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1 package body GMD_SPEC_MATCH_API as
2 /* $Header: GMDRLSMB.pls 120.1 2006/04/10 14:08:43 rakulkar noship $ */
4 -- Start of comments
5 --+==========================================================================+
6 --|                   Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation                  |
7 --|                          Redwood Shores, CA, USA                         |
8 --|                            All rights reserved.                          |
9 --+==========================================================================+
10 --| File Name          : GMDRLSMB.pls                                        |
11 --| Package Name       : GMD_SPEC_MATCH_API                                  |
12 --| Type               : Group                                               |
13 --|                                                                          |
14 --| Notes                                                                    |
15 --|    This package contains group layer APIs for Specification Match        |
16 --|    exclusivly for the picking rules                                      |
17 --|                                                                          |
18 --| HISTORY                                                                  |
19 --|    Liping Gao      6-Jan-2006       Created.                             |
20 --|                                                                          |
21 --+==========================================================================+
22 -- End of comments
24     Function get_spec_match
25          ( p_source_line_id                 IN NUMBER
26          , p_lot_number                     IN VARCHAR2
27          , p_subinventory_code              IN VARCHAR2
28          , p_locator_id                     IN NUMBER
29          )
31     IS
32     find_cust_spec_rec    GMD_SPEC_MATCH_GRP.customer_spec_rec_type;
33     l_spec_vr_id          NUMBER;
34     l_spec_return_status  VARCHAR(1);
35     l_return_status       VARCHAR(1);
36     l_message_data        VARCHAR(2000);
37     l_spec_return         BOOLEAN := FALSE;
38     l_spec_hdr_id         NUMBER;
39     l_customer_id         NUMBER;
40     l_ship_to_site_id     NUMBER;
41     l_grade               VARCHAR(150);
42     l_inventory_item_id   NUMBER;
43     l_schedule_ship_date  DATE;
44     l_header_id           NUMBER;
45     l_organization_id     NUMBER;
47     l_spec_match_type     VARCHAR2(4);
48     result_lot_match_tbl  GMD_SPEC_MATCH_GRP.result_lot_match_tbl;
50     Cursor get_order_line_info (p_source_line_id IN Number) Is
51     Select header_id
52        ,   ship_to_org_id             ship_to_site_id
53        ,   sold_to_org_id             customer_id
54        ,   ship_from_org_id           organization_id
55        ,   inventory_item_id
56        ,   schedule_ship_date
57        ,   preferred_grade
58     From oe_order_lines_all
59     Where line_id = p_source_line_id
60     ;
61     /*CURSOR get_spec_match_type IS
62     SELECT meaning
63     FROM   gem_lookups
64     WHERE  lookup_type = 'GMD_QC_SPEC_MATCH_TYPES'
65         AND lookup_code = l_spec_match_type;*/
67 Begin
69         open get_order_line_info(p_source_line_id);
70         Fetch get_order_line_info
71         Into l_header_id
72            , l_ship_to_site_id
73            , l_customer_id
74            , l_organization_id
75            , l_inventory_item_id
76            , l_schedule_ship_date
77            , l_grade
78            ;
79         Close get_order_line_info;
80         find_cust_spec_rec.cust_id                := l_customer_id;
81         find_cust_spec_rec.inventory_item_id      := l_inventory_item_id;
82         find_cust_spec_rec.grade_code             := l_grade;
83         find_cust_spec_rec.date_effective         := l_schedule_ship_date;
84         --find_cust_spec_rec.org_id                 := l_organization_id;
85         find_cust_spec_rec.organization_id        := l_organization_id;
86         find_cust_spec_rec.ship_to_site_id        := l_ship_to_site_id;
87         find_cust_spec_rec.order_id               := l_header_id;
88         find_cust_spec_rec.order_line_id          := p_source_line_id;
89         find_cust_spec_rec.exact_match            := 'N';
90         find_cust_spec_rec.look_in_other_orgn     := 'Y';
91         l_spec_return := gmd_spec_match_grp.find_customer_spec
92                                 (   p_customer_spec_rec => find_cust_spec_rec
93                                    ,x_spec_id           => l_spec_hdr_id
94                                    ,x_spec_vr_id        => l_spec_vr_id
95                                    ,x_return_status     => l_spec_return_status
96                                    ,x_message_data      => l_message_data
97                                  );
98         IF (l_spec_hdr_id > 0) THEN
99            result_lot_match_tbl(1).inventory_item_id     := l_inventory_item_id;
100            result_lot_match_tbl(1).lot_number            := p_lot_number;
101            result_lot_match_tbl(1).subinventory          := p_subinventory_code;
102            result_lot_match_tbl(1).locator_id            := p_locator_id;
103            result_lot_match_tbl(1).organization_id       := l_organization_id;
104            --Calling quality api to fetch the spec_match_type
105            GMD_SPEC_MATCH_GRP.get_result_match_for_spec
106                           (   p_spec_id              => l_spec_hdr_id
107                              ,p_lots                 => result_lot_match_tbl
108                              ,x_return_status        => l_return_status
109                              ,x_message_data         => l_message_data
110                           );
111            IF (l_return_status = 'S' AND result_lot_match_tbl.COUNT > 0 ) THEN
112               l_spec_match_type          := result_lot_match_tbl(1).spec_match_type;
113            END IF;
114            IF (l_spec_match_type = 'A') THEN
115               return 'ACCEPTABLE';
116            Else
117               return 'UNACCEPTABLE';
118            END IF;
119         Else  -- all else return unacceptable
120            return 'UNACCEPTABLE';
121         END IF;
123     END get_spec_match ;