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APPS.IRC_LOGIN dependencies on FND_WEB_SEC

Line 26: where user_name=substr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD()

22: --
23: cursor get_user_id is
24: select user_id
25: from fnd_user
26: where user_name=substr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD()
27: ,0
28: ,instr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD(),'/')-1);
29: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type;
30: --

Line 28: ,instr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD(),'/')-1);

24: select user_id
25: from fnd_user
26: where user_name=substr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD()
27: ,0
28: ,instr(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD(),'/')-1);
29: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type;
30: --
31: cursor get_resp_id is
32: select responsibility_id

Line 131: l_result := fnd_web_sec.validate_login(p_user => p_user,

127: l_expired varchar2(10);
128: --
129: begin
130: hr_utility.set_location('calling validate_login user_name='||p_user||' and pwd:'||p_pwd||' and disable='||p_disable,10);
131: l_result := fnd_web_sec.validate_login(p_user => p_user,
132: p_pwd => p_pwd);
133: hr_utility.set_location('result='||l_result,20);
135: if l_result = 'N' and p_disable = 'Y' then

Line 144: fnd_web_sec.unsuccessful_login(userID);

140: where user_name = user AND
141: user_id <> 6 and
142: (start_date <= sysdate) AND
143: (end_date is null or end_date > sysdate);
144: fnd_web_sec.unsuccessful_login(userID);
145: hr_utility.set_location('called disable user',40);
146: exception
147: when no_data_found then
148: hr_utility.set_location('No data found',10);