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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

         distributions created for a specific PO distribution is selected. If the receipt quantity is
         0 then quantity invoiced equals the total invoice quantity divided by the number of invoices.
         If receipt quantity greater than 0 then the greatest of receipt quantity and total invoice
         quantity is distributed to the number of invoices.

FUNCTION get_rcpt_qty(p_po_dist in number,
                      p_qty_ordered in number,
                      p_qty_cancel in number,
                      p_qty_billed in number,
                      p_module in varchar2,
                      --Pa.M Added below parameters
                      p_po_line_id in number,
                      p_project_id in number,
                      p_task_id in number,
                      p_ccid in number,
                      -- Bug 3556021 : Added for retroactive price adjustment
                      p_pa_quantity IN NUMBER,
                      p_inv_source  IN VARCHAR2,
                      p_line_type_lookup_code IN VARCHAR2 ,
                      p_matching_basis in VARCHAR2 default null, -- Bug 3642604
                      p_nrtax_amt in number default null, -- Bug 3642604
				  P_CASH_BASIS_ACCTG in varchar2 default 'N',
                      p_accrue_on_receipt_flag  IN varchar2 default NULL /* Bug 5014034 */
                      ) RETURN NUMBER
    l_rcpt_qty number;
Line: 99

       select sum(apd.quantity_invoiced)
         into l_qty_billed
         from po_distributions_all pod,
              ap_invoice_distributions_all apd
        where pod.po_distribution_id              = p_po_dist
          and pod.po_distribution_id              = apd.po_distribution_id
          and NVL(pod.accrue_on_receipt_flag,'N') = 'Y'
          and apd.pa_addition_flag                = 'Y'
          and apd.line_type_lookup_code           in ( 'ACCRUAL', 'ITEM', 'PREPAY', 'NONREC_TAX' )
          and nvl(apd.quantity_invoiced,0)        <> 0 ;
Line: 111

       select sum(sat.quantity_invoiced)
         into l_qty_billed2
         from po_distributions_all pod,
              ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all sat
        where pod.po_distribution_id              = p_po_dist
          and pod.po_distribution_id              = sat.po_distribution_id
          and NVL(pod.accrue_on_receipt_flag,'N') = 'Y'
          and sat.pa_addition_flag                = 'Y'
          and sat.line_type_lookup_code           in ( 'NONREC_TAX' )
          and nvl(sat.quantity_invoiced,0)        <> 0 ;
Line: 154

       Select nvl(Sum(nvl(ENTERED_NR_TAX,0)),0)
         Into l_RcptNrTaxCosts
         from rcv_transactions a,   rcv_receiving_sub_ledger c
        where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
         and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) or
             (a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and
              a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
         and c.pa_addition_flag = 'Y'
         and c.rcv_transaction_id = a.transaction_id
         and c.code_combination_id = p_ccid
         and c.actual_flag = 'A';
Line: 182

 /*         select sum(nvl(denom_raw_cost,0))
            into l_EiCost
            from pa_expenditure_items_all ei
           where ei.project_id = p_project_id
             and ei.task_id = p_task_id
             and ei.po_line_id = p_po_line_id
             and cost_distributed_flag = 'Y';
Line: 194

            Select sum(nvl(cdl.denom_raw_cost,0))
            into   l_EiCost
            from   pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
                 , pa_expenditure_items_all ei
            where  cdl.expenditure_item_id = ei.expenditure_item_id
           /* and    ei.project_id = p_project_id
            and    ei.task_id = p_task_id commented for bug:6979249*/
            and    ei.po_line_id = p_po_line_id;
Line: 209

          Select count(*), Sum(nvl(Amount_Ordered,0) + nvl(NonRecoverable_Tax,0) - nvl(Amount_Cancelled,0) -
                               ((nvl(NonRecoverable_Tax,0) * nvl(amount_billed,0) / nvl(amount_ordered,1)) * l_calc_ap_tax)
            Into l_PoLineDistCnt, l_PoLineDistCosts
            From Po_Distributions_All Pod
           Where Pod.Project_Id = P_Project_Id
             And Pod.distribution_type <> 'PREPAYMENT'
             And Pod.Task_Id = P_Task_Id
             And Pod.Po_Line_Id = P_Po_Line_Id;
Line: 265

     select /*+ Index(c RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER_N1) */sum(decode(a.destination_type_code,
                                     'RETURN TO RECEIVING',
                                      -1 * (decode(c.pa_addition_flag,
                               -1 * (decode(c.pa_addition_flag,
      into l_rcpt_qty
      from rcv_transactions a,
           rcv_receiving_sub_ledger c
      where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
      and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE') or
        (a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and
         a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
      and c.pa_addition_flag in ('Y', 'I')
      and c.rcv_transaction_id = a.transaction_id
      and c.actual_flag = 'A';
Line: 298

       /*bug 5946201 - We need a specific SELECT for eIB items for reason mentioned in the bug*/
      IF (Is_eIB_item(p_po_dist) = 'Y' AND g_accrue_on_receipt_flag = 'N') THEN

 	         select sum(decode(destination_type_code, 'EXPENSE', decode(transaction_type,'RETURN TO RECEIVING',-1 * quantity, quantity),'RECEIVING',-1 * quantity))
 	         into l_rcpt_qty
 	         from rcv_transactions a
 	         where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
 	         and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) or
 	                 (a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
 	         and  a.pa_addition_flag in ('Y','I') ;
Line: 309

      ELSE /* for 1.all eIB items with accrue at receipt checked and 2.All non-eIB items existing  SELECT is fine  */
/* Added index hint as part of bug 6408874 */

		select sum(decode(destination_type_code,
                                          'RETURN TO RECEIVING',
                                          -1 * quantity,
                               -1 * quantity))
		into l_rcpt_qty
		from rcv_transactions a
		where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
		and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) or
		(a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and
		a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
    and EXISTS ( SELECT /*+ Index(rcv_sub RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER_N1) */ rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id
		FROM rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
		WHERE rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = a.transaction_id
		AND rcv_sub.pa_addition_flag in ('Y', 'I'));
Line: 383

       select count(*),
       into  l_inv_num, l_tot_inv_qty
       from  ap_invoice_distributions_all dist,
             ap_payment_hist_dists paydist,
             ap_invoices_all inv
       where dist.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
       and   dist.charge_applicable_to_dist_id is null  --R12 change
       and   dist.related_id is null -- R12 change
       and   dist. line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
       and   paydist.pa_addition_flag ='N'
       and   inv.invoice_id = dist.invoice_id
       and   dist.invoice_distribution_id = paydist.invoice_distribution_id
       and   NVL(inv.source,'X') <> 'PPA'
       --    4905546
       --    ap_payment_hist_dists has discounts and cash records. we need to include quantity
       --    only for the payment otherwise quantity would double because of discount.
       --    adding the criteria to filter discounts for payment.
       and   paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code = 'CASH'
       group by dist.invoice_distribution_id,NVL(dist.base_amount,dist.amount), dist.pa_quantity;
Line: 405

       select count(*),
       into  l_inv_num2, l_tot_inv_qty2
       from  ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all sat,
             ap_payment_hist_dists paydist,
             ap_invoices_all inv
       where sat.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
       and   sat.charge_applicable_to_dist_id is null
       and   sat.related_id is null
       and   sat. line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
       and   paydist.pa_addition_flag ='N'
       and   inv.invoice_id = sat.invoice_id
       and   sat.invoice_distribution_id = paydist.invoice_distribution_id
       and   NVL(inv.source,'X') <> 'PPA'
       and   paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code = 'CASH'
       group by sat.invoice_distribution_id,NVL(sat.base_amount,sat.amount), sat.pa_quantity;
Line: 428

       select count(*), sum(dist.pa_quantity)
       into  l_inv_num, l_tot_inv_qty
       from  ap_invoice_distributions_all dist,
             ap_invoices_all inv
       where dist.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
       -- and   dist.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' --R12 change
       and   dist. line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
       --and   nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y' /* Bug 5673779 */ /* Commented for Bug 13002754 -- Bug 13251424 */
       and   dist.charge_applicable_to_dist_id is null --R12 change
       and   dist.related_id is null --R12 change
       and   dist.pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y')  /** Added for bug 3167288 **/
       and   inv.invoice_id = dist.invoice_id                -- Bug 3556021
       and   NVL(inv.source,'X') <> 'PPA';                   -- Bug 3556021
Line: 447

       select count(*), sum(sat.pa_quantity)
       into  l_inv_num2, l_tot_inv_qty2
       from  ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all sat,
             ap_invoices_all inv
       where sat.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
       and   sat. line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
       and   nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
       and   sat.charge_applicable_to_dist_id is null
       and   sat.related_id is null
       and   sat.pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y')
       and   inv.invoice_id = sat.invoice_id
       and   NVL(inv.source,'X') <> 'PPA';
Line: 499

         If called from the AP view, first the receipt amount interfaced to PA is selected.
         Then the invoice amount omiting the variances is selected in addition to the number
         of invoice created for a given po distribution.
         If the pa_addition_flag is 'F', meaning the variance amount has been interfaced to PA
         then the variance amount is not considered as a commitment, else it is considered for
         AP commitment.
         The AP commitment is calculated as the invoice amount excluding the variance, receipt
         amount. And then we add the variance if it has not yet been transferred to PA.
         Since its hard to figure out which receipt matches to which invoice, we always divide
         the total invoice amount exculding the receipt amount by the number of invoices
         created for a po distribution.

FUNCTION get_inv_cmt(p_po_dist in number,
                     p_denom_amt_flag in varchar2,
                     p_pa_add_flag in varchar2,
                     p_var_amt in number,
                     p_ccid in number,
                     p_module in varchar2,
                     p_invoice_id       in number DEFAULT NULL ,        /* Added for Bug 3394153 */
                     p_dist_line_num    in number DEFAULT NULL,         /* Added for Bug 3394153 */
                     p_inv_dist_id      in number DEFAULT NULL,         /* Added for Bug 3394153 */
				 P_CASH_BASIS_ACCTG varchar2 default 'N'
    l_rcpt_amt number;
Line: 536

    select sum(decode(c.pa_addition_flag, 'Y', (nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0)),
                                          'I', ((nvl(accounted_dr,0)-nvl(accounted_cr,0))-(nvl(accounted_nr_tax,0))
    into l_rcpt_amt
    from rcv_transactions a,   rcv_receiving_sub_ledger c
    where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
    and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) or
        (a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and
         a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
    and c.pa_addition_flag in ('Y', 'I')
    and c.rcv_transaction_id = a.transaction_id
    and c.code_combination_id = p_ccid
    and c.actual_flag = 'A';
Line: 551

    select sum(decode(c.pa_addition_flag, 'Y', (nvl(entered_dr,0)-nvl(entered_cr,0)),
                                          'I', ((nvl(entered_dr,0)-nvl(entered_cr,0))-(nvl(entered_nr_tax,0))
    into l_rcpt_amt
    from rcv_transactions a,   rcv_receiving_sub_ledger c
    where a.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
    and ((a.destination_type_code = 'EXPENSE' ) or
        (a.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING' and
         a.transaction_type in ('RETURN TO RECEIVING' , 'RETURN TO VENDOR')))
    and c.pa_addition_flag in ('Y', 'I')
    and c.rcv_transaction_id = a.transaction_id
    and c.code_combination_id = p_ccid
    and c.actual_flag = 'A';
Line: 575

    /* Bug 3761335 : removed the exchange_rate_varaince from the select clause if
       p_denom_amt_flag is 'Y' , exchange_rate_varaince should not be considered in case of
       transaction currency amount , it should be considered only in case of
       functional currency amount */

    if (p_module = 'AP') then
      if(l_rcpt_amt is NOT NULL) Then   /* Bug 3394153 :Added If Condition. */
               select count(*),
                          'Y', amount,
                          'N', nvl(base_amount,amount)))
               into l_inv_num, l_inv_amt
               from ap_invoice_distributions_all
               where po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
               --and line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM'
               and line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX' -- R12 change
               --and nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y' /* Bug 5673779 */ /* Commented for Bug 13002754 -- Bug 13251424 */
               and pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y') /** Added for bug 3167288 **/ /*Bug 9776971*/
Line: 595

	       select count(*),
                          'Y', amount,
                          'N', nvl(base_amount,amount)))
               into l_inv_num2, l_inv_amt2
               from ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
               where po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
               and line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
               and nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
               and pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y');
Line: 611

               select sum(decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
                          'Y', amount,
                          'N', nvl(base_amount,amount)))
               into l_inv_amt
               from ap_invoice_distributions_all
               where po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
                 and invoice_id = p_invoice_id
                 -- and distribution_line_number = p_dist_line_num --R12 change
                 and invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id -- R12 change
                 and line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'  --R12 change
                 --and nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y' /* Bug 5673779 */ /* Commented for Bug 13002754 -- Bug 13251424 */
                 and pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y' ) ; 	/*Bug 9776971*/
Line: 626

               select sum(decode(p_denom_amt_flag,
                          'Y', amount,
                          'N', nvl(base_amount,amount)))
               into l_inv_amt2
               from ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all
               where po_distribution_id = p_po_dist
                 and invoice_id = p_invoice_id
                 and invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
                 and line_type_lookup_code <> 'REC_TAX'
                 and nvl(reversal_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
                 and pa_addition_flag not in ('Z','T','E','Y' ) ;
Line: 712

	          select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
			             'Y', paydist.amount,
			             'N', nvl(paydist.paid_base_amount,paydist.amount)))
	            into  l_pay_amt
	            from  ap_payment_hist_dists paydist
	           where paydist.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
		     and NVL(paydist.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N'
                     and paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code    = 'CASH';
Line: 729

	           select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
			               'Y', paydist1.amount,
			               'N', nvl(paydist1.paid_base_amount,paydist1.amount)))
	             into  l_disc_amt
	             from  ap_payment_hist_dists paydist1,
		          ap_payment_hist_dists paydist2
	            where paydist1.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_distribution_id = paydist1.invoice_distribution_id
		      and paydist2.payment_history_id      = paydist1.payment_history_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_payment_id      = paydist1.invoice_payment_id
		      and paydist2.pay_dist_lookup_code    = 'CASH'
		      and paydist1.pay_dist_lookup_code   IN (  'DISCOUNT' )
		       and NVL(paydist2.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N' ;
Line: 752

	       select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
		  'Y', ppaydist.amount,
		  'N', nvl(ppaydist.base_amount,ppaydist.amount)))
	     into  l_prepay_amt
	     from  ap_prepay_app_dists ppaydist
	    where ppaydist.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
	      and NVL(ppaydist.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N' ;
Line: 801

               select decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
                          'Y', dist.amount,
                          'N', nvl(dist.base_amount,dist.amount))
               into  l_inv_amt
               from  ap_invoice_distributions_all dist
               where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
               and   dist.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id ;
Line: 811

               select decode(p_denom_amt_flag,
                          'Y', sat.amount,
                          'N', nvl(sat.base_amount,sat.amount))
               into  l_inv_amt2
               from  ap_self_assessed_tax_dist_all sat
               where sat.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
               and   sat.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id ;
Line: 837

	          select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
			             'Y', paydist.amount,
			             'N', nvl(paydist.paid_base_amount,paydist.amount)))
	            into  l_pay_amt
	            from  ap_payment_hist_dists paydist
	           where paydist.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
                     and paydist.pay_dist_lookup_code    = 'CASH'
		     and NVL(paydist.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N' ;
Line: 856

	           select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
			               'Y', paydist1.amount,
			               'N', nvl(paydist1.paid_base_amount,paydist1.amount)))
	             into  l_disc_amt
	             from  ap_payment_hist_dists paydist1,
		          ap_payment_hist_dists paydist2
	            where paydist1.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_distribution_id = paydist1.invoice_distribution_id
		      and paydist2.payment_history_id      = paydist1.payment_history_id
		      and paydist2.invoice_payment_id      = paydist1.invoice_payment_id
		      and paydist2.pay_dist_lookup_code    = 'CASH'
		      and paydist1.pay_dist_lookup_code   IN ( 'DISCOUNT' )
		       and NVL(paydist2.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N' ;
Line: 878

	   select sum( decode(p_denom_amt_flag, /* Bug 4015448. Added Dummy Sum */
		  'Y', ppaydist.amount,
		  'N', nvl(ppaydist.base_amount,ppaydist.amount)))
	     into  l_prepay_amt
	     from  ap_prepay_app_dists ppaydist
	    where ppaydist.invoice_distribution_id = p_inv_dist_id
	      and NVL(ppaydist.pa_addition_flag,'N')  <> 'N' ;
Line: 940

     FROM ap_invoices_all
    WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      AND invoice_type_lookup_code <> 'EXPENSE REPORT'
      AND nvl(source, 'xx' ) NOT IN ('PA_COST_ADJUSTMENTS');
Line: 951

   SELECT exchange_rate
     FROM ap_invoices_all
    WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id ;
Line: 967

      select nvl(pll.matching_basis, 'QUANTITY') /* modified for bug bug 3496492 */
        into l_po_line_type
        from po_lines_all po_line,
             po_distributions_all po_dist,
             po_line_locations_all pll
       where Po_dist.distribution_type <> 'PREPAYMENT'
         and pll.po_line_id = po_line.po_line_id
         and po_line.po_line_id = po_dist.po_line_id
         and po_dist.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist;
Line: 1247

          Select decode(p_forqty,'Y', decode(l_po_line_type,'AMOUNT',l_ret_val,p_pa_quantity),l_ret_val)
          into   l_ret_val
          from dual;
Line: 1298

 select distinct msi.comms_nl_trackable_flag,nvl(pod.accrue_on_receipt_flag,'N')
 into l_flag,g_accrue_on_receipt_flag
 mtl_system_items msi ,
 po_distributions_all pod,
 po_lines_all pol
 and pol.po_line_id=pod.po_line_id
 and pod.po_distribution_id = p_po_dist_id;