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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

  select a.application_short_name,
         argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5,
         argument6, argument7, argument8, argument9, argument10,
         argument11, argument12, argument13, argument14, argument15,
         argument16, argument17, argument18, argument19, argument20,
         argument21, argument22, argument23, argument24, argument25,
         argument26, argument27, argument28, argument29, argument30,
         argument31, argument32, argument33, argument34, argument35,
         argument36, argument37, argument38, argument39, argument40,
         argument41, argument42, argument43, argument44, argument45,
         argument46, argument47, argument48, argument49, argument50,
         argument51, argument52, argument53, argument54, argument55,
         argument56, argument57, argument58, argument59, argument60,
         argument61, argument62, argument63, argument64, argument65,
         argument66, argument67, argument68, argument69, argument70,
         argument71, argument72, argument73, argument74, argument75,
         argument76, argument77, argument78, argument79, argument80,
         argument81, argument82, argument83, argument84, argument85,

         argument86, argument87, argument88, argument89, argument90,
         argument91, argument92, argument93, argument94, argument95,
         argument96, argument97, argument98, argument99, argument100,
    from fnd_run_requests r,
         fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_application a
   where r.parent_request_id = parent_id
     and a.application_id = r.application_id
     and cp.application_id = r.application_id
     and cp.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
   order by r.request_set_program_id;
Line: 76

     select nls_language, nls_territory, numeric_characters
       from fnd_run_req_languages
      where parent_request_id = parent_req_id;
Line: 83

    select arguments printer, number_of_copies
      from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
     where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
       and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
       and action_type = 1
       and (nls_language = language
           or nls_language is null)
     order by sequence;
Line: 95

    select arguments notify
      from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
     where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
       and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
       and action_type = 2
       and (nls_language = language
           or nls_language is null)
     order by sequence;
Line: 107

    select argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5
      from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
     where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
       and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
       and action_type = 6
       and (nls_language = language
           or nls_language is null)
     order by sequence;
Line: 118

    select argument1, argument2, argument5
      from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
     where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
       and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
       and action_type = 6
     order by sequence;
Line: 129

    select argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5,
	   argument6, argument7, argument8, argument9, argument10
      from fnd_run_req_pp_actions
     where parent_request_id = parent_req_id
       and request_set_program_id = set_program_id
       and action_type in (7, 8)
       and (nls_language = language
           or nls_language is null)
     order by sequence;
Line: 224

        select execution_file_name,
               p.mls_executable_id, p.mls_executable_app_id,
	       p.nls_compliant, P.User_Concurrent_Program_Name
          into funct,
               function_id, function_appl_id,
	       nls_comp, UserProgramName
          from fnd_concurrent_programs_vl p, fnd_executables e
         where p.application_id = appl_id
           and p.concurrent_program_id = prog_id
       	   and e.executable_id(+) = p.mls_executable_id
           and e.application_id(+) = p.mls_executable_app_id;
Line: 363

     /* select lang, terr, num char from parent req id */
        select nls_language, nls_territory, nls_numeric_characters
          into parent_nls_lang, parent_nls_terr, parent_nls_char
          from fnd_concurrent_requests
         where request_id =  parent_id;
Line: 388

		   select nls_language, nls_territory
		     into P_LANG(i).nls_language, P_LANG(i).nls_territory
		     from fnd_languages
		    where language_code = P_LANG(i).lang_code;
Line: 403

                      select nls_language, nls_territory
                        into P_LANG(i).nls_language, P_LANG(i).nls_territory
                        from fnd_languages
                       where language_code = P_LANG(i).lang_code;
Line: 418

		      select nls_language, b.nls_territory
		        into P_LANG(i).nls_language, P_LANG(i).nls_territory
		        from fnd_languages a, fnd_territories b
		       where language_code = P_LANG(i).lang_code
                         and territory_code = P_LANG(i).terr_code;
Line: 441

		select nls_language
		  into P_LANG(i).nls_language
		  from fnd_languages
		 where language_code = P_LANG(i).lang_code;
Line: 462

                   select nls_territory
                     into P_LANG(i).nls_territory
                     from fnd_territories
                    where territory_code = P_LANG(i).terr_code;
Line: 534

           all individual requests are protected against updates */
        /* NLS Project - added numeric character */
        /* 4079398 - Check the numeric character for single character; if so,
Line: 630

           select iso_language, iso_territory
             into t_language, t_territory
             from fnd_languages
            where nls_language = P_LANG(ind).nls_language;
Line: 639

                   select nls_territory
                     into P_LANG(ind).nls_territory
                     from fnd_territories
                    where territory_code = P_LANG(ind).terr_code;
Line: 741

	  into iso_lang, iso_terr
          from fnd_languages
	where nls_language = P_LANG(ind).nls_language;
Line: 749

	    select territory_code
              into iso_terr
	      from fnd_territories
              where nls_territory = P_LANG(ind).nls_territory
	      and obsolete_flag = 'N';
Line: 874

           select decode(status_code, 'C', 'S', 'G', 'W', 'E')
             into current_outcome
             from fnd_concurrent_requests
            where request_id = P_REQ(ind).req_id;
Line: 895

        select meaning
          into outcome_meaning
          from fnd_lookups
         where lookup_type = 'CP_SET_OUTCOME'
           and lookup_code = current_outcome;
Line: 915

      select meaning
        into outcome_meaning
        from fnd_lookups
       where lookup_type = 'CP_SET_OUTCOME'
         and lookup_code = decode(retcode,2,'E',1,'W','S');
Line: 933

      select language_code
        from fnd_languages
       where installed_flag in ('B','I')
             order by language_id;
Line: 943

	select concat ( lang_str, langs.language_code || ',')
	  into lang_str
          from dual;