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Line 31: from pa_implementations_all pai

28: dummy1 VARCHAR2(4); -- into arg for main SELECT
29: cursor check_org_structure_exists is
30: select 'X'
31: from pa_implementations_all pai
32: where ( (p_org_structure_id = pai.organization_structure_id)
33: OR (p_org_structure_id = pai.proj_org_structure_id)
34: OR (p_org_structure_id = pai.exp_org_structure_id)
35: );

Line 106: from pa_implementations_all pai

102: --
103: dummy1 VARCHAR2(4); -- into arg for main SELECT
104: cursor check_org_structure_ver_exists is
105: select 'X'
106: from pa_implementations_all pai
107: where ( (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.org_structure_version_id)
108: OR (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.proj_org_structure_version_id)
109: OR (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.exp_org_structure_version_id)
110: );

Line 183: FROM pa_implementations_all pai,

179: --
180: cursor check_start_org_exists is
181: (
182: SELECT 'X'
183: FROM pa_implementations_all pai,
184: per_org_structure_elements ose
185: WHERE p_org_structure_element_id = ose.org_structure_element_id /*Start-Added for bug:8285339*/
186: AND ((pai.org_structure_version_id = ose.org_structure_version_id
187: AND pai.start_organization_id = ose.organization_id_child)