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Line 1544: l_state hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;

1541: PROCEDURE register_0000 AS
1542: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) :='REGISTER_0000';
1543: l_cnpj xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
1544: l_state hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
1545: l_state_inscription xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
1546: l_municipal_inscription xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
1547: l_ibge_city_code xle_entity_profiles.le_information4%TYPE;

Line 1564: hr_locations loc

1560: SELECT loc.region_2, le.le_information4 --retrieve state and ibge_city_code
1561: INTO l_state,l_ibge_city_code
1562: FROM xle_entity_profiles le,
1563: xle_registrations reg,
1564: hr_locations loc
1565: WHERE le.legal_entity_id = g_legal_entity_id
1566: AND reg.source_id = le.legal_entity_id
1567: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
1568: AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'

Line 1715: hr_locations loc

1711: SELECT loc.region_2, etb.etb_information4
1712: INTO l_state,l_ibge_city_code
1713: FROM xle_etb_profiles etb,
1714: xle_registrations reg,
1715: hr_locations loc
1716: WHERE etb.legal_entity_id = g_legal_entity_id
1717: AND etb.establishment_id = g_establishment_id
1718: AND reg.source_id = etb.establishment_id
1719: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ETB_PROFILES'

Line 2123: l_state hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;

2119: PROCEDURE register_0020 AS
2120: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) :='REGISTER_0020';
2121: l_main_estb_flag VARCHAR2(1);
2122: l_cnpj xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
2123: l_state hr_locations.region_2%TYPE;
2124: l_state_inscription xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
2125: l_municipal_inscription xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
2126: l_ibge_city_code xle_entity_profiles.le_information4%TYPE;
2127: l_nire NUMBER(20); --check the data type

Line 2185: hr_locations loc

2181: SELECT loc.region_2, le.le_information4
2182: INTO l_state,l_ibge_city_code
2183: FROM xle_entity_profiles le,
2184: xle_registrations reg,
2185: hr_locations loc
2186: WHERE le.legal_entity_id = g_legal_entity_id
2187: AND reg.source_id = le.legal_entity_id
2188: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
2189: AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'

Line 2470: hr_locations loc

2466: SELECT loc.region_2, etb.etb_information4
2467: INTO l_state,l_ibge_city_code
2468: FROM xle_etb_profiles etb,
2469: xle_registrations reg,
2470: hr_locations loc
2471: WHERE etb.legal_entity_id = g_legal_entity_id
2472: AND etb.establishment_id = l_establishment_id
2473: AND reg.source_id = etb.establishment_id
2474: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ETB_PROFILES'

Line 3313: l_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;

3309: l_cnpj xle_registrations.registration_number%TYPE;
3310: l_registration_id xle_registrations.registration_id%TYPE;
3311: l_effective_from DATE;
3312: l_conversion_date DATE;
3313: l_city hr_locations.town_or_city%TYPE;
3314: l_count NUMBER(4) :=0;
3316: BEGIN

Line 3413: FROM xle_registrations reg,hr_locations_all loc

3409: BEGIN
3410: --retriving city
3411: SELECT loc.town_or_city
3412: INTO l_city
3413: FROM xle_registrations reg,hr_locations_all loc
3414: WHERE reg.source_id = g_legal_entity_id
3415: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
3416: AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'
3417: AND reg.location_id =loc.location_id

Line 3574: FROM xle_registrations reg,hr_locations_all loc

3570: BEGIN
3571: --retriving city
3572: SELECT loc.town_or_city
3573: INTO l_city
3574: FROM xle_registrations reg,hr_locations_all loc
3575: WHERE reg.source_id = g_establishment_id
3576: AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ETB_PROFILES'
3577: AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'
3578: AND reg.location_id =loc.location_id