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Line 136: from pa_project_fundings

132: */
133: -- Following cursor is modified for bux fix 3763133
134: cursor funding_task is
135: select task_id, sum(nvl(projfunc_allocated_amount,0)) funding_total
136: from pa_project_fundings
137: where project_id = x_project_id
138: AND ( (budget_type_code IN ('DRAFT', 'BASELINE') AND PA_FUND_REVAL_PVT.G_REVAL_FLAG ='N'
139: AND PA_Funding_Core.G_Fund_Baseline_Flag = 'N')

Line 226: from pa_project_fundings

222: */
223: -- Following select is modified for bux fix 3763133
224: select sum(nvl(projfunc_allocated_amount,0))
225: into funding_total
226: from pa_project_fundings
227: where project_id = x_project_id
228: AND ( (budget_type_code IN ('DRAFT', 'BASELINE') AND PA_FUND_REVAL_PVT.G_REVAL_FLAG ='N'
229: AND PA_Funding_Core.G_Fund_Baseline_Flag = 'N')

Line 366: from pa_project_fundings

362: /*
363: -- for each top task
364: for fund_rec in (select task_id,
365: sum(nvl(allocated_amount,0)) funding_total
366: from pa_project_fundings
367: where project_id = x_project_id
368: and budget_type_code in ('BASELINE', 'DRAFT')
369: group by task_id) loop

Line 616: update pa_project_fundings

613: x_err_stage := 'Not Revaluation: change draft to baseline <' || to_char(x_project_id)
614: || '>';
616: update pa_project_fundings
618: set /* PJI_SUMMARIZED_FLAG = 'N' -- For Bug 2244796 and bug 2440676 */
619: PJI_SUMMARIZED_FLAG = decode(budget_type_code, 'BASELINE', pji_summarized_flag, 'N'), -- For Bug 3821126
620: budget_type_code = 'BASELINE',

Line 666: FROM pa_project_fundings

662: pa_summary_project_funding are agreement_id, project_id, task_id */
664: FOR reval_rec IN (SELECT project_funding_id, agreement_id, project_id,task_id, projfunc_allocated_amount,
665: invproc_allocated_amount,revproc_allocated_amount
666: FROM pa_project_fundings
667: WHERE project_id = x_project_id
668: AND budget_type_code ='DRAFT'
669: AND funding_category ='REVALUATION') LOOP

Line 676: UPDATE pa_project_fundings

672: based on the budget_type_code, before updating summary project fundings in primary
673: this is being done as trigger on summary project fundings will update mc summary project
674: fundings based on this col value */
676: UPDATE pa_project_fundings
677: set /* PJI_SUMMARIZED_FLAG = 'N' -- For Bug 2244796 and bug 2440676 */
678: PJI_SUMMARIZED_FLAG = decode(budget_type_code, 'BASELINE', pji_summarized_flag, 'N'), -- For Bug 3821126
679: budget_type_code = 'BASELINE',
680: last_update_date = SYSDATE,

Line 720: UPDATE pa_project_fundings

717: /* Bug 2670854 commented this and moved in the loop above after reading
718: spf but before updating spf
720: UPDATE pa_project_fundings
721: SET budget_type_code = 'BASELINE',
722: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
723: last_updated_by = x_created_by,
724: last_update_login = x_last_update_login,

Line 743: FROM pa_project_fundings

740: FOR Agreement_rec IN ( SELECT project_funding_id, agreement_id,
741: project_id,task_id, projfunc_allocated_amount,
742: invproc_allocated_amount, revproc_allocated_amount
743: FROM pa_project_fundings
744: WHERE project_id = x_project_id
745: AND budget_type_code ='DRAFT'
746: AND NVL(Submit_Baseline_Flag,'N') = 'Y' )
747: LOOP

Line 749: UPDATE pa_project_fundings

745: AND budget_type_code ='DRAFT'
746: AND NVL(Submit_Baseline_Flag,'N') = 'Y' )
747: LOOP
748: -- Update the Project fundings for the baselined lines
749: UPDATE pa_project_fundings
750: SET budget_type_code = 'BASELINE',
751: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
752: last_updated_by = x_created_by,
753: last_update_login = x_last_update_login,

Line 853: select 1 from pa_project_fundings

849: and nvl(total_baselined_amount, 0) + total_unbaselined_amount > 0;
851: cursor proj_zero is
853: select 1 from pa_project_fundings
854: where project_id = x_project_id
855: and task_id is null
856: having sum(allocated_amount) = 0;

Line 859: select 1 from pa_project_fundings

855: and task_id is null
856: having sum(allocated_amount) = 0;
858: cursor task_zero is
859: select 1 from pa_project_fundings
860: where project_id = x_project_id
861: and task_id is not null
862: having sum(allocated_amount) = 0;

Line 1084: FROM pa_project_fundings

1080: r_amount := x_amount;
1082: SELECT count(*)
1083: INTO l_funding_count
1084: FROM pa_project_fundings
1085: WHERE project_id = x_orig_project_id;
1087: /* Code fix for bug 2913524 ends here*/
1088: elsif l_funding_level = 'T' THEN

Line 1188: from pa_project_customers c2, pa_project_fundings f

1184: WHERE p.project_id = x_new_project_id
1185: /* Bug 727421 Performance Issue
1186: AND exists
1187: (select null
1188: from pa_project_customers c2, pa_project_fundings f
1189: where f.project_id = x_orig_project_id
1190: and f.agreement_id = a.agreement_id
1191: and c2.project_id = x_orig_project_id
1192: and c2.customer_bill_split = 100

Line 1294: from pa_project_fundings

1291: /* Commented for bug 5140179
1292: cursor c is
1293: select 1
1294: from pa_project_fundings
1295: where project_id = x_orig_project_id
1296: and task_id is null;*/
1298: /* MCB2 code begins */

Line 1300: SELECT pa_project_fundings_s.nextval project_funding_id ,

1296: and task_id is null;*/
1298: /* MCB2 code begins */
1299: cursor tmp_proj_funding is
1300: SELECT pa_project_fundings_s.nextval project_funding_id ,
1301: sysdate last_update_date, fnd_global.user_id last_updated_by,
1302: sysdate creation_date, fnd_global.user_id created_by,
1303: fnd_global.login_id last_update_login,
1304: x_agreement_id agreement_id, x_new_project_id project_id,

Line 1322: FROM pa_project_fundings f

1318: f.attribute9 attribute9,
1319: f.attribute10 attribute10,
1320: l_funding_currency_code funding_currency_code,
1321: f.funding_category /* For Bug 2244796 */
1322: FROM pa_project_fundings f
1323: WHERE f.project_id = x_orig_project_id
1324: AND f.task_id is null ;/*Added for bug 5140179*/
1325: /*
1326: AND exists(

Line 1335: SELECT pa_project_fundings_s.nextval project_funding_id ,

1332: proj_rec tmp_proj_funding%ROWTYPE;
1334: cursor tmp_task_funding is
1335: SELECT pa_project_fundings_s.nextval project_funding_id ,
1336: sysdate last_update_date, fnd_global.user_id last_updated_by,
1337: sysdate creation_date, fnd_global.user_id created_by,
1338: fnd_global.login_id last_update_login,
1339: x_agreement_id agreement_id, x_new_project_id project_id,

Line 1356: FROM pa_tasks t2, pa_tasks t, pa_project_fundings f

1352: f.attribute9 attribute9,
1353: f.attribute10 attribute10,
1354: l_funding_currency_code funding_currency_code,
1355: f.funding_category /* For Bug 2244796 */
1356: FROM pa_tasks t2, pa_tasks t, pa_project_fundings f
1357: WHERE f.project_id = x_orig_project_id
1358: AND t.project_id = f.project_id
1359: AND t.task_id = f.task_id
1360: AND t2.task_number = t.task_number

Line 1446: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';

1442: x_err_stage := l_err_stage;
1444: if x_err_code = 0 then
1446: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';
1448: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(
1449: project_funding_id,
1450: last_update_date,

Line 1448: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(

1444: if x_err_code = 0 then
1446: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';
1448: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(
1449: project_funding_id,
1450: last_update_date,
1451: last_updated_by,
1452: creation_date,

Line 1597: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';

1593: x_err_stage := l_err_stage;
1595: if x_err_code = 0 then
1597: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';
1599: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(
1600: project_funding_id,
1601: last_update_date,

Line 1599: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(

1595: if x_err_code = 0 then
1597: x_err_stage := 'Insert into pa_project_fundings';
1599: INSERT INTO pa_project_fundings(
1600: project_funding_id,
1601: last_update_date,
1602: last_updated_by,
1603: creation_date,

Line 1758: FROM pa_project_fundings

1754: revproc_currency_code,
1755: 0,
1756: nvl(sum(nvl(revproc_allocated_amount, 0)), 0),
1757: 0
1758: FROM pa_project_fundings
1759: WHERE project_id = x_new_project_id
1760: GROUP BY agreement_id, project_id, task_id, funding_currency_code,
1761: project_currency_code, projfunc_currency_code,
1762: invproc_currency_code, revproc_currency_code ;

Line 1836: From PA_Project_Fundings

1832: Select 'N'
1833: Into l_Exist_Flag
1834: from dual
1835: where exists ( select null
1836: From PA_Project_Fundings
1837: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
1838: and budget_type_code = 'DRAFT');
1840: Return l_Exist_Flag;

Line 1899: From PA_Project_Fundings

1895: Select 'N'
1896: Into l_Exist_Flag
1897: from dual
1898: where exists ( select null
1899: From PA_Project_Fundings
1900: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
1901: and Task_ID IS NULL
1902: and budget_type_code = 'DRAFT');

Line 2011: From PA_Project_Fundings

2007: Select 'N'
2008: Into l_Exist_Flag
2009: from dual
2010: where exists ( select null
2011: From PA_Project_Fundings
2012: Where Project_ID = P_Project_ID
2013: AND Task_ID = P_Task_ID
2014: and budget_type_code = 'DRAFT');