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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

|     19-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Updated the function InsertDerivedSource to  |
|                               fix bug 3263242                              |
|     20-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3266355 and bug 3269101   |
|     18-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3042840,3307761,3268940   |
|                               3310291 and 3320689                          |
|     23-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|     12-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Changed to incorporate the select of lookups |
|                               from the extract objects                     |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema    Removed the call to XLA trace routine from   |
|                               trace() procedure                            |
|     02-JUN-2004 A.Quaglia     Added get_obj_parm_for_tab                   |
|                               Modified GetObjParm                          |
|     21-Sep-2004 S.Singhania   Made ffg changes for the Bulk Performance:   |
|                                 - Modified routines GetStandardSource and  |
|                                   GetMeaningSource.                        |
|     06-Oct-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the Accounting Event Extract|
|                               Diagnostics feature.                         |
|     07-Mar-2005 K.Boussema    Changed for ADR-enhancements.                |
|     18-Oct-2012 VKANTETI      Bug 14756735 - Added distinct to the query   |
|                               in get_meaning_statement function            |
--|                                                                          |
--| Global CONSTANTS                                                         |
--|                                                                          |
g_chr_newline      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10):= xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline;
Line: 674

     , xsp.ref_source_type_code
     , xsp.ref_source_code
     , xsp.parameter_type_code
     , xsp.constant_value
     , xsp.user_sequence
FROM   xla_source_params     xsp
WHERE  xsp.source_code         = p_source_code
   AND xsp.source_type_code    = p_source_type_code
   AND xsp.application_id      = p_source_application_id
ORDER BY user_sequence
Line: 1814

     , xsp.ref_source_type_code
     , xsp.ref_source_code
FROM   xla_source_params       xsp
WHERE  xsp.source_code         = p_source_code
   AND xsp.source_type_code    = p_source_type_code
   AND xsp.application_id      = p_source_application_id
   AND xsp.parameter_type_code = 'S'             --not constant
   AND xsp.ref_source_application_id   IS NOT NULL
   AND xsp.ref_source_type_code        IS NOT NULL
   AND xsp.ref_source_code             IS NOT NULL
Line: 1942

               , xsb.source_type_code
               , xsb.application_id
               , xst.name
               , xsb.datatype_code
               , xsb.plsql_function_name
               , xsb.flex_value_set_id
               , xsb.translated_flag
               , xsb.lookup_type
               , xsb.view_application_id
               , xsb.key_flexfield_flag
               , xsb.flexfield_application_id
               , DECODE (xsb.flexfield_application_id
                          , NULL,  NULL
                          , fnd.application_short_name )
               , xsb.id_flex_code
               , xsb.segment_code

         INTO  p_rec_sources.array_source_code(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_source_type_code(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_application_id(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_source_name(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_datatype_code(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_plsql_function(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_flex_value_set_id(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_translated_flag(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_lookup_type(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_view_application_id(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_key_flexfield_flag(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_flexfield_appl_id(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_appl_short_name(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_id_flex_code(l_position)
             , p_rec_sources.array_segment_code (l_position)
         FROM   xla_sources_b   xsb
              , xla_sources_tl  xst
              , fnd_application fnd
         WHERE  xsb.source_code         = p_source_code
            AND xsb.source_type_code    = p_source_type_code
            AND xsb.application_id      = p_source_application_id
            AND xsb.source_code         = xst.source_code
            AND xsb.source_type_code    = xst.source_type_code
            AND xsb.application_id      = xst.application_id (+)
            AND xst.language         (+)= USERENV('LANG')
            AND xsb.enabled_flag        = 'Y'
            AND nvl(xsb.flexfield_application_id,p_source_application_id) = fnd.application_id (+)
Line: 2095

     , xsp.ref_source_type_code
     , xsp.ref_source_code
FROM   xla_source_params     xsp
WHERE  xsp.source_code         = p_source_code
   AND xsp.source_type_code    = p_source_type_code
   AND xsp.application_id      = p_source_application_id
   AND xsp.parameter_type_code = 'S'
   AND xsp.ref_source_application_id IS NOT NULL
   AND xsp.ref_source_type_code IS NOT NULL
   AND xsp.ref_source_code IS NOT NULL
Line: 2718

   SELECT id_column_name
     INTO l_id_column_name
     FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables
    WHERE flex_value_set_id = p_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 2844

 SELECT   validation_type
   INTO   l_validation_type
   FROM   fnd_flex_value_sets
   WHERE  flex_value_set_id = p_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 2853

      l_statement_run := 'SELECT flex_value_meaning'
                         ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                         || '     INTO   l_meaning_meaning'
                         ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                         || '     FROM   fnd_flex_values_vl'
                         ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                         ||'     WHERE  flex_value_set_id      = p_flex_value_set_id'
                         ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                         || '     AND  flex_value             = p_flex_value'
                         ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                         ||  '     ;'
Line: 2874

         SELECT additional_where_clause
              , value_column_name
              , application_table_name
              , id_column_name
           INTO l_additional_where_clause
              , l_value_column_name
              , l_application_table_name
              , l_id_column_name
           FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables
          WHERE flex_value_set_id = p_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 2910

            l_statement:= 'SELECT distinct '|| l_value_column_name  --14756735
                          ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                          || '     INTO   l_meaning_meaning'
                          ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                          ||  '     FROM   '||l_application_table_name
                          ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                          ||  '     WHERE  '||l_id_column_name  || ' = p_flex_value'
                          ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
                          || '     ;'
Line: 2925

            l_statement:= 'SELECT distinct '||l_value_column_name  --14756735
               ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
               || '     INTO   l_meaning_meaning'
               ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
               ||  '     FROM   '||l_application_table_name
               ||  xla_environment_pkg.g_chr_newline
               ||  '     WHERE  '||l_id_column_name  || ' = p_flex_value'
               ||  '      AND  '||l_additional_where_clause
               ||  '     ;'