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1 PACKAGE ego_item_associations_util AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: EGOVIAUS.pls 120.1 2007/03/26 15:22:12 earumuga noship $ */
4   G_SUPPLIER_NAME VARCHAR2(500) := 'aas.vendor_name';
5   G_SUPPLIER_NUMBER VARCHAR2(500) := 'aas.segment1';
6   G_DUNS_NUMBER VARCHAR2(500) := 'hp.duns_number_c';
7   G_TAX_PAYER_ID VARCHAR2(500) := 'aas.num_1099';
8   G_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER VARCHAR2(500) :='aas.vat_registration_num';
9   G_SUPPLIER_SITE_NAME VARCHAR2(500) := 'asa.vendor_site_code';
10   G_CITY VARCHAR2(500) := 'asa.city';
11   G_STATE VARCHAR2(500) := 'asa.state';
12   G_COUNTRY VARCHAR2(500) := 'asa.country';
14   -- Start of comments
15   --  API name  : search_supplier_and_site
16   --  Type      : Private.
17   --  Function  : Searches the supplier and site for the given criteria
18   --  Pre-reqs  :
19   --                i) Search criteria is built using the constants specified in ego_item_associations_util or EgoSearchAssociationAM.
20   --                ii) Search Columns and Criteria has same number of values
21   --                iii) If p_search_sites is fnd_api.G_FALSE, then the criteria
22   --                   for those columns should not be passed.
23   --                   Will result in SQL exception if passed.
24   --                iv) Atleast one criteria has been specified to search.
25   --                v) Passed organization id should be master organization id.  No validation will be done from search.  Wrong value
26   --                    will result in no rows.
27   --  Parameters  :
28   --  IN          :  p_api_version       IN NUMBER Required
29   --                 p_batch_id    INOUT NOCOPY NUMBER Required
30   --                 p_search_cols IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE Required
31   --                 p_search_criteria IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE Required
32   --                 p_search_sites IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
33   --                 p_filter_rows IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
34   --                 p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER Optional Default NULL
35   --                 p_master_org_id  IN NUMBER Required
36   --                 p_search_existing_site_only IN VARCHAR2 Optional Default fnd_api.G_FALSE
37   --  Version     :  Current version 1.0
38   --                 Initial version   1.0
39   --  Notes       :  p_search_cols contains the search criteria columns.  The list of columns are
40   --                 defined as constants in ego_item_associations_util.
41   --                 p_search_criteria will be corresponding search criteria for the columns.
42   --                 Criteria and column names mapped based on index of the tables.
43   --                 p_search_sites allows to search/return site results.
44   --                 p_filter_rows specifies whether already associated needs to be filtered or not
45   --                 p_master_org_id  Master Organization Id in context of which the search needs to be performed
46   --                 p_search_existing_site_only Searches only existing sites.  Used in item-site-org flow
47   --
48   -- End of comments
49   PROCEDURE search_supplier_and_site
50   (
51     p_api_version  IN NUMBER
52     ,p_batch_id    IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
53     ,p_search_cols IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE
54     ,p_search_criteria IN EGO_VARCHAR_TBL_TYPE
55     ,p_search_sites IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.G_FALSE
56     ,p_filter_rows IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
57     ,p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER := NULL
58     ,p_master_org_id IN NUMBER
59     ,p_search_existing_site_only IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
60     ,p_filter_suppliers IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.G_FALSE
61   );
63   /*PROCEDURE a_debug(p_msg VARCHAR2);*/
65   FUNCTION is_supplier_contact(p_party_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
67 END ego_item_associations_util;