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1 PACKAGE BODY fnd_oam_kbf AS
2 /* $Header: AFOAMBFB.pls 120.3 2005/11/16 21:46:28 ppradhan noship $ */
4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- Exceptions Related
6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   --
8   -- Name
9   --   get_sysalcnt
10   --
11   -- Purpose
12   --   Returns the count of System Alerts across various severities and
13   --   acknowledged states by querying the fnd_log_unique_exceptions table
14   --
15   -- Input Arguments
16   --   p_category - category for which to return the counts. Null by
17   --                by default.
18   -- Output Arguments
19   --   critical_n - count of new alerts which are of CRITICAL severity
20   --   error_n    - count of new alerts which are of ERROR severity
21   --   warning_n  - count of new alerts which are of WARNING severity
22   --   critical_o - count of open alerts which are of CRITICAL severity
23   --   error_o    - count of open alerts which are of ERROR severity
24   --   warning_o  - count of open alerts which are of WARNING severity
25   --   critical_c - count of closed alerts which are of CRITICAL severity
26   --   error_c    - count of closed alerts which are of ERROR severity
27   --   warning_c  - count of closed alerts which are of WARNING severity
28   --
29   -- Notes:
30   --
31   --
32   PROCEDURE get_sysal_cnt
33     (critical_n OUT NOCOPY number,
34      error_n OUT NOCOPY number,
35      warning_n OUT NOCOPY number,
36      critical_o OUT NOCOPY number,
37      error_o OUT NOCOPY number,
38      warning_o OUT NOCOPY number,
39      p_category in varchar2 default null)
40   IS
42   BEGIN
43     if p_category is null then
44         select count(*) into critical_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
45                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='N';
46         select count(*) into error_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
47                 severity='ERROR' and status='N';
48         select count(*) into warning_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
49                 severity='WARNING' and status='N';
50         select count(*) into critical_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
51                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='O';
52         select count(*) into error_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
53                 severity='ERROR' and status='O';
54         select count(*) into warning_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
55                 severity='WARNING' and status='O';
56 /*
57         select count(*) into critical_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
58                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='C';
59         select count(*) into error_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
60                 severity='ERROR' and status='C';
61         select count(*) into warning_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
62                 severity='WARNING' and status='C';
63 */
64     else
65         select count(*) into critical_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
66                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='N' and category=p_category;
67         select count(*) into error_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
68                 severity='ERROR' and status='N' and category=p_category;
69         select count(*) into warning_n from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
70                 severity='WARNING' and status='N' and category=p_category;
71         select count(*) into critical_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
72                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='O' and category=p_category;
73         select count(*) into error_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
74                 severity='ERROR' and status='O' and category=p_category;
75         select count(*) into warning_o from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
76                 severity='WARNING' and status='O' and category=p_category;
77 /*
78         select count(*) into critical_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
79                 severity='CRITICAL' and status='C' and category=p_category;
80         select count(*) into error_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
81                 severity='ERROR' and status='C' and category=p_category;
82         select count(*) into warning_c from fnd_log_unique_exceptions where
83                 severity='WARNING' and status='C' and category=p_category;
84 */
85     end if;
86   END get_sysal_cnt;
89   --
90   -- Name
91   --   get_occ_cnt
92   --
93   -- Purpose
94   --   Returns the count of Occurrances of alerts across various severities
95   --   and acknowledged states by querying
96   --   the fnd_log_exceptions table.
97   --
98   -- Input Arguments
99   --   p_category - category for which to return the counts. Null by
100   --                by default.
101   -- Output Arguments
102   --   critical_n - count of new occurrances which are of CRITICAL severity
103   --   error_n    - count of new occurrances which are of ERROR severity
104   --   warning_n  - count of new occurrances which are of WARNING severity
105   --   critical_o - count of open occurrances which are of CRITICAL severity
106   --   error_o    - count of open occurrances which are of ERROR severity
107   --   warning_o  - count of open occurrances which are of WARNING severity
108   --   critical_c - count of closed occurrances which are of CRITICAL severity
109   --   error_c    - count of closed occurrances which are of ERROR severity
110   --   warning_c  - count of closed occrrances which are of WARNING severity
111   --
112   -- Notes:
113   --
114   --
115   PROCEDURE get_occ_cnt
116     (critical_n OUT NOCOPY number,
117      error_n OUT NOCOPY number,
118      warning_n OUT NOCOPY number,
119      critical_o OUT NOCOPY number,
120      error_o OUT NOCOPY number,
121      warning_o OUT NOCOPY number,
122      p_category in varchar2 default null)
123   IS
125   BEGIN
126     -- Added an optimization for getting occurence count using the sum of
127     -- count columns instead of joining with fnd_log_exceptions for
128     -- bug 4653173
129     if p_category is null then
130         select sum(count) into critical_n
131                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
132                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='N';
133         select sum(count) into error_n
134                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
135                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='N';
136         select sum(count) into warning_n
137                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
138                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='N';
139         select sum(count) into critical_o
140                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
141                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='O';
142         select sum(count) into error_o
143                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
144                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='O';
145         select sum(count) into warning_o
146                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
147                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='O';
148 /*
149         select sum(count) into critical_c
150                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
151                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='C';
152         select sum(count) into error_c
153                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
154                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='C';
155         select sum(count) into warning_c
156                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
157                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='C';
158 */
159      else
160         select sum(count) into critical_n
161                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
162                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='N'
163                 and flue.category = p_category;
164         select sum(count) into error_n
165                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
166                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='N'
167                 and flue.category = p_category;
168         select sum(count) into warning_n
169                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
170                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='N'
171                 and flue.category = p_category;
172         select sum(count) into critical_o
173                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
174                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='O'
175                 and flue.category = p_category;
176         select sum(count) into error_o
177                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
178                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='O'
179                 and flue.category = p_category;
180         select sum(count) into warning_o
181                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
182                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='O'
183                 and flue.category = p_category;
184 /*
185         select sum(count) into critical_c
186                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
187                 where flue.severity = 'CRITICAL' and flue.status='C'
188                 and flue.category = p_category;
189         select sum(count) into error_c
190                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
191                 where flue.severity = 'ERROR' and flue.status='C'
192                 and flue.category = p_category;
193         select sum(count) into warning_c
194                 from fnd_log_unique_exceptions flue
195                 where flue.severity = 'WARNING' and flue.status='C'
196                 and flue.category = p_category;
197 */
198      end if;
199   END get_occ_cnt;
201   --
202   -- Name
203   --   change_state
204   --
205   -- Purpose
206   --   To change the state of a set of system alerts to 'O' - Open or 'C'
207   --   to close the alert. Newly generated alerts have the state 'N'. This
208   --   procedure will also insert a row into fnd_exception_notes to indicate
209   --   that the alert's state has been changed by the given user.
210   --
211   -- Input Arguments
212   --   p_logidset - a single logid or a set of ',' delimited log ids. e.g.
213   --             '1234' or '1234,1235,1236'. The log IDs need to be the
214   --             unique_exception_id
215   --   p_newstate - 'O' for Open or 'C' for Closed.
216   --   p_username - user name of the apps user who is changing the state.
217   --
218   -- Notes:
219   --   The purpose for this procedure is so that users can move the state
220   --   of system alerts from the OAM UI.
221   --
222   PROCEDURE change_state
223     (p_logidset IN varchar2,
224      p_newstate IN varchar2,
225      p_username IN varchar2)
226   IS
227         e_invalid_state exception;
228         v_idset varchar2(3500) := p_logidset;
229         delim constant varchar2(1) := ',';
230         v_userid number;
231         nl varchar2(2) := '
232 ';
233   BEGIN
234     -- make sure new state is valid.
235         if p_newstate <> 'O' and p_newstate <> 'C' then
236                 raise e_invalid_state;
237         end if;
239     -- first strip off any redundant delimitors at the beginning and end
241         if instr(v_idset, delim, 1) = 1 then
242                 v_idset := substr(v_idset, 2);
243         end if;
244         if instr(v_idset, delim, length(v_idset)) > 0 then
245                 v_idset := substr(v_idset, 1, length(v_idset) - 1);
246         end if;
248     -- now need to insert a line into fnd_exception_notes for each exceptions
249     -- so, retrieve user id
251         select user_id into v_userid
252                 from fnd_user where upper(user_name) = upper(p_username);
254     declare
255       v_curr_index number := 1;
256       v_curr_id varchar2(100);
257       v_ack_phrase varchar2(100);
258       v_newstate_disp varchar2(50);
259     begin
260       -- This should probably eventually come from a lookup
261       if p_newstate = 'O' then
262         v_newstate_disp := 'Open';
263       elsif p_newstate = 'C' then
264         v_newstate_disp := 'Closed';
265       else
266         v_newstate_disp := p_newstate;
267       end if;
269       v_ack_phrase := '*** Changed state to ' || v_newstate_disp || ' by '
270         || upper(p_username) || ' at '
271         || to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yy HH12:MI:SS AM') || ' ***' || nl;
272       v_idset := v_idset || delim; -- putting delim at end so all processing
273                                    -- happens within loop
274       while instr(v_idset, delim, v_curr_index) > 0 loop
275         v_curr_id := substr(v_idset, v_curr_index,
276           instr(v_idset, delim, v_curr_index) - v_curr_index);
278         -- Update the status
279         update fnd_log_unique_exceptions
280                 set status = p_newstate,
281                 last_updated_by = v_userid,
282                 last_update_date = sysdate
283                 where unique_exception_id = to_number(v_curr_id);
285         -- Now insert a note to keep track of the state change.
286         declare
287                 v_notes CLOB;
288         begin
289                 select notes into v_notes
290                         from fnd_exception_notes
291                         where unique_exception_id = to_number(v_curr_id)
292                         for update;
294                 dbms_lob.writeappend(v_notes, length(v_ack_phrase),
295                         v_ack_phrase);
296         exception
297                 when no_data_found then
298                         insert into fnd_exception_notes (
299                                 notes, creation_date, created_by,
300                                 last_update_date, last_updated_by,
301                                 last_update_login,
302                                 log_sequence,
303                                 unique_exception_id) values
304                         (v_ack_phrase, sysdate, v_userid, sysdate,
305                          v_userid, 0, -1,
306                          to_number(v_curr_id));
307         end;
309         v_curr_index := instr(v_idset, delim, v_curr_index) + 1;
310       end loop;
311    end;
312    commit;
315         when others then
316           rollback;
317           raise;
318   END change_state;
320 END fnd_oam_kbf;