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2 /* $Header: PAXBLWBS.pls 120.3 2006/01/19 03:15:47 bchandra noship $ */
4 /* Declaring global variable for invoice region VO
5  G_system_reference        NUMBER;
6  G_ar_amount               NUMBER; */
8 -- This procedure will get all the parameters for Billing Region for the given project.
9 -- burdened cost and raw revenue on the basis of passed parameters
10 -- Input parameters
11 -- Parameters                      Type           Required      Description
12 -- p_project_id                   NUMBER           YES          The identifier of the project
13 --
14 -- Out parameters
15 --
16 -- x_funding_amt                  NUMBER          YES          Total Baselined amount for the given project
17 -- x_rev_accured                  NUMBER          YES          Total Revenue accrued for the given project
18 -- x_rev_backlog                  NUMBER          YES          Revenue funding backlog. The diff of above two
19 -- x_rev_writeoff                 NUMBER          YES          Total accrued revenue writeoff
20 -- x_ubr                          NUMBER          YES          Total Unbilled receivables for the given project
21 -- x_uer                          NUMBER          YES          Total Unearned revenue for the given project
22 -- x_inv_billed                   NUMBER          YES          Total Invoiced amount(including project invoices, credit
23 --                                                             memos,write-off,cancelling,concession project, and
24 --                                                             retention invoices
25 -- x_inv_backlog                  NUMBER          YES          Invoice Funding backlog. The diff of Funding amt and inv_billed
26 -- x_inv_paid                     NUMBER          YES          Total invoice amount paid by the customers for this project
27 -- x_inv_due                      NUMBER          YES          Total invoice amount due from customers
28 -- x_billable_cost                NUMBER          YES          Sum of the burdened cost of all the expenditure items
29 --                                                             with billable flag as yes and cost distribution as yes
30 -- x_unbilled_cost                NUMBER          YES          Total burdened cost that is not yet billed, but marked
31 --                                                             as billable as yes
32 -- x_unbilled_events              NUMBER          YES          Sum of all invoice events that are not billed to the customers (
33 --                                                             including partialy billed event amount also
34 -- x_unbilled_retn                NUMBER          YES          Total withheld amount that is not billed to the customer
35 -- x_unapproved_inv_amt           NUMBER          YES          Sum of all the unapproved project and retention invoices
36 --                                                             including credit memosof project invoices, cancelling,
37 --                                                             writeoff,concession project
38 --
39 PROCEDURE Get_Billing_Sum_Region_Amts (
40                                             p_project_id                  IN     NUMBER ,
41                                             p_project_currency            IN     VARCHAR2 ,
42                                             p_projfunc_currency           IN     VARCHAR2 ,
43                                             p_ubr                         IN     NUMBER ,
44                                             p_uer                         IN     NUMBER ,
45                                             x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
46                                             x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
47                                             x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
48                                       );
52 --
53 -- Procedure            : Get_Billing_Sum_Region_Amts
54 -- Purpose              : This procedure will get all the parameters for Billing Region for the given project.
55 -- Parameters           :
56 --
59 -- This procedure will populate the temp table with all the input paramters for billing
60 -- work bench.
61 -- Input parameters
62 -- Parameters                      Type           Required      Description
63 -- p_project_id                   NUMBER           YES          The identifier of the project
64 -- p_funding_amt                  NUMBER          YES          Total Baselined amount for the given project
65 -- p_rev_accured                  NUMBER          YES          Total Revenue accrued for the given project
66 -- p_rev_backlog                  NUMBER          YES          Revenue funding backlog. The diff of above two
67 -- p_rev_writeoff                 NUMBER          YES          Total accrued revenue writeoff
68 -- p_ubr                          NUMBER          YES          Total Unbilled receivables for the given project
69 -- p_uer                          NUMBER          YES          Total Unearned revenue for the given project
70 -- p_inv_billed                   NUMBER          YES          Total Invoiced amount(including project invoices, credit
71 --                                                             memos,write-off,cancelling,concession project, and
72 --                                                             retention invoices
73 -- p_inv_backlog                  NUMBER          YES          Invoice Funding backlog. The diff of Funding amt and inv_billed
74 -- p_inv_paid                     NUMBER          YES          Total invoice amount paid by the customers for this project
75 -- p_inv_due                      NUMBER          YES          Total invoice amount due from customers
76 -- p_billable_cost                NUMBER          YES          Sum of the burdened cost of all the expenditure items
77 --                                                             with billable flag as yes and cost distribution as yes
78 -- p_unbilled_cost                NUMBER          YES          Total burdened cost that is not yet billed, but marked
79 --                                                             as billable as yes
80 -- p_unbilled_events              NUMBER          YES          Sum of all invoice events that are not billed to the customers (
81 --                                                             including partialy billed event amount also
82 -- p_unbilled_retn                NUMBER          YES          Total withheld amount that is not billed to the customer
83 -- p_unapproved_inv_amt           NUMBER          YES          Sum of all the unapproved project and retention invoices
84 --                                                             including credit memosof project invoices, cancelling,
85 --                                                             writeoff,concession project
86 --
87 -- Out parameters
88 --
90 PROCEDURE Populat_Bill_Workbench_Data (
91                                             p_project_id                  IN    NUMBER,
92                                             p_proj_funding_amt            IN    NUMBER ,
93                                             p_proj_rev_accured            IN    NUMBER ,
94                                             p_proj_rev_backlog            IN    NUMBER ,
95                                             p_proj_rev_writeoff           IN    NUMBER ,
96                                             p_proj_ubr                    IN    NUMBER ,
97                                             p_proj_uer                    IN    NUMBER ,
98                                             p_proj_inv_invoiced           IN    NUMBER ,
99                                             p_proj_inv_backlog            IN    NUMBER ,
100                                             p_proj_inv_paid               IN    NUMBER ,
101                                             p_proj_inv_due                IN    NUMBER ,
102                                             p_proj_billable_cost          IN    NUMBER ,
103                                             p_proj_unbilled_cost          IN    NUMBER ,
104                                             p_proj_unbilled_events        IN    NUMBER ,
105                                             p_proj_unbilled_retn          IN    NUMBER ,
106                                             p_proj_unapproved_inv_amt     IN    NUMBER ,
107                                             p_proj_tax                    IN    NUMBER ,
108                                             p_pc_ubr_applicab_flag        IN    VARCHAR2,
109                                             p_pc_uer_applicab_flag        IN    VARCHAR2,
110                                             p_pc_unbil_eve_applicab_flag  IN    VARCHAR2,
111                                             p_projfunc_funding_amt        IN    NUMBER ,
112                                             p_projfunc_rev_accured        IN    NUMBER ,
113                                             p_projfunc_rev_backlog        IN    NUMBER ,
114                                             p_projfunc_rev_writeoff       IN    NUMBER ,
115                                             p_projfunc_ubr                IN    NUMBER ,
116                                             p_projfunc_uer                IN    NUMBER ,
117                                             p_projfunc_inv_invoiced       IN    NUMBER ,
118                                             p_projfunc_inv_backlog        IN    NUMBER ,
119                                             p_projfunc_inv_paid           IN    NUMBER ,
120                                             p_projfunc_inv_due            IN    NUMBER ,
121                                             p_projfunc_billable_cost      IN    NUMBER ,
122                                             p_projfunc_unbilled_cost      IN    NUMBER ,
123                                             p_projfunc_unbilled_events    IN    NUMBER ,
124                                             p_projfunc_unbilled_retn      IN    NUMBER ,
125                                             p_projfunc_unapprov_inv_amt   IN    NUMBER ,
126                                             p_projfunc_tax                IN    NUMBER ,
127                                             p_pfc_unbil_eve_applicab_flag IN    VARCHAR2,
128                                             p_next_invoice_date           IN    DATE,
129                                             p_multi_customer_flag         IN    VARCHAR2,
130                                             x_return_status               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
131                                             x_msg_count                   OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
132                                             x_msg_data                    OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
133                                       );
137 --
138 -- Procedure            : Populat_Bill_Workbench_Data
139 -- Purpose              :This procedure will populate the temp table with all the input paramters for billing
140 --                       work bench.
141 -- Parameters           :
142 --
149 -- This procedure will populate the temp table with all the input paramters for Summary by customer region of invoicing
150 -- Input parameters
151 -- Parameters                      Type           Required      Description
152 -- p_project_id                   NUMBER           YES          The identifier of the project
153 -- p_inv_filter                   VARCHAR2         YES          Filter to filter invoices based on the user inputs
154 --
155 -- Out parameters
156 --
157 /* Added 10 parameter  after p_inv_filter for search region i.e. bug 3618704 */
159 PROCEDURE Populat_Inv_Summ_by_Cust_RN (
160                                             p_project_id                  IN    NUMBER,
161                                             p_inv_filter                  IN    VARCHAR2,
162                                             p_search_flag                 IN    VARCHAR2,
163                                             p_agreement_id                IN    NUMBER ,
164                                             p_draft_num                   IN    NUMBER,
165                                             p_ar_number                   IN    VARCHAR2 ,
166                                             p_creation_frm_date           IN    DATE ,
167                                             p_creation_to_date            IN    DATE ,
168                                             p_invoice_frm_date            IN    DATE ,
169                                             p_invoice_to_date             IN    DATE ,
170                                             p_gl_frm_date                 IN    DATE ,
171                                             p_gl_to_date                  IN    DATE ,
172                                             x_return_status               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
173                                             x_msg_count                   OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
174                                             x_msg_data                    OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
175                                       );
179 --
180 -- Procedure            : Populat_Inv_Summ_by_Cust_RN
181 -- Purpose              :This procedure will populate the temp table with all the input paramters for Summary by customer region
182 --                       of invoicing
183 -- Parameters           :
184 --
186 FUNCTION Get_Due_Amount (
187                                             p_project_id                  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
188                                             p_draft_inv_num               IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
189                                             p_system_reference            IN     NUMBER ,
190                                             p_transfer_status_code        IN     VARCHAR2 ,
191                                             p_calling_mode                IN     VARCHAR2 ,
192                                             p_inv_amount                  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
193                                             p_proj_bill_amount            IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
194                                             p_projfunc_bill_amount        IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
195                                       )  RETURN NUMBER;
199 --
200 -- Procedure            : Get_Due_Amount
201 -- Purpose              : This procedure will get all the parameters for Billing Region for the given project.
202 -- Parameters           :
203 --
205 FUNCTION Get_Tax_Amount (
206                                             p_project_id                  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
207                                             p_draft_inv_num               IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
208                                             p_system_reference            IN     NUMBER ,
209                                             p_transfer_status_code        IN     VARCHAR2 ,
210                                             p_calling_mode                IN     VARCHAR2 ,
211                                             p_inv_amount                  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
212                                             p_proj_bill_amount            IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
213                                             p_projfunc_bill_amount        IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
214                                       )  RETURN NUMBER;
216 -- Added for bug 4932118
218         P_PROJECT_ID            IN              NUMBER,
219         X_PROJECT_CURR_UBR      OUT NOCOPY            NUMBER,
220         X_PROJECT_CURR_UER      OUT NOCOPY            NUMBER,
221         X_RETURN_STATUS         OUT NOCOPY           VARCHAR,
222         X_MSG_COUNT             OUT NOCOPY           NUMBER,
223         X_MSG_DATA              OUT NOCOPY            VARCHAR );