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Line 58: SUBTYPE asbv_tbl_type IS okl_subsidy_process_pvt.asbv_tbl_type;

54: g_stub_rec stub_rec_type;
55: SUBTYPE pdtv_rec_type IS okl_setupproducts_pvt.pdtv_rec_type;
56: SUBTYPE ast_dtl_tbl_type IS okl_activate_asset_pvt.ast_dtl_tbl_type;
57: SUBTYPE pdt_param_rec_type IS okl_setupproducts_pvt.pdt_parameters_rec_type;
58: SUBTYPE asbv_tbl_type IS okl_subsidy_process_pvt.asbv_tbl_type;
59: -- End of Bug#2757289 modification bakuchib
60: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61: --Added by kthiruva for the Variable Rate Build
62: --Record type declaration for storing the date and amount all the paydowns on a contract

Line 10577: -- and then call the OKL_SUBSIDY_PROCESS_PVT to get the total subsidized amount for an asset

10573: IF l_csm_one_off_fee_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
10574: -- Get the last record of each one off table
10575: i := l_csm_one_off_fee_tbl.LAST;
10576: -- Now scan thru the CSM line details table for the asset id
10577: -- and then call the OKL_SUBSIDY_PROCESS_PVT to get the total subsidized amount for an asset
10578: FOR get_asset_lines_rec IN get_asset_lines_csr (p_chr_id => p_chr_id) LOOP
10579: IF get_asset_lines_rec.id IS NOT NULL OR
10580: get_asset_lines_rec.id <> OKL_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
10581: execute_formula(p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 10624: okl_subsidy_process_pvt.get_asset_subsidy_amount(

10620: --Bug 4898772 - End of Changes
10621: FOR get_acc_mth_code_rec IN get_acc_mth_code (p_line_id => get_asset_lines_rec.id) LOOP
10622: i := i + 1;
10623: -- Changing the over loaded get_asset_subsidy_amont the tbl version
10624: okl_subsidy_process_pvt.get_asset_subsidy_amount(
10625: p_api_version => p_api_version,
10626: p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
10627: x_return_status => x_return_status,
10628: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

Line 10734: -- and then call the OKL_SUBSIDY_PROCESS_PVT to get the total subsidized amount for an asset

10730: END IF;
10731: ELSE
10732: -- Since there are no One off tbl create one
10733: -- Now scan thru the CSM line details table for the asset id
10734: -- and then call the OKL_SUBSIDY_PROCESS_PVT to get the total subsidized amount for an asset
10735: FOR get_asset_lines_rec IN get_asset_lines_csr (p_chr_id => p_chr_id) LOOP
10736: IF get_asset_lines_rec.id IS NOT NULL OR
10737: get_asset_lines_rec.id <> OKL_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
10738: execute_formula(p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 10782: okl_subsidy_process_pvt.get_asset_subsidy_amount(

10779: FOR get_acc_mth_code_rec IN get_acc_mth_code (p_line_id => get_asset_lines_rec.id) LOOP
10780: i := i + 1;
10781: -- Changing the over loaded get_asset_subsidy_amont the tbl version
10782: okl_subsidy_process_pvt.get_asset_subsidy_amount(
10783: p_api_version => p_api_version,
10784: p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
10785: x_return_status => x_return_status,
10786: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,