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Line 602: v_exempt_flag := jai_constants.no; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35

600: BEGIN
602: v_exempt_flag := jai_constants.no; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
604: IF p_ref_line_id IS NULL THEN
605: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20120, 'Ref Line Id cannot be NULL' );
606: END IF;

Line 1425: lv_sh_excise_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/

1421: ---------------------------------------------------
1423: -- added by Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3781299
1424: lv_excise_cess_code VARCHAR2(25); -- := 'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
1425: lv_sh_excise_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1426: lv_cvd_cess_code VARCHAR2(25); -- := 'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
1427: lv_sh_cvd_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1428: ln_cess_check NUMBER := -1;
1429: ln_sh_cess_check NUMBER := -1;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/

Line 1427: lv_sh_cvd_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/

1423: -- added by Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3781299
1424: lv_excise_cess_code VARCHAR2(25); -- := 'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
1425: lv_sh_excise_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1426: lv_cvd_cess_code VARCHAR2(25); -- := 'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
1427: lv_sh_cvd_cess_code VARCHAR2(25) := JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1428: ln_cess_check NUMBER := -1;
1429: ln_sh_cess_check NUMBER := -1;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1430: ln_transaction_id NUMBER(15);
1431: ln_amount number; --Added by Shujuan for 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011

Line 1508: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.

1504: lv_sh_excise_cess_code, decode(p_sh_excise_cess_cnt, 0, 0, a.tax_amount), --Added by sacsethi for Bug no 5907436
1505: a.tax_amount) tax_amount, -- a.tax_amount ,/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1506: a.uom ,
1507: b.end_date valid_date ,
1508: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1509: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1510: decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1511: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1512: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,

Line 1509: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.

1505: a.tax_amount) tax_amount, -- a.tax_amount ,/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1506: a.uom ,
1507: b.end_date valid_date ,
1508: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1509: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1510: decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1511: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1512: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,
1513: 'TDS', 2,

Line 1522: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,

1518: /* Added for bug#8887871 */
1519: (SELECT jrttv.tax_type
1520: FROM jai_regime_tax_types_v jrttv
1521: WHERE jrttv.tax_type = upper(b.tax_type)
1522: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,
1523: 'VAT REVERSAL', 6, 0)) tax_type_val,
1524: b.mod_cr_Percentage ,
1525: b.vendor_id ,
1526: b.tax_type ,

Line 1562: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.

1558: a.tax_amt tax_amount ,
1559: a.tax_amt func_tax_amount,
1560: c.transaction_uom uom,
1561: b.end_date valid_date ,
1562: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1563: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1564: decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1565: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1566: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,

Line 1563: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.

1559: a.tax_amt func_tax_amount,
1560: c.transaction_uom uom,
1561: b.end_date valid_date ,
1562: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1563: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, -- Add by Xiao for GST refer to bug#10043656.
1564: decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1565: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1566: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,
1567: 'TDS', 2,

Line 1575: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,

1571: lv_sh_cvd_cess_code,4, --added by sacsethi for budget07 enhancement
1572: (SELECT jrttv.tax_type
1573: FROM jai_regime_tax_types_v jrttv
1574: WHERE jrttv.tax_type = upper(b.tax_type)
1575: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,
1576: 'VAT REVERSAL', 6, 0)) tax_type_val,
1577: b.mod_cr_Percentage ,
1578: b.vendor_id ,
1579: b.tax_type ,

Line 1611: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10

1607: decode(b.tax_type, lv_excise_cess_code, decode(p_excise_cess_cnt, 0, 0, a.tax_amount), /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1608: lv_sh_excise_cess_code, decode(p_sh_excise_cess_cnt, 0, 0, a.tax_amount), /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1609: a.tax_amount) tax_amount, -- a.tax_amount ,
1610: a.uom, b.end_date valid_date,
1611: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10
1612: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10
1613: , decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1614: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1615: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,

Line 1612: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10

1608: lv_sh_excise_cess_code, decode(p_sh_excise_cess_cnt, 0, 0, a.tax_amount), /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
1609: a.tax_amount) tax_amount, -- a.tax_amount ,
1610: a.uom, b.end_date valid_date,
1611: DECODE(aa.regime_code, jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10
1612: , jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7 --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10
1613: , decode(upper(b.tax_type),'EXCISE', 1,
1614: 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1,
1615: 'OTHER EXCISE', 1,
1616: 'TDS', 2,

Line 1625: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,

1621: /* Added for bug#8887871 */
1622: (SELECT jrttv.tax_type
1623: FROM jai_regime_tax_types_v jrttv
1624: WHERE jrttv.tax_type = upper(b.tax_type)
1625: AND jrttv.regime_code = jai_constants.vat_regime), 5,
1626: 'VAT REVERSAL', 6, 0)) tax_type_val,
1627: b.mod_cr_Percentage, b.vendor_id, b.tax_type, NVL( b.rounding_factor, 0 ) rnd, b.adhoc_flag /* Added for bug 5091874*/
1628: , b.inclusive_tax_flag --Add by Kevin Cheng for inclusive tax Dec 12, 2007

Line 2008: v_exempt_flag := jai_constants.no; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35

2004: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2006: lv_excise_cess_code := 'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
2007: lv_cvd_cess_code := 'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
2008: v_exempt_flag := jai_constants.no; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35
2010: IF p_ref_line_id IS NULL THEN
2011: RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20120, 'Ref Line Id cannot be NULL' );
2012: END IF;

Line 2023: if rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,

2020: for rec in cur_cess_Duty_Rate_Cur
2021: loop /*bduvarag for the bug#6038720 start*/
2023: if rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2024: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
2025: then
2026: ln_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;
2027: elsif rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

Line 2024: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)

2020: for rec in cur_cess_Duty_Rate_Cur
2021: loop /*bduvarag for the bug#6038720 start*/
2023: if rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2024: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
2025: then
2026: ln_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;
2027: elsif rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
2028: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)

Line 2027: elsif rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,

2023: if rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,
2024: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
2025: then
2026: ln_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;
2027: elsif rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
2028: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)
2029: then
2030: ln_sh_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_sh_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;

Line 2028: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)

2024: jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
2025: then
2026: ln_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;
2027: elsif rec.tax_type in( jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,
2028: jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)
2029: then
2030: ln_sh_cess_duty_amount := NVL(ln_sh_cess_duty_amount,0) + rec.credit ;
2032: /*bduvarag for the bug#6038720 end*/