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Line 2577: FROM po_headers_all ph, zx_lines_det_factors zxldet, fnd_currencies fc

2573: -- Bug 5025018. Updated tax attribute mappings
2574: ,ph.org_id --rounding_bill_to_party_id
2575: ,(SELECT pvs.party_site_id from po_vendor_sites_all pvs --rndg_ship_from_party_site_id
2576: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_id=ph.vendor_site_id)
2577: FROM po_headers_all ph, zx_lines_det_factors zxldet, fnd_currencies fc
2578: WHERE ph.po_header_id = p_po_header_id_tbl(i)
2579: AND fc.currency_code = ph.currency_code
2580: -- Conditions for getting Additional Tax Attributes
2581: -- Note that the po_header_id is of current document being processed,

Line 2685: FROM po_headers_all ph, fnd_currencies fc

2681: -- Bug 5025018. Updated tax attribute mappings
2682: ,ph.org_id --rounding_bill_to_party_id
2683: ,(SELECT pvs.party_site_id from po_vendor_sites_all pvs --rndg_ship_from_party_site_id
2684: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_id=ph.vendor_site_id)
2685: FROM po_headers_all ph, fnd_currencies fc
2686: WHERE ph.po_header_id = p_po_header_id
2687: AND fc.currency_code = ph.currency_code;
2689: END populate_header_po;

Line 2793: ,fnd_currencies fc

2789: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_id=ph.vendor_site_id)
2790: -- Using OUTER JOIN in FROM clause syntax here because (+) operator
2791: -- is not flexible enough to be used inside an OR condition
2792: FROM po_headers_all ph
2793: ,fnd_currencies fc
2794: ,po_releases_all pr
2795: -- Conditions for getting Additional Tax Attributes
2796: -- Copy from Planned PO if its a newly created Scheduled Release
2797: -- ELSE simply copy from existing release header (ie. in case of a

Line 2913: FROM po_releases_all pr, po_headers_all ph, fnd_currencies fc

2909: -- Bug 5025018. Updated tax attribute mappings
2910: ,ph.org_id --rounding_bill_to_party_id
2911: ,(SELECT pvs.party_site_id from po_vendor_sites_all pvs --rndg_ship_from_party_site_id
2912: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_id=ph.vendor_site_id)
2913: FROM po_releases_all pr, po_headers_all ph, fnd_currencies fc
2914: WHERE pr.po_release_id = p_po_release_id
2915: AND pr.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
2916: AND fc.currency_code = ph.currency_code;

Line 4552: mtl_system_items_b msib, fnd_currencies fc

4549: ,prl.destination_organization_id --Bug#6902111
4550: FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh, po_requisition_lines_all prl,
4551: zx_lines_det_factors zxldet, po_vendors pv, po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
4552: mtl_system_items_b msib, fnd_currencies fc
4553: WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = p_requisition_header_id
4554: AND prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
4555: -- Conditions for getting Additional Tax Attributes
4556: -- Do not put a condition on zxldet.trx_id here because that would

Line 4572: -- Join with fnd_currencies for currency information

4568: AND pvs.vendor_site_id(+) = prl.vendor_site_id
4569: -- Join with items table for item information
4570: AND msib.inventory_item_id(+) = prl.item_id
4571: AND msib.organization_id(+) = prl.org_id
4572: -- Join with fnd_currencies for currency information
4573: AND fc.currency_code(+) = prl.currency_code
4574: -- Conditions that determine that requisition line is 'Active'
4575: AND nvl(prl.modified_by_agent_flag, 'N') = 'N'
4576: AND nvl(prl.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'