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Line 266: per_time_periods ptp

262: Cursor csr_pay_date ( c_assignment_id In per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE
263: ,c_effective_date In date) Is
264: Select max(ppa.effective_date)
265: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
266: per_time_periods ptp
267: where c_effective_date between ptp.start_date
268: and ptp.end_date
269: and ptp.time_period_id= ppa.time_period_id
270: and ppa.action_type in ('Q','R')

Line 947: -- based on the per_time_periods of the assig. payroll_id

944: If g_ext_dfn_type = 'SRS_PTD' Then
945: g_dimension_name := 'Assignment within Government Reporting Entity Period to Date';
946: -- The procedure sets the g_extract_start_date, g_extract_end_date globals
947: -- based on the per_time_periods of the assig. payroll_id
948: l_return_value := Get_PTD_Start_End_Date(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
949: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date
950: );
951: If l_return_value Like 'S%' Then

Line 1238: -- based on the per_time_periods of the assig. payroll_id

1234: If g_ext_dfn_type = 'SRS_PTD' Then
1235: hr_utility.set_location('Extract type Is PTD, so get the PTD start end dates based on payroll id..',55);
1236: g_dimension_name := 'Assignment within Government Reporting Entity Period to Date';
1237: -- The procedure sets the g_extract_start_date, g_extract_end_date globals
1238: -- based on the per_time_periods of the assig. payroll_id
1239: hr_utility.set_location('.....Calling Get_PTD_Start_End_Date in Create_Secondary_Assig_Lines..',60);
1240: l_error_value := Get_PTD_Start_End_Date(p_assignment_id => l_curr_sec_asg_id
1241: ,p_effective_date => g_effective_date
1242: );