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2 /* $Header: MRPEPEGB.pls 115.10 2004/05/25 22:40:55 schaudha ship $ */
3 procedure peg(p_org_id IN number,
4               p_compile_desig IN varchar2,
5               p_item_to_peg IN number) is
7   count_rows                 number;
8   direct_using_assembly      number;
9   direct_usage               number;
12   --
13   --
14   -- Define a procedure that will be recursively called in
15   -- order to perform end assembly pegging
16   --
17   procedure recursively_peg (component IN number,
18                              cumulative_usage IN number,
19                              cumulative_set_back_time IN number,
20                              first_level IN boolean ) is
21     --
22     -- Define a cursor to be used in a cursor FOR loop that
23     -- retrieves the using assemblies of the component.
24     cursor get_us_assy(c_org_id number, c_compile_desig varchar2,
25                        c_component number) IS
26           SELECT bom.using_assembly_id using_assembly_item_id,
27                          sum(bom.usage_quantity) operation_usage_quantity
28           FROM   mrp_bom_components bom,
29                  mrp_plan_organizations_v plans
30           WHERE  bom.compile_designator = c_compile_desig
31           AND    bom.compile_designator = plans.compile_designator
32           AND    trunc(bom.effectivity_date) <= trunc(plans.CUTOFF_DATE)
33           AND    bom.organization_id = plans.planned_organization
34           AND    bom.inventory_item_id = c_component
35           AND    bom.alternate_bom_designator is null
36           AND    bom.organization_id = c_org_id
37           group by using_assembly_id ;
39     check_table                 number;
40     cum_usage                   number;
41     old_usage			number;
42     cum_set_back_time           number;
43     old_set_back_time           number;
44     lead_time                   number;
45     var_user_id                 number;
47   begin
48     --
49     --
50     -- Begin loop to check each using assembly of the component
51     --
52     for ea in get_us_assy (p_org_id, p_compile_desig, component) loop
53     --
54     --
55       -- If the item is a direct using assembly of the item to peg, then
56       -- save direct using assembly id and usage to variables
57       --
58       if first_level then
59         direct_using_assembly := ea.using_assembly_item_id;
60         direct_usage := ea.operation_usage_quantity;
61       end if;
62       --
63       -- Calculate cumulative usage and cumulative set back time
64       --
65       cum_usage := ea.operation_usage_quantity * cumulative_usage;
66       SELECT NVL(full_lead_time, 0) +
67              NVL(postprocessing_lead_time, 0) +
68              NVL(preprocessing_lead_time, 0)
69       INTO   lead_time
70       FROM   mrp_system_items
71       WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
72       AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
73       AND    inventory_item_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id;
74       cum_set_back_time := lead_time + cumulative_set_back_time;
75       --
76       -- Check to see if using assembly is an end assembly
77       -- (If no rows in mrp_assembly_operations have a value of
78       -- inventory_item_id equal to the using assembly in question,
79       -- then the using assembly is an end assembly.)
80       --
81 	SELECT count(inventory_item_id)
82 	INTO   check_table
83 	FROM   mrp_bom_components
84 	WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
85 	AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
86 	AND    alternate_bom_designator is null
87 	AND    inventory_item_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id
88 	AND    ROWNUM = 1;
90       if check_table = 0 then  -- yes, it is an end assembly
91         --
92         -- Check to see if a row already exists that has the same
93         -- inventory_item_id, using_assembly_id, and end_assembly_id
94         --
95         SELECT COUNT(inventory_item_id)
96         INTO   check_table
97         FROM   mrp_end_assemblies
98         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
99         AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
100         AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_to_peg
101         AND    using_assembly_id = direct_using_assembly
102         AND    end_assembly_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id
103         AND    ROWNUM = 1;
105         var_user_id := fnd_profile.value('USER_ID');
106         if var_user_id is NULL then
107           var_user_id := -1;
108         end if;
109         if check_table = 0 then
110           --
111           -- No, the row does not exist, so insert the row.
112           --
113           INSERT INTO mrp_end_assemblies (organization_id,
114                       compile_designator, inventory_item_id,
115                       using_assembly_id, end_assembly_id, usage,
116                       set_back_time, end_usage,
117                       last_update_date, last_updated_by,
118                       creation_date, created_by)
119           VALUES      (p_org_id, p_compile_desig, p_item_to_peg,
120                        direct_using_assembly, ea.using_assembly_item_id,
121                        direct_usage, cum_set_back_time, cum_usage,
122                        SYSDATE, var_user_id, SYSDATE, var_user_id);
123           COMMIT;
124         else
125         --
126         -- Yes, the row exists.  If the new set back time is longer than
127         -- the set back time of the row in the database, then update the
128         -- row with the new set back time and usage.
129         --
130           SELECT set_back_time
131           INTO   old_set_back_time
132           FROM   mrp_end_assemblies
133           WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
134           AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
135           AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_to_peg
136           AND    using_assembly_id = direct_using_assembly
137           AND    end_assembly_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id;
139           if cum_set_back_time > old_set_back_time then
141             SELECT end_usage
142             INTO   old_usage
143             FROM   mrp_end_assemblies
144             WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
145             AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
146             AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_to_peg
147             AND    using_assembly_id = direct_using_assembly
148             AND    end_assembly_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id;
150             cum_usage := cum_usage + old_usage;
152             UPDATE mrp_end_assemblies
153             SET    end_usage = cum_usage,
154 				   set_back_time = cum_set_back_time,
155 				   last_update_date = SYSDATE,
156 				   last_updated_by = var_user_id
157             WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
158             AND    compile_designator = p_compile_desig
159             AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_to_peg
160             AND    using_assembly_id = direct_using_assembly
161             AND    end_assembly_id = ea.using_assembly_item_id;
163             COMMIT;
164           end if;
165         end if;
166       else -- no, the using assembly is not an end assembly
167         --
168         -- Make a recursive call of this procedure to continue the end
169         -- assembly pegging process.
170         --
171         recursively_peg(ea.using_assembly_item_id,
172                         cum_usage,
173                         cum_set_back_time,
174                         FALSE );
175       end if;
176     end loop;
177   end;
179 begin
180   --
181   -- Has end assembly pegging been previously performed for this item?
182   --
183 	  SELECT COUNT(*)
184 	  INTO count_rows
185 	  FROM mrp_end_assemblies
186 	  WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
187 	  AND compile_designator = p_compile_desig
188 	  AND inventory_item_id = p_item_to_peg
189 	  AND ROWNUM = 1;
190   --
191   -- If no rows retrieved, then perform end assembly pegging
192   --
193   if count_rows = 0 then
194     --
195     -- Call recursive procedure to peg end assemblies
196     --
197     recursively_peg(p_item_to_peg, 1, 0, TRUE);
198   end if;
199 end peg;