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Line 555: , gl_period_statuses gps

551: END
552: FROM xla_ae_headers xah
553: , xla_ae_lines xal
554: , xla_subledgers xs
555: , gl_period_statuses gps
556: , v$session ses
557: WHERE xal.application_id = xah.application_id
558: AND xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
559: AND xs.application_id = xah.application_id

Line 650: gl_period_statuses ps ,

646: (SELECT DECODE(pk.actual_flag, 'B', pk.budget_version_id, bo.funding_budget_version_id)
647: FROM gl_budget_assignments ba,
648: gl_budgets b ,
649: gl_budget_versions bv ,
650: gl_period_statuses ps ,
651: gl_bc_packets pk ,
652: gl_budorg_bc_options bo
653: WHERE ba.ledger_id(+) = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
654: AND ba.currency_code(+) = DECODE(PK.currency_code, 'STAT', 'STAT', pk.currency_code)

Line 671: FROM gl_period_statuses p1

667: AND ps.ledger_id = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
668: AND ps.period_name = pk.period_name
669: AND ps.start_date >=
670: (SELECT p1.start_date
671: FROM gl_period_statuses p1
672: WHERE p1.period_name = b.first_valid_period_name
673: AND p1.application_id = ps.application_id
674: AND p1.ledger_id = ps.ledger_id
675: )

Line 678: FROM gl_period_statuses p2

674: AND p1.ledger_id = ps.ledger_id
675: )
676: AND ps.end_date <=
677: (SELECT p2.end_date
678: FROM gl_period_statuses p2
679: WHERE p2.period_name = b.last_valid_period_name
680: AND p2.application_id = ps.application_id
681: AND p2.ledger_id = ps.ledger_id
682: )

Line 1748: ,gl_period_statuses gps

1744: l_statement :=
1745: 'SELECT DISTINCT aeh.period_name
1746: ,aeh.ledger_id
1747: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
1748: ,gl_period_statuses gps
1750: WHERE aeh.application_id = :2 --g_application_id
1751: AND aeh.ledger_id = led.column_value
1752: AND aeh.entity_id = :3 --g_entity_id

Line 1813: ,gl_period_statuses gps

1809: l_statement := '
1810: SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_year
1811: ,gbv.budget_name
1812: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
1813: ,gl_period_statuses gps
1814: ,gl_budget_period_ranges gbp
1815: ,gl_budget_versions gbv
1817: WHERE aeh.application_id = :2

Line 1874: ,gl_period_statuses gps

1870: l_statement :=
1871: ' SELECT DISTINCT aeh.ledger_id
1872: ,gll.latest_encumbrance_year
1873: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
1874: ,gl_period_statuses gps
1875: ,gl_ledgers gll
1877: WHERE aeh.application_id = :2 --g_application_id
1878: AND aeh.entity_id = :3 --g_entity_id

Line 1931: ,gl_period_statuses gps

1927: l_statement :=
1928: 'SELECT DISTINCT aeh.period_name
1929: ,aeh.ledger_id
1930: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
1931: ,gl_period_statuses gps
1932: ,xla_transaction_entities xte
1933: ,xla_event_types_b xet
1934: ,xla_event_class_attrs xec
1935: ,xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr

Line 2014: ,gl_period_statuses gps

2010: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
2011: ,xla_transaction_entities xte
2012: ,xla_event_types_b xet
2013: ,xla_event_class_attrs xec
2014: ,gl_period_statuses gps
2015: ,gl_budget_period_ranges gbp
2016: ,gl_budget_versions gbv
2018: WHERE xte.entity_id = aeh.entity_id

Line 2087: ,gl_period_statuses gps

2083: l_statement :=
2084: ' SELECT DISTINCT aeh.ledger_id
2085: ,gll.latest_encumbrance_year
2086: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
2087: ,gl_period_statuses gps
2088: ,xla_transaction_entities xte
2089: ,xla_event_types_b xet
2090: ,xla_event_class_attrs xec
2091: ,gl_ledgers gll

Line 2365: AND EXISTS(select 1 from gl_period_statuses glp

2361: AND xte.application_id = :1 --g_application_id
2362: AND aeh.application_id = xte.application_id
2363: AND aeh.ledger_id = :2 --g_ledger_id_tab(i)
2364: AND aeh.je_category_name in (select je_category_name from gl_je_categories) --8417930
2365: AND EXISTS(select 1 from gl_period_statuses glp
2366: where glp.application_id = 101
2367: and glp.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
2368: and glp.period_name = aeh.period_name) --8417930
2369: AND aeh.accounting_date <= :3 --g_end_date

Line 2711: ,gl_period_statuses gps

2707: ,ael.accounted_cr
2708: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
2709: ,xla_ae_lines ael
2710: ,gl_je_categories jc
2711: ,gl_period_statuses gps
2712: ,gl_ledgers led
2713: WHERE ael.application_id = aeh.application_id
2714: AND ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
2715: AND aeh.group_id = :12