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APPS.PO_COPYDOC_S4 dependencies on PO_LINES

Line 41: l_price_from_line po_lines.unit_price%TYPE := NULL;

37: l_orig_po_line_id po_line_locations.po_line_id%TYPE := NULL;
38: l_vendor_id NUMBER := NULL;
39: l_vendor_site_id NUMBER := NULL;
40: l_invoice_match_option VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;
41: l_price_from_line po_lines.unit_price%TYPE := NULL;
42: l_terms_id NUMBER := NULL;
43: l_ship_via_lookup_code VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;
44: l_fob VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;
45: l_freight_terms VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;

Line 51: l_secondary_qty po_lines.secondary_quantity%type := NULL;

47: l_qty_exception_code VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;
48: l_rcv_flag VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
49: l_insp_flag VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
50: -- start of 1548597
51: l_secondary_qty po_lines.secondary_quantity%type := NULL;
52: l_item_number VARCHAR2(240);
53: l_process_org VARCHAR2(1);
54: l_ic_item_mst_rec IC_ITEM_MST%ROWTYPE;
55: l_ic_item_cpg_rec IC_ITEM_CPG%ROWTYPE;

Line 63: l_item_id po_lines.item_id%TYPE := null;

59: -- Bug: 2473335
60: l_line_type_id number:= null;
61: l_invoice_close_tolerance number:= null;
62: l_receive_close_tolerance number:= null;
63: l_item_id po_lines.item_id%TYPE := null;
65: --< Shared Proc FPJ Start >
66: l_transaction_flow_header_id
67: PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.transaction_flow_header_id%TYPE;

Line 131: from po_lines

127: -- Bug 2473335 start: Get the invoice close tolerance and
128: -- receive close tolerance
129: select line_type_id, item_id
130: into l_line_type_id, l_item_id
131: from po_lines
132: where po_line_id=p_po_line_id; -- Bug 2761415
134: begin
135: SELECT msi.invoice_close_tolerance,

Line 429: from po_lines

425: l_progress := '011';
426: begin
427: select unit_price
428: into l_price_from_line
429: from po_lines
430: where po_header_id = p_po_header_id
431: and po_line_id = p_po_line_id;
432: exception
433: when others then