_Start                       VARCHAR2,
15                      X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure            VARCHAR2,
16                      X_Ineligible_Period_Length            NUMBER,
17                      X_Ineligible_Period_Type              VARCHAR2
18  ) IS
20              WHERE accrual_plan_id = X_Accrual_Plan_Id;
22     CURSOR C2 IS SELECT pay_accrual_plans_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
25    if (X_Accrual_Plan_Id is NULL) then
26      OPEN C2;
27      FETCH C2 INTO X_Accrual_Plan_Id;
28      CLOSE C2;
29    end if;
31           accrual_plan_id,
32           business_group_id,
33           accrual_plan_element_type_id,
34           pto_input_value_id,
35           co_input_value_id,
36           residual_input_value_id,
37           accrual_category,
38           accrual_plan_name,
39           accrual_start,
40           accrual_units_of_measure,
41           ineligible_period_length,
42           ineligible_period_type
43          ) VALUES (
44           X_Accrual_Plan_Id,
45           X_Business_Group_Id,
46           X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id,
47           X_Pto_Input_Value_Id,
48           X_Co_Input_Value_Id,
49           X_Residual_Input_Value_Id,
50           X_Accrual_Category,
51           X_Accrual_Plan_Name,
52           X_Accrual_Start,
53           X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure,
54           X_Ineligible_Period_Length,
55           X_Ineligible_Period_Type
56   );
58   OPEN C;
59   FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
60   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
61     CLOSE C;
63   end if;
64   CLOSE C;
65 END Insert_Row;
66 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
67                    X_Accrual_Plan_Id                       NUMBER,
68                    X_Business_Group_Id                     NUMBER,
69                    X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id          NUMBER,
70                    X_Pto_Input_Value_Id                    NUMBER,
71                    X_Co_Input_Value_Id                     NUMBER,
72                    X_Residual_Input_Value_Id               NUMBER,
73                    X_Accrual_Category                      VARCHAR2,
74                    X_Accrual_Plan_Name                     VARCHAR2,
75                    X_Accrual_Start                         VARCHAR2,
76                    X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure              VARCHAR2,
77                    X_Ineligible_Period_Length              NUMBER,
78                    X_Ineligible_Period_Type                VARCHAR2
79 ) IS
81       SELECT *
83       WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
84       FOR UPDATE of Accrual_Plan_Id NOWAIT;
85   Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
87   OPEN C;
88   FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
89   if (C%NOTFOUND) then
90     CLOSE C;
92   end if;
93   CLOSE C;
94 -- Added by RMAMGAIN
95 --
96 Recinfo.accrual_category := RTRIM(Recinfo.accrual_category);
97 Recinfo.accrual_plan_name := RTRIM(Recinfo.accrual_plan_name);
98 Recinfo.accrual_start := RTRIM(Recinfo.accrual_start);
99 Recinfo.accrual_units_of_measure := RTRIM(Recinfo.accrual_units_of_measure);
100 Recinfo.ineligible_period_type := RTRIM(Recinfo.ineligible_period_type);
101 --
102 -- END
103   if (
104           (   (Recinfo.accrual_plan_id = X_Accrual_Plan_Id)
105            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_plan_id IS NULL)
106                AND (X_Accrual_Plan_Id IS NULL)))
107       AND (   (Recinfo.business_group_id = X_Business_Group_Id)
108            OR (    (Recinfo.business_group_id IS NULL)
109                AND (X_Business_Group_Id IS NULL)))
110       AND (   (Recinfo.accrual_plan_element_type_id = X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id)
111            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_plan_element_type_id IS NULL)
112                AND (X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id IS NULL)))
113       AND (   (Recinfo.pto_input_value_id = X_Pto_Input_Value_Id)
114            OR (    (Recinfo.pto_input_value_id IS NULL)
115                AND (X_Pto_Input_Value_Id IS NULL)))
116       AND (   (Recinfo.co_input_value_id = X_Co_Input_Value_Id)
117            OR (    (Recinfo.co_input_value_id IS NULL)
118                AND (X_Co_Input_Value_Id IS NULL)))
119       AND (   (Recinfo.residual_input_value_id = X_Residual_Input_Value_Id)
120            OR (    (Recinfo.residual_input_value_id IS NULL)
121                AND (X_Residual_Input_Value_Id IS NULL)))
122       AND (   (Recinfo.accrual_category = X_Accrual_Category)
123            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_category IS NULL)
124                AND (X_Accrual_Category IS NULL)))
125       AND (   (Recinfo.accrual_plan_name = X_Accrual_Plan_Name)
126            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_plan_name IS NULL)
127                AND (X_Accrual_Plan_Name IS NULL)))
128       AND (   (Recinfo.accrual_start = X_Accrual_Start)
129            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_start IS NULL)
130                AND (X_Accrual_Start IS NULL)))
131       AND (   (Recinfo.accrual_units_of_measure = X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure)
132            OR (    (Recinfo.accrual_units_of_measure IS NULL)
133                AND (X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure IS NULL)))
134       AND (   (Recinfo.ineligible_period_length = X_Ineligible_Period_Length)
135            OR (    (Recinfo.ineligible_period_length IS NULL)
136                AND (X_Ineligible_Period_Length IS NULL)))
137       AND (   (Recinfo.ineligible_period_type = X_Ineligible_Period_Type)
138            OR (    (Recinfo.ineligible_period_type IS NULL)
139                AND (X_Ineligible_Period_Type IS NULL)))
140           ) then
141     return;
142   else
145   end if;
146 END Lock_Row;
148 PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
149                      X_Accrual_Plan_Id                     NUMBER,
150                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
151                      X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id        NUMBER,
152                      X_Pto_Input_Value_Id                  NUMBER,
153                      X_Co_Input_Value_Id                   NUMBER,
154                      X_Residual_Input_Value_Id             NUMBER,
155                      X_Accrual_Category                    VARCHAR2,
156                      X_Accrual_Plan_Name                   VARCHAR2,
157                      X_Accrual_Start                       VARCHAR2,
158                      X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure            VARCHAR2,
159                      X_Ineligible_Period_Length            NUMBER,
160                      X_Ineligible_Period_Type              VARCHAR2
161 ) IS
164   SET
165     accrual_plan_id                           =    X_Accrual_Plan_Id,
166     business_group_id                         =    X_Business_Group_Id,
167     accrual_plan_element_type_id              =    X_Accrual_Plan_Element_Type_Id,
168     pto_input_value_id                        =    X_Pto_Input_Value_Id,
169     co_input_value_id                         =    X_Co_Input_Value_Id,
170     residual_input_value_id                   =    X_Residual_Input_Value_Id,
171     accrual_category                          =    X_Accrual_Category,
172     accrual_plan_name                         =    X_Accrual_Plan_Name,
173     accrual_start                             =    X_Accrual_Start,
174     accrual_units_of_measure                  =    X_Accrual_Units_Of_Measure,
175     ineligible_period_length                  =    X_Ineligible_Period_Length,
176     ineligible_period_type                    =    X_Ineligible_Period_Type
177   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
179   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
181   end if;
183 END Update_Row;
185 PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
188   WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
190   if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
192   end if;
193 END Delete_Row;
194 --
195 --
196 --
197 /*
198    ****************************************************************************
199    NAME        chk_plan_name
201    DESCRIPTION validates the plan name - the name must not be duplicated within
202                the accrual plans table; the name must not cause any clashes
203                with the element type names that the plan will create
205    NOTES       none
206    ****************************************************************************
207 */
208 PROCEDURE chk_plan_name(p_plan_name       IN varchar2,
209                         p_accrual_plan_id IN number) IS
210 --
211    l_comb_exists VARCHAR2(2);
212 --
213    CURSOR dup_rec1 IS
214    select 'Y'
215    from   PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS
216    where  upper(ACCRUAL_PLAN_NAME) = upper(p_plan_name)
217    and  ((p_accrual_plan_id is null)
218      or
219          (p_accrual_plan_id is not null
220       and
221           ACCRUAL_PLAN_ID <> p_accrual_plan_id));
222 --
223    CURSOR dup_rec2 IS
224    select 'Y'
225    from   PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F
226    where  upper(ELEMENT_NAME) in
227             (upper(p_plan_name),
228              'RESIDUAL ' || upper(p_plan_name),
229              'CARRIED OVER ' || upper(p_plan_name));
230 --
232 --
233    l_comb_exists := 'N';
234 --
235 -- determine whether the plan name has been duplicated - if a record is found
236 -- then the local variable will be set to 'Y', otherwise it will remain 'N'
237 --
238    OPEN dup_rec1;
239    FETCH dup_rec1 INTO l_comb_exists;
240    CLOSE dup_rec1;
241 --
242 -- go ahead and check the value of the local variable
243 --
244    IF (l_comb_exists = 'Y') THEN
245       hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13163_PTO_DUP_PLAN_NAME');
246       hr_utility.raise_error;
247    END IF;
248 --
249 --
250    l_comb_exists := 'N';
251 --
252 -- determine whether any element types exist which would cause a clash with the
253 -- plan's elements that it will create
254 --
255    OPEN dup_rec2;
256    FETCH dup_rec2 INTO l_comb_exists;
257    CLOSE dup_rec2;
258 --
259    IF (l_comb_exists = 'Y') THEN
260       hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_13164_PTO_INVALID_PLAN_NAME');
261       hr_utility.raise_error;
262    END IF;
263 --
264 END chk_plan_name;
265 --
266 --
267 --
268 /*
269    ****************************************************************************
270    NAME        insert_validation
272    DESCRIPTION performs all of the validation required at insert time
274    NOTES       none
275    ****************************************************************************
276 */
277 PROCEDURE insert_validation(p_plan_name       IN varchar2,
278                             p_accrual_plan_id IN number) IS
279 --
281 --
283                                       p_accrual_plan_id);
284 END insert_validation;
285 --
286 --
287 --
288 /*
289    ****************************************************************************
290    NAME        create_element
292    DESCRIPTION calls the function PAY_DB_PAY_SETUP.CREATE_ELEMENT,The sole
293 	       reason for this is to cut down on space and reduce the margin
294 	       for errors in the call, apssing only the things that change.
296    NOTES       anticipate the only use for this is to be called from the
297                pre_insert_actions routine in this package.
299 	       Added p_legislation_code and p_currency_code to the param list
300 	       passed in and used them instead of the hard coded US and USD
301 	       in the calls to PAY_DB_PAY_SETUP.create_element. RMF 27-Nov-95.
302    ****************************************************************************
303 */
304 FUNCTION create_element(p_element_name          IN varchar2,
305                         p_element_description   IN varchar2,
306                         p_processing_type       IN varchar2,
307                         p_bg_name               IN varchar2,
308                         p_classification_name   IN varchar2,
309 			p_legislation_code      IN varchar2,
310 			p_currency_code         IN varchar2,
311                         p_post_termination_rule IN varchar2)
312    RETURN number IS
313 --
314    l_effective_start_date date;
315    l_effective_end_date  date;
316    l_element_type_id      number;
318 --
319    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.create_element',1);
320    l_effective_start_date := hr_general.start_of_time;
321    l_effective_end_date   := hr_general.end_of_time;
322 --
323    l_element_type_id := PAY_DB_PAY_SETUP.create_element
324       (p_element_name           => p_element_name,
325        p_description            => p_element_description,
326        p_reporting_name         => '',
327        p_classification_name    => p_classification_name,
328        p_input_currency_code    => p_currency_code,
329        p_output_currency_code   => p_currency_code,
330        p_processing_type        => p_processing_type,
331        p_mult_entries_allowed   => 'N',
332        p_formula_id             => '',
333        p_processing_priority    => '',
334        p_closed_for_entry_flag  => 'N',
335        p_standard_link_flag     => 'N',
336        p_qual_length_of_service => '',
337        p_qual_units             => '',
338        p_qual_age               => '',
339        p_process_in_run_flag    => 'Y',
340        p_post_termination_rule  => p_post_termination_rule,
341        p_indirect_only_flag     => 'N',
342        p_adjustment_only_flag   => 'N',
343        p_add_entry_allowed_flag => 'N',
344        p_multiply_value_flag    => 'N',
345        p_effective_start_date   => l_effective_start_date,
346        p_effective_end_date     => l_effective_end_date,
347        p_business_group_name    => p_bg_name,
348        p_legislation_code       => p_legislation_code,
349        p_legislation_subgroup   => '');
350 --
351    return l_element_type_id;
352 --
353 end create_element;
354 --
355 --
356 --
357 /*
358    ****************************************************************************
359    NAME        create_input_value
361    DESCRIPTION performs all that is required to create an input value -
363                   create the input value
365                   validate the values
367                   create the DBI'd, balance feeds, etc
369    NOTES       anticipate the only use for this is to be called from the
370                pre_insert_actions routine in this package.
372 	       Added p_legislation_code to the param list passed in and used
373 	       it instead of the hard coded US in the calls below.
374 	       RMF 27-Nov-95.
375    ****************************************************************************
376 */
377 FUNCTION create_input_value(p_element_name              IN varchar2,
378                             p_input_value_name          IN varchar2,
379                             p_uom_code                  IN varchar2,
380                             p_bg_name                   IN varchar2,
381                             p_element_type_id           IN number,
382                             p_primary_classification_id IN number,
383                             p_business_group_id         IN number,
384                             p_recurring_flag            IN varchar2,
385 			    p_legislation_code          IN varchar2,
386                             p_classification_type       IN varchar2)
387    RETURN number IS
388 --
389    l_effective_start_date date;
390    l_effective_end_date   date;
391    l_input_value_id       number;
392 --
394 --
395    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.create_input_value',1);
396    l_effective_start_date := hr_general.start_of_time;
397    l_effective_end_date   := hr_general.end_of_time;
398 --
399    l_input_value_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value(
400       p_element_name              => p_element_name,
401       p_name                      => p_input_value_name,
402       p_uom                       => '',
403       p_uom_code                  => p_uom_code,
404       p_mandatory_flag            => 'N',
405       p_generate_db_item_flag     => 'Y',
406       p_default_value             => '',
407       p_min_value                 => '',
408       p_max_value                 => '',
409       p_warning_or_error          => '',
410       p_lookup_type               => '',
411       p_formula_id                => '',
412       p_hot_default_flag          => 'N',
413       p_display_sequence          => 1,
414       p_business_group_name       => p_bg_name,
415       p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date,
416       p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date);
417 --
418    hr_input_values.chk_input_value(
419       p_element_type_id           => p_element_type_id,
420       p_legislation_code          => p_legislation_code,
421       p_val_start_date            => l_effective_start_date,
422       p_val_end_date              => l_effective_end_date,
423       p_insert_update_flag        => 'INSERT',
424       p_input_value_id            => l_input_value_id,
425       p_rowid                     => '',
426       p_recurring_flag            => p_recurring_flag,
427       p_mandatory_flag            => 'N',
428       p_hot_default_flag          => 'N',
429       p_standard_link_flag        => 'N',
430       p_classification_type       => p_classification_type,
431       p_name                      => p_input_value_name,
432       p_uom                       => p_uom_code,
433       p_min_value                 => '',
434       p_max_value                 => '',
435       p_default_value             => '',
436       p_lookup_type               => '',
437       p_formula_id                => '',
438       p_generate_db_items_flag    => 'Y',
439       p_warning_or_error          => '');
440 --
441    hr_input_values.ins_3p_input_values(
442       p_val_start_date            => l_effective_start_date,
443       p_val_end_date              => l_effective_end_date,
444       p_element_type_id           => p_element_type_id,
445       p_primary_classification_id => p_primary_classification_id,
446       p_input_value_id            => l_input_value_id,
447       p_default_value             => '',
448       p_max_value                 => '',
449       p_min_value                 => '',
450       p_warning_or_error_flag     => '',
451       p_input_value_name          => p_input_value_name,
452       p_db_items_flag             => 'Y',
453       p_costable_type             => '',
454       p_hot_default_flag          => 'N',
455       p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id,
456       p_legislation_code          => p_legislation_code,
457       p_startup_mode               => '');
458 --
459    return l_input_value_id;
460 --
461 end create_input_value;
462 --
463 --
464 --
465 /*
466    ****************************************************************************
467    NAME        pre_insert_actions
469    DESCRIPTION handles all of the pre-insert actions for pay_accrual_plans; at
470                the moment all it does is creates the element types and input
471                values, but it may need to do more in the future (there's nothing
472                wrong with anticipating expansion in functionality)
474    NOTES       none
475    ****************************************************************************
476 */
477 PROCEDURE pre_insert_actions(p_plan_name                    IN  varchar2,
478 			     p_bg_name                      IN  varchar2,
479 			     p_plan_uom                     IN  varchar2,
480 			     p_business_group_id            IN  number,
481 			     p_accrual_plan_element_type_id OUT number,
482 			     p_co_input_value_id            OUT number,
483 			     p_co_element_type_id           OUT number,
484 			     p_residual_input_value_id      OUT number,
485 			     p_residual_element_type_id     OUT number) IS
486 	   --
487 	   l_element_type_id           number;
488 	   l_element_name              varchar2(80);
489 	   l_element_description       varchar2(240);
490 	   l_classification_name       varchar2(240);
491 	   l_post_termination_rule     varchar2(240);
492 	   l_input_value_id            number;
493 	   l_input_value_name          varchar2(30);
494 	   l_uom_code                  varchar2(80);
495 	   l_primary_classification_id number;
496 	   l_classification_type       varchar2(2);
497 	   l_bg_name                   varchar2(80);
498 	   l_leg_code		       varchar2(150);
499 	   l_curr_code		       varchar2(150);
500 	   --
501 	   -- cursor to get a primary classification (i.e. one where the
502 	   -- parent_classification_id is null) for the legislation or business
503 	   -- group. Get the 'Information' classification if there is one,
504 	   -- failing that get a non-payments one, otherwise just get the
505 	   -- first one retrieved. Note that both US and GB legislations have
506 	   -- a startup Information classification. RMF 27-Nov-95.
507 	   --
508 	   cursor   class_name is
509 	   select   classification_name
510 	   from     pay_element_classifications
511 	   where    (business_group_id = p_business_group_id
512 		     or legislation_code = l_leg_code)
513 	   and      parent_classification_id is null
514 	   order by decode (classification_name, 'Information', 1, 2),
515 		    nvl (non_payments_flag, 'X') desc, classification_name;
516 	   --
517 	BEGIN
518 	   hr_utility.set_location
519 				('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_insert_actions',1);
520 	   --
521 	   -- create the accrual plan element type and input value...
522 	   --
523 	   -- Added by RMAMGAIN
524 	   -- p_bg_name is a in params to this proc. but it is null and hence
525 	   -- element creation is failing because it thinks it has to create a
526 	   -- startup element.  To avoid network traffic on the forms side we
527 	   -- can get BG name in this package and avoid changes to other forms
528 	   -- and package. Also in this proc all references to P_bg_name are
529 	   -- changed to l_bg_name.
530 	   --
531 	   -- Added the legislation code and currency code to the list of
532 	   -- columns returned by the following select. These are then used
533 	   -- in setting up the elements with the correct leg code and currency
534 	   -- code. RMF 27-Nov-95.
535 	   --
536 	   select name, legislation_code, currency_code
537            into   l_bg_name, l_leg_code, l_curr_code
538            from   per_business_groups
539            where  business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
540 	   --
541 	   -- If this is a US legislation, use the classification name
542 	   -- 'PTO Accruals'. Otherwise, pick any classification, preferably a
543 	   -- non-payments one. RMF 27-Nov-95.
544 	   --
545 	   if l_leg_code = 'US' then
546 	     l_classification_name   := 'PTO Accruals';
547 	   else
548 	     open  class_name;
549 	     fetch class_name into l_classification_name;
550 	     close class_name;
551 	   end if;
552 	   --
553 	   -- VT #500299 06/05/97
554 	   --l_post_termination_rule := 'Final Close';
555 	   begin
556 	     select hl.meaning
557 	     into l_post_termination_rule
558 	     from hr_lookups hl
559 	     where hl.lookup_type='TERMINATION_RULE'
560 	       and hl.lookup_code='F';
561 	     exception
562 	       when no_data_found then
563 	         hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_NO_F_TERM_RULE');
564 	         hr_utility.raise_error;
565 	   end;
566 	   --
567 	   l_element_name          := p_plan_name;
568 	   l_element_description   := 'Accrual plan for ' || l_element_name;
569 	   l_primary_classification_id := 37;
570 	   l_classification_type       := 'N';
571 	   --
572 	   l_element_type_id       := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_ELEMENT(
573 	      l_element_name,
574 	      l_element_description,
575 	      'R',
576 	      l_bg_name,
577 	      l_classification_name,
578 	      l_leg_code,
579 	      l_curr_code,
580 	      l_post_termination_rule);
581 	--
582 	   p_accrual_plan_element_type_id := l_element_type_id;
583 	--
584 	   l_input_value_name := 'Continuous Service Date';
585 	   l_uom_code         := 'D';
586 	--
587 	   l_input_value_id   := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_INPUT_VALUE(
588 	      l_element_name,
589 	      l_input_value_name,
590 	      l_uom_code,
591 	      l_bg_name,
592 	      l_element_type_id,
593 	      l_primary_classification_id,
594 	      p_business_group_id,
595 	      'R',
596 	      l_leg_code,
597 	      l_classification_type);
598 	--
599 	--
600 	-- now create the carried-over element type and input value...
601 	--
602 	--
603 	-- set up input value names and units of measure
604 	--
605 	   if p_plan_uom = 'D' then
606 	      l_input_value_name := 'Days';
607 	      l_uom_code         := 'ND';
608 	   else
609 	      l_input_value_name := 'Hours';
610 	      l_uom_code         := 'H_DECIMAL3';
611 	   end if;
612 	--
613 	   l_element_name        := substr('Carried Over ' || p_plan_name, 1, 80);
614 	   l_element_description :=
615 	      'Carried over entitlement for accrual plan ' || p_plan_name;
616 	   --
617 	   -- If this is a US legislation, use the classification name
618 	   -- 'Information'. Otherwise, stick with the classification retrieved
619 	   -- above. RMF 27-Nov-95.
620 	   --
621 	   if l_leg_code = 'US' then
622 	     l_classification_name   := 'Information';
623 	   end if;
624 	   --
625 	   l_primary_classification_id := 40;
626 	   l_classification_type       := 'Y';
627 	--
628 	   l_element_type_id     := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_ELEMENT(
629 	      l_element_name,
630 	      l_element_description,
631 	      'N',
632 	      l_bg_name,
633 	      l_classification_name,
634 	      l_leg_code,
635 	      l_curr_code,
636 	      l_post_termination_rule);
637 	--
638 	   l_input_value_id      := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_INPUT_VALUE(
639 	      l_element_name,
640 	      l_input_value_name,
641 	      l_uom_code,
642 	      l_bg_name,
643 	      l_element_type_id,
644 	      l_primary_classification_id,
645 	      p_business_group_id,
646 	      'N',
647 	      l_leg_code,
648 	      l_classification_type);
649 	--
650 	   p_co_element_type_id  := l_element_type_id;
651 	   p_co_input_value_id   := l_input_value_id;
652 	--
653 	--
654 	-- and finally, Esther, the residual element type and input value.
655 	--
656 	--
657 	   l_element_name        := substr('Residual ' || p_plan_name, 1, 80);
658 	   l_element_description :=
659 	      'Residual entitlement for accrual plan ' || p_plan_name;
660 	--
661 	   l_element_type_id     := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_ELEMENT(
662 	      l_element_name,
663 	      l_element_description,
664 	      'N',
665 	      l_bg_name,
666 	      l_classification_name,
667 	      l_leg_code,
668 	      l_curr_code,
669 	      l_post_termination_rule);
670 	--
671 	   l_input_value_id      := PAY_ACCRUAL_PLANS_PKG.CREATE_INPUT_VALUE(
672 	      l_element_name,
673 	      l_input_value_name,
674 	      l_uom_code,
675 	      l_bg_name,
676 	      l_element_type_id,
677 	      l_primary_classification_id,
678 	      p_business_group_id,
679 	      'N',
680 	      l_leg_code,
681 	      l_classification_type);
682 	--
683 	   p_residual_element_type_id  := l_element_type_id;
684 	   p_residual_input_value_id := l_input_value_id;
685 	--
686 	--
687 	END pre_insert_actions;
688 	--
689 --
690 --
691 /*
692    ****************************************************************************
693    NAME        post_insert_actions
695    DESCRIPTION handles all of the post-insert actions for pay_accrual_plans; at
696                the moment all it does is creates the default net calculation
697                rules for the plan.
699 	04-AUG-95	hparicha	279860	Update Pay Value mand_flag
700 						to 'X' - ie. not enterable
701 						by user.
702    NOTES       none
703    ****************************************************************************
704 */
705 PROCEDURE post_insert_actions(p_accrual_plan_id    IN number,
706                               p_business_group_id  IN number,
707                               p_pto_input_value_id IN number,
708                               p_co_input_value_id  IN number) IS
709 --
710   v_accrual_payval_id	NUMBER(9);
713 --
714 -- insert the pto input value (always reduces entitlement)
715 --
716    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.post_insert_actions',1);
717    insert into pay_net_calculation_rules(
718       net_calculation_rule_id,
719       accrual_plan_id,
720       business_group_id,
721       input_value_id,
722       add_or_subtract)
723    select
724       pay_net_calculation_rules_s.nextval,
725       p_accrual_plan_id,
726       p_business_group_id,
727       p_pto_input_value_id,
728       -1
729    from dual;
730 --
731 -- insert the carried over input value (always increases entitlement)
732 --
733    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.post_insert_actions',2);
734    insert into pay_net_calculation_rules(
735       net_calculation_rule_id,
736       accrual_plan_id,
737       business_group_id,
738       input_value_id,
739       add_or_subtract)
740    select
741       pay_net_calculation_rules_s.nextval,
742       p_accrual_plan_id,
743       p_business_group_id,
744       p_co_input_value_id,
745       1
746    from dual;
747 --
748    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.post_insert_actions',3);
749    --
750    -- The update below was originally written as a separate implicit SELECT
751    -- and UPDATE. Changed to a single UPDATE, because non-US accrual plans
752    -- create all element as non-payment, hence have no PAY INPUT VALUE. The
753    -- SELECT was failing with NO_DATA_FOUND. RMF 27-Nov-1995.
754    --
755    UPDATE	pay_input_values_f
756    SET		mandatory_flag = 'X'
757    WHERE	input_value_id =
758 	      ( SELECT 	piv.input_value_id
759    		FROM	pay_input_values_f	piv,
760 			pay_accrual_plans	pap,
761 			hr_lookups		hrl
762    		WHERE	pap.accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id
763    		AND	pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
764    		AND	piv.name = hrl.meaning
765    		AND	hrl.lookup_code = 'PAY VALUE'
766    		AND	hrl.lookup_type = 'NAME_TRANSLATIONS'
767 	      );
769 END post_insert_actions;
770 --
771 --
772 --
773 /*
774    ****************************************************************************
775    NAME        update_validation
777    DESCRIPTION performs all of the validation required at update time
779    NOTES       none
780    ****************************************************************************
781 */
782 PROCEDURE update_validation(p_plan_name       IN varchar2,
783                             p_old_plan_name   IN varchar2,
784                             p_accrual_plan_id IN number) IS
785 --
787 --
788    if p_plan_name <> p_old_plan_name then
790                                          p_accrual_plan_id);
791    end if;
792 --
793 END update_validation;
794 --
795 --
796 --
797 /*
798    ****************************************************************************
799    NAME        post_update_actions
801    DESCRIPTION performs all of the actions required after changing a plan's
802                details -
804                   changes the net calculation rule if the pto element has
805                   changed
807    NOTES       none
808    ****************************************************************************
809 */
810 PROCEDURE post_update_actions(p_accrual_plan_id        IN number,
811                               p_business_group_id      IN number,
812                               p_pto_input_value_id     IN number,
813                               p_old_pto_input_value_id IN number) IS
814 --
816 --
817    if p_pto_input_value_id <> p_old_pto_input_value_id then
818 --
819 --    delete the old pto input value from the net calculation rules
820 --
821       hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.post_update_actions',1);
822       delete from pay_net_calculation_rules
823       where  input_value_id = p_old_pto_input_value_id
824       and    accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
825 --
826 --   create a new net calculation rule for the new pto input value if one
827 --   does not already exist
828 --
829       hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.post_update_actions',2);
830       insert into pay_net_calculation_rules(
831          net_calculation_rule_id,
832          accrual_plan_id,
833          business_group_id,
834          input_value_id,
835          add_or_subtract)
836       select
837          pay_net_calculation_rules_s.nextval,
838          p_accrual_plan_id,
839          p_business_group_id,
840          p_pto_input_value_id,
841          -1
842       from dual
843       where not exists(
844             select 1
845             from   pay_net_calculation_rules
846             where  input_value_id = p_pto_input_value_id
847             and    accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id);
848    end if;
849 --
850 END post_update_actions;
851 --
852 --
853 --
854 /*
855    ****************************************************************************
856    NAME        pre_delete_actions
858    DESCRIPTION performs all of the actions required before deleting the plan -
859                   delete all child accrual bands;
860                   delete all child net calculation rules;
861                   delete the element type created for the accrual plan;
862                   delete the residual element type;
863                   delete the carried over element type.
865    NOTES       none
866    ****************************************************************************
867 */
868 PROCEDURE pre_delete_actions(p_accrual_plan_id              IN number,
869                              p_accrual_plan_element_type_id IN number,
870                              p_co_element_type_id           IN number,
871                              p_residual_element_type_id     IN number,
872                              p_session_date                 IN date) IS
873 --
874    l_effective_start_date date;
875    l_effective_end_date   date;
876 --
878    l_effective_start_date := hr_general.start_of_time;
879    l_effective_end_date   := hr_general.end_of_time;
880 --
881 --
882 -- delete the accrual bands
883 --
884    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 1);
885    delete from pay_accrual_bands
886    where  accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
887 --
888 -- delete the net calculation rules
889 --
890    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 2);
891    delete from pay_net_calculation_rules
892    where  accrual_plan_id = p_accrual_plan_id;
893 --
894 -- delete the element types created for the plan
895 --
896 -- first the accrual plan element type...
897 --
898    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 3);
899    hr_elements.chk_del_element_type (
900       'ZAP',
901       p_accrual_plan_element_type_id,
902       '',
903       p_session_date,
904       l_effective_start_date,
905       l_effective_end_date);
906 --
907    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 4);
908    hr_elements.del_3p_element_type (
909       p_accrual_plan_element_type_id,
910       'ZAP',
911       p_session_date,
912       l_effective_start_date,
913       l_effective_end_date,
914       '');
915 --
916    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions',5);
917    delete from pay_element_types_f
918    where  element_type_id = p_accrual_plan_element_type_id;
919 --
920 --
921 -- ...then the carried over element type...
922 --
923 --
924    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 6);
925    hr_elements.chk_del_element_type (
926       'ZAP',
927       p_co_element_type_id,
928       '',
929       p_session_date,
930       l_effective_start_date,
931       l_effective_end_date);
932 --
933    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 7);
934    hr_elements.del_3p_element_type (
935       p_co_element_type_id,
936       'ZAP',
937       p_session_date,
938       l_effective_start_date,
939       l_effective_end_date,
940       '');
941 --
942    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions',8);
943    delete from pay_element_types_f
944    where  element_type_id = p_co_element_type_id;
945 --
946 --
947 -- ...then the residual element type.
948 --
949 --
950    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 9);
951    hr_elements.chk_del_element_type (
952       'ZAP',
953       p_residual_element_type_id,
954       '',
955       p_session_date,
956       l_effective_start_date,
957       l_effective_end_date);
958 --
959    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 10);
960    hr_elements.del_3p_element_type (
961       p_residual_element_type_id,
962       'ZAP',
963       p_session_date,
964       l_effective_start_date,
965       l_effective_end_date,
966       '');
967 --
968    hr_utility.set_location('pay_accrual_plans_pkg.pre_delete_actions', 11);
969    delete from pay_element_types_f
970    where  element_type_id = p_residual_element_type_id;
971 --
972 END pre_delete_actions;
973 --
974 --
975 --