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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 222

  select count(*) into h_count
  from fa_book_controls
  where book_Type_code = argument1 and rownum < 2;
Line: 241

  select mrc_sob_type_code,currency_code
  into FARX_C_WD.mrc_sob_type,FARX_C_WD.currency
  from gl_sets_of_books
  where set_of_books_id = to_number(argument20);
Line: 267

  select count(*) into h_count
  from fa_book_controls bc, fa_calendar_periods cp
  where bc.book_type_code = argument1
  and bc.deprn_calendar = cp.calendar_type
  and cp.period_name = argument2 and rownum < 2;
Line: 301

  select count(*) into h_count
  from fa_book_controls bc, fa_calendar_types ct,
  fa_calendar_periods cp
  where bc.book_type_code = argument1
  and bc.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
  and ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
  and cp.start_date >= (select cp1.start_date from
        fa_calendar_periods cp1
        where cp1.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
        and cp1.period_name = argument2);
Line: 355

      select category_flex_structure into h_cat_struct
              from fa_system_controls;
Line: 392

       select count(*) into h_count from fa_categories cat,
                                         fa_category_books cb
       where cat.category_id = h_cat_id
       and cat.enabled_flag = 'Y' and cat.capitalize_flag = 'YES'
       and sysdate between nvl(cat.start_date_active,sysdate-1) and
       and cat.category_id = cb.category_id
       and cb.book_type_code = argument1 and rownum < 2;
Line: 466

  select count(*) into h_count
  from fa_methods
  where method_code = argument11 and rownum < 2;
Line: 491

  select count(*) into h_count from fa_methods
  where method_code = argument11
  and rate_source_rule in ('TABLE','CALCULATED','FORMULA')
  and rownum < 2;
Line: 509

    select count(*) into h_count from fa_methods
    where method_code = argument11 and life_in_months = to_number(argument12)
        and rownum < 2;
Line: 541

  select count(*) into h_count from fa_methods m
  where m.method_code = argument11
  and m.rate_source_rule = 'FLAT' and rownum < 2;
Line: 559

    select count(*) into h_count from fa_methods m, fa_flat_rates r
    where m.method_code = argument11
    and m.method_id = r.method_id
    and r.adjusted_rate = h_adj_rate and rownum < 2;
Line: 598

  select count(*) into h_count from fa_conventions
  where prorate_convention_code = argument14 and rownum < 2;
Line: 662

  select count(*) into h_count from fnd_user
  where user_id = to_number(argument17) and rownum < 2;
Line: 700

  select count(*) into h_count from fa_bonus_rules
  where bonus_rule = argument19 and rownum < 2;
Line: 722

   select nvl(sum(decode(status,'UNASSIGNED', 1, 0)),0),
          nvl(sum(decode(status,'FAILED', 1, 0)),0),
          nvl(sum(decode(status,'IN PROCESS', 1, 0)),0),
          nvl(sum(decode(status,'COMPLETED',1 , 0)),0),
   into   l_unassigned_cnt,
   from   fa_worker_jobs
   where  request_id = p_parent_request_id;
Line: 759

      update fa_worker_jobs
      set    status = 'IN PROCESS',
             worker_num = p_request_number
      where  status = 'UNASSIGNED'
      and    request_id = p_parent_request_id
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 782

  select start_range
   into l_start_range
   from fa_worker_jobs
  where request_id = p_parent_request_id
    and worker_num = p_request_number
    and  status = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 794

     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'selecting', 'null ranges');
Line: 868

              update fa_worker_jobs
                 set status     = 'COMPLETED'
               where request_id = p_parent_request_id
                 and worker_num = p_request_number
                 and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 910

Line: 916

                update fa_worker_jobs
                   set status     = 'COMPLETED'
                 where request_id = p_parent_request_id
                  and worker_num = p_request_number
                  and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 930

                update fa_worker_jobs
                   set status     = 'FAILED'
                 where request_id = p_parent_request_id
                  and worker_num = p_request_number
                  and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 956

       select category_flex_structure into h_cat_struct
              from fa_system_controls;
Line: 994

       select count(*) into h_count from fa_categories cat,
                                         fa_category_books cb
       where cat.category_id = h_cat_id
       and cat.enabled_flag = 'Y' and cat.capitalize_flag = 'YES'
       and sysdate between nvl(cat.start_date_active,sysdate-1) and
       and cat.category_id = cb.category_id
       and cb.book_type_code = argument1 and rownum < 2;
Line: 1050

                update fa_worker_jobs
                   set status     = 'COMPLETED'
                 where request_id = p_parent_request_id
                  and worker_num = p_request_number
                  and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 1063

                update fa_worker_jobs
                   set status     = 'FAILED'
                 where request_id = p_parent_request_id
                  and worker_num = p_request_number
                  and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 1083

           update fa_worker_jobs
              set status     = 'COMPLETED'
            where request_id = p_parent_request_id
              and worker_num = p_request_number
              and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 1104

       update fa_worker_jobs
           set status     = 'FAILED'
         where request_id = p_parent_request_id
          and worker_num = p_request_number
          and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 1122

       update fa_worker_jobs
           set status     = 'FAILED'
         where request_id = p_parent_request_id
          and worker_num = p_request_number
          and status     = 'IN PROCESS';
Line: 1136

Line: 1175

   insert into fa_worker_jobs
          (start_range, end_range, worker_num, status,request_id)
   select min(asset_id), max(asset_id), 0,
          'UNASSIGNED', p_parent_request_id  from ( select /*+ parallel(dh) */
          asset_id, floor(rank()
          over (order by asset_id)/l_batch_size ) unit_id
     from fa_books
    where book_type_code = p_book_type_code )
    group by unit_id;
Line: 1186

      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'rows inserted into worker jobs: ', SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 1195

      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'rows inserted into worker jobs: ', x_worker_jobs);