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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

      SELECT invoice_num
      FROM   ap_invoices
      WHERE invoice_id =
                (SELECT invoice_id
                   FROM ap_invoice_distributions
                  WHERE invoice_distribution_id = l_prepay_dist_id);
Line: 69

      SELECT distribution_line_number
      FROM   ap_invoice_distributions
      WHERE  invoice_distribution_id = l_prepay_dist_id;
Line: 117

       SELECT SUM(NVL(aid.amount,0))
         INTO distribution_total
         FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
              ap_invoice_lines_all ail
        WHERE ail.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND aid.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
          AND aid.invoice_line_number = ail.line_number
          AND ((aid.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('PREPAY', 'AWT')
                AND aid.prepay_distribution_id IS NULL)
              OR NVL(ail.invoice_includes_prepay_flag,'N') = l_y);
Line: 145

 |      'S' - Selected
 |      'P' - Partially Posted
 |      ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 |      -- Declare cursor to establish the invoice-level posting flag
 |      --
 |      -- The first two selects simply look at the posting flags. The 'S'
 |      -- one means the invoice distributions are selected for accounting
 |      -- processing. The 'P' is to cover one specific case when some of
 |      -- the distributions are fully posting (Y) and some are unposting (N).
 |      -- The status should be partial (P).
 |      --
 |      -- MOAC.  Use ap_invoice_distributions_all table instead of SO view
 |      -- since this procedure is called when policy context is not set to
 |      -- the corresponding OU for the invoice_id
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change
 |  04-Mar-05    Yicao              Rewrite the procedure for SLA project
  FUNCTION get_posting_status(l_invoice_id IN NUMBER)
      invoice_posting_flag           VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 173

       SELECT cash_posted_flag
         FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y'
       SELECT accrual_posted_flag
         FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND l_cash_basis_flag <>'Y'
       SELECT 'P'
         FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'Y' AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
               (accrual_posted_flag = 'Y' AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
          AND EXISTS
             (SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
               WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                       (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))  -- bug fix 6975868
 	       UNION             /*Added for bug 10039729*/
 	      SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
 		FROM ap_prepay_history_all
 	       WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
 		 AND posted_flag = 'N'
 		 AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
              SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
               WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                       (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
      -- bug fix 6975868  begin
       SELECT cash_posted_flag
         FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y'
       SELECT accrual_posted_flag
         FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND l_cash_basis_flag <>'Y'
       SELECT 'P'
         FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'Y'
              AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
            (accrual_posted_flag = 'Y'
             AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
          AND EXISTS
             (SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM   ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
               WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                      AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                      (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
               UNION   /*Added for bug 10039729*/
              SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
               WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND  ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                      AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                      (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                      AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
   	      SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
 		FROM ap_prepay_history_all
 	       WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
 		 AND  posted_flag = 'N'
 		 AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ')
       -- bug9440144
       SELECT posted_flag
         FROM ap_prepay_history_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
        UNION   /*Added for bug 10039729*/
       SELECT 'P'
         FROM ap_prepay_history_all
        WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
          AND posted_flag = 'Y'
          AND EXISTS
             (SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
               WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                      AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                      (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
 	      SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
 	   	FROM ap_prepay_history_all
 	       WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
 		 AND posted_flag = 'N'
   		 AND transaction_type = 'PREPAYMENT APPLICATION ADJ'
 	      SELECT 'An N is also in the valid flags'
                FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
               WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                 AND ((cash_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'Y')
                       (accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
                       AND l_cash_basis_flag <> 'Y'))
 		); -- bug fix 6975868;
Line: 302

    |  MOAC.  Added org_id to select statement.                        |

      SELECT nvl(sob.sla_ledger_cash_basis_flag, 'N'),
      INTO   l_cash_basis_flag,
      FROM ap_invoices_all ai,
           ap_system_parameters_all asp,
           gl_sets_of_books sob
      WHERE ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND ai.org_id = asp.org_id
      AND asp.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id;
Line: 350

          SELECT 'D'
          INTO   invoice_posting_flag
          FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all AID,
                  xla_events                   XE
          WHERE  AID.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND    AID.accounting_event_id = XE.event_id
          AND    ((AID.accrual_posted_flag = 'N' AND l_cash_basis_flag = 'N') OR
                  (AID.cash_posted_flag = 'N' AND l_cash_basis_flag  = 'Y'))
          AND    XE.process_status_code = 'D'
          AND    rownum < 2;
Line: 405

      select count(1)
      into   dummy_a
      from   ap_invoices_all
      where  invoice_num = X_INVOICE_NUM
      and    vendor_id = X_VENDOR_ID
      and    org_id    = X_ORG_ID   -- Bug 5407785
      AND (party_site_id = X_PARTY_SITE_ID /*Bug9105666*/
        OR (party_site_id is null and X_PARTY_SITE_ID is null)) /*Bug9105666*/
      and    ((X_ROWID is null) or (rowid <> X_ROWID));
Line: 422

      select count(1)
      into   dummy_b
      from   ap_history_invoices_all ahi,
             ap_supplier_sites_all ass /*Bug9105666*/
      where ahi.vendor_id = ass.vendor_id /*Bug9105666*/
      and ahi.org_id = ass.org_id /*Bug9105666*/
      and ahi.invoice_num = X_INVOICE_NUM
      and ahi.vendor_id = X_VENDOR_ID   -- Bug 5407785
      and ahi.org_id    = X_ORG_ID
      AND (ass.party_site_id = X_PARTY_SITE_ID /*Bug9105666*/
      OR (ass.party_site_id is null and X_PARTY_SITE_ID is null)); /*Bug9105666*/
Line: 487

      select count(1)
      into   dummy
      from   ap_invoices
      where  voucher_num = X_VOUCHER_NUM
      and    ((X_ROWID is null) or (rowid <> X_ROWID));
Line: 592

        select sum(l_count)
        SELECT count(*) l_count
        FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
        WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
          AND nvl(match_status_flag, 'Z') = l_status
        SELECT count(*) l_count
        FROM   ap_self_Assessed_tax_dist_All
        WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
         AND nvl(match_status_flag, 'Z') = l_status
Line: 615

      SELECT NVL(fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag,'N'),
	     NVL(ai.net_of_retainage_flag,'N')  --9503673
      INTO encumbrance_flag,
	   l_net_of_retainage_flag   --9503673
      FROM ap_invoices_all ai,
           financials_system_params_all fsp
      WHERE ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND ai.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
      AND ai.org_id = fsp.org_id;
Line: 632

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO   invoice_holds
      FROM   ap_holds_all
      WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND    release_lookup_code is NULL;
Line: 645

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO   dist_var_hold
      FROM   ap_holds_all
      WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND    hold_lookup_code IN  (l_dist_variance, l_line_variance)
      AND    release_lookup_code is NULL;
Line: 655

      SELECT ai.cancelled_date
      INTO   cancelled_date
      FROM   ap_invoices_all ai
      WHERE  ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 669

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO match_flag_cnt
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
      WHERE aid.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND aid.match_status_flag IS NOT NULL
      AND rownum < 2;
Line: 676

      SELECT count(*) --Bug8223290
      INTO self_match_flag_cnt
      FROM ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all aid
      WHERE aid.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      --AND aid.match_status_flag IS NOT NULL
      AND rownum < 2;
Line: 740

               SELECT count(*)
                 INTO l_validated_cnt
                 FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                WHERE aid.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
                  AND aid.match_status_flag = 'N'
                  AND rownum < 2;
Line: 769

           SELECT 'N'
           INTO invoice_approval_flag
           FROM ap_invoice_lines_all ail
           WHERE ail.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
           AND ail.amount <>
             ( SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(aid.amount,0)),0)
      	       FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
	       WHERE aid.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
	       AND   aid.invoice_line_number = ail.line_number
               AND   ( aid.line_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE'
                        OR (ail.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE RELEASE' AND
                            aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE') )
	       AND   (ail.line_type_lookup_code <> 'ITEM'
	              OR (aid.line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY'
	                  and aid.prepay_tax_parent_id IS  NULL)
	       AND   (AIL.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('ITEM', 'RETAINAGE RELEASE')
                      OR (AIL.line_type_lookup_code IN ('ITEM', 'RETAINAGE RELEASE')
                          AND (AID.prepay_distribution_id IS NULL
                               OR (AID.prepay_distribution_id IS NOT NULL
                                   AND AID.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('PREPAY', 'REC_TAX', 'NONREC_TAX')))))
Line: 809

	   SELECT 'N'
           INTO   invoice_approval_flag
           FROM   ap_invoice_lines_all AIL, ap_invoices_all A
           WHERE  AIL.invoice_id = A.invoice_id
           AND    AIL.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
           AND    ((AIL.line_type_lookup_code <> 'TAX'
                   and (AIL.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('AWT','PREPAY')
                        or NVL(AIL.invoice_includes_prepay_flag,'N') = 'Y') OR
                  (AIL.line_type_lookup_code = 'TAX'
                  /* bug 5222316 */
                   and (AIL.prepay_invoice_id IS NULL
                        or (AIL.prepay_invoice_id is not null
                            and NVL(AIL.invoice_includes_prepay_flag, 'N') = 'Y')))))
               --    and AIL.prepay_invoice_id IS NULL)))
           GROUP BY A.invoice_id, A.invoice_amount, A.net_of_retainage_flag
           HAVING A.invoice_amount <>
                  nvl(SUM(nvl(AIL.amount,0) + decode(A.net_of_retainage_flag,
                                 'Y', nvl(AIL.retained_amount,0),0)),0);
Line: 854

         SELECT NVL(SUM(nvl(aid.amount,0)), 0)
           INTO sum_distributions
           FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
                ap_invoice_lines_all ail
          WHERE ail.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
            AND aid.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
            AND aid.invoice_line_number = ail.line_number
            AND (aid.line_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE'
                 OR (ail.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE RELEASE'
                     and aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE') )
            AND ((aid.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('AWT','PREPAY')
                  AND aid.prepay_distribution_id IS NULL)
                OR NVL(ail.invoice_includes_prepay_flag,'N') = 'Y');
Line: 987

      SELECT DISTINCT NVL(ph.CLM_DOCUMENT_NUMBER , ph.segment1), ph.po_header_id,  -- for CLM Bug 9503239
      FROM   ap_invoice_lines_all L,
             po_headers PH
      WHERE  L.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND    L.po_header_id = PH.po_header_id
      AND    L.match_type IN ( 'PRICE_CORRECTION', 'QTY_CORRECTION',
                               'ITEM_TO_PO', 'ITEM_TO_RECEIPT', 'AMOUNT_CORRECTION',
                               'RETRO PRICE ADJUSTMENT','ITEM_TO_SERVICE_PO','ITEM_TO_SERVICE_RECEIPT')  --Bug6931134
			       --added ITEM_TO_SERVICE_RECEIPT in bug 8891266
      AND    NVL (L.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND    NVL (L.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      GROUP BY PH.po_header_id, NVL(ph.CLM_DOCUMENT_NUMBER , ph.segment1)      -- for CLM Bug 9503239
      HAVING ( NVL(SUM(L.amount), 0) <> 0 OR
               NVL(SUM(L.quantity_invoiced), 0) <> 0);
Line: 1012

	--Added below Select for bug 7550789

      SELECT invoice_type_lookup_code
      INTO   l_invoice_type
      FROM   ap_invoices_all
      WHERE  invoice_id=l_invoice_id;
Line: 1023

          SELECT NVL(SUM(AIL.amount), 0)
          INTO   l_corrected_amount
          FROM   ap_invoice_lines_all AIL
          WHERE  corrected_inv_id = l_invoice_id
          AND    po_header_id = l_po_header_id
          AND    NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
          AND    NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y' ;
Line: 1072

      SELECT DISTINCT(pll.shipment_type)
      FROM   ap_invoice_lines L,
             po_line_locations PLL
      WHERE  L.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND   NOT EXISTS (SELECT  AIL.corrected_inv_id
                          FROM  ap_invoice_lines AIL
                         WHERE NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND  AIL.corrected_inv_id =  L.invoice_id)
      AND    L.po_line_location_id = PLL.line_location_id
      AND    L.match_type IN ( 'PRICE_CORRECTION', 'QTY_CORRECTION',
                               'ITEM_TO_PO', 'ITEM_TO_RECEIPT',
                               'RETRO PRICE ADJUSTMENT')
5000309 fbreslin: exclude line if discared or cancled
      AND    NVL (L.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND    NVL (L.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      GROUP BY PLL.shipment_type
      HAVING ( NVL(SUM(L.amount), 0) <> 0 OR
               NVL(SUM(L.quantity_invoiced), 0) <> 0);
Line: 1096

      SELECT DISTINCT(PRL.release_num)
      FROM ap_invoice_lines L,
           po_line_locations PLL,
           po_releases PRL
      WHERE  L.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT  AIL.corrected_inv_id
                          FROM  ap_invoice_lines AIL
                         WHERE NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND  AIL.corrected_inv_id =  L.invoice_id)
      AND    L.po_line_location_id = PLL.line_location_id
      AND    L.match_type IN ( 'PRICE_CORRECTION', 'QTY_CORRECTION',
                               'ITEM_TO_PO', 'ITEM_TO_RECEIPT',
                                'RETRO PRICE ADJUSTMENT')
5000309 fbreslin: exclude line if discared or cancled
      AND    NVL (L.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND    NVL (L.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND   PRL.po_release_id = PLL.po_release_id
      GROUP BY PRL.release_num
      HAVING ( NVL(SUM(L.amount), 0) <> 0 OR
               NVL(SUM(L.quantity_invoiced), 0) <> 0);
Line: 1175

      SELECT DISTINCT(rsh.receipt_num)
      FROM   ap_invoice_lines L,
             rcv_transactions RTXN,
             rcv_shipment_headers RSH
      WHERE  L.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT  AIL.corrected_inv_id
                          FROM  ap_invoice_lines AIL
                         WHERE NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND  AIL.corrected_inv_id =  L.invoice_id)
      AND    L.rcv_transaction_id = RTXN.transaction_id
      AND    RSH.shipment_header_id = RTXN.shipment_header_id
      AND    L.match_type IN ( 'PRICE_CORRECTION', 'QTY_CORRECTION',
                               'RETRO PRICE ADJUSTMENT')
5000309 fbreslin: exclude line if discared or cancled
      AND    NVL (L.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND    NVL (L.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      GROUP BY rsh.shipment_header_id, rsh.receipt_num
      HAVING ( NVL(SUM(L.amount), 0) <> 0 OR
               NVL(SUM(L.quantity_invoiced), 0) <> 0);
Line: 1242

      SELECT DISTINCT(NVL(ph.CLM_DOCUMENT_NUMBER , ph.segment1)) -- for CLM Bug 9503239
      FROM   ap_invoice_lines L,
             po_headers PH
      WHERE  L.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      AND   NOT EXISTS (SELECT  AIL.corrected_inv_id
                          FROM  ap_invoice_lines AIL
                         WHERE NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
                           AND  AIL.corrected_inv_id =  L.invoice_id)
      AND    L.po_header_id = PH.po_header_id
      AND    L.match_type IN ( 'PRICE_CORRECTION', 'QTY_CORRECTION',
                               'ITEM_TO_PO', 'ITEM_TO_RECEIPT',
                               'RETRO PRICE ADJUSTMENT')
5000309 fbreslin: exclude line if discared or cancled
      AND    NVL (L.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      AND    NVL (L.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y'
      GROUP BY PH.po_header_id, NVL(ph.CLM_DOCUMENT_NUMBER , ph.segment1) -- for CLM Bug 9503239
      HAVING ( NVL(SUM(L.amount), 0) <> 0 OR
               NVL(SUM(L.quantity_invoiced), 0) <> 0);
Line: 1302

      select (0 - sum(nvl(amount,0)))
      into   amount_withheld
      from   ap_invoice_distributions_all /*Bug 16316552*/
      where  invoice_id = l_invoice_id
      and    line_type_lookup_code = 'AWT';
Line: 1361

      INTO   notes_count
      FROM   po_note_references
      WHERE  table_name = 'AP_INVOICES'
      AND    foreign_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 1392

      INTO   holds_count
      FROM   ap_holds
      WHERE  release_lookup_code is null
      AND    invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 1423

      INTO   holds_count
      FROM   ap_payment_schedules_all
      WHERE  hold_flag = 'Y'
      AND    invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 1459

      SELECT  COUNT(*)
      INTO   prepay_count
      FROM   ap_invoices ai
      WHERE  vendor_id = l_vendor_id
      AND    (( l_org_id IS NOT NULL AND
                ai.org_id = l_org_id)
             OR l_org_id IS NULL)
      AND    invoice_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAYMENT'
      AND    earliest_settlement_date IS NOT NULL
      AND    AP_INVOICES_UTILITY_PKG.get_prepay_amount_remaining(ai.invoice_id) > 0;
Line: 1501

           which just selects the prepayment invoices for the vendor.This
           is done for performance overheads.The comparison of earliest
           settlement date would be done with the cursor variable,also the
           earlier select statement which would call the get_total_prepays
           as a filter is removed and logic is implemented here as this                    would reduce the wait time*/
         CURSOR prepayment_invoices IS
         SELECT earliest_settlement_date,invoice_id
         where vendor_id=l_vendor_id
         and invoice_type_lookup_code='PREPAYMENT'
         and payment_status_flag = 'Y'
         and earliest_settlement_date is not null
         AND    (( l_org_id IS NOT NULL AND
                   org_id = l_org_id)
                   OR l_org_id IS NULL);
Line: 1582

      SELECT nvl(encumbered_flag,'N')
      FROM   ap_invoice_distributions
      WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 1591

      SELECT nvl(encumbered_flag,'N')
      FROM   ap_self_assessed_tax_dist
      WHERE  invoice_id = l_invoice_id;
Line: 1597

      SELECT NVL(fsp.purch_encumbrance_flag,'N'), ai.org_id
        INTO l_purch_encumbrance_flag, l_org_id
        FROM ap_invoices_all ai,
             financials_system_params_all fsp
       WHERE ai.invoice_id = l_invoice_id
         AND ai.org_id = fsp.org_id;
Line: 1674

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM ap_holds
       WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
         AND hold_lookup_code = l_amount
         AND release_lookup_code IS NULL;
Line: 1715

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM ap_holds
       WHERE invoice_id = l_invoice_id
         AND hold_lookup_code = l_vendor
         AND release_lookup_code IS NULL;
Line: 1759

      SELECT invoice_num
        FROM ap_invoices
       WHERE vendor_id = P_vendor_id
         AND vendor_site_id = P_vendor_site_id
         AND invoice_amount = P_invoice_amount
         AND invoice_currency_code = P_invoice_currency_code
         AND invoice_type_lookup_code =
Line: 1843

      SELECT vendor_id
      INTO l_vendor_id
      WHERE vendor_site_id = P_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1910

      SELECT vendor_id
      INTO l_vendor_id
      WHERE vendor_site_id = P_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1948

 |  FUNCTION - selected_for_payment_flag
 |      returns 'Y' if an invoice has been selected for payment; function
Line: 1963

    FUNCTION selected_for_payment_flag (P_invoice_id IN number)
    RETURN varchar2
      l_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
Line: 1967

      CURSOR selected_for_payment_cursor IS
      SELECT 'Y'
       WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
      SELECT 'Y'
        WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND checkrun_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1979

       OPEN selected_for_payment_cursor;
Line: 1980

      FETCH selected_for_payment_cursor
       INTO l_flag;
Line: 1982

      CLOSE selected_for_payment_cursor;
Line: 1986

    END selected_for_payment_flag;
Line: 2010

      SELECT 'Y'
      FROM   ap_invoice_payments
      WHERE  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
      AND    nvl(discount_taken,0) <> 0;
Line: 2049

      SELECT 'Y', p.org_id
        FROM ap_invoice_payments p,
             ap_checks c,
             ap_system_parameters SP
       WHERE  p.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
         AND  p.org_id = sp.org_id
         AND  nvl(p.cash_posted_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
         AND  p.check_id = c.check_id
         AND  c.void_date IS NOT NULL
         AND  (sp.accounting_method_option = 'Cash' OR
               sp.secondary_accounting_method = 'Cash');
Line: 2126

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM ap_invoice_payments
       WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 2216

        SELECT SUM(nvl(prepay_amount_remaining,amount))
        FROM  ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,ap_invoices_all ai
        WHERE aid.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND   aid.line_type_lookup_code IN ('ITEM','TAX')
        AND   nvl(aid.reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
        AND  ai.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND  ai.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAYMENT'
        AND  ai.earliest_settlement_date IS NOT NULL
        AND  ai.earliest_settlement_date <= trunc(SYSDATE);
Line: 2255

        FROM ap_invoices_all ai
       WHERE ai.invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 2290

      select decode(count(distinct(packet_id)),1,max(packet_id),'')
        from ap_invoice_distributions
       where invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
         and packet_id is not null;
Line: 2329

      CURSOR c_select_payment_status (cv_invoice_id NUMBER ) IS
      SELECT payment_status_flag
        FROM ap_payment_schedules_all
       WHERE invoice_id = cv_invoice_id;
Line: 2336

      OPEN c_select_payment_status ( p_invoice_id );
Line: 2338

      FETCH c_select_payment_status into temp_ps_flag;
Line: 2339

      EXIT when c_select_payment_status%NOTFOUND;
Line: 2353

      CLOSE c_select_payment_status;
Line: 2398

      select asp.accounting_method_option,
             nvl(asp.secondary_accounting_method, 'None'),
        into l_primary_acctg_method,
        from ap_system_parameters_all asp
        where asp.org_id = P_org_id;
Line: 2425

        select count(*)
          into l_count_pmt_posted
          from ap_invoice_payments aip
         where aip.posted_flag = 'Y'
           and aip.invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2431

        select count(*)
          into l_count_pmt_hist_posted
          from ap_payment_history aph
         where aph.posted_flag = 'Y'
           and aph.check_id in (select check_id
                                  from ap_invoice_payments aip
                                 where aip.invoice_id = p_invoice_id);
Line: 2454

        select count(*)
          into l_count_prepaid_posted
          from ap_invoice_distributions aid
         where aid.posted_flag <> 'N'
           and aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
           and aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY';
Line: 2499

      SELECT SUM(aid1.amount * -1)
        INTO l_prepay_amt_applied
        FROM ap_invoice_distributions aid1, ap_invoice_distributions aid2
       WHERE aid1.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
         AND aid1.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
         AND aid1.prepay_distribution_id = aid2.invoice_distribution_id
         AND aid2.invoice_id = P_prepay_id
         AND aid2.last_update_date = P_application_date ;
Line: 2535

      SELECT count(invoice_distribution_id)
        INTO l_count_distributions
        FROM ap_invoice_distributions
       WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2553

 |      prepayment. This has been added to do not use a new select statement in
 |      the expense report import program.
 |  NOTES:
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change

    FUNCTION get_amt_applied_per_prepay (
                 P_invoice_id          IN NUMBER,
                 P_prepay_id           IN NUMBER)
    RETURN number
      l_prepay_amt_applied NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2574

      SELECT SUM(aid1.amount * -1)
        INTO l_prepay_amt_applied
        FROM ap_invoice_distributions aid1, ap_invoice_distributions aid2
       WHERE aid1.invoice_id = P_invoice_id
         AND aid1.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
         AND aid1.prepay_distribution_id = aid2.invoice_distribution_id
         AND aid2.invoice_id = P_prepay_id;
Line: 2609

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO   l_explines_count
      FROM   ap_expense_report_lines
      WHERE  report_header_id = p_expense_report_id;
Line: 2653

        SELECT 'E'
        INTO   l_return_type
        FROM   ap_expense_report_headers aerh
        WHERE  aerh.vouchno = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2698

      SELECT nvl( MAX(line_number),0 )
        INTO l_max_inv_line_num
        FROM ap_invoice_lines
       WHERE invoice_id = P_invoice_id;
Line: 2733

       SELECT SUM(NVL(amount,0))
         INTO line_total
         FROM ap_invoice_lines ail
        WHERE ail.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
          AND ((ail.line_type_lookup_code not in ('PREPAY','AWT') --Bug 7372061 Excluded 'AWT' amount from the total line amount.
               AND ail.prepay_invoice_id IS NULL
               AND ail.prepay_line_number IS NULL)
               OR nvl(ail.invoice_includes_prepay_flag,'N') = 'Y');
Line: 2804

      SELECT decode(x_reporting_ledger_id, null, AI.base_amount, null),
             AI.invoice_amount, -- invoice amount
             AI.invoice_currency_code, -- invoice_currency_code
             ASP.base_currency_code -- base_currency_code
        FROM ap_invoices AI, ap_system_parameters ASP
       WHERE AI.invoice_id = X_invoice_id
         AND ASP.org_id = AI.org_id;
Line: 2840

          SELECT SUM(base_amount), SUM(amount)
            INTO l_sum_base_amt, l_sum_amt
            FROM ap_invoice_lines AIL
           WHERE AIL.invoice_id = X_INVOICE_ID
             AND line_type_lookup_code <> 'AWT'
             AND (invoice_includes_prepay_flag = 'Y' OR
                 line_type_lookup_code <> 'PREPAY');
Line: 2855

Line: 2865

Line: 2883

        SELECT ail1.line_number
          BULK COLLECT INTO l_Rounded_Line_Numbers
          FROM ap_invoice_lines ail1
         WHERE ail1.invoice_id = X_invoice_id
           AND ail1.amount <> 0
           AND LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE not in ('TAX', 'AWT') -- bug 9582952 --bug16090813
           AND (EXISTS
                (SELECT 'UNPOSTED'
                   FROM ap_invoice_distributions D1
                  WHERE D1.invoice_id = ail1.invoice_id
                    AND D1.invoice_line_number = ail1.line_number
                    AND NVL(D1.posted_flag, 'N') = 'N') OR
                (NOT EXISTS
                 (SELECT 'X'
                    FROM ap_invoice_distributions D2
                   WHERE D2.invoice_id = ail1.invoice_id
                     AND D2.invoice_line_number = ail1.line_number)))
          ORDER BY ail1.base_amount desc;
Line: 2914

Line: 2961

        SELECT 1
        INTO   l_active_count
        FROM   ap_invoice_lines AIL
        WHERE  ( NVL( AIL.discarded_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y' AND
                 NVL( AIL.cancelled_flag, 'N' ) <> 'Y' )
        AND    AIL.corrected_inv_id = p_invoice_id
        AND    ROWNUM = 1 ;
Line: 2976

        SELECT 1
        INTO   l_quick_credit_count
        FROM   ap_invoices AI
        WHERE  AI.credited_invoice_id = P_invoice_id
        AND  NVL(AI.quick_credit, 'N') = 'Y'
        AND  AI.cancelled_date is null
        AND  ROWNUM = 1 ;
Line: 3026

    SELECT i.invoice_id
      FROM ap_invoices_all i
     WHERE i.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
           (SELECT il.invoice_id
              FROM ap_invoice_lines_all il
             WHERE il.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
               AND NVL(il.discarded_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
               AND NVL(il.cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
               AND il.match_type IN ('PRICE_CORRECTION',
Line: 3114

    SELECT i.invoice_id
      FROM ap_invoices_all i
     WHERE i.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
           (SELECT il.invoice_id
              FROM ap_invoice_lines_all il
             WHERE il.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
              AND il.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
              AND NVL(il.discarded_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
              AND NVL(il.cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 3201

    SELECT i.invoice_id
      FROM ap_invoices_all i
     WHERE i.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
           (SELECT il.invoice_id
              FROM ap_invoice_lines_all il
             WHERE il.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
               AND il.line_type_lookup_code = 'AWT'
               AND NVL(il.discarded_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
               AND NVL(il.cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 3287

    SELECT i.invoice_id
      FROM ap_invoices_all i
     WHERE i.invoice_id = P_Invoice_Id
           (SELECT ail.invoice_id
              FROM ap_invoice_lines_all ail,
                   po_line_locations_all pll
             WHERE ail.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
               AND ail.po_line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
               AND ail.org_id = pll.org_id
               AND pll.closed_code = 'FINALLY CLOSED');
Line: 3362

     select nvl(max(distribution_line_number),0)
     into   l_max_dist_line_num
     from   ap_invoice_distributions
     where  invoice_id = P_invoice_id
     and    invoice_line_number = P_invoice_line_number;
Line: 3382

   SELECT invoice_num
   INTO l_invoice_num
   FROM ap_invoices
   WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 3416

       SELECT SUM(NVL(amount,0))
         INTO retained_total
         FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
        WHERE aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
          AND aid.line_type_lookup_code = 'RETAINAGE'
          AND EXISTS
                  (SELECT 'X' FROM ap_invoice_lines_all ail
                    WHERE ail.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
                      AND ail.line_number = aid.invoice_line_number
                      AND ail.line_type_lookup_code <> 'RETAINAGE RELEASE');
Line: 3453

      select sum(nvl(amount,0)) - sum(nvl(included_tax_amount,0))
      into   item_total
      from   ap_invoice_lines_all
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    line_type_lookup_code IN ('ITEM','RETAINAGE RELEASE');
Line: 3485

      select sum(nvl(amount,0)) - sum(nvl(included_tax_amount,0))
      into   freight_total
      from   ap_invoice_lines_all
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    org_id     = p_org_id
      and    line_type_lookup_code = 'FREIGHT';
Line: 3519

      select sum(nvl(amount,0)) - sum(nvl(included_tax_amount,0))
      into   misc_total
      from   ap_invoice_lines_all
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    org_id     = p_org_id
      and    line_type_lookup_code = 'MISCELLANEOUS';
Line: 3552

      select sum(nvl(amount,0))
      into   prepay_app_total
      from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    org_id     = p_org_id
      and    line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY';
Line: 3603

      SELECT ai.cancelled_date,
	     ai.wfapproval_status /* Added for Bug 11924642 */
      INTO   l_cancelled_date,
      FROM   ap_invoices_all ai
      WHERE  ai.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
        AND  ai.source = 'ISP';
Line: 3637

		      SELECT count(*)
		      INTO   l_negotiate_lines_count
		      FROM   ap_apinv_approvers
		      WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
		      AND    approval_status = 'NEGOTIATE'
		      AND rownum =1;
Line: 3650

		      SELECT count(*)
		      INTO   l_negotiate_lines_count
		      FROM   ap_holds_all
		      WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
		      AND    wf_status = 'NEGOTIATE'
		      AND rownum =1;
Line: 3697

		select  t.bank_account_name,
		from (
		SELECT  b.bank_account_name,
			b.ext_bank_account_id bank_account_id,
			rank() over (partition by ibyu.instrument_id, ibyu.instrument_type order by ibyu.instrument_payment_use_id) not_dup,
			ibypayee.supplier_site_id,/*bug 8345877*/
			ibypayee.party_site_id,/*bug 8345877*/
			ibypayee.org_id,/*bug 8345877*/
			ibyu.order_of_preference /*bug 8345877*/
		 WHERE ibyu.instrument_id = b.ext_bank_account_id
		   AND ibyu.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'
		   AND (b.currency_code = p_invoice_currency_code OR b.currency_code is null
			OR NVL(b.foreign_payment_use_flag,'N')='Y')
		   AND ibyu.ext_pmt_party_id = ibypayee.ext_payee_id
		   AND ibyu.payment_flow = 'DISBURSEMENTS'
		   AND ibypayee.payment_function = 'PAYABLES_DISB'
		   AND ibypayee.payee_party_id = p_party_id
		   /*bug 9462285. Modified end_date condition */
		   AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(NVL(ibyu.start_date,sysdate-1)) AND trunc(decode(ibyu.end_date, null, sysdate+1, ibyu.end_date-1))
		   AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(NVL(b.start_date,sysdate-1)) AND trunc(decode(b.end_date, null, sysdate+1, b.end_date-1))
		   AND (ibypayee.party_site_id is null OR ibypayee.party_site_id = p_party_site_id)
		   AND (ibypayee.supplier_site_id is null OR ibypayee.supplier_site_id = p_supplier_site_id)
		   AND (ibypayee.org_id is null OR
			(ibypayee.org_id = p_org_id AND ibypayee.org_type = 'OPERATING_UNIT'))) t
		where t.not_dup=1 /*bug 8345877*/
                  order by t.supplier_site_id,
                           t.order_of_preference/*bug 8345877*/;
Line: 3770

      SELECT NVL(ph.clm_document_number, ph.segment1)
      FROM   po_headers PH
      WHERE  ph.segment1=p_po_number
      AND    ph.org_id=p_org_id;
Line: 3795

 |  FUNCTION - Update_Invoice_Description
 |      API to update the Description of CREDIT MEMO
 |  NOTES:
 |     Date         Author             Description of Change
 |  8-Jul-2011      anubagar           Created the API

FUNCTION Update_Invoice_Description ( p_invoice_id IN NUMBER,
                                      p_description IN VARCHAR2,
                                      p_calling_sequence IN VARCHAR2)
         l_current_calling_sequence      VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 3821

         l_api_name                      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'Update_Invoice_Description';
Line: 3824

     l_current_calling_sequence := 'AP_UTILITIES_PKG.Update_Description <- '||p_calling_sequence;
Line: 3830

     SELECT Invoice_type_lookup_code
       INTO l_invoice_type
       FROM ap_invoices_all
      WHERE invoice_id=p_invoice_id;
Line: 3842

        UPDATE ap_invoices_all
           SET description = p_description
         WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 3846

         l_debug_info := 'Update Invoice Description Successfully';
Line: 3872

END Update_Invoice_Description;
Line: 3918

                  and invoice_amount >=0 then
	          and invoice_amount <0 then
	   /* Modified for bug#15906783 */
                               FROM ap_invoice_lines_interface
                               WHERE invoice_line_id = P_ID);
Line: 3937