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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_monitor_balance_retrieval AS
2 /* $Header: pymnblrt.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 06:47:48 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- PROCEDURE monitor_balance_retrieval
6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- Description:
8 -- The aim of this procedure is to output key data to a table, which can then
9 -- be interrogated, by users to determine which balances are being derived
10 -- from the route.
11 --
12 -- If the monitoring profile, HR_MONITOR_BALANCE_RETRIEVAL, has been set
13 -- the code searches for a value in the session variable 'MONITOR'. If the
14 -- value is null, then the default 'Monitoring all calls to route' is
15 -- set as the module name, otherwise the module name will be set to the value
16 -- in the session variable.
17 -- The code then calls output_bal_retrieval_data to insert monitoring data
18 -- into the table pay_monitor_balance_retrievals.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 procedure monitor_balance_retrieval(p_defined_balance_id number
21                                    ,p_assignment_action_id number
22                                    ,p_reason varchar2) is
23 --
24 l_profile       varchar2(2);
25 l_proc  	varchar2(80);
26 l_module_name   pay_monitor_balance_retrievals.module_name%type;
27 --
29 l_proc := 'pay_monitor_balance_retrieval.monitor_balance_retrieval';
30 --
31 hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
32 --
33 -- this will be a call to get_profile once the profile is set up
34 --
35 l_profile := fnd_profile.value('HR_MONITOR_BALANCE_RETRIEVAL');
36 IF l_profile = 'Y' THEN
37 --
38   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
39   --
40   -- if the session variable MONITOR is null, return the default - 'Monitoring
41   -- all calls to route'
42   --
43   l_module_name := nvl(get_session_var('MONITOR')
44                                       , 'Monitoring all calls to route');
45   BEGIN
46   --
47   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
48   --
49   -- call at to insert row into table
50   --
51     output_bal_retrieval_data(l_module_name
52                              ,sysdate
53                              ,p_defined_balance_id
54                              ,p_assignment_action_id
55                              ,p_reason
56                              );
57   END;
58   --
60 --
61   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
62 END IF;
63 --
64 hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc, 50);
65 --
66 END monitor_balance_retrieval;
67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 -- PROCEDURE output_bal_retrieval_data
69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 -- Description:
71 -- output_bal_retrieval_data is an autonomous transaction, enabling data
72 -- to be written to table pay_monitor_balance_retrievals, and to be commited
73 -- independently of the package from which it is called.
74 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 PROCEDURE output_bal_retrieval_data(p_module_name          varchar2
76                                    ,p_date_monitored       date
77                                    ,p_defined_balance_id   number
78                                    ,p_assignment_action_id number
79                                    ,p_reason               varchar2)
80 IS
82 --
83 l_proc varchar2(80);
84 --
86 --
87 l_proc := 'pay_monitor_balance_retrieval.output_bal_retrieval_data';
88 --
89 hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
90 --
91 -- insert values into table pay_monitor_balance_retrievals
92 --
93 insert into pay_monitor_balance_retrievals
94 (module_name
95 ,date_monitored
96 ,defined_balance_id
97 ,assignment_action_id
98 ,reason
99 )
100 values
101 (p_module_name
102 ,p_date_monitored
103 ,p_defined_balance_id
104 ,p_assignment_action_id
105 ,p_reason
106 );
107 --
108 commit;
109 --
110 hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc, 20);
111 --
112 END output_bal_retrieval_data;
113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 --
117 -- The following functions use the PLSQL index by tables:
118 -- SessionVarNames, table of VARCHAR2(64); and SessionVarValues,
119 -- also index by table of VARCHAR2(64).
120 --      index by VARCHAR2;
121 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 -- The Functions get and set session_var force the name parameter to upper case
123 -- before storing in, or searching the table.  The value is not converted.
124 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- FUNCTION get_session_var
126 --
127 -- get_session_var performs a (dumb) linear search of the names table for
128 -- p_name.   If found, it returns the value from the values table at the
129 -- corresponding index.   This dumb method should be performant for small
130 -- amounts of variables (< 100 ?).   Larger amounts would require review
131 -- of alternative methods.   Of course, if PLSQL ever supports indexing
132 -- of PLSQL tables by VARCHAR, or other types besides BINARY INTEGER, this
133 -- would not be an issue.
134 --
135 -- NOTE the exception when a value is not found at the same index as
136 -- where a name is found.   Such an event would signal serious problems
137 -- with the state of the tables.   We should consider throwing an
138 -- HR or other exception if this ever happes.
139 --
140 -- NOTE that since we do not allow NULL values for session vars, the
141 -- get_session_var function can be used to test whether a var is set:
142 -- if it returns NULL, the var is not set.
143 --
144 FUNCTION get_session_var
145         (p_name VARCHAR2)
146 return VARCHAR2 is
147         l_temp_name VARCHAR2(64);
148         l_temp_value VARCHAR2(64);
149         l_loop_count NUMBER;
152         -- no NULL names
153         if p_name is NULL then
154                 return NULL;
155         end if;
157         -- check whether var tables are empty
158         if SessionVarCount = 0 then
159                 return NULL;
160         end if;
162         -- force upper case name, remove leading/trailin spaces
163         l_temp_name := rtrim(ltrim(upper(p_name)));
165         -- search name table
166         -- NOTE the level of PLSQL certified for 10.7 Apps does not support
167         -- use of NEXT .. LAST attributes on PLSQL index by tables for WNDS
168         -- pure code.  So we use hard coded table row count to drive our search.
169         FOR l_loop_count IN 1 .. SessionVarCount LOOP
170         if SessionVarNames(l_loop_count) = l_temp_name then
171                       -- debug trace - found our var
172                       -- use exception in case values is out of sync with names
173                       -- NOTE: the level of PLSQL certified with 10.7 Apps does
174                       -- not support using the exists attribute, so we must use
175                       -- an exception here.
176                         begin
177                                 l_temp_value := SessionVarValues(l_loop_count);
178                 exception
179                 when no_data_found then
180                 -- index not found, big problem here - should trhow exception
181                 --
182                         return NULL;
183                 end;
184                         return l_temp_value;
185                 end if;
186         END LOOP;
188         -- debug trace
189         return NULL;
190 END get_session_var;
191 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 -- FUNCTION get_session_var - overloaded with p_default.  Calls base
193 -- get_session_var; but if var is not set, returns p_default.
194 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 FUNCTION get_session_var
196         (p_name VARCHAR2,
197         p_default VARCHAR)
198 return VARCHAR2 is
199         l_temp_value VARCHAR2(64);
201         l_temp_value := NULL;
203         -- use base function to get value
204         l_temp_value := get_session_var(p_name);
206         -- if NULL value, return p_default
207         if l_temp_value is NULL then
208                 return p_default;
209         end if;
210 END get_session_var;
211 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 -- PROCEDURE set_session_var
213 --
214 -- Sets name and value in session var tables.  Converts name to upper case,
215 -- does *not* convert value.
216 --
217 -- The set function does not store NULL names or values.  However,
218 -- an attempt to set a NULL value will result in the variable of
219 -- that name being deleted from both the names and values tables.
220 --
221 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 PROCEDURE set_session_var
223         (p_name IN VARCHAR2,
224         p_value IN VARCHAR2)
225 IS
226         l_temp_name VARCHAR2(64);
227         l_temp_value VARCHAR2(64);
228         l_loop_count NUMBER;
230         -- no NULL names
231         if p_name is NULL then
232                 return;
233         end if;
235         -- force upper case name, remove leading/trailin spaces
236         l_temp_name := rtrim(ltrim(upper(p_name)));
237         --
238         if SessionVarCount > 0 then
239         -- search name table, we may already have this var
240         -- NOTE the level of PLSQL certified for 10.7 Apps does not support
241         -- use of NEXT .. LAST attributes on PLSQL index by tables for WNDS
242         -- pure code.  So we use hard coded table row count to drive our search.
243                 FOR l_loop_count IN 1 .. SessionVarCount LOOP
244                 if SessionVarNames(l_loop_count) = l_temp_name then
245                                 -- debug trace - found our var
246                                 -- set value table row to new value
247                                 SessionVarValues(l_loop_count) := p_value;
248                                 -- and return
249                                 return;
250                         end if;
251                 END LOOP;
252         end if;
254         -- not found in names table, make new entries
255         -- debug trace - log new var count
256         SessionVarCount := SessionVarCount + 1;
257         SessionVarNames(SessionVarCount) := l_temp_name;
258         SessionVarValues(SessionVarCount) := p_value;
260 END set_session_var;
261 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 -- PROCEDURE clear_session_vars
263 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 PROCEDURE clear_session_vars
265 IS
267         -- delete tavbles by assigning empty tables.  The level of PLSQL
268         -- supported with 10.7 does not support the delete attribute on
269         -- whole tables.
270         SessionVarNames := EmptyTable;
271         SessionVarValues := EmptyTable;
272         SessionVarCount := 0;
273 END clear_session_vars;
274 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 END pay_monitor_balance_retrieval;