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1 package body pay_us_magtape_reporting as
2  /* $Header: pyusmrep.pkb 115.8 2002/12/02 21:44:07 sodhingr ship $ */
3  /*===========================================================================+
4  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                        |
5  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                           |
6  |                       All rights reserved.                                 |
7  +============================================================================+
8   Name
9     pay_us_magtape_reporting
10   Purpose
11     The purpose of this package is to support the generation of magnetic tape
12     reports for US legilsative requirements. Specifically this covers federal
13     and state W2's and also State Quarterly Wage Listing's.
14   Notes
15     The generation of each magnetic tape report is a two stage process i.e.
17     1. Create a payroll action identifying the magnetic tape report being
18        generated. Populate a set of assignment actions with each one
19        identifying a person to be included in the report.
21     2. Submit a request to run the generic magnetic tape process which will
22        drive off the data created in stage one. This will result in the
23        production of a structured ascii file which can be transferred to
24        magnetic tape and sent to the relevant authority.
25   History
26 	10-Feb-95 	J.S.Hobbs  	40.0  	Date created.
28  ============================================================================*/
29  --
30  g_message_text varchar2(240);
31  type g_people_type is table of VARCHAR(80)
32          index by binary_integer;
33  g_people_text g_people_type;
34  g_num_peo number;
35  --
36   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37   -- Name
38   --   bal_db_item
39   -- Purpose
40   --   Given the name of a balance DB item as would be seen in a fast formula
41   --   it returns the defined_balance_id of the balance it represents.
42   -- Arguments
43   -- Notes
44   --   A defined +balance_id is required by the PLSQL balance function.
45   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46  --
47  function bal_db_item
48  (
49   p_db_item_name varchar2
50  ) return number is
51    --
52    -- Get the defined_balance_id for the specified balance DB item.
53    --
54    cursor csr_defined_balance is
55      select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(UE.creator_id)
56      from   ff_database_items         DI,
57  	    ff_user_entities          UE
58      where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
59        and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
60        and  UE.creator_type         = 'B'
61        and  UE.legislation_code     = 'US'; /* Bug: 2296797 */
62    --
63    l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
64    --
65  begin
66    --
67    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.bal_db_item - opening cursor', 1);
68    open csr_defined_balance;
69    fetch csr_defined_balance into l_defined_balance_id;
70    if csr_defined_balance%notfound then
71      close csr_defined_balance;
72      g_message_text := 'Balance DB item does not exist';
73      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
74    else
75      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.bal_db_item - fetched from cursor', 2);
76      close csr_defined_balance;
77    end if;
78    --
79    return (l_defined_balance_id);
80    --
81  end bal_db_item;
82  --
83   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84   -- Name
85   --   lookup_jurisdiction_code
86   -- Purpose
87   --   Given a state code ie. AL it returns the jurisdiction code that
88   --   represents that state.
89   -- Arguments
90   -- Notes
91   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92  --
93  function lookup_jurisdiction_code
94  (
95   p_state varchar2
96  ) return varchar2 is
97    --
98    -- Get the jurisdiction_code for the specified state code.
99    --
100    cursor csr_jurisdiction_code is
101      select SR.jurisdiction_code
102      from   pay_state_rules SR
103      where  SR.state_code = p_state;
104    --
105    l_jurisdiction_code pay_state_rules.jurisdiction_code%type;
106    --
107  begin
108    --
109    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_jurisdiction_code - opening cursor', 1);
110    open csr_jurisdiction_code;
111    fetch csr_jurisdiction_code into l_jurisdiction_code;
112    if csr_jurisdiction_code%notfound then
113      close csr_jurisdiction_code;
114      g_message_text := 'Cannot find jurisdiction code';
115      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
116    else
117      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_jurisdiction_code - fetched from cursor', 2);
118      close csr_jurisdiction_code;
119    end if;
120    --
121    return (l_jurisdiction_code);
122    --
123  end lookup_jurisdiction_code;
124  --
125   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126   -- Name
127   --   error_payroll_action
128   -- Purpose
129   --   Sets the status of a payroll action to 'E'rror.
130   -- Arguments
131   -- Notes
132   --   This should only be used when the magnetic report has failed.
133   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
134  --
135  procedure error_payroll_action
136  (
137   p_payroll_action_id number
138  ) is
139  begin
140    --
141    -- Sets the payroll action to a status of 'E'rror.
142    --
143    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.error_payroll_action - updating pay_ payrol_actions', 1);
144    update pay_payroll_actions PA
145    set    PA.action_status     = 'E'
146    where  PA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
147    --
148    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.error_payroll_action - updated pay_ payrol_actions', 2);
149    commit;
150    --
151  end error_payroll_action;
152  --
153   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154   -- Name
155   --   update_action_statuses
156   -- Purpose
157   --   Sets the payroll action to 'C'omplete. Sets all successful assignment
158   --   actions to 'C'omplete.
159   -- Arguments
160   -- Notes
161   --   This should only be used when the magnetic report has successfully run.
162   --   All the assignment actions are set to 'U'nprocessed before processing
163   --   starts. If an error occurs with an assignment action then it is set to
164   --   'E'rror by the magnetic tape process. Having finished processing, all
165   --   assignment actions left with a status of 'U'nprocessed are assumed to
166   --   be successful and therefore set to 'C'omplete.
167   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
168  --
169  procedure update_action_statuses
170  (
171   p_payroll_action_id number
172  ) is
173  begin
174    --
175    -- Sets the payroll action to a status of 'C'omplete.
176    --
177    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.update_action_statuses - updating pay_ payrol_actions', 1);
178    update pay_payroll_actions PA
179    set    PA.action_status     = 'C'
180    where  PA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
181    --
182    -- Sets all successfully processed assignment actions to 'C'omplete.
183    --
184    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.update_action_statuses - updating pay_ assignment_actions', 2);
185    update pay_assignment_actions AA
186    set    AA.action_status     = 'C'
187    where  AA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
188      and  AA.action_status     = 'U';
189    --
190    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.update_action_statuses - commiting', 3);
191    commit;
192    --
193  end update_action_statuses;
194  --
195   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
196   -- Name
197   --   get_selection_information
198   -- Purpose
199   --   Returns information used in the selection of people to be reported on.
200   -- Arguments
201   --   The following values are returned :-
202   --
203   --   p_sql_statement        - the SQL to be run to select the people.
204   --   p_period_start         - the start of the period over which to select
205   --                            the people.
206   --   p_period_end           - the end of the period over which to select
207   --                            the people.
208   --   p_defined_balance_id   - the balance which must be non zero for each
209   --                            person to be included in the report.
210   --   p_group_by_gre         - should the people be grouped by GRE.
211   --   p_group_by_medicare    - should the people ,be grouped by medicare
212   --                            within GRE NB. this is not currently supported.
213   --   p_tax_unit_context     - should the TAX_UNIT_ID context be set up for
214   --                            the testing of the balance.
215   --   p_jurisdiction_context - should the JURISDICTION_CODE context be set up
216   --                            for the testing of the balance.
217   -- Notes
218   --   This routine provides a way of coding explicit rules for individual
219   --   reports where they are different from the standard selection criteria
220   --   for the report type ie. in NY state the selection of people in the 4th
221   --   quarter is different from the first 3.
222   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
223  --
224  procedure get_selection_information
225  (
226   --
227   -- Identifies the type of report, the authority for which it is being run,
228   -- and the period being reported.
229   --
230   p_report_type          varchar2,
231   p_state                varchar2,
233   --
234   -- Quarter and year start and end dates for the period being reported on.
235   --
236   p_quarter_start        date,
237   p_quarter_end          date,
238   p_year_start           date,
239   p_year_end             date,
240   --
241   -- Information returned is used to control the selection of people to
242   -- report on.
243   --
244   p_period_start         in out nocopy date,
245   p_period_end           in out nocopy date,
246   p_defined_balance_id   in out nocopy number,
247   p_group_by_gre         in out nocopy boolean,
248   p_group_by_medicare    in out nocopy boolean,
249   p_tax_unit_context     in out nocopy  boolean,
250   p_jurisdiction_context in out nocopy  boolean
251  ) is
252    --
253    --
254  begin
255    --
256    -- Depending on the report being processed, derive all the information
257    -- required to be able to select the people to report on.
258    --
259    -- Federal W2.
260    --
261    if    p_report_type = 'W2' and p_state = 'FED' then
262      --
263      -- Default settings for Federal W2.
264      --
265      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - default settings for Federal W2', 1);
266      p_period_start         := p_year_start;
267      p_period_end           := p_year_end;
268      p_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('GROSS_EARNINGS_PER_GRE_YTD');
269      p_group_by_gre         := TRUE;
270      p_group_by_medicare    := TRUE;
271      p_tax_unit_context     := TRUE;
272      p_jurisdiction_context := FALSE;
273    --
274    -- State W2's.
275    --
276    elsif p_report_type = 'W2' and p_state <> 'FED' then
277      --
278      -- Default settings for State W2.
279      --
280      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - default settings for State W2', 2);
281      p_period_start         := p_year_start;
282      p_period_end           := p_year_end;
283      p_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
284      p_group_by_gre         := TRUE;
285      p_group_by_medicare    := TRUE;
286      p_tax_unit_context     := TRUE;
287      p_jurisdiction_context := TRUE;
288    --
289    -- State Quarterly Wage Listings.
290    --
291    elsif p_report_type = 'SQWL' then
292      --
293      -- New York state settings NB. the difference is that the criteria for
294      -- selecting people in the 4th quarter is different to that used for the
295      -- furst 3 quarters of the tax year.
296      --
297      if p_state = 'NY' then
298        --
299        -- Period is one of the first 3 quarters of tax year.
300        --
301        if instr(to_char(p_quarter_end,'MM'), '12') = 0 then
302          --
303          hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - NY last quarter', 3);
304          p_period_start         := p_quarter_start;
305          p_period_end           := p_quarter_end;
306          p_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SUI_ER_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD');
307        --
308        -- Period is the last quarter of the year.
309        --
310        else
311          --
312          hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - in NY ', 3);
313          p_period_start         := p_year_start;
314          p_period_end           := p_year_end;
315          p_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
316          --
317        end if;
318        --
319        -- Values are set independent of quarter being reported on.
320        --
321        p_group_by_gre         := TRUE;
322        p_group_by_medicare    := TRUE;
323        p_tax_unit_context     := TRUE;
324        p_jurisdiction_context := TRUE;
325      --
326      -- Default settings for State Quarterly Wage Listing.
327      --
328      else
329        --
330          hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - defalut setting for SQWL ', 4);
331        p_period_start         := p_quarter_start;
332        p_period_end           := p_quarter_end;
333        p_defined_balance_id   := bal_db_item('SUI_ER_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD');
334        p_group_by_gre         := TRUE;
335        p_group_by_medicare    := TRUE;
336        p_tax_unit_context     := TRUE;
337        p_jurisdiction_context := TRUE;
338        --
339      end if;
340    --
341    -- An invalid report type has been passed so fail.
342    --
343    else
344      --
345      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get_selection_information - invalid report ', 4);
346      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
347      --
348    end if;
349    --
350  end get_selection_information;
351  --
352   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
353   -- Name
354   --   create_payroll_action
355   -- Purpose
356   --   Creates a payroll action identifying the production of a particular
357   --   magnetic tape report i.e. federal W2, etc... The list of people to be
358   --   reported on is created as assignment actions for the payroll action.
359   -- Arguments
360   -- Notes
361   --   The effective_date of the payroll action identifies the end of the
362   --   period being reported i.e. end of tax year or end of a quarter. The
363   --   legislative parameter is used to uniquely identify the report.
364   --
365   -- SQWLD - add p_media_type parameter
366   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
367  --
368  function create_payroll_action
369  (
370   p_report_type       in varchar2,
371   p_state             in varchar2,
372   p_trans_legal_co_id in varchar2,
373   p_business_group_id in number,
374   p_period_end        in date,
375   p_media_type  		 in varchar2
376  ) return number is
377    --
378    l_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
379    --
380  begin
381    --
382    -- Get the next payroll_action_id value from the sequence.
383      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_payroll_action - getting nextval', 1);
384    --
385    select pay_payroll_actions_s.nextval
386    into   l_payroll_action_id
387    from   sys.dual;
388    --
389    -- Create a payroll action dated as of the end of the period being reported
390    -- on. Populate the legislative parameter to identify the report being run
391    -- NB. the combination of this value and the effective date should uniquely
392    -- identify each report e.g. FED-W2 on 31-DEC-1995.
393    --
395    -- SQWLD - append p_media_type to parameter string, so redo can detect it
396      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_payroll_action - creating payroll action', 2);
397    insert into pay_payroll_actions
398    (payroll_action_id
399    ,action_type
400    ,business_group_id
401    ,action_population_status
402    ,action_status
403    ,effective_date
404    ,date_earned
405    ,legislative_parameters
406    ,object_version_number)
407    values
408    (l_payroll_action_id
409    ,'X'                       -- (X) -> Magnetic Report
410    ,p_business_group_id
411    ,'U'                       -- (U)npopulated
412    ,'U'                       -- (U)nprocessed
413    ,p_period_end
414    ,p_period_end
415    ,'USMAGTAPE'            || '-' ||
416     lpad(p_report_type, 5) || '-' ||
417     lpad(p_state      , 5) || '-' ||
418     lpad(p_trans_legal_co_id, 5)	|| '-' ||
419 	 lpad(nvl(p_media_type, 'RT'), 5)		-- SQWLD - save media value, 'PD' for PC Diskette
420    ,1);
421    --
422    -- Return id of new row.
423    --
424    return (l_payroll_action_id);
425    --
426  end create_payroll_action;
427  --
428   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
429   -- Name
430   --   create_assignment_action
431   -- Purpose
432   --   Create an assignment action for each person to be reported on within the
433   --   magnetic tape report identified by the parent payroll action.
434   -- Arguments
435   -- Notes
436   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
437  --
438  function create_assignment_action
439  (
440   p_payroll_action_id in number,
441   p_assignment_id     in number,
442   p_tax_unit_id       in number
443  ) return number is
444    --
445    -- Cursor to fetch the newly created assignment_action_id NB. there could
446    -- be several assignment actions for the same assignment and the only way
447    -- to find the newly created one is to fetch the one that has not had the
448    -- tax_unit_id updated yet.
449    --
450    cursor csr_assignment_action is
451      select AA.assignment_action_id
452      from   pay_assignment_actions AA
453      where  AA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
454        and  AA.assignment_id     = p_assignment_id
455        and  AA.tax_unit_id   is null;
456    --
457    -- Local variables.
458    --
459    l_assignment_action_id pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
460    --
461  begin
462    --
463    -- Create assignment action to identify a specific person's inclusion in the
464    -- magnetic tape report identified by the parent payroll action. The
465    -- assignment action has to be sequenced within the other assignment actions
466    -- according to the date of the payroll action so that the derivation of
467    -- any balances based on the assignment action is correct.
468    --
469      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_assignment_action - creating assignment action', 1);
470    hrassact.inassact(p_payroll_action_id, p_assignment_id);
471    --
472    -- Get the assignment_action_id of the newly created assignment action.
473    --
474      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_assignment_action - opening csr_assignment_action', 2);
475    open  csr_assignment_action;
476    fetch csr_assignment_action into l_assignment_action_id;
477    close csr_assignment_action;
478    --
479    --
480    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_assignment_action - updating pay_assignment_actions', 3);
481    update pay_assignment_actions AA
482    set    AA.tax_unit_id         = p_tax_unit_id
483    where  AA.assignment_action_id = l_assignment_action_id;
484    --
485    -- Return id of new row.
486    --
487    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.create_assignment_action - updated pay_assignment_actions', 4);
488    return (l_assignment_action_id);
489    --
490  end create_assignment_action;
491  --
492 procedure get_person_name(p_person_id in number,
493                           p_full_name in out nocopy  varchar2,
494                           p_emp_number in out nocopy  varchar2) is
496 l_name    varchar2(240);
497 l_number  varchar2(60);
499 cursor csr_get_info is
500    select full_name, employee_number
501    from per_people_f
502    where person_id = p_person_id
503    and rownum = 1;
505 begin
506 open csr_get_info;
507 fetch csr_get_info into l_name, l_number;
508 close csr_get_info;
510 --dbms_output.put_line('l_name is '||l_name||' and l_number is '||l_number);
512 p_full_name := l_name;
513 p_emp_number := l_number;
515 end get_person_name;
517   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
518   -- Name
519   --   generate_people_list
520   -- Purpose
521   --   Creates a payroll action and a list of assignment actions detailing the
522   --   date of the magnetic tape report along with the list of people to
523   --   report on.
524   -- Arguments
525   -- Notes
526   --   The criteria for selecting the people cannot be done simply using SQL.
527   --   It is done by first using a PLSQL cursor which makes an educated guess
528   --   about the people to include NB. it will always include all the correct
529   --   people even though some may not be valid. The second step is to
530   --   further check each person found and apply further checks. If these are
531   --   passed then they are added to the list (create an assignment action)
532   --   otherwise they are discarded.
533   --
534   -- SQWLD - add p_media_type parameter
535   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
536  --
537  function generate_people_list
538  (
539   p_report_type       varchar2,
540   p_state             varchar2,
541   p_trans_legal_co_id varchar2,
542   p_business_group_id number,
543   p_period_end        date,
544   p_quarter_start     date,
545   p_quarter_end       date,
546   p_year_start        date,
547   p_year_end          date,
548   p_media_type        varchar2
549  ) return number is
550    --
551    --
552    -- Variables used to hold the select columns from the SQL statement.
553    --
554    l_person_id              number;
555    l_assignment_id          number;
556    l_tax_unit_id            number;
557    l_effective_end_date     date;
558    --
559    -- Variables used to hold the values used as bind variables within the
560    -- SQL statement.
561    --
562    l_bus_group_id           number       := p_business_group_id;
563    l_state                  varchar2(30) := p_state;
564    l_period_start           date;
565    l_period_end             date;
566    --
567    -- Variables used to hold the details of the payroll and assignment actions
568    -- that are created.
569    --
570    l_payroll_action_created boolean := false;
571    l_payroll_action_id      pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
572    l_assignment_action_id   pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
573    --
574    -- Variable holding the balance to be tested.
575    --
576    l_defined_balance_id     pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
577    --
578    -- Indicator variables used to control how the people are grouped.
579    --
580    l_group_by_gre           boolean := FALSE;
581    l_group_by_medicare      boolean := FALSE;
582    --
583    -- Indicator variables used to control which contexts are set up for
584    -- balance.
585    --
586    l_tax_unit_context       boolean := FALSE;
587    l_jurisdiction_context   boolean := FALSE;
588    --
589    -- Variables used to hold the current values returned within the loop for
590    -- checking against the new values returned from within the loop on the
591    -- next iteration.
592    --
593    l_prev_person_id         per_people_f.person_id%type;
594    l_prev_tax_unit_id       hr_organization_units.organization_id%type;
595    --
596    -- Variable to hold the jurisdiction code used as a context for state
597    -- reporting.
598    --
599    l_jurisdiction_code      varchar2(30);
600    --
601    --  Flag to indicate whether assignment is exempt from SUI wages.
602    -- Not Needed
603    --
604    -- l_exempt		    varchar2(150) := 'N';
605    --
606    -- Variable used to commit after every chunk_size of assignment actions
607    -- or after 20, if no chunk size is specified.
608    --
609    cnt 			    number;
610    l_chunk_size             number;
612    l_value		    number;
613    --
614    -- People list for Fed W2 - Federal grouped within GRE.
615    --
616    CURSOR c_federal IS
617      SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
618             ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
619             fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1)     tax_unit_id,
620             max(ASG.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
621      FROM   per_assignments_f      ASG,
622             hr_soft_coding_keyflex SCL,
623             hr_tax_units_v         TUV,
624             pay_payrolls_f         PPY
625      WHERE  ASG.business_group_id      = l_bus_group_id
626        AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
627        AND  ASG.effective_start_date  <= l_period_end
628        AND  ASG.effective_end_date    >= l_period_start
629        AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
630        AND  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1) =  TUV.tax_unit_id
632        AND  PPY.payroll_id             = ASG.payroll_id
633        AND  l_state                    = l_state
634      GROUP  BY ASG.person_id,
635                ASG.assignment_id,
636                fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1)
637      ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
638    --
639    -- People list for State W2 - State grouped within GRE.
640    --
641    CURSOR c_state IS
642      SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
643             ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
644             fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1)     tax_unit_id,
645             max(ASG.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
646      FROM   per_assignments_f           ASG,
647             hr_soft_coding_keyflex      SCL,
648             hr_tax_units_v              TUV,
649             pay_payrolls_f              PPY,
650             pay_state_rules             SR,
651             pay_element_types_f         ET,
652             pay_input_values_f          IV,
653             pay_element_links_f         EL
654      WHERE  ASG.business_group_id + 0   = l_bus_group_id
655        AND  ASG.assignment_type         = 'E'
656        AND  ASG.effective_start_date   <= l_period_end
657        AND  ASG.effective_end_date     >= l_period_start
658        AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id  = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
659        AND  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1) =  TUV.tax_unit_id
661        AND  PPY.payroll_id              = ASG.payroll_id
662        AND  SR.state_code            = l_state
663        AND  ET.element_name          = 'VERTEX'
664        AND  IV.element_type_id       = ET.element_type_id
665        AND  upper(IV.name)           = 'JURISDICTION'
666        AND  EL.element_type_id       = ET.element_type_id
667        AND  EL.business_group_id + 0 = ASG.business_group_id + 0
668        AND  EXISTS (SELECT ''
669                     FROM
670                         pay_element_entries_f       EE,
671                         pay_element_entry_values_f  EEV
672                     WHERE  EE.assignment_id         = ASG.assignment_id
673                     AND  EE.element_link_id       = EL.element_link_id
674                     AND  EEV.element_entry_id     = EE.element_entry_id
675                     AND  EEV.input_value_id + 0   = IV.input_value_id
676                     AND  substr(SR.jurisdiction_code  ,1,2) =
677                              substr(EEV.screen_entry_value,1,2)
678                     AND  EE.effective_start_date <= l_period_end
679                     AND  EE.effective_end_date   >= l_period_start)
680      GROUP  BY ASG.person_id,
681                ASG.assignment_id,
682                fnd_number.canonical_to_number(SCL.segment1)
683      ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
684 --
685    --
686    --
687  begin
688    --
689    -- Return details used to control the selection of people to report on ie.
690    -- the SQL statement to run, the period over which to look for the people,
691    -- how to group the people, etc...
692    --
693    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - get selection_information', 1);
694    get_selection_information
695      (p_report_type,
696       p_state,
697       p_quarter_start,
698       p_quarter_end,
699       p_year_start,
700       p_year_end,
701       l_period_start,
702       l_period_end,
703       l_defined_balance_id,
704       l_group_by_gre,
705       l_group_by_medicare,
706       l_tax_unit_context,
707       l_jurisdiction_context);
708    --
709    -- Get the jurisdiction code for the state if appropriate.
710    --
711    if l_jurisdiction_context then
712      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - get jurisdiction code', 2);
713      l_jurisdiction_code := lookup_jurisdiction_code(p_state);
714    end if;
715    --
716    -- Open up a cursor for processing a SQL statement.
717    --
718    IF l_state = 'FED' THEN
719       --
720       OPEN c_federal;
721       --
722    ELSE
723       --
724       OPEN c_state;
725       --
726    END IF;
727    --
728    --------------------------------------------------------------------
729    -- Get CHUNK_SIZE or default to 20 if CHUNK_SIZE does not exist
730    --------------------------------------------------------------------
731    BEGIN
732      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - get chunk size', 3);
733      SELECT parameter_value
734        INTO l_chunk_size
735        FROM pay_action_parameters
736        WHERE parameter_name = 'CHUNK_SIZE';
738      WHEN no_data_found THEN
739        l_chunk_size := 20;
740    END;
741    --
742    -- Initialize counter.
743    --
744    cnt := 0;
745    --
746    -- Loop for all rows returned for SQL statement.
747    --
748    LOOP
749      --
750      -- Commit if l_chunk_size number of assignments have been processed.
751      --
752      if cnt = l_chunk_size then
753         cnt := 0;
754         commit;
755 	hr_utility.trace('COMMITTED');
756      end if;
757      --
758      cnt := cnt + 1;
759      hr_utility.trace('CNT:::: '||cnt||'CHUNK SIZE::: '||l_chunk_size);
760      --
761      -- Fetch next row from the appropriate cursor.
762      --
763      --
764      IF l_state = 'FED' THEN
765         --
766         hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - fetching from c_federal', 4);
767         FETCH c_federal INTO l_person_id,
768                              l_assignment_id,
769                              l_tax_unit_id,
770                              l_effective_end_date;
771         EXIT WHEN c_federal%NOTFOUND;
772         --
773      ELSE
774         --
775         hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - fetching from c_state', 4);
776         FETCH c_state INTO l_person_id,
777                            l_assignment_id,
778                            l_tax_unit_id,
779                            l_effective_end_date;
780         EXIT WHEN c_state%NOTFOUND;
781         --
782      END IF;
783      --
784      -- If the new row is the same as the previous row according to the way
785      -- the rows are grouped then discard the row ie. grouping by GRE
786      -- requires a single row for each person / GRE combination.
787      --
788      if ((l_group_by_gre                     and
789           l_person_id   = l_prev_person_id   and
790      	  l_tax_unit_id = l_prev_tax_unit_id) or
791          (not l_group_by_gre                 and
792           l_person_id   = l_prev_person_id)) then
793         --
794         -- Do nothing.
795         --
796         null;
797         --
798         -- Have a new unique row according to the way the rows are grouped.
799         -- The inclusion of the person is dependent on having a non zero
800 	-- balance.
801         -- If the balance is non zero then an assignment action is created to
802         -- indicate their inclusion in the magnetic tape report.
803         --
804      else
805         --
806         -- Set up contexts required to test the balance.
807         --
808         -- Set up TAX_UNIT_ID context if appropriate.
809         --
810  	if l_tax_unit_context then
811         hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - setting tax_unit_id context', 5);
812            pay_balance_pkg.set_context('TAX_UNIT_ID',l_tax_unit_id);
813         end if;
814         --
815         -- Set up JURISDICTION_CODE context if appropriate.
816         --
817  	if l_jurisdiction_context then
818         hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - setting jurisdiction_code context', 6);
819            pay_balance_pkg.set_context('JURISDICTION_CODE',l_jurisdiction_code);
820         end if;
821         --
822         --
823         -- Check the balance.
824 	--
825         hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - check balance', 7);
827         l_value := pay_balance_pkg.get_value
828 	                     (l_defined_balance_id,
829                               l_assignment_id,
830                               least(p_period_end,l_effective_end_date));
832       if (l_value > 0) then
833           --
834   	  -- Have found a person that needs to be reported in the federal W2 so
835   	  -- need to create an assignment action for it.
836   	  --
837   	  -- If the payroll action has not been created yet i.e. this is the
838   	  -- first assignment action then create it.
839   	  --
840            if not l_payroll_action_created then
841   	    --
842   	    -- Create payroll action for the magnetic tape report.
843            hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - creating payroll action id', 8);
844   	    --
845        -- SQWLD - add p_media_type parameter
846              l_payroll_action_id := create_payroll_action
847                                       (p_report_type,
848                                        p_state,
849                                        p_trans_legal_co_id,
850                                        p_business_group_id,
851                                        p_period_end,
852 													p_media_type);
853   	    --
854   	    -- Flag the creation of the payroll action.
855   	    --
856   	    l_payroll_action_created := true;
857              --
858            end if;
859   	  --
860   	  -- Create the assignment action to represnt the person / tax unit
861   	  -- combination.
862   	  --
863            hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - creating assignment action id', 9);
864            l_assignment_action_id := create_assignment_action
865                                        (l_payroll_action_id,
866                                         l_assignment_id,
867                                         l_tax_unit_id);
869            if (p_report_type = 'W2' and p_state <> 'FED' and
870                l_value > 9999999.99) then
872            update pay_assignment_actions aa
873            set    aa.serial_number = 999999
874            where  aa.assignment_action_id = l_assignment_action_id;
876 	   end if;
878         end if;
880      end if;
881      --
882      -- Record the current values for the next time around the loop.
883      --
884      l_prev_person_id   := l_person_id;
885      l_prev_tax_unit_id := l_tax_unit_id;
886      --
887    END LOOP;
888    COMMIT;
889    --
890    -- Close cursor used for processing SQL statement.
891    --
892    IF l_state = 'FED' THEN
893       --
894       CLOSE c_federal;
895       --
896    ELSE
897       --
898       CLOSE c_state;
899       --
900    END IF;
902    --
903    -- A payroll action has been created.
904    --
905    if l_payroll_action_created then
906      --
907      -- Update the population status of the payroll action to indicate that all
908      -- the assignment actions have been created for it.
909      --
910      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.generate_people_list - updating pay_payroll_actions', 10);
911      update pay_payroll_actions PPA
912      set    PPA.action_population_status = 'C'
913      where  PPA.payroll_action_id        = l_payroll_action_id;
914      --
915      -- Make the changes permanent.
916      --
917      commit;
918      --
919    end if;
920    --
921    return (l_payroll_action_id);
922    --
923  end generate_people_list;
924  --
925   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
926   -- Name
927   --   redo
928   -- Purpose
929   --   Calls the procedure run_magtape directly from SRS. This procedure
930   --   handles the error buffer and return code interface with SRS.
931   --   We are going to derive all the  parameters from the vi
932   -- Arguments
933   -- Notes
934   -- SQWLD - add support for media type by parsing leg params for media value 'D' or 'M'
935   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
936  procedure redo
937  (
938   errbuf               out nocopy  varchar2,
939   retcode              out nocopy  number,
940   p_payroll_action_id  in varchar2
941  ) is
942    --
943     l_effective_date     date;
944     l_report_type        varchar2(10);
945     l_state              varchar2(10);
946     l_reporting_year     varchar2(10);
947     l_reporting_quarter  varchar2(10);
948     l_trans_legal_co_id  varchar2(10);
949     l_media_type  		 varchar2(32);
951    begin
952      --
953      --  Derive the rest of the parameters from the payroll_action_id
954      --
955      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.redo - get parameters', 1);
956      select PA.effective_date,
957 	    ltrim(substr(PA.legislative_parameters, 11,5)),
958 	    ltrim(substr(PA.legislative_parameters, 17,5)),
959 	    to_char(PA.effective_date,'YYYY'),
960 	    decode(ltrim(substr(PA.legislative_parameters, 11,5)),
961         	'W2'  , to_char(PA.effective_date,'YYYY'),
962         	'SQWL', to_char(PA.effective_date,'MMYY')),
963 	    ltrim(substr(PA.legislative_parameters, 23,5)),
964 	    ltrim(substr(PA.legislative_parameters, 29,5))
965  	  into  l_effective_date,
966            l_report_type,
967            l_state,
968            l_reporting_year,
969            l_reporting_quarter,
970            l_trans_legal_co_id,
971 			  l_media_type
972      from pay_payroll_actions PA
973      where PA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
975      --
976    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.redo - update pay_payroll_actions', 2);
977    update pay_payroll_actions pa
978    set    PA.action_status     = 'M'
979    where  PA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
981    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.redo - update pay_assignment_actions', 3);
982    update pay_assignment_actions AA
983    set    AA.action_status     = 'M'
984    where  AA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
986    commit;
988    FOR i in 1..70 LOOP
989    g_people_text(i) := ' ';
990    END LOOP;
992      -- Start the generic magnetic tape process.
993      --
994    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.redo - run_magtape', 4);
995      run_magtape(l_effective_date,
996                  l_report_type,
997  	         	  p_payroll_action_id,
998  	         	  l_state,
999  	         	  l_reporting_year,
1000 	         	  l_reporting_quarter,
1001  	         	  l_trans_legal_co_id,
1002  	         	  l_media_type);
1004    --
1005    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.redo - update pay_assignment_actions', 5);
1006    update pay_assignment_actions AA
1007    set    AA.action_status     = 'C'
1008    where  AA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
1010    commit;
1012    -- Set up success return code.
1013    --
1014    retcode := 0;
1015  --
1016  -- Traps all exceptions raised within the procedure, extracts the message
1017  -- text associated with the exception and sets this up for SRS to read.
1018  --
1019  exception
1020    when hr_utility.hr_error then
1021      --
1022      -- If a payroll action exists then error it.
1023      --
1024      if p_payroll_action_id is not null then
1025        error_payroll_action(p_payroll_action_id);
1026      end if;
1027      --
1028      -- Set up error message and error return code.
1029      --
1030      errbuf  := g_message_text;
1031      retcode := 2;
1032      --
1033    when others then
1034      --
1035      -- If a payroll action exists then error it.
1036      --
1037      if p_payroll_action_id is not null then
1038        error_payroll_action(p_payroll_action_id);
1039      end if;
1040      --
1041      -- Set up error message and error return code.
1042      --
1043      errbuf  := sqlerrm;
1044      retcode := 2;
1045      --
1046 end redo;
1048   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1049   -- Name
1050   --   run_magtape
1051   -- Purpose
1052   --   Submits the magnetic tape process to be run by the concurrent manager.
1053   --   We also define the name of the output and the format here
1054   -- Arguments
1055   -- Notes
1056   -- SQWLD - add p_media_type parameter
1057   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1058  --
1059  procedure run_magtape
1060  (
1061   p_effective_date     date,
1062   p_report_type        varchar2,
1063   p_payroll_action_id  varchar2,
1064   p_state              varchar2,
1065   p_reporting_year     varchar2,
1066   p_reporting_quarter  varchar2,
1067   p_trans_legal_co_id  varchar2,
1068   p_media_type			  varchar2
1069  ) is
1071    l_format            varchar2(30);
1072    --
1073    -- Filenames of the output stuff
1074    --
1075    l_magfilename   varchar2(8);
1076    l_sumfilename   varchar2(8);
1077    --
1078    -- Request id of the magnetic tape process.
1079    --
1080    l_request_id  number;
1081    --
1082    -- Variable to hold the result of waiting for the magnetic tape process
1083    -- to finish.
1084    --
1085    l_wait        boolean;
1086    --
1087    -- Status information returned from the processing of the magnetic tape
1088    -- process.
1089    --
1090    l_phase       varchar2(30);
1091    l_status      varchar2(30);
1092    l_dev_phase   varchar2(30);
1093    l_dev_status  varchar2(30);
1094    l_date 	 varchar2(30);
1095    l_message     varchar2(255);
1096    --
1097    l_name                   varchar2(240);
1098    l_employee_number        varchar2(30);
1099    l_people_cnt             number;
1100    l_person_id		    number;
1102    cursor get_highly_comp is
1103    select a.person_id
1104    from pay_assignment_actions aa, per_assignments_f a
1105    where aa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
1106    and aa.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
1107    and aa.serial_number is NOT NULL;
1109  begin
1111    --
1112    -- Get the format to be used to produce the report.
1113    --
1114    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - get report format', 1);
1115    -- SQWLD - pass p_media_type parameter
1116    l_format := lookup_format(p_effective_date,
1117 		             p_report_type,
1118 		             p_state,
1119 						 p_media_type);
1120    --
1121    -- Determine the name of the output filename
1122    --
1123    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - determine filename', 2);
1125    if p_report_type = 'W2' and p_state = 'FED' then
1127       l_magfilename := p_state || p_report_type || '_' ||
1128 	 		substr(to_char(p_effective_date,'YY'),1,2);
1129       l_sumfilename := '6559_' || substr(to_char(p_effective_date,'YY'),1,2);
1131    elsif p_report_type = 'W2' and p_state <> 'FED' then
1133       l_magfilename := p_state || p_report_type || '_' ||
1134 	 		substr(to_char(p_effective_date,'YY'),1,2);
1135       l_sumfilename := l_magfilename;
1137    elsif p_report_type = 'SQWL' then
1139       l_magfilename := p_state || '_' ||
1140 			substr(to_char(p_effective_date,'MMYY'),1,4);
1141       l_sumfilename := l_magfilename;
1142    else
1144       l_magfilename := p_report_type;
1145       l_sumfilename := p_report_type;
1147    end if;
1149    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - determine reporting quarter', 3);
1150    if substr(p_reporting_quarter, 1, 2) = '03' then
1151       l_date := 'March 31';
1152    elsif substr(p_reporting_quarter, 1, 2) = '06' then
1153       l_date := 'June 30';
1154    elsif substr(p_reporting_quarter, 1, 2) = '09' then
1155       l_date := 'September 30';
1156    else
1157       l_date := 'December 31';
1158    end if;
1160    l_people_cnt := 0;
1162    FOR i in 1..70 LOOP
1163    g_people_text(i) := ' ';
1164    END LOOP;
1166    open get_highly_comp;
1167    loop
1168       fetch get_highly_comp into l_person_id;
1169       EXIT WHEN get_highly_comp%NOTFOUND;
1171       get_person_name(l_person_id, l_name, l_employee_number);
1173       l_people_cnt := l_people_cnt + 1;
1175       g_people_text(l_people_cnt) := fnd_global.local_chr(10) || l_name || ' (' || l_employee_number || ')';
1177    end loop;
1179    close get_highly_comp;
1181    g_num_peo := l_people_cnt;
1183    -- Start the generic magnetic tape process using the concurrent manager NB.
1184    -- the process is registered with SRS. This process is run as a sub request
1185    -- of the process running this PLSQL. This should result in the PLSQL
1186    -- process being paused while the magnetic tape process runs.
1187    --
1188    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - submit request', 4);
1189    l_request_id :=
1190      fnd_request.submit_request
1191        ('PAY'
1192        ,program     => 'PYUMAG'
1193        ,description => null
1194        ,start_time  => null
1195        ,sub_request => FALSE     -- TRUE
1196        ,argument1   => 'pay_magtape_generic.new_formula'
1197        ,argument2   => l_magfilename
1198        ,argument3   => l_sumfilename
1199        ,argument4   => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date)
1200        ,argument5   =>          'MAGTAPE_REPORT_ID=' || l_format
1201        ,argument6   => 'TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=' || p_payroll_action_id
1202        ,argument7   =>             'TRANSFER_STATE=' || p_state
1203        ,argument8   =>    'TRANSFER_REPORTING_YEAR=' || p_reporting_year
1204        ,argument9   => 'TRANSFER_REPORTING_QUARTER=' || p_reporting_quarter
1205        ,argument10  => 'TRANSFER_TRANS_LEGAL_CO_ID=' || p_trans_legal_co_id
1206        ,argument11  => 'TRANSFER_DATE=' || l_date
1207        ,argument12  => 'TRANSFER_COUNT=' || to_char(g_num_peo)
1208        ,argument13  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_1=' || g_people_text(1)
1209        ,argument14  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_2=' || g_people_text(2)
1210        ,argument15  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_3=' || g_people_text(3)
1211        ,argument16  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_4=' || g_people_text(4)
1212        ,argument17  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_5=' || g_people_text(5)
1213        ,argument18  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_6=' || g_people_text(6)
1214        ,argument19  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_7=' || g_people_text(7)
1215        ,argument20  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_8=' || g_people_text(8)
1216        ,argument21  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_9=' || g_people_text(9)
1217        ,argument22  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_10=' || g_people_text(10)
1218        ,argument23  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_11=' || g_people_text(11)
1219        ,argument24  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_12=' || g_people_text(12)
1220        ,argument25  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_13=' || g_people_text(13)
1221        ,argument26  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_14=' || g_people_text(14)
1222        ,argument27  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_15=' || g_people_text(15)
1223        ,argument28  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_16=' || g_people_text(16)
1224        ,argument29  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_17=' || g_people_text(17)
1225        ,argument30  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_18=' || g_people_text(18)
1226        ,argument31  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_19=' || g_people_text(19)
1227        ,argument32  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_20=' || g_people_text(20)
1228        ,argument33  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_21=' || g_people_text(21)
1229        ,argument34  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_22=' || g_people_text(22)
1230        ,argument35  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_23=' || g_people_text(23)
1231        ,argument36  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_24=' || g_people_text(24)
1232        ,argument37  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_25=' || g_people_text(25)
1233        ,argument38  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_26=' || g_people_text(26)
1234        ,argument39  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_27=' || g_people_text(27)
1235        ,argument40  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_28=' || g_people_text(28)
1236        ,argument41  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_29=' || g_people_text(29)
1237        ,argument42  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_30=' || g_people_text(30)
1238        ,argument43  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_31=' || g_people_text(31)
1239        ,argument44  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_32=' || g_people_text(32)
1240        ,argument45  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_33=' || g_people_text(33)
1241        ,argument46  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_34=' || g_people_text(34)
1242        ,argument47  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_35=' || g_people_text(35)
1243        ,argument48  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_36=' || g_people_text(36)
1244        ,argument49  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_37=' || g_people_text(37)
1245        ,argument50  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_38=' || g_people_text(38)
1246        ,argument51  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_39=' || g_people_text(39)
1247        ,argument52  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_40=' || g_people_text(40)
1248        ,argument53  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_41=' || g_people_text(41)
1249        ,argument54  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_42=' || g_people_text(42)
1250        ,argument55  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_43=' || g_people_text(43)
1251        ,argument56  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_44=' || g_people_text(44)
1252        ,argument57  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_45=' || g_people_text(45)
1253        ,argument58  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_46=' || g_people_text(46)
1254        ,argument59  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_47=' || g_people_text(47)
1255        ,argument60  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_48=' || g_people_text(48)
1256        ,argument61  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_49=' || g_people_text(49)
1257        ,argument62  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_50=' || g_people_text(50)
1258        ,argument63  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_51=' || g_people_text(51)
1259        ,argument64  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_52=' || g_people_text(52)
1260        ,argument65  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_53=' || g_people_text(53)
1261        ,argument66  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_54=' || g_people_text(54)
1262        ,argument67  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_55=' || g_people_text(55)
1263        ,argument68  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_56=' || g_people_text(56)
1264        ,argument69  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_57=' || g_people_text(57)
1265        ,argument70  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_58=' || g_people_text(58)
1266        ,argument71  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_59=' || g_people_text(59)
1267        ,argument72  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_60=' || g_people_text(60)
1268        ,argument73  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_61=' || g_people_text(61)
1269        ,argument74  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_62=' || g_people_text(62)
1270        ,argument75  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_63=' || g_people_text(63)
1271        ,argument76  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_64=' || g_people_text(64)
1272        ,argument77  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_65=' || g_people_text(65)
1273        ,argument78  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_66=' || g_people_text(66)
1274        ,argument79  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_67=' || g_people_text(67)
1275        ,argument80  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_68=' || g_people_text(68)
1276        ,argument81  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_69=' || g_people_text(69)
1277        ,argument82  => 'TRANSFER_MESSAGE_70=' || g_people_text(70)
1279 );
1280    --
1281    -- Detect if the request was really submitted.
1282    -- If it has not then handle the error.
1283    --
1284    if l_request_id = 0 then
1285      g_message_text := 'Failed to submit concurrent request';
1286      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
1287    end if;
1288    --
1289    -- Request has been accepted so update payroll action with the
1290    -- request details.
1291    --
1292    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - update pay_payroll_actions', 5);
1293    update pay_payroll_actions PPA
1294    set    PPA.request_id        = l_request_id
1295    where  PPA.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
1296    --
1297    -- Issue a commit to synchronise the concurrent manager.
1298    --
1299    commit;
1300    --
1301    -- Wait for process to finish and get its status..
1302    --
1303    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run_magtape - wait for process to finish', 6);
1304 --   l_wait := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request
1305 --               (request_id => l_request_id
1306 --               ,interval   => 5
1307 --               ,max_wait   => 9999999  /* until child finishes */
1308 --               ,phase      => l_phase
1309 --               ,status     => l_status
1310 --               ,dev_phase  => l_dev_phase
1311 --               ,dev_status => l_dev_status
1312 --               ,message    => l_message);
1313    --
1314    -- Process has failed.
1315    --
1316 --   if not (l_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' and l_dev_status = 'NORMAL') then
1317 --     g_message_text := 'Magnetic tape process has failed';
1318 --     raise hr_utility.hr_error;
1319 --   end if;
1320    --
1321  end run_magtape;
1322  --
1323   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324   -- Name
1325   --   get_dates
1326   -- Purpose
1327   --   The dates
1328   --   are dependent on the report being run i.e. a W2 report shows information
1329   --   for a tax year while a SQWL report shows information for a quarter
1330   --   within a tax year.
1331   -- Arguments
1332   -- Notes
1333   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1334  --
1335  procedure get_dates
1336  (
1337   p_report_type   varchar2,
1338   p_quarter       varchar2,
1339   p_year          varchar2,
1340   p_period_end    in out nocopy  date,
1341   p_quarter_start in out nocopy  date,
1342   p_quarter_end   in out nocopy  date,
1343   p_year_start    in out nocopy  date,
1344   p_year_end      in out nocopy  date,
1345   p_rep_year      in out nocopy  varchar2,
1346   p_rep_quarter   in out nocopy  varchar2
1347  ) is
1349  l_rep_quarter varchar2(6);
1351  begin
1352    --
1353    -- Report is W2 ie. a yearly report where the identifier indicates the year
1354    -- eg. 1995. The expected values for the example should be
1355    --
1356    -- p_period_end        31-DEC-1995
1357    -- p_quarter_start     01-OCT-1995
1358    -- p_quarter_end       31-DEC-1995
1359    -- p_year_start        01-JAN-1995
1360    -- p_year_end          31-DEC-1995
1361    -- p_reporting_year    1995
1362    -- p_reporting_quarter 1295
1363    --
1364    if    p_report_type = 'W2' then
1365      p_rep_year      := p_year;
1366      p_rep_quarter   := '12' || to_char(to_date(p_year, 'YYYY'),'YY');
1367      p_period_end    := to_date('31-12-'||p_rep_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1368      p_quarter_start := to_date('01-10-'||p_rep_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1369      p_quarter_end   := to_date('31-12-'||p_rep_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1370    --
1371    -- Report is SQWL ie. a quarterly report where the identifier indicates the
1372    -- quarter eg. 0395.
1373    --
1374    -- p_period_end        31-MAR-1995
1375    -- p_quarter_start     01-JAN-1995
1376    -- p_quarter_end       31-MAR-1995
1377    -- p_year_start        01-JAN-1995
1378    -- p_year_end          31-DEC-1995
1379    -- p_reporting_year    1995
1380    -- p_reporting_quarter 0395
1381    --
1382    elsif p_report_type = 'SQWL' then
1383      p_rep_year      := p_year;
1384      p_rep_quarter   := p_quarter || to_char(to_date(p_year, 'YYYY'),'YY');
1385 hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get dates', 1);
1386      l_rep_quarter   := p_quarter || to_char(to_date(p_year, 'YYYY'),'YYYY');
1387 hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get dates', 2);
1388 hr_utility.trace('l_rep_quarter'||l_rep_quarter);
1389      p_period_end    := last_day(to_date(l_rep_quarter, 'MMYYYY'));
1390 hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get dates', 3);
1391      p_quarter_start := add_months(p_period_end, -3) + 1;
1392 hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get dates', 4);
1393      p_quarter_end   := last_day(to_date(l_rep_quarter, 'MMYYYY'));
1394 hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.get dates', 5);
1395    end if;
1396    --
1397    p_year_start := to_date('01-01-'||p_rep_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1398    p_year_end   := to_date('31-12-'||p_rep_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
1399    --
1400  end get_dates;
1401  --
1402   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1403   -- Name
1404   --   check_report_unique
1405   -- Purpose
1406   --   Makes sure that a report has not already been run which overlaps with
1407   --   the report being started.
1408   -- Arguments
1409   -- Notes
1410   --   Each report is uniquely defined by the EFFECTIVE_DATE and the
1412   --   is set to report_type || '-' || p_state.  In order to resubmit this report
1413   --   we need to add transmitter legal company id onto the LEGISLATIVE PARAMETERS.
1414   --   To ensure that a report with a for the same state and same period is not run
1415   --   for different transmitters.  I added the '%' to where clause.
1416   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1417  --
1418  procedure check_report_unique
1419  (
1420   p_business_group_id in number,
1421   p_period_end        in date,
1422   p_report_type       in varchar2,
1423   p_state             in varchar2
1424  ) is
1425    --
1426    -- Select all payroll actions used to report W2 and SQWLs that have an
1427    -- EFFECTIVE_DATE that matches that of the report being run and have the
1428    -- same LEGISLATIVE_PARAMETERS value. If a payroll action is found then
1429    -- the report has already been run.
1430    --
1431    cursor csr_payroll_action is
1432      select PA.payroll_action_id
1433      from   pay_payroll_actions PA
1434      where  PA.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
1435        and  PA.effective_date         = p_period_end
1436        and  PA.legislative_parameters like 'USMAGTAPE'            || '-' ||
1437 				           lpad(p_report_type, 5) || '-' ||
1438 				           lpad(p_state      , 5) || '%';
1439    --
1440    l_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
1441    --
1442  begin
1443    --
1444    -- Check report has not already been run.
1445    --
1446    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.check_report_unique -opening cursor', 1);
1447    open csr_payroll_action;
1448    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.check_report_unique -fetching cursor', 2);
1449    fetch csr_payroll_action into l_payroll_action_id;
1450    if csr_payroll_action%found then
1451      close csr_payroll_action;
1452      g_message_text := 'Report has already been run';
1453      raise hr_utility.hr_error;
1454    else
1455    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.check_report_unique - report unique', 3);
1456      close csr_payroll_action;
1457    end if;
1458    --
1459  end check_report_unique;
1460  --
1461   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1462   -- Name
1463   --   lookup_format
1464   -- Purpose
1465   --   Find the format to be applied when generating the report.
1466   -- Arguments
1467   -- Notes
1468   -- SQWLD - p_media_type param
1469   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1470  --
1471  function lookup_format
1472  (
1473   p_period_end  in date,
1474   p_report_type in varchar2,
1475   p_state       in varchar2,
1476   p_media_type  in varchar2
1477  ) return varchar2 is
1478    --
1479    -- Find the format to be used by the report.
1480    --
1481    -- SQWLD - cursor for tape format expects *no* 'D' at end of format name
1482    cursor csr_tape_format is
1483      select RM.report_format
1484      from   pay_report_format_mappings_f RM
1485      where  RM.report_type      = p_report_type
1486        and  RM.report_qualifier = p_state
1487        and  RM.report_format not like '%D'
1488        and  p_period_end between RM.effective_start_date
1489 			     and RM.effective_end_date;
1490    --
1491    -- SQWLD - cursor for disk format expects 'D' at end of format name
1492    cursor csr_disk_format is
1493      select RM.report_format
1494      from   pay_report_format_mappings_f RM
1495      where  RM.report_type      = p_report_type
1496        and  RM.report_qualifier = p_state
1497        and  RM.report_format like '%D'
1498        and  p_period_end between RM.effective_start_date
1499 			     and RM.effective_end_date;
1500    --
1501    l_format varchar2(30);
1502    --
1503  begin
1504    --
1506 	hr_utility.trace('lookup_format, p_media_type: <' || p_media_type || '>');
1508    -- BHOMAN _ hard-coded support for SD diskette format
1509    -- if p_report_type = 'SQWL' AND p_state in ('SD') AND p_media_type = 'PD' then
1510 	  -- return 'SDSQWLD';
1511    -- end if;
1513    -- SQLWLD use different cursor depending on p_report_type and p_media_type
1514    if p_report_type = 'SQWL' AND p_media_type = 'PD' then
1515      -- Get the diskette format.
1516      --
1517      --
1518      open csr_disk_format;
1519      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_format - get format', 1);
1520      fetch csr_disk_format into l_format;
1521      if csr_disk_format%notfound then
1522        close csr_disk_format;
1523        g_message_text := 'Cannot find format for report';
1524        raise hr_utility.hr_error;
1525      else
1526      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_format - found format', 2);
1527        close csr_disk_format;
1528      end if;
1529  	else -- not SQWLD and diskette
1530      -- Get the tape format.
1531      --
1532      open csr_tape_format;
1533      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_format - get format', 1);
1534      fetch csr_tape_format into l_format;
1535      if csr_tape_format%notfound then
1536        close csr_tape_format;
1537        g_message_text := 'Cannot find format for report';
1538        raise hr_utility.hr_error;
1539      else
1540      hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_format - found format', 2);
1541        close csr_tape_format;
1542      end if;
1543 	end if;
1544    --
1545    return (l_format);
1546    --
1547  end lookup_format;
1548  --
1549   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1550   -- Name
1551   --   run
1552   -- Purpose
1553   --   This is the main procedure responsible for generating the list of
1554   --   assignment actions and then submitting the request to produce the
1555   --   magnetic tape report.
1556   -- Arguments
1557   --   errbuf              - error message string passed back to SRS.
1558   --   retcode             - error code passed back to SRS ie.
1559   --                           0 - Success
1560   --                           1 - Warning
1561   --                           2 - Error
1562   --   p_business_group_id - business group the user is running under when the
1563   --                         report is generated.
1564   --   p_report_type       - either 'W2' or 'SQWL'
1565   --   p_state             - either 'FED' for federal or the state code of a
1566   --                         state eg. PA for Pennsylvania
1567   --   p_quarter           - identifies the quarter being reported eg. 03 is
1568   --                         the 1st quarter.  This is defaulted to '12' for
1569   --                         the W2 Report
1570   --   p_year              - identifies the year being reported on.
1571   --   p_trans_legal_co_id - identifies the Transmitter Tax Unit.
1573   -- Notes
1574   --   This procedure is invoked from the SRS screens.
1575   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1576  --
1577  procedure run
1578  (
1579   errbuf               out nocopy  varchar2,
1580   retcode              out nocopy  number,
1581   p_business_group_id   in number,
1582   p_report_type         in varchar2,
1583   p_state               in varchar2,
1584   p_quarter		in varchar2,
1585   p_year                in varchar2,
1586   p_trans_legal_co_id   in number,
1587   p_media_type  		   in varchar2
1588  ) is
1589    --
1591    c_period_end        date;
1592    c_quarter_start     date;
1593    c_quarter_end       date;
1594    c_year_start        date;
1595    c_year_end          date;
1596    c_reporting_year    varchar2(4);
1597    c_reporting_quarter varchar2(4);
1598    l_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
1599    l_trans_legal_co_id number;
1600    l_request_id        number;
1601    l_format	       	  varchar2(30);
1602    --
1603  begin
1604    --
1605    -- Derive the start and end dates of the period being reported on.
1606    --
1607    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - get dates', 1);
1608    get_dates(p_report_type,
1609 	     p_quarter,
1610              p_year,
1611              c_period_end,
1612 	     c_quarter_start,
1613 	     c_quarter_end,
1614 	     c_year_start,
1615 	     c_year_end,
1616              c_reporting_year,
1617              c_reporting_quarter);
1618    --
1619    -- Make sure the report has not already been run.
1620    --
1621    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - check report unique', 2);
1622    check_report_unique(p_business_group_id,
1623                        c_period_end,
1624                        p_report_type,
1625                        p_state);
1628    --
1629    -- Get the format to be used to produce the report.
1630    --
1631    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - get report format', 3);
1632    l_format := lookup_format(c_period_end,
1633 		             p_report_type,
1634 		             p_state,
1635 						 p_media_type);
1638    --
1639    -- See if a transmitter legal company was specified NB. it is not
1640    -- possible to pass NULL parameters to the process so a value has to be
1641    -- set ie. '-1'.
1642    --
1643    l_trans_legal_co_id := nvl(p_trans_legal_co_id, -1);
1646    --
1647    -- Generate payroll action and assignment actions for all the people to be
1648    -- reported on NB. the list of people is dependent on the report being
1649    -- run. If there are no people to report on then there is no need to
1650    -- submit the process to produce the report. The variable
1651    -- l_payroll_action_id holds the ID of the created payroll action.
1652    --
1653    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - generate people list', 4);
1654    l_payroll_action_id := generate_people_list(p_report_type,
1655                                                p_state,
1656                                                l_trans_legal_co_id,
1657                                                p_business_group_id,
1658                                                c_period_end,
1659                                                c_quarter_start,
1660                                                c_quarter_end,
1661                                                c_year_start,
1662                                                c_year_end,
1663 															  p_media_type);
1666    --
1667    -- A payroll action has been created which means that at least one
1668    -- assignment action has been created so the magnetic tape report has to
1669    -- be run.  Before we run the magnetic tape proces we will archive
1670    -- certain DBitems
1671    --
1672    if l_payroll_action_id is not null then
1673      --
1674      -- Initiate archiving
1675      --
1676    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - initiate archiving', 5);
1677      pay_magtape_extract.arch_main('S',
1678 				   l_payroll_action_id);
1679      --
1680      -- Start the generic magnetic tape process.
1681      --
1682    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - run magtape', 6);
1683      run_magtape(c_period_end,
1684                  p_report_type,
1685  	         l_payroll_action_id,
1686  	         p_state,
1687  	         c_reporting_year,
1688 	         c_reporting_quarter,
1689  	         l_trans_legal_co_id,
1690 				p_media_type);
1691    --
1692    -- A payroll action has not been created so there are no people to report
1693    -- on.
1694    --
1695    else
1696      --
1697      -- Set up message explaining why report was not produced.
1698      --
1699      g_message_text := 'There are no employees that match ' ||
1700 		       'the criteria for the report';
1701      hr_utility.raise_error;
1702      --
1703    end if;
1704    --
1705    -- Process completed successfully.
1706    --
1707    -- Update the status of the payroll and assignments actions.
1708    --
1709    hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_magtape_reporting.run - update action status', 6);
1710    update_action_statuses(l_payroll_action_id);
1711    --
1712    -- Set up success return code.
1713    --
1714    retcode := 0;
1715  --
1716  -- Traps all exceptions raised within the procedure, extracts the message
1717  -- text associated with the exception and sets this up for SRS to read.
1718  --
1719  exception
1720    when hr_utility.hr_error then
1721      --
1722      -- If a payroll action exists then error it.
1723      --
1724      if l_payroll_action_id is not null then
1725        error_payroll_action(l_payroll_action_id);
1726      end if;
1727      --
1728      -- Set up error message and error return code.
1729      --
1730      errbuf  := g_message_text;
1731      retcode := 2;
1732      --
1733    when others then
1734      --
1735      -- If a payroll action exists then error it.
1736      --
1737      if l_payroll_action_id is not null then
1738        error_payroll_action(l_payroll_action_id);
1739      end if;
1740      --
1741      -- Set up error message and error return code.
1742      --
1743      errbuf  := sqlerrm;
1744      retcode := 2;
1745      --
1746  end run;
1747 --
1748 end pay_us_magtape_reporting;