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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

   04-SEP-1995  DSAXBY      40.2            Missing '/' after the select from
                                            user_errors at bottom of file.
   28-SEP-1993  DSAXBY      40.1            Alter time dependent leg check to
                                            join via per_periods_of_service.
   22-APR-1993  DSAXBY      3.1             Chge per_all_ass to per_ass.
   29-JAN-1993  DSAXBY      3.0             First created.
   ----------------------------- validate -------------------------------------
         validate - validates assignment interlocks.
         This procedure validates assignment level interlock rules
         for the run on an individual assignment basis.
         It is called from the main run code when interlock flag
         is set to 'Y'.
         There is currently no code within this package to
         report those assignments failing interlock rules.
         This can only currently be done by setting logging
         on and examining the resultant log file.
         The reporting ability will be added in due course.
   procedure validate
      pactid   in out nocopy number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      assignid in out nocopy number,   -- assignment_id to check.
      itpflag  in out nocopy varchar2, -- independent time periods flag.
      assnum   in out nocopy varchar2, -- returned assignment_number.
      intstat  in out nocopy number    -- interlock status.
   ) is
      SUCC   constant number := 0;
Line: 70

      select 1,
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    ac2.assignment_id        = assignid
      and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
      and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
         or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
      and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
Line: 88

      select 1,
      from   per_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
             pay_object_groups          pog_act,
             pay_object_groups          pog_grp
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    as1.assignment_id        = assignid
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    pog_act.source_id        = as1.assignment_id
      and    pog_act.source_type      = 'PAF'
      and    pog_act.parent_object_group_id = pog_grp.parent_object_group_id
      and    pog_grp.source_type      = 'PAF'
      and    pog_grp.source_id        = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
      and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
         or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
      and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
Line: 117

      select 1,
      from   per_assignments_f          as1,
             per_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
             per_periods_of_service     pos
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    as1.assignment_id        = assignid
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    as2.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
      and    ac2.assignment_id        = as2.assignment_id
      and    pa2.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
      and    pcl.classification_name  = 'SEQUENCED'
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and   (pa2.effective_date > pa1.effective_date
         or (ac2.action_status not in ('C', 'S')
      and    pa2.effective_date <= pa1.effective_date));
Line: 155

               select ass.assignment_number
               into   assnum
               from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                      per_assignments_f ass
               where  ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
               and    ass.assignment_id = assignid
               and    ass.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
               and    (ppa.effective_date between
                      ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date);