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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 130

          | Bug 2879644. Added NVL() while selecting org_id.     |
          | g_func_curr is not used anywhere and hence selecting |
          | currency_code can be removed later.                  |
         if ( g_func_curr is null or g_ou_id is null )		/* Reverted the fix done via 6908073 for bug 7365397 */
/* Removed the g_ou_id nul lcondition for bug 6908073 */
                     l_stage := 'Selecting Functional Currency, l_curr_org_id: ' || l_curr_org_id ||', p_org_id: ' || p_org_id;
Line: 142

                     select nvl(p_org_id, imp.org_id)
                       into g_ou_id
                       from gl_sets_of_books        sob
                           ,pa_implementations      imp
                      where imp.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id and
                            imp.org_id = nvl(l_curr_org_id, imp.org_id); 	/* Reverted the fix of 7191479 for bug 7365397 */
Line: 151

		/* Modified the above select for bug 7191479 */
 /* Bug 9913685: added nvl in the above condition */

                     l_stage := 'Org Id [' || to_char(g_ou_id) || '] Func Curr [' || g_func_curr || ']';
Line: 167

                  l_stage := 'Selecting Organization and Job Ids';
Line: 176

                  select nvl(x_organization_id, per.organization_id)
                        ,nvl(x_job_id, per.job_id)
                    into x_organization_id
                    from per_assignments_f per
                        ,per_assignment_status_types type
                   where trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(effective_start_date) and trunc(nvl(effective_end_date,p_txn_date))
                     and per.person_id = p_person_id
                     and per.primary_flag = 'Y'
                     and per.assignment_type in ('E', 'C')
                     and per.assignment_status_type_id = type.assignment_status_type_id
                     and type.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'ACTIVE_CWK')
Line: 249

         l_stage := 'Selecting Override';
Line: 255

            select detail.compensation_rule_set
              into x_costing_rule
              from pa_compensation_details_all detail                 /*2879644:Added ALL*/
             where trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(detail.start_date_active)
                                         and trunc(nvl(detail.end_date_active,p_txn_date))
               and NVL(detail.org_id,-99) = NVL(NVL(p_org_id, g_ou_id),-99)         /*2879644 :Added org_id join  7158405 */
               and detail.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 328

                          l_stage := 'selecting costing method from rule [' || x_costing_rule || ']';
Line: 338

                          select rule.costing_method, rule.rate_source_code
                            into l_costing_method, l_rate_source_code
                            from pa_compensation_rule_sets rule
                           where rule.compensation_rule_set = x_costing_rule
Line: 431

         l_stage := 'selecting costing method from rule [' || x_costing_rule || ']';
Line: 434

         select rule.costing_method, rule.rate_source_code
           into l_costing_method, l_rate_source_code
           from pa_compensation_rule_sets rule
          where rule.compensation_rule_set = x_costing_rule;
Line: 459

		    select assignment_id
			  into l_assignment_id
			  from per_all_assignments_f
             where person_id = p_person_id
			   and p_txn_date between effective_start_date and nvl(effective_end_date, p_txn_date)
			   and primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 473

             select a.currency_code
               into x_cost_rate_curr_code
               from pqh_criteria_rate_defn a,
                    pqh_criteria_rate_elements c
              where a.criteria_rate_defn_id = c.criteria_rate_defn_id
                and c.element_type_id = l_rbc_elem_type_id;
Line: 493

         select rate_sch.schedule_type
           into l_sch_type
           from pa_std_bill_rate_schedules_all rate_sch
          where rate_sch.bill_rate_sch_id = x_rate_sch_id;
Line: 518

              select bill_rates.rate
                into x_cost_rate
                from pa_bill_rates_all                bill_rates
               where trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(bill_rates.start_date_active)
                                                  and trunc(nvl(bill_rates.end_date_active,p_txn_date))
                 and bill_rates.person_id = p_person_id
                 and bill_rates.bill_rate_sch_id = x_rate_sch_id
Line: 548

                 select bill_rates.rate
                   into x_cost_rate
                   from pa_bill_rates_all                bill_rates
                  where trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(bill_rates.start_date_active)
                                                     and trunc(nvl(bill_rates.end_date_active, p_txn_date))
                    and bill_rates.job_id = l_dest_job_id
                    and bill_rates.bill_rate_sch_id = x_rate_sch_id
Line: 684

       select assign.org_labor_sch_rule_id
             ,decode(p_calling_module ,'REQUIREMENT'
         from pa_org_labor_sch_rule      assign
             ,pa_org_hierarchy_denorm    hier
             ,pa_implementations         imp
        where hier.child_organization_id = p_organization_id
          and imp.exp_org_structure_version_id=hier.org_hierarchy_version_id
          and hier.pa_org_use_type = 'TP_SCHEDULE'
          and assign.organization_id = hier.parent_organization_id
          and (assign.org_id = p_org_id or assign.org_id is null)
          and trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(assign.start_date_active)
		                               and trunc(nvl(assign.end_date_active,p_txn_date));
Line: 715

       select assign.org_labor_sch_rule_id
             ,decode(p_calling_module ,'REQUIREMENT'
         from pa_org_labor_sch_rule      assign
             ,pa_org_hierarchy_denorm    hier
             ,pa_implementations         imp
        where hier.child_organization_id = p_organization_id
          and imp.exp_org_structure_version_id=hier.org_hierarchy_version_id
          and hier.pa_org_use_type = 'TP_SCHEDULE'
          and assign.organization_id = hier.parent_organization_id
          and (assign.org_id = p_org_id or assign.org_id is null)
          and trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(assign.start_date_active)
		                               and trunc(nvl(assign.end_date_active,p_txn_date))
		  and (exists( select null
		                from pa_std_bill_rate_schedules_all rate_sch
                                    ,pa_bill_rates_all              bill_rates
                               where rate_sch.bill_rate_sch_id =
                                         decode(p_calling_module ,'REQUIREMENT'
                                 and bill_rates.bill_rate_sch_id = rate_sch.bill_rate_sch_id
                                 and rate_sch.schedule_type = 'EMPLOYEE'
                                 and bill_rates.person_id = p_person_id
                                 and trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(bill_rates.start_date_active) and
                       exists( select null
                                from pa_std_bill_rate_schedules_all rate_sch
                                    ,pa_bill_rates_all              bill_rates
                               where rate_sch.bill_rate_sch_id =
                                         decode(p_calling_module ,'REQUIREMENT'
                                 and bill_rates.bill_rate_sch_id = rate_sch.bill_rate_sch_id
                                 and rate_sch.schedule_type = 'JOB'
                                 and bill_rates.job_id =
                                              pa_cross_business_grp.IsMappedToJob(p_job_id, rate_sch.job_group_id)
                                 and trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(bill_rates.start_date_active) and
        order by hier.parent_level desc
Line: 825

       select costing_method, rate_source_code
	     into l_costing_method, l_rate_source_code
		 from pa_compensation_rule_sets
        where compensation_rule_set = l_costing_rule;
Line: 906

                          select assign.org_id
                                ,decode(p_calling_module ,'REQUIREMENT'
                           into g_ou_id
                            from pa_org_labor_sch_rule assign
                           where assign.organization_id is null
                             and trunc(p_txn_date) between trunc(assign.start_date_active)
                                            and trunc(nvl(assign.end_date_active,p_txn_date))
                             and nvl(assign.org_id,-99) = nvl(p_org_id, -99);