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1 package body hr_pyoint as
2 /* $Header: pyasgint.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 03:01:14 appldev noship $ */
3 /*
4 /*
5    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991,1992,1993. All rights reserved
6 --
7    Name        : hr_pyoint
8 --
9    Description : Package contains procedure that does interlock checking.
10 --
11    Test List
12    ---------
13    Procedure                     Name       Date        Test Id Status
14    +----------------------------+----------+-----------+-------+--------------+
15    validate                      dsaxby     20-JAN-1993         Completed.
16 --
17    Change List
18    -----------
19    Date         Name        Vers   Bug No   Description
20    -----------  ----------  -----  -------  -----------------------------------
21    24-SEP-2004  NBRISTOW    115.4           Fixed GSCC errors.
22    24-SEP-2004  NBRISTOW    115.3           Changes for the Process Groups.
23    30-OCT-1996  ARASHID     40.3   397298   Modified return codes to indicate
24                                             why the interlock failed. Also
25                                             return assignment_number in an
26                                             extra parameter.
27                                             Also, fixed to use cursors because
28                                             the code SQL can return multiple
29                                             rows.
30    04-SEP-1995  DSAXBY      40.2            Missing '/' after the select from
31                                             user_errors at bottom of file.
32    28-SEP-1993  DSAXBY      40.1            Alter time dependent leg check to
33                                             join via per_periods_of_service.
34    22-APR-1993  DSAXBY      3.1             Chge per_all_ass to per_ass.
35    29-JAN-1993  DSAXBY      3.0             First created.
36 */
37    ----------------------------- validate -------------------------------------
38    /*
39       NAME
40          validate - validates assignment interlocks.
42          This procedure validates assignment level interlock rules
43          for the run on an individual assignment basis.
44          It is called from the main run code when interlock flag
45          is set to 'Y'.
46       NOTES
47          There is currently no code within this package to
48          report those assignments failing interlock rules.
49          This can only currently be done by setting logging
50          on and examining the resultant log file.
51          The reporting ability will be added in due course.
52    */
53    procedure validate
54    (
55       pactid   in out nocopy number,   -- payroll_action_id.
56       assignid in out nocopy number,   -- assignment_id to check.
57       itpflag  in out nocopy varchar2, -- independent time periods flag.
58       assnum   in out nocopy varchar2, -- returned assignment_number.
59       intstat  in out nocopy number    -- interlock status.
60    ) is
61       SUCC   constant number := 0;
62       FUTURE constant number := 1; -- Action in payroll with later start date.
63       PAST   constant number := 2; -- Action incomplete in past payroll.
64       failed number; -- used to tell if interlock failed or not.
65       -- Effective dates used to determine why the interlock failed.
66       ed1    date;
67       ed2    date;
68       -- Independent time periods cursor.
69       cursor c_indep(pactid in number, assignid in number) is
70       select 1,
71              pa1.effective_date,
72              pa2.effective_date
73       from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
74              pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
75              pay_action_classifications pcl,
76              pay_assignment_actions     ac2
77       where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
78       and    ac2.assignment_id        = assignid
79       and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
80       and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
81       and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
82       and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
83          or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
84       and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
85 --
86       -- Group Dependent time periods cursor.
87       cursor c_grpdep(pactid in number, assignid in number) is
88       select 1,
89              pa1.effective_date,
90              pa2.effective_date,
91              as1.assignment_number
92       from   per_assignments_f          as1,
93              pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
94              pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
95              pay_action_classifications pcl,
96              pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
97              pay_object_groups          pog_act,
98              pay_object_groups          pog_grp
99       where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
100       and    as1.assignment_id        = assignid
101       and    pa1.effective_date between
102              as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
103       and    pog_act.source_id        = as1.assignment_id
104       and    pog_act.source_type      = 'PAF'
105       and    pog_act.parent_object_group_id = pog_grp.parent_object_group_id
106       and    pog_grp.source_type      = 'PAF'
107       and    pog_grp.source_id        = ac2.assignment_id
108       and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
109       and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
110       and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
111       and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
112          or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
113       and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
114 --
115       -- Dependent time periods cursor.
116       cursor c_dep(pactid in number, assignid in number) is
117       select 1,
118              pa1.effective_date,
119              pa2.effective_date,
120              as1.assignment_number
121       from   per_assignments_f          as1,
122              per_assignments_f          as2,
123              pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
124              pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
125              pay_action_classifications pcl,
126              pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
127              per_periods_of_service     pos
128       where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
129       and    as1.assignment_id        = assignid
130       and    pa1.effective_date between
131              as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
132       and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
133       and    as2.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
134       and    ac2.assignment_id        = as2.assignment_id
135       and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
136       and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
137       and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
138       and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
139          or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
140       and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
141    begin
142       failed := NULL;
143       if(itpflag = 'Y') then
144          -- check interlock status for the independent
145          -- time periods case (e.g. the US).
146          begin
147             hr_utility.set_location('hr_pyoint.validate',1);
148             open c_indep(pactid,assignid);
149             fetch c_indep into failed, ed1, ed2;
151             -- Get the assignment_number (note: per_assignments_f is
152             -- datetracked).
153             hr_utility.set_location('hr_pyoint.validate',2);
154             if(not c_indep%NOTFOUND) then
155                select ass.assignment_number
156                into   assnum
157                from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
158                       per_assignments_f ass
159                where  ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
160                and    ass.assignment_id = assignid
161                and    ass.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
162                and    (ppa.effective_date between
163                       ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date);
164             end if;
166             -- Close the cursor.
167             close c_indep;
168          end;
169       elsif(itpflag = 'G') then
170          -- check interlock status for the dependent
171          -- time periods case (e.g. the UK).
172          begin
173             hr_utility.set_location('hr_pyoint.validate',3);
174             open c_grpdep(pactid,assignid);
175             fetch c_grpdep into failed, ed1, ed2, assnum;
176             close c_grpdep;
177          end;
178       else
179          -- check interlock status for the dependent
180          -- time periods case (e.g. the UK).
181          begin
182             hr_utility.set_location('hr_pyoint.validate',4);
183             open c_dep(pactid,assignid);
184             fetch c_dep into failed, ed1, ed2, assnum;
185             close c_dep;
186          end;
187       end if;
188       if(failed is not null) then
189          if(ed2 > ed1) then
190             intstat := FUTURE;
191          else
192             intstat := PAST;
193          end if;
194       else
195          intstat := SUCC;
196       end if;
197    end validate;
198 end hr_pyoint;