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1 package body gmi_wf_item_activation as
2 /*  $Header: gmiitmwb.pls 120.1 2005/10/03 11:52:28 jsrivast noship $ */
4 	procedure init_wf
5 	(
6 		/* called via trigger on ic_item_mst */
7 		p_item_id in number,
8 		p_item_no in varchar2,
9 		p_item_um in varchar2,
10 		p_item_desc1 in varchar2,
11 		p_created_by in varchar2
12 	)
13 	is
14 		l_itemtype     varchar2(30) := 'GMWITACT';
15 		l_itemkey      varchar2(30) := to_char(p_item_id);
16 		l_WorkflowProcess varchar2(30) := 'ITEM_ACTIVATION_PROC';
17 		l_name         wf_users.name%type;
18 		l_display_name wf_users.display_name%type;
19 		l_errname      varchar2(30);
20 		l_errmsg       varchar2(2000);
21 		l_status       varchar2(2000);
22 		l_errstack     varchar2(32000);
23                 l_result       VARCHAR2 (30);
24                 wf_item_exists   EXCEPTION ;
26 esig_active              VARCHAR2(2);
28 	begin
29           /*Check if the workflow data exists and remove the same for the itemtype and itemkey
30                                                                                 combination */
34       BEGIN
36             esig_active :=  FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMI_ERES_ACTIVE');
37             IF (esig_active = '1') THEN
38                return;      -- if eres active for item abort the workflow
39             END IF;
40          END IF;
43          IF (wf_item.item_exist (l_itemtype, l_itemkey)) THEN
44             /* Check the status of the root activity */
45             wf_item_activity_status.root_status (l_itemtype, l_itemkey, l_status, l_result);
46             /* If it is not completed then abort the process */
47             IF (l_status = 'COMPLETE')THEN
48             /* Purge the workflow data for workflow key */
49                wf_purge.items(itemtype=> l_itemtype, itemkey=> l_itemkey, docommit=>FALSE);
50             END IF;
51          END IF;
52           EXCEPTION
53              WHEN OTHERS THEN
54              WF_CORE.CONTEXT ('GMI_WF_ITEM_ACTIVATION', 'init_wf', l_itemtype, l_itemkey) ;
55              WF_CORE.GET_ERROR (l_errname, l_errmsg, l_errstack);
56              RAISE;
57       END;
59                 /*  create the process */
60 		wf_engine.createprocess (itemtype => l_itemtype,
61 					itemkey => l_itemkey,
62 					process => l_WorkflowProcess);
63                 EXCEPTION
64                 WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN
65                      RAISE wf_item_exists ;
66         END ;
68 		/*  get the user name from fnd_user */
69 		select
70 			user_name
71 		into
72 			l_name
73 		from
74 			fnd_user
75 		where
76 			user_id = p_created_by;
79             /*  the following is a hack to get the display_name */
80 		/*  it should be replaced by a proper API, and depends upon the */
81 		/*  fnd_user row containing the user's display_name in the */
82 		/*  description field */
83                 /* BEGIN BUG#2513365 Nayini Vikranth                        */
84                 /* Added the ROWNUM condition to avoid the ON-INSERT error. */
85 		select
86 			display_name
90 			wf_users
87 		into
88 			l_display_name
89 		from
91 		where
92 			name = l_name
93                 and
94                         rownum =1;
95                 /* END BUG#2513365 */
99 		/*  set the item attributes */
100 		wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype => l_itemtype,
101 				itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'ITEM_ID',
102 				avalue => p_item_id);
104                wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_itemtype,
105 				itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'ITEM_NO',
106 				avalue => p_item_no);
108                wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_itemtype,
109 				itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'ITEM_UM',
110 				avalue => p_item_um);
112                wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_itemtype,
113 				itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'ITEM_DESC1',
114 				avalue => p_item_desc1);
116                wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_itemtype,
117 				itemkey => l_itemkey, aname => 'REQNAME',
118 				avalue => l_name);
120                wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => l_itemtype,
121 				itemkey => l_itemkey,
122 				aname => 'REQDISP',
123 				avalue => l_display_name);
125 		wf_engine.startprocess (itemtype => l_itemtype,
126 				itemkey =>l_itemkey);
128 		/*  the inactive_ind on the inventory item */
129 		/*  is set in the trigger, not here! */
131 	exception
132                WHEN wf_item_exists THEN
133                null;
134                when others then
135 			wf_core.context ('GMI_WF_ITEM_ACTIVATION',
136 					'INIT_WF',
137 					l_itemtype, l_itemkey,
138 					p_item_id, p_item_no);
139 			wf_core.get_error (l_errname, l_errmsg, l_errstack);
140 			if ((l_errname is null) and (sqlcode <> 0))
141 			then
142 				l_errname := to_char(sqlcode);
143 				l_errmsg  := sqlerrm(-sqlcode);
144 			end if;
145 		raise;
146 	end init_wf;
148 	procedure select_approver
149 	(
150 		p_itemtype in varchar2,
151 		p_itemkey in varchar2,
152 		p_actid in number,
153 		p_funcmode in varchar2,
154 		p_result out nocopy varchar2
155 	)
156 	is
157 		l_item_no varchar2(32) :=
158 			wf_engine.getitemattrtext (p_itemtype, p_itemkey,
159 				'ITEM_NO');
160 		l_requestor_name varchar2(100) :=
161 			wf_engine.getitemattrtext (p_itemtype, p_itemkey,
162 				'REQNAME');
163 		l_requestor_display_name varchar2(100) :=
164 			wf_engine.getitemattrtext (p_itemtype, p_itemkey,
165 				'REQDISP');
166 		l_approver_name varchar2(100);
167 		l_approver_display_name varchar2(100);
169 		l_sqlcode number;
170 		l_sqlerrm varchar2(512);
171 		l_errname varchar2(30);
172 		l_errmsg  varchar2(2000);
173 		l_errstack varchar2(32000);
174                 l_hierarchy_flag varchar2(20);
175                 l_item_desc      varchar2(72);
177 		selection_cancelled exception;
178 		selection_timeout  exception;
179 		pragma exception_init(selection_cancelled, -20101);
180 		pragma exception_init(selection_timeout,  -20102);
181 	begin
182 		if (p_funcmode = 'RUN')	then
183                 /* Added the code to fix bug 1102815 */
184                        IF (FND_PROFILE.DEFINED ('IC$WF_ITEM_HIERARCHY')) THEN
185          		       l_hierarchy_flag := FND_PROFILE.VALUE ('IC$WF_ITEM_HIERARCHY');
186                                IF (l_hierarchy_flag is NULL) THEN
187                                   p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
188                                   return;
189                                END IF;
190                         END IF;
191                         IF (l_hierarchy_flag = 'HRMS') THEN
192 			   select c.user_name,wu.display_name
193 			   into   l_approver_name,l_approver_display_name
194 			   from   per_assignments_f a, fnd_user b, fnd_user c,	wf_roles wu
195 			   where  a.person_id=b.employee_id
196                                   and a.supervisor_id=c.employee_id
197                                   and b.user_name = l_requestor_name
198 			          and wu.name = c.user_name
199                            group by c.user_name,wu.display_name;
200                         ELSIF (l_hierarchy_flag = 'OPM') THEN
201                            SELECT supervisor_user_name, wu.display_name
202                              into l_approver_name,l_approver_display_name
203                              from ic_item_hierarchy , wf_roles wu
204                             where creator_user_name = l_requestor_name
205                               and rownum = 1
206                               and supervisor_user_name=wu.name;
207                          END IF;
209                            Select ITEM_DESC1 into l_item_desc
210                             from  IC_ITEM_MST
211                             where ITEM_NO=l_ITEM_NO;
213                         wf_engine.setitemattrtext(itemtype => p_itemtype,
214 		                                  itemkey => p_itemkey, aname => 'ITEM_DESC1',
215 				                  avalue => l_item_desc);
217 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => p_itemtype,
218 					itemkey => p_itemkey,
219 					aname => 'APPNM',
220 					avalue => l_approver_name);
222 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => p_itemtype,
223 					itemkey => p_itemkey,
224 					aname => '#FROM_ROLE',
225 					avalue => l_approver_name);
227 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => p_itemtype,
228 					itemkey => p_itemkey,
229 					aname => 'APPDISP',
230 					avalue => l_approver_display_name);
231 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:FOUND';
232 			return;
233 		end if;
235 		if (p_funcmode = 'CANCEL') then
236                     raise selection_cancelled;
237 		end if;
239 		if (p_funcmode = 'TIMEOUT') then
240                     raise selection_timeout;
241 		end if;
243 	exception
244 		when selection_cancelled then
245 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
246 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
247 	'The workflow approver selection process was cancelled for item ' ||
248 					l_item_no || '.');
249 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
250 			return;
251 		when selection_timeout then
252 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
253 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
254 		'The workflow approver selection process timed out for item ' ||
255 					l_item_no || '.');
256 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
257 			return;
258 		when no_data_found then
260         		       l_approver_name := FND_PROFILE.VALUE ('IC$WF_DEFAULT_ITEM_APPROVER');
261                       IF l_approver_name is NULL THEN
262                          p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
263                          return;
264                       ELSE
266                          select  display_name into l_approver_display_name
267                          from wf_roles where name =l_approver_name;
270                         	wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => p_itemtype,
271 					itemkey => p_itemkey,
272 					aname => 'APPNM',
273 					avalue => l_approver_name);
275 					wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype => p_itemtype,
276 					itemkey => p_itemkey,
277 					aname => 'APPDISP',
278 					avalue => l_approver_display_name);
279                               p_result := 'COMPLETE:FOUND';
280                              return;
282                        END IF;
283                    ELSE
284                           p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
285                           return;
286                    END IF;
287      	when others then
288 			l_sqlcode := sqlcode;
289 			l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm (-l_sqlcode);
290 			wf_core.get_error (l_errname, l_errmsg, l_errstack);
291 			if ((l_errname is null) and (sqlcode <> 0))
292 			then
293 				l_errname := to_char(sqlcode);
294 				l_errmsg  := sqlerrm(-sqlcode);
295 			end if;
296 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
297 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
298 				'A database error occurred in ' ||
299 				'the workflow approver selection ' ||
300 				'process for item ' || l_item_no ||
301 				'.  Message text: ' || l_errmsg);
302 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:SELERR';
303 			return;
304 	end select_approver;
306 	procedure activate_item
307 	(
308 		p_itemtype in varchar2,
309 		p_itemkey in varchar2,
310 		p_actid in number,
311 		p_funcmode in varchar2,
312 		p_result out nocopy varchar2
313 	)
314 	is
315 		l_item_id number :=
316 			wf_engine.getitemattrnumber (p_itemtype, p_itemkey,
317 				'ITEM_ID');
318 		l_item_no varchar2(32) :=
319 			wf_engine.getitemattrtext (p_itemtype, p_itemkey,
320 				'ITEM_NO');
321 		l_sqlcode number;
322 		l_sqlerrm varchar2(512);
323 		l_errname varchar2(30);
324 		l_errmsg  varchar2(2000);
325 		l_errstack varchar2(32000);
327 		activate_cancelled exception;
328 		activate_timeout  exception;
329 		pragma exception_init(activate_cancelled, -20103);
330 		pragma exception_init(activate_timeout,  -20104);
331 	begin
332 		if (p_funcmode = 'RUN')
333 		then
334 			update
335 				ic_item_mst
336 			set
337 				inactive_ind = 0, trans_cnt = -99
338 			where
339 				item_id = l_item_id;
340 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:ACTIVE';
341 			return;
342 		end if;
344 		if (p_funcmode = 'CANCEL')
345 		then
346 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:INACTIVE';
347 			return;
348 		end if;
350 		if (p_funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
351 		then
352 			p_result := 'COMPLETE:INACTIVE';
353 			return;
354 		end if;
356 	exception
357 		when activate_cancelled then
358 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
359 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
360 		'The workflow item activation process was cancelled for item '||
361 					l_item_no || '.');
362 			p_result := 'ERROR:';
363 			return;
364 		when activate_timeout then
365 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
366 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
367 		'The workflow item activation process timed out for item ' ||
368 					l_item_no || '.');
369 			p_result := 'ERROR:';
370 			return;
371 		when no_data_found then
372 			p_result := 'ERROR:';
373 			return;
374 		when others then
375 			l_sqlcode := sqlcode;
376 			l_sqlerrm := sqlerrm (-l_sqlcode);
377 			wf_engine.setitemattrtext (p_itemtype,
378 				p_itemkey, 'ERRMSG',
379 				'A database error occurred in ' ||
380 				'the workflow item activation ' ||
381 				'process for item ' || l_item_no ||
382 				'.  Message text: ' || l_sqlerrm);
383 			p_result := 'ERROR:';
384 			return;
385 	end activate_item;
388 end gmi_wf_item_activation;