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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

  SELECT last_process_upto_date
    FROM cst_revenue_cogs_control
   WHERE control_id  = p_ledger_id;
Line: 117

                from    cst_pac_periods
                where   legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 131

                select  pac_period_id
                from    cst_pac_periods
                        legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
                and     pac_period_id NOT in
                                (select pac_period_id
                                 from   cst_pac_periods
                                 where  legal_entity = l_entity_id
                                 and    cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
                                 and    open_flag = 'N'
                                 and    period_close_date IS NOT NULL);
Line: 152

                select end_date, period_name, period_year, period_num
                from gl_periods gp
                WHERE   gp.ADJUSTMENT_PERIOD_FLAG = 'N'
                and     gp.period_set_name = open_period_set_name
                and     gp.end_date > last_scheduled_close_date
                and     gp.period_type = open_period_type
                and     gp.end_date = (
                                    select      min(gp1.end_date)
                                    from        gl_periods gp1
                                    where       gp1.ADJUSTMENT_PERIOD_FLAG = 'N'
                                    and         gp1.period_set_name = open_period_set_name
                                    and         gp1.period_type = open_period_type
                                    and         gp1.end_date > last_scheduled_close_date );
Line: 287

                /* the cst_pac_process_phases table. However the row inserted into              */
                /* cst_pac_periods have already been commited, hence need to be explicitly      */
                /* deleted. The section below does that...                                      */
                /* **************************************************************************** */
                l_stmt_num := 20;
Line: 292

                delete from cst_pac_periods
                where pac_period_id = new_pac_period_id;
Line: 372

                select  cst_pac_periods_s.nextval
                from    dual;
Line: 381

                select  new_pac_period_id
                from    cst_pac_periods
                where   legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
                and     period_name = open_period_name
                and     period_year = open_period_year
                and     period_num = open_period_num
                and     pac_period_id <> new_pac_period_id;
Line: 396

                select  cost_group_id
                from    cst_cost_groups ccg
                where   ccg.legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     ccg.cost_group_type = 2
                and     NVL(ccg.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 514

             ,  nvl(transfer_cost_flag,'N')
        INTO    distributions_flag
              , transfer_cost_flag
        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2;
Line: 525

/*      1. Insert into cst_pac_periods form gl_periods table                    */
/*      2. For each an every cost group defined in the legal entity             */
/*              Insert five rows for five process statuses  into                */
/*              cst_pac_process_phases                                          */
/* **************************************************************************** */

/* **************************************************************************** */
/* Insert a single row for the pac period being opened into cst_pac_periods     */
/* Insert the rows with 'P' (Pending) status and period close date = sysdate    */
/* **************************************************************************** */

                l_stmt_num := 30;
Line: 539

                INSERT INTO cst_pac_periods (
                        last_update_login )
                        SELECT  new_pac_period_id,
                        FROM    gl_periods gp
                        WHERE   gp.period_name          = open_period_name
                        AND     gp.period_num           = open_period_num
                        AND     gp.period_year          = open_period_year
                        AND     gp.period_set_name =       (select gsob.period_set_name
                                                 from   gl_sets_of_books gsob, cst_le_cost_types clct
                                                 where  gsob.set_of_books_id = clct.set_of_books_id
                                                 and    clct.legal_entity = l_entity_id
                                                 and    clct.cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
                                                 and    clct.primary_cost_method > 2)
                        AND     (gp.period_name, gp.period_num, gp.period_year) NOT IN
                                        (select period_name, period_num, period_year
                                         from   cst_pac_periods
                                         where  legal_entity = l_entity_id
                                         and    cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id);
Line: 640

                /* Insert a row for each and every cost group and phases into                   */
                /* cst_pac_process_phases table                                                 */
                /* **************************************************************************** */

                        l_stmt_num := 50;
Line: 645

                        INSERT INTO cst_pac_process_phases (
                                last_update_login )
                                        DECODE(phase_count,6,DECODE(distributions_flag,'Y',1,0), 7,DECODE(transfer_cost_flag,'Y',1,0),8,DECODE(transfer_cost_flag,'Y',1,0),1),
                                FROM    dual;
Line: 670

                                goto cppp_insert_done_label;
Line: 677

Line: 701

                        delete from cst_pac_process_phases where pac_period_id = dummy_id;
Line: 711

/* Update the the new pac period row in cst_pac_periods with open_flag = 'Y'    */
/* and  the period close date = NULL, this declaring the period as open         */
/* **************************************************************************** */
        l_stmt_num := 70;
Line: 715

        UPDATE  cst_pac_periods
        SET       open_flag             = 'Y',
                period_close_date       = NULL,
                last_update_date        = trunc(sysdate),
                last_updated_by         = l_user_id,
                last_update_login       = l_login_id
        WHERE   pac_period_id           = new_pac_period_id;
Line: 732

                SELECT  NVL(MAX(period_end_date),sysdate)
                INTO    last_scheduled_close_date
                FROM    cst_pac_periods
                WHERE   legal_entity = l_entity_id
                AND     cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id;
Line: 748

                /* the cst_pac_process_phases table. However the row inserted into              */
                /* cst_pac_periods have already been commited, hence need to be explicitly      */
                /* deleted. The section below does that...                                      */
                /* **************************************************************************** */

                delete from cst_pac_periods
                where pac_period_id = new_pac_period_id;
Line: 891

                SELECT count(1)
                FROM gl_period_statuses gps
                WHERE gps.application_id = 200
                AND gps.closing_status <> 'C'
                AND trunc(gps.end_date) <= trunc(p_closing_end_date)
                AND gps.set_of_books_id = (     SELECT  max(gll.ledger_id)
												FROM    gl_ledger_le_v gll
												WHERE   gll.legal_entity_id  = p_entity_id
												AND     gll.ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY'
                AND rownum < 2;
Line: 909

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    org_acct_periods
                WHERE   open_flag IN ('Y','P')
                AND     trunc(schedule_close_date) <=
                                  (select trunc(period_end_date)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     organization_id IN (    SELECT  ccga.organization_id
                                                FROM    cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                                WHERE   ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND      rownum < 2;
Line: 927

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    mtl_material_transactions mmt
        WHERE   mmt.organization_id  IN
                        (select ccga.organization_id
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
        AND     mmt.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     mmt.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
		AND		mmt.costed_flag in ('N', 'E')
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 952

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    mtl_material_transactions mmt
                WHERE   mmt.creation_date > ( SELECT MIN(cppp.process_date)
                                              FROM   cst_pac_process_phases cppp
                                                ((   cppp.process_phase <= 5
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL)
                                                (   cppp.process_phase = 6
                                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL
                                                AND cppp.pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id
                                            /* bug 2658552  */
                                                AND cppp.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND     mmt.organization_id IN
                                (select ccga.organization_id
                                from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
                AND     mmt.transaction_date >=
                                 (select trunc(period_start_date)
                                  from    cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     mmt.transaction_date <=
                                 (select (trunc(period_end_date) + 0.99999)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 994

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    wip_transactions wt
                WHERE   wt.creation_date > ( SELECT MIN(cppp.process_date)
                                              FROM   cst_pac_process_phases cppp
                                                ((   cppp.process_phase <= 5
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL)
                                                (   cppp.process_phase = 6
                                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL
                                                AND cppp.pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id
                                            /* bug 2658552  */
                                                AND cppp.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND     wt.organization_id IN
                                (select ccga.organization_id
                                from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
                AND     wt.transaction_date >=
                                 (select trunc(period_start_date)
                                  from    cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     wt.transaction_date <=
                                 (select (trunc(period_end_date) + 0.99999)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1037

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    rcv_transactions rt
                WHERE   rt.creation_date > ( SELECT MIN(cppp.process_date)
                                              FROM   cst_pac_process_phases cppp
                                                ((   cppp.process_phase <= 5
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL)
                                                (   cppp.process_phase = 6
                                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL
                                                AND cppp.pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id
                                            /* bug 2658552  */
                                                AND cppp.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND     rt.organization_id IN
                                (select ccga.organization_id
                                from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
                AND     rt.transaction_date >=
                                 (select trunc(period_start_date)
                                  from    cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rt.transaction_date <=
                                 (select (trunc(period_end_date) + 0.99999)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1079

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    rcv_accounting_events rae
                WHERE   rae.creation_date > ( SELECT MIN(cppp.process_date)
                                              FROM   cst_pac_process_phases cppp
                                                ((   cppp.process_phase <= 5
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL)
                                                (   cppp.process_phase = 6
                                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL
                                                AND cppp.pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id
                                                AND cppp.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND     rae.organization_id IN
                                (select ccga.organization_id
                                from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
                AND     rae.transaction_date >=
                                 (select trunc(period_start_date)
                                  from    cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rae.transaction_date <=
                                 (select (trunc(period_end_date) + 0.99999)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rae.event_type_id IN (7,8, 9, 10)
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1122

                SELECT  count(1)
                FROM    cst_lc_adj_transactions clat
                WHERE   clat.creation_date > ( SELECT MIN(cppp.process_date)
                                              FROM  cst_pac_process_phases cppp
                                                ((   cppp.process_phase <= 5
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL)
                                                (   cppp.process_phase = 6
                                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                                AND cppp.process_upto_date IS NOT NULL
                                                AND cppp.pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id
                                                AND cppp.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                AND     clat.organization_id IN
                                (select ccga.organization_id
                                from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                                where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
                AND     clat.transaction_date >=
                                 (select trunc(period_start_date)
                                  from    cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     clat.transaction_date <=
                                 (select (trunc(period_end_date) + 0.99999)
                                  from   cst_pac_periods
                                  where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
                AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1162

                select  cost_group_id
                from    cst_cost_groups ccg
                where   ccg.legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     ccg.cost_group_type = 2
                and     NVL(ccg.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate
                and     ccg.cost_group_id IN    (
                                SELECT  distinct cost_group_id
                                FROM    cst_cost_group_assignments
                                WHERE   legal_entity = l_entity_id );
Line: 1177

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
        WHERE   NVL(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2
        AND     mmtt.organization_id IN
                        (select ccga.organization_id
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
        AND     mmtt.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from    cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     mmtt.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1199

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    mtl_transactions_interface mti
        WHERE   mti.organization_id  IN
                        (select ccga.organization_id
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
        AND     mti.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     mti.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1220

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
        WHERE   wcti.organization_id  IN
                        (select ccga.organization_id
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
        AND     wcti.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     wcti.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1241

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    rcv_transactions_interface rti
        WHERE   rti.to_organization_code  IN
                        (select mp.organization_code
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga,
                             mtl_parameters  mp
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id
                        and   ccga.organization_id = mp.organization_id)
        AND     rti.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rti.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1263

        SELECT  count(1)
        FROM    cst_lc_adj_interface lci
        WHERE   lci.organization_id  IN
                        (select ccga.organization_id
                        from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
                        where ccga.cost_group_id = l_current_cost_group_id)
        AND     lci.transaction_date >=
                        (select trunc(period_start_date)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     lci.transaction_date <=
                        (select (trunc(period_end_date)+0.99999)
                         from   cst_pac_periods
                         where  pac_period_id = l_closing_pac_period_id )
        AND     rownum < 2;
Line: 1287

 WHERE transaction_source_type_id IN (2,12)
   AND organization_id IN (Select ccga.organization_id
                             from cst_cost_group_assignments ccga,
                                  cst_cost_groups ccg
                            where ccga.cost_group_id = ccg.cost_group_id
                              and ccg.legal_entity = c_legal_entity_id
                              and ccg.cost_group_type = 2
                              and NVL(ccg.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate)
   AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1415

             /* Bug 3591905. The following Select statement was checking for process_phase < 5 instead of process_phase <= 5 */
                l_stmt_num := 20;
Line: 1417

                SELECT  count(1)
                INTO    count_rows
                FROM    cst_pac_process_phases
                WHERE   pac_period_id   = closing_pac_period_id
                AND     cost_group_id   = current_cost_group_id
                AND     ((      process_status  <> 4
                                AND process_phase <= 5
                         (      process_status <> 4
                                AND process_phase = 6
                                AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                  AND rownum < 2;
Line: 1438

              /* Bug 3591905. The following Select statement was checking for process_phase < 5 instead of process_phase <= 5 */
                l_stmt_num := 30;
Line: 1442

                        SELECT  distinct NVL(pac_period_id,0)
                        INTO    dummy_id
                        FROM    cst_pac_process_phases
                        WHERE   pac_period_id   = closing_pac_period_id
                        AND     cost_group_id   = current_cost_group_id
                        AND     ((      process_status  <> 4
                                        AND process_phase <= 5
                                 (      process_status <> 4
                                        AND process_phase = 6
                                        AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                        FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                        AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
Line: 1472

                /* Bug 3591905. The following Select statement was checking for process_phase < 5 instead of process_phase <= 5 */
                        l_stmt_num := 40;
Line: 1477

                        SELECT  count(1)
                        INTO    count_rows
                        FROM    cst_pac_process_phases
                        WHERE   pac_period_id   = closing_pac_period_id
                        AND     cost_group_id   = current_cost_group_id
                        AND     (
                                ((      process_date    < trunc(closing_end_date)+1
                                        AND process_phase <= 5
                                (       process_date    < trunc(closing_end_date)+1
                                        AND process_phase = 6
                                        AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                 FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                                ((      trunc(NVL(process_upto_date,closing_end_date-1))  < trunc(closing_end_date)
                                        AND process_phase <= 5
                                (       trunc(NVL(process_upto_date,closing_end_date-1))  < trunc(closing_end_date)
                                        AND process_phase = 6
                                        AND EXISTS (    SELECT  CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES
                                                 FROM    CST_LE_COST_TYPES
                                                WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
                                                AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
                                                AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2
                                                AND     NVL(CREATE_ACCT_ENTRIES,'N') = 'Y')
                          AND   rownum < 2;
Line: 1701

    SELECT distinct --clct.set_of_books_id,
    INTO   --l_ledger_id,
    FROM   cst_le_cost_types clct
    WHERE  clct.cost_type_id = l_cost_type_id
    AND    clct.legal_entity = l_entity_id;
Line: 1711

 	SELECT  max(gll.ledger_id)
	INTO    l_ledger_id
	FROM    gl_ledger_le_v gll
	WHERE   gll.legal_entity_id  = l_entity_id
    AND     gll.ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY';
Line: 1770

      SELECT gps.effective_period_num
        INTO l_effective_period_num
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
       WHERE gps.ledger_id = l_ledger_id
         AND gps.application_id = 222
         AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N' -- Added for bug#4634513
         AND trunc(gps.end_date) =
									SELECT max(trunc(gps.end_date))
									FROM gl_period_statuses gps
									WHERE gps.ledger_id = l_ledger_id
									AND gps.application_id = 222
									AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N' -- Added for bug#4634513
									AND trunc(closing_end_date) >= trunc(gps.end_date)
Line: 1787

      SELECT gps.effective_period_num
        INTO l_effective_period_num
        FROM gl_period_statuses gps
       WHERE gps.ledger_id = l_ledger_id
         AND gps.application_id = 222
         AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N' -- Added for bug#4634513
         AND trunc(closing_end_date) BETWEEN gps.start_date AND gps.end_date;
Line: 1879

        SELECT min(crrl.acct_period_num)
          INTO l_phase3_required
          FROM cst_revenue_recognition_lines crrl,
               cst_revenue_cogs_match_lines crcml,
               cst_cost_group_assignments ccga,
               cst_cost_groups ccg
         WHERE crrl.ledger_id = l_ledger_id
           AND crrl.potentially_unmatched_flag = 'Y'
           AND crrl.revenue_om_line_id = crcml.revenue_om_line_id
           AND crcml.organization_id = ccga.organization_id
           AND ccga.cost_group_id = ccg.cost_group_id
           AND ccg.legal_entity = l_entity_id
	   AND crrl.last_event_date <= closing_end_date /* Bug#11857254 */
           AND ccg.cost_group_type = 2
           AND NVL(ccg.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 2096

                UPDATE  cst_pac_periods
                SET     open_flag               = l_open_flag,
                        period_close_date       = trunc(sysdate),
                        last_update_date        = trunc(sysdate),
                        last_updated_by         = l_user_id,
                        last_update_login       = l_login_id
                WHERE   pac_period_id = closing_pac_period_id;
Line: 2153

                select  cost_group_id
                from    cst_cost_groups ccg
                where   ccg.legal_entity = l_entity_id
                and     ccg.cost_group_type = 2
                and     NVL(ccg.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate
                and     ccg.cost_group_id IN    (
                                SELECT  distinct cost_group_id
                                FROM    cst_cost_group_assignments
                                WHERE   legal_entity = l_entity_id );
Line: 2168

                SELECT  pac_period_id
                FROM    cst_pac_periods
                WHERE   legal_entity            = l_entity_id
                AND     cost_type_id            = l_cost_type_id
                AND     pac_period_id           = closing_pac_period_id
                AND     open_flag               = 'P';
Line: 2253

        INTO    distributions_flag
        WHERE   LEGAL_ENTITY    = l_entity_id
        AND     COST_TYPE_ID    = l_cost_type_id
        AND     PRIMARY_COST_METHOD > 2;
Line: 2317

        UPDATE  cst_pac_periods
        SET     open_flag               = l_open_flag,
                period_close_date       = trunc(sysdate),
                last_update_date        = trunc(sysdate),
                last_updated_by         = l_user_id,
                last_update_login       = l_login_id
        WHERE   pac_period_id = closing_pac_period_id;
Line: 2336

        UPDATE  cst_pac_periods
        SET     open_flag               = 'Y',
                period_close_date       = trunc(sysdate),
                last_update_date        = trunc(sysdate),
                last_updated_by         = l_user_id,
                last_update_login       = l_login_id
        WHERE   pac_period_id = closing_pac_period_id;
Line: 2371

                UPDATE  cst_pac_periods
                SET     open_flag               = 'Y',
                        period_close_date       = trunc(sysdate),
                        last_update_date        = trunc(sysdate),
                        last_updated_by         = l_user_id,
                        last_update_login       = l_login_id
                WHERE   pac_period_id = closing_pac_period_id;