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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

|               insert_wip_interface - inserts a record into                  |
|                                    WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE for           |
|                                    WIP_MASS_LOAD to create work orders      |
|                                                                             |
| To Do:        Handle Errors.  Need to discuss with Usha and Girish what     |
|               error information to include in Notification.                 |
|                                                                             |
| HISTORY     :                                                               |
|               August 14, 99    Angela Makalintal   Initial version          |
|               February 26, 01  Shashi Bhaskaran    bugfix 1642355	      |
|		May 7, 01	 Sajani Sheth	     Support for partial FAS  |
|		June 16, 01      Shashi Bhaskaran    bugfix 1835357           |
|                                Replaced fnd_file calls with oe_debug_pub    |
|               August 16,2001   Kiran Konada, fix for bug#1874380            |
|		                 to support ATO item under a PTO.             |
|                                item_type_code for an ato item under PTO     |
|			         is 'OPTION' and top_model_line_id will NOT be|
|				 null, UNLIKE an ato item order, where        |
|				 item_type_code = 'Standard' and              |
|				 top_model_lined_id is null                   |
|                                This fix has actually been provided in       |
|                                branched code  115.15.1155.4                 |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|               08/29/2001       Renga Kannan                                 |
|                                Modified the code for Porcuring config       |
|                                This batch program should not pick up        |
|                                the Buy config/ATO item orders               |
|                                This check is added to get_order_lines       |
|                                procedure.                                   |
|                                                                             |
|               Sep 26, 01   Shashi Bhaskaran   Fixed bug 2017099             |
|                            Check with ordered_quantity(OQ) instead of OQ-CQ |
|                            where CQ=cancelled_quantity. When a line is      |
|                            is canceled, OQ gets reflected.                  |
|                                                                             |
|               Oct 24, 01   Shashi Bhaskaran   Fixed bug 2074290             |
|                            Convert the ordered_quantity into Primary UOM for|
|                            comparing with get_reserved_qty.                 |
|                                                                             |
|               Feb 18, 02   Shashi Bhaskaran   Fixed bug 2227841             |
|                            Performance: Removed call to GET_NOTINV_QTY and  |
|                            GET_RESERVED_QTY from get_order_lines main cursor|
|                            and added soon after fetching the  cursor.       |
|                                                                             |
|               Feb 27, 02   Shashi Bhaskaran   Fixed bug 2243672             |
|                            Set the org context using OM's API               |
|                                                                             |
|               Jun 05, 02   Shashi Bhaskaran   Fixed bug 2388802             |
|                            Because of the earlier fix (2227841), the cursor |
|                            picked up the non-eligbile rows and locked them. |
|                            Removed the for update clause from the cursor and|
|                            locked it for the real eligible row.             |
|									      |
|               Oct 24, 02   Kundan Sarkar      Fixed bug 2628896             |
|                            To propagate fix 2420381 from branch to main     |
|                                                                             |
|               Oct 25, 02   Kundan Sarkar      Bugfix 2644849 (2620282 in br)|
|                            Sales order not seen in LOV while doing WIP      |
|                            completion as revision info is not passed 	      |
|                            while reserving the sales order against work     |
|                            order.				              |
|                                                                             |
|               Dec 06, 02   Kundan Sarkar      Bugfix 2698837 (2681321 in br)|
|                            Not creating work order in shipping org if the   |
|			     item is sourced from a different org and sourcing|
|			     rule is "TRANSFER FROM".			      |
|                                                                             |
|               May 07, 03   Kundan Sarkar      Bugfix 2930170 		      |
|		May 09, 03   (2868148 and 2946071 in br)		      |
|			     2868148:					      |
|                            Considering supply from Flow Schedule before     |
|			     creating supply through AFAS  to prevent multiple|
|			     work order creation.			      |
|			     2946071:					      |
|			     Need to handle null condition when flow_supply   |
|			     returns NO_DATA_FOUND			      |

               Sep 23, 2003  Renga Kannan                                    |
|                               Changed the following two table acecss to     |
|                               view. This change is recommended by shipping  |
|                               team to avoid getting inbound/dropship lines.
                                WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS to WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_OB_
                                This changes brings a wsh dependency to our code
                                the wsh pre-req for this change is 3125046

|24-SEP-2003   : Kiran Konada
|                Chnages for patchset-J
|                with mutiple sources enhancement ,
|                expected error from query sourcing org has been removed
|                source_type =66 refers to mutiple sourcing
|               statements after call to query org has been modified to look at
|               source type =66 instead of   expected error status
|19-Nov-2003  : Kiran Konada
|              		   bugfix 2885568
|                           There was a full table scan on wip_discrete_jobs
|                           unique index present on wip_enity_id and organization_id
|                           hece, joined oe_order_lines_all and got the ship_from _org_id
|                          original query
|                              select  dj.wip_entity_id,  we.wip_entity_name
|		        	  into    l_wip_entity_id, l_job_name
|				from    wip_discrete_jobs dj, wip_entities we|
|			       where   dj.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
|				and     dj.source_line_id = l_line_id
|				  and	  dj.source_code = 'WICDOL'
|                          Changed query
|                            added follwoing where clause
|				and     oel.line_id = l_line_id
|                               and     dj.primary_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
|                               and     oel.ship_from_org_id = dj.organization_id ;
Line: 158

|        ** This cursor has been split. The new approach is to insert the data into a temp table using the same sql statement
|        ** without the workflow conditions and then filter the data with the additional conditions for work flow status.
|        ** The cursor c_work_order_eligible will now be using bom_cto_order_lines_gt, wf_item_activity_statuses
|        ** and wf_process_activities tables.
|        */

Line: 176

    UPDATE oe_order_lines_all oel
    SET    oel.program_id = null
    WHERE  oel.line_id = p_line_id
    AND    oel.program_id = -99;
Line: 219

                x_orders_loaded - Number of rows inserted into interface table
                x_wip_seq i - Group ID in interface table
                x_message_name - Error message name
                x_message_text - Error message text

   Description:  This function inserts a record into the
                 WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table for the creation of
                 work orders through AutoCreate FAS in OM.


FUNCTION get_order_lines(p_org_id                IN  NUMBER,
                         p_offset_days           IN  NUMBER,
                         p_load_type             IN  NUMBER,
                         p_class_code            IN  varchar2,
                         p_status_type           IN  NUMBER,
                         p_order_number          IN  NUMBER,
                         p_line_id               IN  NUMBER,
                         p_conc_request_id       IN  NUMBER,
                         p_conc_program_id       IN  NUMBER,
                         p_conc_login_id         IN  NUMBER,
                         p_user_id               IN  NUMBER,
                         p_appl_conc_program_id  IN  NUMBER,
			 --Flow ER 14595064
			 p_create_flow_schedule  IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
                         x_orders_loaded         OUT NoCopy NUMBER,
                         x_wip_seq               OUT NoCopy NUMBER,
                         x_message_name          OUT NoCopy VARCHAR2,
                         x_message_text          OUT NoCopy VARCHAR2
return integer


       l_x_hold_result_out 	VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 266

       l_rows_selected 		NUMBER := 0;
Line: 267

       l_rows_inserted 		NUMBER := 0;
Line: 340

         Select Eligible Records based on parameters and workflow status.

        IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
        	oe_debug_pub.add('get_order_lines: ' ||  'Begin Get Order Lines.', 1);
Line: 396

	   sql_stmt := 'select /*+ ordered index (WAS WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_PK) */  '||
                       '    oel.line_id              line_id, '||
	               '    oel.ship_from_org_id     ship_from_org_id, '||
                       '    oel.header_id            header_id, '||
	               '    nvl(oel.org_id,-1)	     org_id, ' ||
		       '    oel.ato_line_id          ato_line_id, '||
		       '    oel.inventory_item_id    inventory_item_id '||
                       'from   '||
                       '    oe_order_lines_all OEL, '||
                       '    wf_item_activity_statuses WAS, '||
                       '    wf_process_activities WPA, '||
                       '    mtl_system_items MSI ';
Line: 417

	   sql_stmt := 'select /*+ ordered index (WPA WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES_N1) index (WAS WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_N1) */ '||
                       '    oel.line_id              line_id, '||
	               '    oel.ship_from_org_id     ship_from_org_id, '||
                       '    oel.header_id            header_id, '||
	               '    nvl(oel.org_id,-1)	     org_id, ' ||
		       '    oel.ato_line_id          ato_line_id, '||
		       '    oel.inventory_item_id    inventory_item_id '||
                       'from   '||
                       '    wf_process_activities WPA, '||
                       '    wf_item_activity_statuses WAS, '||
                       '    oe_order_lines_all OEL, '||
                       '    mtl_system_items MSI ';
Line: 474

            'and    not exists (select ''1''  '||
                       'from   bom_operational_routings bor ' ||
                       'where  bor.assembly_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id '||
                       'and    bor.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id ' ||
                       'and    bor.alternate_routing_designator is NULL '||
                       'and    nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 1) ' ;
Line: 504

	               'and oel.header_id in (select oeh.header_id '||
		       			     'from  oe_order_headers_all oeh ' ||
					     'where oeh.order_number = :l_order_number) ';
Line: 513

                              '(select oelc.line_id '||
                              ' from   oe_order_lines_all oelc '||
                              ' where  (oelc.ato_line_id = :l_line_id '||--5108885
                                       'and oelc.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'') '||
                               'or     (oelc.line_id = :l_line_id '||
                                       'and oelc.item_type_code = ''STANDARD'' ' ||
                                       'and oelc.top_model_line_id is null) '||
			       --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
			       'or     (oelc.line_id = :l_line_id '||
			               'and oelc.ato_line_id = oelc.line_id '||
                                       'and oelc.item_type_code = ''INCLUDED'') ' ||
                               'or     (oelc.line_id = :l_line_id '||			-- ATO item within PTO
                                       'and oelc.ato_line_id = oelc.line_id '||
                                       'and oelc.item_type_code = ''OPTION'')) ';	-- fix for bug#1874380
Line: 575

                        '(select CAL.CALENDAR_DATE '||
                         'from   bom_calendar_dates cal, '||
                                'mtl_parameters     mp '||
                         'where  mp.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id '||
                         'and    cal.calendar_code  = mp.calendar_code '||
                         'and    cal.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id '||
                         'and    cal.seq_num = '||
                                   '(select cal2.prior_seq_num '||
				      '- nvl(:p_offset_days, 0) '||
                                      '- (ceil(nvl(msi.fixed_lead_time,0) '||
                                      '+  nvl(msi.variable_lead_time,0) '||
                		      '*  (INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert( '||
						'oel.inventory_item_id, '||
						'5, '||
						-- bugfix 2204376: pass precision of 5
						'oel.ordered_quantity, '||
						'oel.order_quantity_uom, '||
						'msi.primary_uom_code, '||
						'null, '||
						'null ) '||
						'- CTO_WIP_WRAPPER.GET_RESERVED_QTY(oel.line_id)) ))	'||
						--bugfix 3034619: added parenthesis
						--bugfix 2074290: convert the OQ and then
						--       subtract from get_reserved_qty
                                    'from   bom_calendar_dates cal2 '||
                                    'where  cal2.calendar_code = mp.calendar_code '||
                                    'and    cal2.exception_set_id = mp.calendar_exception_set_id '||
                                    'and    cal2.calendar_date    = trunc(oel.schedule_ship_date))) ';
Line: 616

       we have selected.  The drive_mark variable tells us which parameters
       we are using, so we are sure to send the right ones to SQL.

        if (drive_mark = 0) then
	-- No (optional) parameter is passed
	    Open WorkOrder FOR sql_stmt;
Line: 879

       		--l_rows_selected := l_rows_selected + 1;
Line: 891

                    SELECT ship_from_org_id
                    INTO   l_ship_from_org_id
                    FROM   OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL
                    WHERE  line_id = WorkOrder_Rec.ato_line_id --- bug fix 5207010 . We should lock based on ATO line id
                    and    (GET_NOTINV_QTY(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id) - GET_RESERVED_QTY(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id)) > 0
		    FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;		-- bugfix 2388802: lock the row which is really eligible
Line: 901

                       	OE_DEBUG_PUB.add ('get_order_lines: ' || 'Could not lock line id '|| to_char(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id) ||' for update.');
Line: 925

		l_rows_selected := l_rows_selected + 1;  --Bugfix 6146803
Line: 997

			l_rows_selected := l_rows_selected - 1;
Line: 1005

			l_rows_selected := l_rows_selected - 1;
Line: 1012

			--The sequence will be generated just before calling insert_wip_interface.
			if (l_rows_selected - l_rows_errored = 1) then
                	   select wip_job_schedule_interface_s.nextval
                	   into   x_wip_seq
                	   from   dual;
Line: 1076

					select nvl(oel.dep_plan_required_flag,'N')
					into l_dep_plan_flag
					from oe_order_lines_all oel
					where oel.line_id = WorkOrder_Rec.line_id;
Line: 1147

                                        select NVL(cfm_routing_flag,2)
                                        into   l_supply_type
                                        from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
                                               bom_operational_routings bor
                                        where  oel.line_id = to_number(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id)
                                        and    oel.inventory_item_id = bor.assembly_item_id (+)
                                        and    oel.ship_from_org_id = bor.organization_id (+)
                                        and    bor.alternate_routing_designator (+) is NULL;
Line: 1166

                                          select schedule_ship_date
                                          into l_schedule_ship_date
                                          from oe_order_lines_all
                                          where line_id = WorkOrder_Rec.line_id;
Line: 1208

					    -- Check if the line has any flow schedules. Update the line status accordingly.
					    if CTO_WORKFLOW.Flow_Sch_Exists(to_number(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id)) then
                                              IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
                                                oe_debug_pub.add('get_order_lines: Flow_Sch_Exists. Updating flow status code to PRODUCTION_OPEN ' ||
						                 'for line_id:'|| WorkOrder_Rec.line_id || ' header_id:' || WorkOrder_Rec.header_id);
Line: 1215

					      OE_Order_WF_Util.Update_Flow_Status_Code(p_header_id         => WorkOrder_Rec.header_id,
                                                                                       p_line_id           => to_number(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id),
                                                                                       p_flow_status_code  => 'PRODUCTION_OPEN',
                                                                                       x_return_status     => l_x_return_status);
Line: 1235

                                            select wip_job_schedule_interface_s.nextval
                                            into   x_wip_seq
                                            from   dual;
Line: 1240

                                                     p_line_id                  => WorkOrder_Rec.line_id,
                                                     p_wip_seq                  => x_wip_seq,
                                                     p_status_type              => p_status_type,
                                                     p_class_code               => p_class_code,
                                                     p_conc_request_id          => p_conc_request_id,
                                                     p_conc_program_id          => p_conc_program_id,
                                                     p_conc_login_id            => p_conc_login_id,
                                                     p_user_id                  => p_user_id,
                                                     p_appl_conc_program_id     => p_appl_conc_program_id,
                                                     x_return_status            => l_x_return_status,
                                                     x_error_message            => l_x_error_message,
                                                     x_message_name             => l_x_message_name);
Line: 1258

                                                        oe_debug_pub.add('get_order_lines: ' ||  'Insert Error Message: ' || l_x_error_message,1);
Line: 1260

                                                        OE_DEBUG_PUB.add('get_order_lines: ' || 'FAILED in Insert WIP Interface: ' || l_x_return_status ||
                                                        'For Order Line '  || to_char(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id), 1);
Line: 1267

                                                        OE_DEBUG_PUB.add('get_order_lines: ' || 'Success in Insert WIP Interface: ' || l_x_return_status ||
                                                        'For Order Line '  || to_char(WorkOrder_Rec.line_id), 1);
Line: 1271

                                                l_rows_inserted := l_rows_inserted + 1;
Line: 1273

                                          end if; /* end of insert into wip_job_schedule_interface*/
Line: 1280

                                                        OE_DEBUG_PUB.add('get_order_lines: ' || 'Deliveries not planned, not inserting into wjsi', 2);
Line: 1300

        	OE_DEBUG_PUB.add('get_order_lines: ' || 'Number of Order Lines Selected: ' ||
                          to_char(l_rows_selected), 1);
Line: 1312

        	OE_DEBUG_PUB.add('get_order_lines: ' || 'Number of Order Lines Inserted: ' ||
                          to_char(l_rows_inserted), 1);
Line: 1324

        x_orders_loaded := l_rows_inserted;
Line: 1350

		  select  dj.wip_entity_id,  we.wip_entity_name
		  into    l_wip_entity_id, l_job_name
		  from    wip_discrete_jobs dj, wip_entities we,
		          oe_order_lines_all oel
		  where   dj.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
		  and     dj.source_line_id = l_line_id
		  and	  dj.source_code = 'WICDOL'
		  --bugfix 2885568 to remove full table scan on wip_discrete_jobs
		  --use unique index of wip_enitity _id and organization_id
		  and     oel.line_id = l_line_id
		  and     dj.primary_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id --for using index wdj_N1
		  and     oel.ship_from_org_id = dj.organization_id ;--for using index wdj_u1
Line: 1391

           	OE_DEBUG_PUB.add ('get_order_lines: ' || 'Could not lock line id '|| to_char(p_line_id) ||' for update.',1);
Line: 1440

                x_error_message   - error message if insert fails
                x_message_name    - name of error message if insert

   Description:  This function inserts a record into the
                 WIP_JOB_SCHEDULE_INTERFACE table for the creation of
                 work orders.


FUNCTION reserve_wo_to_so(p_wip_seq IN NUMBER,
                          p_message_text VARCHAR2,
                          p_message_name VARCHAR2

RETURN integer

--        WorkOrder_Rec            number;
Line: 1498

        /* Cursor to select records to reserve */

        cursor c_wip_job_records is
        select mso.sales_order_id,
               oel.source_document_type_id,	-- bugfix 1799874: to check if it is an internal SO or regular
               INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert	-- bugfix 1661094: added conversion logic
                    5,	-- bugfix 2204376: pass precision of 5
                    null)   start_quantity,
               -- Passing revision info only if revision_qty_control_code
               -- is not equal to 1
               -- wei.bom_revision
               -- 2620282: Selecting bom revision info
               decode( nvl(msi.revision_qty_control_code , 1 ) , 1, NULL , wei.bom_revision) bom_revision,
	       oel.org_id	-- bugfix 3014000
        from   wip_job_schedule_interface wei,
               oe_order_lines_all oel,
               mtl_sales_orders mso,
               oe_order_headers_all oeh,
               --oe_order_types_v oet
	       oe_transaction_types_tl oet,
	       mtl_system_items msi		-- bugfix 1661094:
        where  wei.group_id = p_wip_seq
        and    wei.source_line_id = oel.line_id
        and    oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
        and    oet.transaction_type_id = oeh.order_type_id
        and    mso.segment1 = to_char(oeh.order_number)
        and    mso.segment2 = oet.name
 	and    oet.language = (select language_code
				from fnd_languages
				where installed_flag = 'B')
        and    mso.segment3 = lSourceCode
        and    wei.load_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.CREATE_JOB
        and    wei.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
        and    wei.process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_COMPLETE
        -- bug 9314772.added warning status jobs for creating reservations.pdube
        -- and    wei.process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED              -- 3202934
	and    msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
	and    msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id;
Line: 1687

                   update wip_discrete_jobs
                   set    status_type = 7	-- CANCELLED
                   where  wip_entity_id = WorkOrder_Rec.wip_entity_id;
Line: 1692

                   update wip_job_schedule_interface
                   set    process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION,
                          process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING
                   where  wip_entity_id = WorkOrder_Rec.wip_entity_id
                   and    group_id = p_wip_seq;
Line: 1715

               select status_type
               into   l_status_type
               from   wip_job_schedule_interface
               where  group_id = p_wip_seq
               and    source_line_id = WorkOrder_Rec.line_id
               and    last_update_date <> creation_date
               and    rownum = 1;
Line: 1752

                                p_api_version_number  => 1.0
                                , p_init_msg_lst      => fnd_api.g_true
                                , x_return_status     => l_status
                                , x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
                                , x_msg_data          => l_msg_txt
                                , p_rsv_rec           => l_rsv_rec
                                , p_serial_number     => l_dummy_sn
Line: 1764

                       	oe_debug_pub.add('reserve_wo_to_so: ' ||  'Return Status from delete reservation: ' || l_status,1);
Line: 1766

                       	oe_debug_pub.add('reserve_wo_to_so: ' ||  'Msg Txt from delete reservation: ' || l_msg_txt,1);
Line: 1770

                       update wip_discrete_jobs
                       set    status_type = 7     -- CANCEL
                       where  wip_entity_id = WorkOrder_Rec.wip_entity_id;
Line: 1775

                       update wip_job_schedule_interface
                       set    process_phase = WIP_CONSTANTS.ML_VALIDATION,
                              process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING
                       where  wip_entity_id = WorkOrder_Rec.wip_entity_id
                       and    group_id = p_wip_seq;
Line: 1804

	   UPDATE oe_order_lines_all
	   SET    program_id = null
	   WHERE  line_id = WorkOrder_Rec.line_id
	   AND    program_id = -99;
Line: 1814

		-- unlock the lines. Update the program_id to null.
		update oe_order_lines_all
		set    program_id = null
		where  program_id = -99
		and    line_id in (select wei.source_line_id
				   from   wip_job_schedule_interface wei
				   where  wei.group_id = p_wip_seq);
Line: 1892

        select nvl(sum(INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
                            5,	-- bugfix 2204376: pass precision of 5
	from   mtl_reservations mr,
		oe_order_headers_all oeh,
		oe_order_lines_all oel,
		mtl_system_items msi				--bugfix 2074290: added msi
	where  oel.line_id = pLineId
	and    oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
	and    mr.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id
        and    mr.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
	and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id	--bugfix 2074290: added joins
	and    oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
	and    mr.demand_source_type_id = decode(oeh.source_document_type_id, 10,
						INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.g_source_type_oe);	--bugfix 1799874
Line: 1920

	select nvl(sum(wjs.start_quantity), 0)
	from   wip_job_schedule_interface wjs,
		oe_order_lines_all oel
	where  oel.line_id = pLineId
	and 	wjs.source_line_id = oel.line_id
        and    (wjs.process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.PENDING
		or  wjs.process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.RUNNING
        or  wjs.process_status = WIP_CONSTANTS.COMPLETED)
	--Bugfix 12397938
        and    wjs.source_code = 'WICDOL';
Line: 1934

	select nvl(sum(planned_quantity - quantity_completed),0)	-- 2946071
	from   wip_flow_schedules
	where  demand_source_line = to_char(pLineId)
        and    demand_source_type = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe;
Line: 2035

	select  decode( max(shipping_interfaced_flag),
			'N', max(INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
                                        5,	-- bugfix 2204376: pass precision of 5
			'Y', nvl(sum(wdd.requested_quantity), 0)  )
	into    l_quantity
		oe_order_lines_all oel,
		mtl_system_items msi
	where   oel.line_id = pLineId
	and	oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
	and	oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
	and     wdd.source_line_id(+) = oel.line_id
	and     wdd.source_code(+) = 'OE'
	and	nvl(wdd.inv_interfaced_flag(+),'N') = 'N'
	and     nvl(released_status(+),'N') <> 'D';