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Line 1506: from xla_aad_sources aad,

1502: select distinct
1503: sources.source_code,
1504: sources.source_table_name,
1505: sources.source_column_name
1506: from xla_aad_sources aad,
1507: xla_sources_b sources,
1508: TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
1509: where aad.application_id = 140
1510: and sources.application_id = 140

Line 1527: from xla_aad_sources aad,

1523: select distinct
1524: sources.source_code,
1525: sources.source_table_name,
1526: sources.source_column_name
1527: from xla_aad_sources aad,
1528: xla_sources_b sources,
1529: TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
1530: where aad.application_id = 140
1531: and sources.application_id = 140

Line 1550: from xla_aad_sources aad,

1546: select distinct
1547: sources.source_code,
1549: sources.source_code
1550: from xla_aad_sources aad,
1551: xla_sources_b sources,
1552: TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
1553: where aad.application_id = 140
1554: and sources.application_id = 140

Line 1568: from xla_aad_sources aad,

1564: select distinct
1565: sources.source_code,
1566: sources.source_table_name,
1567: sources.source_column_name
1568: from xla_aad_sources aad,
1569: xla_sources_b sources,
1570: TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
1571: where aad.application_id = 140
1572: and sources.application_id = 140

Line 1591: from xla_aad_sources aad,

1587: select distinct
1588: sources.source_code,
1589: sources.source_table_name,
1590: sources.source_column_name
1591: from xla_aad_sources aad,
1592: xla_sources_b sources,
1593: TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
1594: where aad.application_id = 140
1595: and sources.application_id = 140