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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

    SELECT    level_of_pay GAP_LEVEL, MIN(absence_date) START_DATE,
              MAX(absence_date) END_DATE, SUM(DURATION) DURATION,
    FROM      pqp_gap_daily_absences
    WHERE     gap_absence_plan_id = p_gap_absence_plan_id
    GROUP BY  level_of_pay
    HAVING    level_of_pay LIKE '%BAND%'
              OR level_of_pay LIKE 'NOBANDMIN'
    ORDER BY  level_of_pay ;
Line: 46

    SELECT    level_of_entitlement GAP_LEVEL, MIN(absence_date) START_DATE,
              MAX(absence_date) END_DATE,SUM(DURATION) DURATION,
    FROM      pqp_gap_daily_absences
    WHERE     gap_absence_plan_id = p_gap_absence_plan_id
    GROUP BY  level_of_entitlement
    HAVING    level_of_entitlement LIKE '%BAND%'
              OR  level_of_entitlement LIKE 'WAITINGDAY'
    ORDER BY  level_of_entitlement ;
Line: 62

    SELECT    gap_level GAP_LEVEL,gap_duration_summary_id GAP_DURATION_SUMMARY_ID,
              object_version_number OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER,'D' ACTION_TYPE
    FROM      pqp_gap_duration_summary
    WHERE     summary_type = p_summary_type AND
              gap_absence_plan_id = p_gap_absence_plan_id ;
Line: 170

    SELECT service.date_start
      FROM per_all_assignments_f  assign
          ,per_periods_of_service service
     WHERE p_balance_effective_date BETWEEN assign.effective_start_date
                                        AND assign.effective_end_date
       AND assign.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND service.period_of_service_id (+) = assign.period_of_service_id;
Line: 548

   INSERT INTO pqp_gap_daily_absences
     (gap_daily_absence_id          --NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
     ,gap_absence_plan_id           --NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
     ,absence_date                  --NOT NULL DATE
     ,work_pattern_day_type         --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,level_of_entitlement          --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,level_of_pay                  --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,duration                      --NOT NULL NUMBER(11,5)
     ,duration_in_hours            --         NUMER(8,5) -- added
  --   ,last_updated_by               --         NUMBER(15)
  --   ,last_update_date              --         DATE
  --   ,created_by                    --         NUMBER(15)
  --   ,creation_date                 --         DATE
     ,object_version_number         --         NUMBER(15)
     ,l_gap_absence_plan_ids(i)           --NOT NULL NUMBER(15)
     ,l_absence_dates(i)                  --NOT NULL DATE
     ,l_work_pattern_day_types(i)         --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,l_level_of_entitlements(i)          --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,l_level_of_payments(i)              --NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     ,l_durations(i)                      --NOT NULL NUMBER(11,5)
     ,l_durations_in_hours(i)             --         NUMBER(8,5)
  --   ,l_last_updated_by                 --         NUMBER(15)
  --   ,l_last_update_date                --         DATE
  --   ,l_created_by                      --         NUMBER(15)
  --   ,l_creation_date                   --         DATE
     ,l_object_version_numbers(i)         --         NUMBER(15)
Line: 678

		 (p_gap_duration_summary_id => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).gap_duration_summary_id
		 ,p_date_start              => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).date_start
		 ,p_date_end                => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).date_end
		 ,p_assignment_id           => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).assignment_id
		 ,p_gap_absence_plan_id     => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).gap_absence_plan_id
		 ,p_duration_in_days        => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).duration_in_days
		 ,p_duration_in_hours       => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).duration_in_hours
		 ,p_summary_type            => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).summary_type
		 ,p_gap_level               => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).gap_level
		 ,p_object_version_number   => p_absence_summary_tbl(i).object_version_number
Line: 821

PROCEDURE update_duration_summary
   (p_gap_absence_plan_id           IN NUMBER
   ,p_assignment_id                 IN NUMBER
    l_proc_name  VARCHAR2(61) := g_package_name||'update_duration_summary';
Line: 960

Line: 976

Line: 992

Line: 993

Line: 994

Line: 1011

END update_duration_summary ;
Line: 1023

,p_update                        IN BOOLEAN

    l_proc_name  VARCHAR2(61) := g_package_name||'write_absence_summary';
Line: 1042

   IF p_update
       (p_gap_absence_plan_id          => p_gap_absence_plan_id
       ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id
Line: 1076

PROCEDURE delete_absence_plan_details
  (p_assignment_id             IN            NUMBER -- unused
  ,p_business_group_id         IN            NUMBER -- unused
  ,p_plan_id                   IN            NUMBER
  ,p_absence_id                IN            NUMBER
  ,p_delete_start_date        IN            DATE
  ,p_delete_end_date          IN            DATE
  ,p_error_code                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_message                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

    CURSOR csr_gap_dur_sum_rows(p_gap_absence_plan_id NUMBER)
    SELECT    gap_duration_summary_id ,
    FROM      pqp_gap_duration_summary
    WHERE     gap_absence_plan_id = p_gap_absence_plan_id ;
Line: 1099

Line: 1118

Line: 1119

Line: 1162

   FROM   pqp_gap_daily_absences gda
   WHERE  gda.gap_absence_plan_id = l_gap_absence_plan.gap_absence_plan_id
     AND  gda.absence_date
            BETWEEN NVL(p_delete_start_date,gda.absence_date)
                AND NVL(p_delete_end_date,gda.absence_date);
Line: 1172

     debug('pqp_gap_daily_absences rows deleted.');
Line: 1186

     FROM   pqp_gap_absence_plans gap
     WHERE  gap.gap_absence_plan_id = l_gap_absence_plan.gap_absence_plan_id;
Line: 1207

	             => l_gap_dur_sum_rows.gap_duration_summary_id
	             => l_gap_dur_sum_rows.object_version_number
Line: 1221

       debug('pqp_gap_absence_plans rows deleted.');
Line: 1225

   ELSE -- there are still some daily absences left ie was a partial delete
   -- a partial delete takes place when an end date has been changed
   -- such that it is less than the last daily absence date
   -- if it was a partial delete then p_delete_start_date must have been
   -- supplied in which case the new last gap daily absence date would
   -- p_delete_start_date - 1

       (p_effective_date              => p_delete_start_date - 1
       ,p_gap_absence_plan_id         => l_gap_absence_plan.gap_absence_plan_id
       ,p_object_version_number       => l_gap_absence_plan.object_version_number
       ,p_assignment_id               => p_assignment_id
       ,p_absence_attendance_id       => p_absence_id
       ,p_pl_id                       => p_plan_id
       ,p_last_gap_daily_absence_date => p_delete_start_date - 1
Line: 1249

          (p_gap_absence_plan_id           => l_gap_absence_plan.gap_absence_plan_id
          ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id
Line: 1302

END delete_absence_plan_details;
Line: 2113

      SELECT abs_information1 -- fraction of start day
            ,abs_information2 -- fraction of end day
            ,abs_information3 -- UOM of the fraction
      FROM   per_absence_attendances
      WHERE  abs_information_category = 'GB_PQP_OSP_OMP_PART_DAYS'
      AND    absence_attendance_id = p_absence_attendance_id;
Line: 2266

      SELECT gda.level_of_entitlement   level_of_entitlement
            ,SUM(gda.duration)          sum_of_duration
            ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours) sum_of_duration_in_hours
            ,SUM(gda.duration/gda.working_days_per_week) sum_of_duration_per_week
            ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours/fte) sum_of_fte_hours
       FROM  pqp_gap_absence_plans   gap
            ,ben_pl_f                pln
            ,pqp_gap_daily_absences  gda
       WHERE gap.assignment_id IN -- automatically makes the assignment list distinct
                 (SELECT other_asg.assignment_id
                    FROM   per_all_assignments_f this_asg
                          ,per_all_assignments_f other_asg
                    WHERE  this_asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                      AND  other_asg.person_id = this_asg.person_id
                      AND  other_asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
                      AND  other_asg.period_of_service_id = this_asg.period_of_service_id
         AND gda.gap_absence_plan_id = gap.gap_absence_plan_id
         AND pln.pl_id = gap.pl_id
         AND p_range_to_date
             BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date AND pln.effective_end_date
         AND pln.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
         AND gda.absence_date
             BETWEEN p_range_from_date AND p_range_to_date
         GROUP BY level_of_entitlement;
Line: 2302

      SELECT asg.person_id
        INTO   l_person_id
        FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
       WHERE  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2311

       SELECT        gda.level_of_entitlement   level_of_entitlement
                    ,SUM(gda.duration)          sum_of_duration
                    ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours) sum_of_duration_in_hours
                    ,SUM(gda.duration/gda.working_days_per_week) sum_of_duration_per_week
                    ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours/fte) sum_of_fte_hours
              FROM   pqp_gap_absence_plans   gap
                    ,ben_pl_f                pln
                    ,pqp_gap_daily_absences  gda
              WHERE gap.assignment_id IN -- automatically makes the assignment list distinct
              (SELECT asg.assignment_id
                 FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
                WHERE  asg.person_id = l_person_id
                  AND  asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
           AND gda.gap_absence_plan_id = gap.gap_absence_plan_id
           AND pln.pl_id = gap.pl_id
           AND p_range_to_date
	       BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date AND pln.effective_end_date
           AND pln.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
           AND gda.absence_date
               BETWEEN p_range_from_date AND p_range_to_date

	  GROUP BY level_of_entitlement;
Line: 2343

      SELECT  gda.level_of_entitlement   level_of_entitlement
             ,SUM(gda.duration)          sum_of_duration
             ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours) sum_of_duration_in_hours
             ,SUM(gda.duration/gda.working_days_per_week) sum_of_duration_per_week
             -- LG/PT
             ,SUM(gda.duration_in_hours/fte) sum_of_fte_hours
        FROM  pqp_gap_absence_plans   gap
             ,ben_pl_f                pln
             ,pqp_gap_daily_absences  gda
        WHERE gap.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          AND gda.gap_absence_plan_id = gap.gap_absence_plan_id
          AND pln.pl_id = gap.pl_id
          AND p_range_to_date
                BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date AND pln.effective_end_date
          AND pln.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
          AND gda.absence_date BETWEEN p_range_from_date
                                  AND p_range_to_date
         GROUP BY level_of_entitlement;
Line: 2443

    FROM   pqp_gap_absence_plans   gap
          ,per_absence_attendances abs
          ,ben_pl_f                pln
    WHERE  gap.assignment_id = p_assignment_id --an absence for this assignment
      AND  pln.pl_typ_id     = p_pl_typ_id     --which is relevant, ie enrolled
      AND  gap.pl_id         = pln.pl_id       --into a plan of atleast the same
                                               --plan type as the current one
      AND  abs.absence_attendance_id = gap.absence_attendance_id
      AND  abs.date_start < p_scheme_start_date --and which starts before
      AND  abs.date_end   >= p_scheme_start_date-- and ends on or after the
                                                -- scheme start date.
Line: 2581

    SELECT *
    FROM   hr_lookups hrl
    WHERE hrl.lookup_type = p_lookup_type ;
Line: 4901

PROCEDURE update_absence_plan_details
  (p_assignment_id             IN            NUMBER
  ,p_person_id                 IN            NUMBER
  ,p_business_group_id         IN            NUMBER
  ,p_absence_id                IN            NUMBER
  ,p_absence_date_start        IN            DATE
  ,p_absence_date_end          IN            DATE
  ,p_pl_id                     IN            NUMBER
  ,p_pl_typ_id                 IN            NUMBER
  ,p_element_type_id           IN            NUMBER
  ,p_update_start_date         IN            DATE
  ,p_update_end_date           IN            DATE
  ,p_output_type               IN            ff_exec.outputs_t
  ,p_error_code                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_message                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

  l_absence_start_date            DATE;
Line: 4930

Line: 4951

Line: 4952

Line: 5176

		(p_assignment_id             => p_assignment_id
		,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
		,p_plan_id                   => p_pl_id
		,p_absence_id                => p_absence_id
		,p_delete_start_date         => l_gap_absence_plan.last_gap_daily_absence_date
		,p_delete_end_date           => l_gap_absence_plan.last_gap_daily_absence_date
		,p_error_code                => l_error_code
		,p_message                   => l_error_message
Line: 5236

	      (p_assignment_id             => p_assignment_id
	      ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
	      ,p_plan_id                   => p_pl_id
	      ,p_absence_id                => p_absence_id
	      ,p_delete_start_date         => l_absence_end_date
	      ,p_delete_end_date           => l_gap_absence_plan.last_gap_daily_absence_date
	      ,p_error_code                => l_error_code
	      ,p_message                   => l_error_message
Line: 5265

	      (p_assignment_id             => p_assignment_id
	      ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
	      ,p_plan_id                   => p_pl_id
	      ,p_absence_id                => p_absence_id
	      ,p_delete_start_date         => l_absence_end_date+1
	      ,p_delete_end_date           => l_gap_absence_plan.last_gap_daily_absence_date
	      ,p_error_code                => l_error_code
	      ,p_message                   => l_error_message
Line: 5304

END update_absence_plan_details;
Line: 5381

    l_update_summary BOOLEAN;
Line: 5953

        l_update_summary := FALSE ;
Line: 5970

        l_update_summary := TRUE ;
Line: 6010

        ,p_update                        => l_update_summary
Line: 6051

    SELECT contract_type
      FROM pqp_assignment_attributes_f
     WHERE business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                        AND effective_end_date ;
Line: 6370

  select NVL(SUM(gda.duration),0)
  from  pqp_gap_daily_absences gda
       ,pqp_gap_absence_plans gap
       ,ben_pl_f pl
        ,hr_lookups hrl					 --added extra 7585452
  where pl.pl_id = gap.pl_id
    and pl.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
    and gap.gap_absence_plan_id = gda.gap_absence_plan_id
    and gap.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and gda.level_of_pay like 'BAND%'			 --changed from NOBAND to BAND% 7585452
     and hrl.lookup_code=pl.pl_typ_id			--added extra 7585452
     and hrl.lookup_type=p_plan_types_lookup_type	--added extra 7585452
    and gda.absence_date between p_period_start_date
                           and   (p_period_end_date - 1); -- bug 7110645
Line: 6399

  select NVL(SUM(gda.duration),0)
  from  pqp_gap_daily_absences gda
       ,pqp_gap_absence_plans gap
       ,ben_pl_f pl
         ,hr_lookups hrl			--added extra 7585452
  where  gap.assignment_id  IN
      -- automatically makes the assignment list distinct
         (SELECT   other_asg.assignment_id
            FROM   per_all_assignments_f this_asg
                  ,per_all_assignments_f other_asg
           WHERE  this_asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
             AND  other_asg.person_id = this_asg.person_id
             AND  other_asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
             AND  other_asg.period_of_service_id = this_asg.period_of_service_id
    and pl.pl_id = gap.pl_id
    and pl.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
    and gap.gap_absence_plan_id = gda.gap_absence_plan_id
    and gda.level_of_pay like 'BAND%'			--changed from NOBAND to BAND% 7585452
    and hrl.lookup_code=pl.pl_typ_id			--added extra 7585452
    and hrl.lookup_type=p_plan_types_lookup_type	 --added extra 7585452
    and gda.absence_date between p_period_start_date
                           and   (p_period_end_date - 1) ; -- bug 7110645
Line: 6439

    select NVL(SUM(gda.duration),0)
      from  pqp_gap_daily_absences gda
           ,pqp_gap_absence_plans gap
           ,ben_pl_f pl
	     ,hr_lookups hrl				--added extra 7585452
     where gap.assignment_id  IN
      -- automatically makes the assignment list distinct
      (SELECT asg.assignment_id
         FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
         WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
           AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'

    and pl.pl_id = gap.pl_id
    and pl.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
    and gap.gap_absence_plan_id = gda.gap_absence_plan_id
    and gda.level_of_pay like 'BAND%'			--changed from NOBAND to BAND% 7585452
    and hrl.lookup_code=pl.pl_typ_id			--added extra 7585452
    and hrl.lookup_type=p_plan_types_lookup_type	--added extra 7585452
    and gda.absence_date between p_period_start_date
                           and   (p_period_end_date - 1);  -- bug 7110645
Line: 6520

        SELECT asg.person_id
          INTO   l_person_id
          FROM   per_all_assignments_f asg
         WHERE  asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         AND ROWNUM < 2;