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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

                                 ,p_update_primary_flag VARCHAR2
                                 ,p_employee_number VARCHAR2
                                 ,p_set_of_books_id IN INTEGER
                                 ,p_emp_apl VARCHAR2
                                 ,p_adjusted_svc_date IN DATE
                                 ,p_session_date IN DATE -- Bug 3564129
                                 -- #2264569
                                 ,p_table IN HR_EMPLOYEE_APPLICANT_API.t_ApplTable
                                 ) IS
    Procedures fired when applicant is hired.
    p_business_group_id   : Current business group.
    p_legislation_code    : Legislation code.
    p_new_primary_id      : Id of new primary assignment.
    p_assignment_status_type_id: Current assignment status id.
    p_user_id             : user id
    p_login_id            : Login id of user.
    p_start_date          : Start date.
    p_end_of_time         : Maximum date that can be held by an Oracle system.
    p_current_date        : Today's Date
    p_update_primary_flag : Flag whether to update the primary assignment or not
    p_set_of_books_id : Current set of books_id
    p_emp_apl             : Whether EMP_APL or APL.
    p_session_date        : Session Date -- Bug 3564129
    -- #2264569
    p_table               : PL/SQL table that has information about the type of
                            processing performed to the appl assignment.

v_period_of_service_id INTEGER;
Line: 55

l_delete_warn boolean;  -- #2933750
Line: 58

     select segment1,
     from   pay_people_groups
     where  people_group_id = l_pg_id;
Line: 127

  select assignment_id
  from per_all_assignments_f
  where person_id = p_person_id
  and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and primary_flag = 'Y'
  and p_start_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 138

  select pay_proposal_id
  from per_pay_proposals
  where assignment_id=ass_id
  and APPROVED='Y';
Line: 185

      select pps.period_of_service_id
      into   v_dummy
      from   per_periods_of_service pps
      where  p_start_date between pps.date_start
      and    nvl(pps.ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE,p_end_of_time)
      and    pps.person_id = p_person_id
      and    pps.business_group_id  + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 205

     select per_periods_of_service_s.nextval
     into   v_dummy
     from   sys.dual;
Line: 219

       insert into per_periods_of_service
Line: 270

                     ,p_event          => 'INSERTING'
                     ,p_effective_date => p_start_date);
Line: 284

PROCEDURE update_primary_assignment(p_business_group_id IN INTEGER
                                   ,p_person_id IN INTEGER
                                   ,p_start_date IN DATE
                                   ,p_current_date IN DATE
                                   ,p_user_id IN INTEGER
                                   ,p_login_id IN INTEGER
                                   ) is
-- Date effectively end the current primary assignment
Line: 299

insert into per_assignments_f
,employment_category            /* columns added Bug 978981 */
,supervisor_assignment_id   --- #Added for fix of 4053244
,EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY          -- Added for fix of 4212826
,contract_id	-- fix of bug 14784589
select pa.assignment_id
,p_start_date - 1
,employment_category            /* columns added Bug 978981 */
,pa.supervisor_assignment_id     --- #Added for fix of 4053244
,pa.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY            -- Added for fix of 4212826
,pa.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID -- fix of bug 5513751
,pa.contract_id	-- fix of bug 14784589
from per_assignments_f pa
where pa.person_id = p_person_id
and   pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and   pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
and   pa.effective_end_date
and   p_start_date > pa.effective_start_date; -- #1981550
Line: 516

end update_primary_assignment;
Line: 524

                        ,p_update_primary_flag IN VARCHAR2
                        ,p_new_primary_id IN INTEGER
                        ,p_user_id IN INTEGER
                        ,p_login_id IN INTEGER
                        ,p_start_date IN DATE
                        ,p_end_of_time IN DATE
                        ,p_employee_number IN VARCHAR2
                        ,p_set_of_books_id IN INTEGER
                        ,p_current_date IN DATE
                        ) is
-- Make other accepted assignment rows secondary
-- as long as the user does not want to keep them in the system
-- i.e. (R)etain value exists in p_table
-- counter to hold number of assignments inserted
-- used to check that all are updated.
v_count INTEGER;
Line: 560

select default_context_field_name
from fnd_descriptive_flexs
where application_id = 800 -- bug 5469726
and descriptive_flexfield_name = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS';
Line: 570

     select pa.*
      from  per_assignments_f pa
      ,     per_assignment_status_types past
      where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
      and   nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code)
                   = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status   = 'ACCEPTED'
      and    pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and    pa.business_group_id   + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and    pa.person_id           = p_person_id
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
           and  ((p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','V')
      	          and pa.assignment_id <> p_new_primary_id
      	or (p_update_primary_flag not in ('Y','V')
           and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
           and   pa.effective_end_date
           order by decode(pa.assignment_id,p_new_primary_id,1,0) desc --added for bug  5589928
           for update of pa.assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 595

     select pa.*
      from  per_assignments_f pa
      ,     per_assignment_status_types past
      where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
      and   nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code)
                   = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status   = 'ACCEPTED'
      and    pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and    pa.business_group_id   + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and    pa.person_id           = p_person_id
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
           and  ((p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','V')
      	          and pa.assignment_id <> p_new_primary_id
      	or (p_update_primary_flag not in ('Y','V')
           and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
           and   pa.effective_end_date
           and   pa.assignment_id = p_new_primary_id
           for update of pa.assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 619

     select pa.*
      from  per_assignments_f pa
      ,     per_assignment_status_types past
      where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
      and   nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code)
                   = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status   = 'ACCEPTED'
      and    pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and    pa.business_group_id   + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and    pa.person_id           = p_person_id
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
           and  ((p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','V')
      	          and pa.assignment_id <> p_new_primary_id
      	or (p_update_primary_flag not in ('Y','V')
           and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
           and   pa.effective_end_date
           and   pa.assignment_id <> p_new_primary_id
           for update of pa.assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 684

  select application_column_name
  from   fnd_descr_flex_column_usages fdfcu,
         fnd_descr_flex_contexts fdfc
  where  fdfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS'
  and    fdfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = fdfc.descriptive_flexfield_name
  and    fdfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = fdfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
  and    fdfcu.application_id = fdfc.application_id --- bug 5469726
  and    fdfc.application_id = 800 --- bug 5469726
  and    fdfc.global_flag 		= 'N'
  and    l_col_name 			= 'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE';
Line: 699

    select pay_proposal_id,object_version_number,proposed_salary_n, change_date
    from per_pay_proposals
    where assignment_id=ass_id
    and   approved = 'N'
    order by change_date desc;
Line: 744

      update per_applications pap
      set date_end = p_start_date -1,
          successful_flag = 'Y'
      where pap.person_id = p_person_id -- added for bug 5469726
      and   exists (select '1'
      from per_assignments_f pa,
      per_assignment_status_types past
      where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
      and   nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code)
                   = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status   = 'ACCEPTED'
      and    pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and    pa.business_group_id   + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and    pa.person_id           = p_person_id
      and    pa.person_id           = pap.person_id
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
      and   p_start_date between pap.date_received and nvl(pap.date_end,p_start_date)
      and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
      and   pa.effective_end_date)
      and not  exists (select '1'
      from per_assignments_f pa,
           per_assignment_status_types past
      where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
      and   nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code)
                   = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status  <> 'ACCEPTED'
      and  pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and  pa.business_group_id   + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and  pa.person_id           = p_person_id
      and  pa.person_id           = pap.person_id
      and  past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
      and  p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
      and  pa.effective_end_date);
Line: 800

hr_utility.set_location('p_update_primary_flag  '||p_update_primary_flag,2);
Line: 801

if p_update_primary_flag not in ('C','N') then commented for bug  5589928*/

  open ass_cur;
Line: 824

        insert into per_assignments_f
        ,employment_category            /* columns added Bug 978981 */
        ,job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,supervisor_assignment_id) ---#4053244
        ,p_start_date - 1
        ,l_asg_rec.employment_category            /* columns added Bug 978981 */
        ,l_asg_rec.job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,l_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id); ---#4053244
Line: 1164

Line: 1201

   select projected_hire_date
   from per_applications
   where application_id =l_appl_id;
Line: 1246

      update per_assignments_f pa
      set    pa.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
      ,      pa.assignment_type           = 'E'
      ,      pa.effective_start_date      = p_start_date
      ,      pa.effective_end_date        = p_end_of_time
      ,      pa.period_of_service_id      = v_period_of_service_id
      ,      pa.primary_flag              = 'N'
      ,      pa.assignment_number         = p_assignment_number
      ,      pa.assignment_sequence       = p_assignment_sequence
      ,      pa.last_update_date          = p_current_date
      ,      pa.last_updated_by           = p_user_id
      ,      pa.last_update_login         = p_login_id
      ,      pa.set_of_books_id           = p_set_of_books_id
      ,      pa.ass_attribute_category    = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E'
          ,	pa.ass_attribute1	= l_ass_attribute1
          ,	pa.ass_attribute2	= l_ass_attribute2
          ,	pa.ass_attribute3	= l_ass_attribute3
          ,	pa.ass_attribute4	= l_ass_attribute4
          ,	pa.ass_attribute5	= l_ass_attribute5
          ,	pa.ass_attribute6	= l_ass_attribute6
          ,	pa.ass_attribute7	= l_ass_attribute7
          ,	pa.ass_attribute8	= l_ass_attribute8
          ,	pa.ass_attribute9	= l_ass_attribute9
          ,	pa.ass_attribute10	= l_ass_attribute10
          ,	pa.ass_attribute11	= l_ass_attribute11
          ,	pa.ass_attribute12	= l_ass_attribute12
          ,	pa.ass_attribute13	= l_ass_attribute13
          ,	pa.ass_attribute14	= l_ass_attribute14
          ,	pa.ass_attribute15	= l_ass_attribute15
          ,	pa.ass_attribute16	= l_ass_attribute16
          ,	pa.ass_attribute17	= l_ass_attribute17
          ,	pa.ass_attribute18	= l_ass_attribute18
          ,	pa.ass_attribute19	= l_ass_attribute19
          ,	pa.ass_attribute20	= l_ass_attribute20
          ,	pa.ass_attribute21	= l_ass_attribute21
          ,	pa.ass_attribute22	= l_ass_attribute22
          ,	pa.ass_attribute23	= l_ass_attribute23
          ,	pa.ass_attribute24	= l_ass_attribute24
          ,	pa.ass_attribute25	= l_ass_attribute25
          ,	pa.ass_attribute26	= l_ass_attribute26
          ,	pa.ass_attribute27	= l_ass_attribute27
          ,	pa.ass_attribute28	= l_ass_attribute28
          ,	pa.ass_attribute29	= l_ass_attribute29
          ,	pa.ass_attribute30	= l_ass_attribute30
	  , pa.date_probation_end	=l_asg_rec.date_probation_end --7120387
      where current of ass_cur;  -- pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1314

   select nvl(src_apl_asg_id,-1)   into l_irc_link_exists
   where tgt_apl_asg_id =  p_assignment_id
   and sysdate between nvl(start_date,sysdate) and nvl(end_date,sysdate) ;
Line: 1325

select assignment_status_type_id into l_irc_spl_status
from per_assignment_status_types
Line: 1404

Line: 1425

        update per_assignments_f
          set effective_end_date = p_start_date -1
         where current of ass_cur;
Line: 1571

        insert into per_assignments_f
        ,employment_category            --columns added Bug 978981
        ,job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,supervisor_assignment_id) ---#4053244
        ,p_start_date - 1
        ,l_asg_rec.employment_category            -- columns added Bug 978981
        ,l_asg_rec.job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,l_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id); ---#4053244
Line: 1911

Line: 1939

      update per_assignments_f pa
      set    pa.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
      ,      pa.assignment_type           = 'E'
      ,      pa.effective_start_date      = p_start_date
      ,      pa.effective_end_date        = p_end_of_time
      ,      pa.period_of_service_id      = v_period_of_service_id
      ,      pa.primary_flag              = 'N'
      ,      pa.assignment_number         = p_assignment_number
      ,      pa.assignment_sequence       = p_assignment_sequence
      ,      pa.last_update_date          = p_current_date
      ,      pa.last_updated_by           = p_user_id
      ,      pa.last_update_login         = p_login_id
      ,      pa.set_of_books_id           = p_set_of_books_id
      ,      pa.ass_attribute_category    = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E'
          ,	pa.ass_attribute1	= l_ass_attribute1
          ,	pa.ass_attribute2	= l_ass_attribute2
          ,	pa.ass_attribute3	= l_ass_attribute3
          ,	pa.ass_attribute4	= l_ass_attribute4
          ,	pa.ass_attribute5	= l_ass_attribute5
          ,	pa.ass_attribute6	= l_ass_attribute6
          ,	pa.ass_attribute7	= l_ass_attribute7
          ,	pa.ass_attribute8	= l_ass_attribute8
          ,	pa.ass_attribute9	= l_ass_attribute9
          ,	pa.ass_attribute10	= l_ass_attribute10
          ,	pa.ass_attribute11	= l_ass_attribute11
          ,	pa.ass_attribute12	= l_ass_attribute12
          ,	pa.ass_attribute13	= l_ass_attribute13
          ,	pa.ass_attribute14	= l_ass_attribute14
          ,	pa.ass_attribute15	= l_ass_attribute15
          ,	pa.ass_attribute16	= l_ass_attribute16
          ,	pa.ass_attribute17	= l_ass_attribute17
          ,	pa.ass_attribute18	= l_ass_attribute18
          ,	pa.ass_attribute19	= l_ass_attribute19
          ,	pa.ass_attribute20	= l_ass_attribute20
          ,	pa.ass_attribute21	= l_ass_attribute21
          ,	pa.ass_attribute22	= l_ass_attribute22
          ,	pa.ass_attribute23	= l_ass_attribute23
          ,	pa.ass_attribute24	= l_ass_attribute24
          ,	pa.ass_attribute25	= l_ass_attribute25
          ,	pa.ass_attribute26	= l_ass_attribute26
          ,	pa.ass_attribute27	= l_ass_attribute27
          ,	pa.ass_attribute28	= l_ass_attribute28
          ,	pa.ass_attribute29	= l_ass_attribute29
          ,	pa.ass_attribute30	= l_ass_attribute30
      where current of csr_ass_cur_for_primary;  -- pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 2022

Line: 2041

        update per_assignments_f
          set effective_end_date = p_start_date -1
         where current of csr_ass_cur_for_primary;
Line: 2110

        insert into per_assignments_f
        ,employment_category            -- columns added Bug 978981
        ,job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,supervisor_assignment_id) ---#4053244
        ,p_start_date - 1
        ,l_asg_rec.employment_category        -- columns added Bug 978981
        ,l_asg_rec.job_post_source_name   -- added for 4486233
	,l_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id); ---#4053244
Line: 2450

Line: 2478

      update per_assignments_f pa
      set    pa.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
      ,      pa.assignment_type           = 'E'
      ,      pa.effective_start_date      = p_start_date
      ,      pa.effective_end_date        = p_end_of_time
      ,      pa.period_of_service_id      = v_period_of_service_id
      ,      pa.primary_flag              = 'N'
      ,      pa.assignment_number         = p_assignment_number
      ,      pa.assignment_sequence       = p_assignment_sequence
      ,      pa.last_update_date          = p_current_date
      ,      pa.last_updated_by           = p_user_id
      ,      pa.last_update_login         = p_login_id
      ,      pa.set_of_books_id           = p_set_of_books_id
      ,      pa.ass_attribute_category    = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E'
          ,	pa.ass_attribute1	= l_ass_attribute1
          ,	pa.ass_attribute2	= l_ass_attribute2
          ,	pa.ass_attribute3	= l_ass_attribute3
          ,	pa.ass_attribute4	= l_ass_attribute4
          ,	pa.ass_attribute5	= l_ass_attribute5
          ,	pa.ass_attribute6	= l_ass_attribute6
          ,	pa.ass_attribute7	= l_ass_attribute7
          ,	pa.ass_attribute8	= l_ass_attribute8
          ,	pa.ass_attribute9	= l_ass_attribute9
          ,	pa.ass_attribute10	= l_ass_attribute10
          ,	pa.ass_attribute11	= l_ass_attribute11
          ,	pa.ass_attribute12	= l_ass_attribute12
          ,	pa.ass_attribute13	= l_ass_attribute13
          ,	pa.ass_attribute14	= l_ass_attribute14
          ,	pa.ass_attribute15	= l_ass_attribute15
          ,	pa.ass_attribute16	= l_ass_attribute16
          ,	pa.ass_attribute17	= l_ass_attribute17
          ,	pa.ass_attribute18	= l_ass_attribute18
          ,	pa.ass_attribute19	= l_ass_attribute19
          ,	pa.ass_attribute20	= l_ass_attribute20
          ,	pa.ass_attribute21	= l_ass_attribute21
          ,	pa.ass_attribute22	= l_ass_attribute22
          ,	pa.ass_attribute23	= l_ass_attribute23
          ,	pa.ass_attribute24	= l_ass_attribute24
          ,	pa.ass_attribute25	= l_ass_attribute25
          ,	pa.ass_attribute26	= l_ass_attribute26
          ,	pa.ass_attribute27	= l_ass_attribute27
          ,	pa.ass_attribute28	= l_ass_attribute28
          ,	pa.ass_attribute29	= l_ass_attribute29
          ,	pa.ass_attribute30	= l_ass_attribute30
      where current of csr_ass_cur_for_nonprimary;  -- pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 2559

Line: 2578

        update per_assignments_f
          set effective_end_date = p_start_date -1
         where current of csr_ass_cur_for_nonprimary;
Line: 2652

       select rowid, assignment_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date
         from per_assignments_f
        where   primary_flag      = 'Y'
          and   business_group_id  + 0 = p_business_group_id
          and   person_id          = p_person_id
          and   assignment_type    = 'E'
          and   effective_start_date > p_start_date
        for update of effective_start_date;
Line: 2678

Line: 2688

Line: 2714

                                    ,p_update_primary_flag IN VARCHAR2
                                    ,p_employee_number IN VARCHAR2
                                    ,p_set_of_books_id  IN INTEGER
                                    ,p_emp_apl IN VARCHAR2
                                    ) is
--  Create a new primary assignment.
p_assignment_number VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 2738

select default_context_field_name
from fnd_descriptive_flexs
where application_id = 800 -- bug 5469726
and descriptive_flexfield_name = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS';
Line: 2748

select * from per_all_assignments_f paf
where paf.assignment_id = p_new_primary_id
 and paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
 and p_start_date between paf.effective_start_date
 and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2755

select * from per_all_assignments_f paf
where paf.person_id = p_person_id
 and paf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
 -- #1981550
 and paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
 and paf.assignment_type = 'E'
 and p_start_date between paf.effective_start_date
 -- #1981550
 and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2777

    select pay_proposal_id,object_version_number,proposed_salary_n, change_date
    from per_pay_proposals
    where assignment_id=ass_id
    and   approved = 'N'
    order by change_date desc;
Line: 2784

    select pay_proposal_id,object_version_number,proposed_salary_n, change_date
    from per_pay_proposals
    where assignment_id=ass_id
    and   approved = 'N'
    order by change_date desc;
Line: 2812

  select 'Y'
  from dual
  where exists
         FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
              pay_assignment_actions act,
              per_assignments_f asg
         WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
           AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
           AND asg.assignment_id = lp_assignment_id
           AND asg.assignment_type = 'E'
           AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
           AND pac.action_status = 'C'
           AND ( p_start_date < pac.date_earned
	       OR p_start_date < pac.effective_date));
Line: 2830

  select object_version_number
  from per_all_assignments_f
  where person_id = p_person_id
  and assignment_id = lp_assignment_id
  and p_start_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2837

  select paaf.effective_start_date
  from per_all_assignments_f paaf
  where paaf.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
  and paaf.person_id = p_person_id
  and paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
  and paaf.assignment_type = 'E'
  and paaf.assignment_id <> lp_assignment_id
  and paaf.effective_start_date > p_start_date
  order by paaf.effective_start_date;
Line: 2848

  select paaf.assignment_number
  from per_all_assignments_f paaf
  where paaf.business_group_id =  p_business_group_id
  and paaf.person_id = p_person_id
  and paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
  and paaf.assignment_type = 'E'
  and paaf.assignment_id = lp_assignment_id
  order by paaf.effective_start_date;
Line: 2868

    SELECT  rowid
    FROM    per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE   person_id = p_person_id
    AND     effective_start_date = p_start_date
    AND     business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND     primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND     assignment_type = 'E'
    AND     assignment_id = p_new_primary_id;
Line: 2879

    SELECT  *
    FROM    per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE   assignment_type = 'A'
    AND     person_id = p_person_id
    AND     business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND     effective_start_date < p_start_date
    AND     assignment_id = p_new_primary_id;
Line: 2894

    procedure Delete_future_assignments(p_assignment_id number) is -- added for bug 9644377
     cursor fut_asg is
       select rowid, assignment_id, effective_start_date, effective_end_date
         from per_assignments_f
        where   primary_flag      = 'Y'
          and   business_group_id  + 0 = p_business_group_id
          and   person_id          = p_person_id
          and   assignment_type    = 'E'
          and   effective_start_date > p_start_date
	  and   assignment_id = p_assignment_id -- added for bug 9644377
        for update of effective_start_date;
Line: 2913

    hr_utility.set_location('IN Delete future assignments',201);
Line: 2922

      delete from per_assignments_f
       where rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2929

Line: 2935

    hr_utility.set_location('OUT Delete future assignments',203);
Line: 2936

  end Delete_future_assignments;
Line: 2953

  if p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','V') then
    if emp_asg_rec.payroll_id is not null
      and nvl(apl_asg_rec.payroll_id,emp_asg_rec.payroll_id)<> emp_asg_rec.payroll_id then

      open csr_pay_actions(emp_asg_rec.assignment_id);
Line: 2970

  if p_update_primary_flag not in ('Y','V') then
    if p_emp_apl = 'Y' then
      -- #1769702

      -- Start changes for bug 9644377
      open cur_get_future_asgs(emp_asg_rec.assignment_id);
Line: 2994

      Delete_future_assignments(p_assignment_id => emp_asg_rec.assignment_id);
Line: 2996

      update per_assignments_f pa
      set -- pa.primary_flag = 'N',    Changed for bug 9644377
         pa.effective_start_date =p_start_date
      ,   pa.effective_end_date   = p_end_of_time
      ,   pa.last_update_login    = p_login_id
      ,   pa.last_updated_by      = p_user_id
      ,   pa.last_update_date     = p_start_date
      where pa.primary_flag       = 'Y'
      and   pa.business_group_id  + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and   pa.person_id          = p_person_id
      and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
      and   pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 3025

Line: 3052

    /*  update per_all_assignments_f pa
      set    pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
      ,      pa.effective_start_date = p_start_date
      ,      pa.effective_end_date = p_end_of_time
      ,      pa.set_of_books_id    = emp_asg_rec.set_of_books_id
      ,      pa.change_reason = null
      where  pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and    pa.assignment_id     = p_new_primary_id
      and    p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
      and    pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 3072

  if  p_update_primary_flag = 'C' and p_emp_apl = 'Y' then

    update per_all_assignments_f pa
    set    pa.effective_start_date = p_start_date
    ,      pa.effective_end_date = p_end_of_time
    ,      pa.set_of_books_id    = emp_asg_rec.set_of_books_id
    ,      pa.change_reason = null
    where  pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and    pa.assignment_id     = p_new_primary_id
    and    p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date and pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 3105

    update per_all_assignments_f pa
    set    pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
    ,      pa.effective_start_date = p_start_date
    ,      pa.effective_end_date = p_end_of_time
    ,      pa.set_of_books_id    = emp_asg_rec.set_of_books_id
    ,      pa.change_reason = null
    where  pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and    pa.assignment_id     = p_new_primary_id
    and    p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
    and    pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 3137

Line: 3221

   select projected_hire_date
   from per_applications
   where application_id =l_appl_id;
Line: 3228

     select assignment_id
     ,      rowid
     ,      effective_end_date -- #1769702
     from   per_assignments_f pa
     where pa.primary_flag='Y'
     and   pa.person_id = p_person_id
     and   pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
     and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
     and   pa.effective_end_date
     for update of pa.organization_id;
Line: 3246

    select assignment_type
    from per_all_assignments_f paf
    where paf.assignment_id = p_old_assignment_id;
Line: 3255

     select assignment_id
     ,      rowid
     ,      effective_start_date
     ,      effective_end_date
      from  per_assignments_f pa
     where  pa.primary_flag       = 'Y'
       and  pa.business_group_id  + 0 = p_business_group_id
       and  pa.person_id          = p_person_id
       and  pa.assignment_type    = 'E'
       and  pa.effective_start_date > p_start_date
     for update of pa.organization_id;
Line: 3270

   select *
   from  per_assignments_f a
   where a.rowid  = P_ROW_ID;
Line: 3301

  if p_update_primary_flag = 'Y' then

       hr_utility.set_location('primary_flag =  Y',480);
Line: 3410

       update per_assignments_f pa
       set pa.organization_id = apl_asg_rec.organization_id
       ,pa.effective_start_date = p_start_date
        --,pa.effective_end_date = p_end_of_time  -- commented for bug 9644377
       ,pa.recruiter_id = apl_asg_rec.recruiter_id
       ,pa.grade_id = apl_asg_rec.grade_id
       ,pa.position_id = apl_asg_rec.position_id
       ,pa.job_id = apl_asg_rec.job_id
       ,pa.payroll_id = apl_asg_rec.payroll_id
       ,pa.location_id = apl_asg_rec.location_id
       ,pa.person_referred_by_id = apl_asg_rec.person_referred_by_id
       ,pa.supervisor_id = apl_asg_rec.supervisor_id
       ,pa.supervisor_assignment_id = apl_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id -- #4053244
       ,pa.special_ceiling_step_id = apl_asg_rec.special_ceiling_step_id
       ,pa.recruitment_activity_id = apl_asg_rec.recruitment_activity_id
       ,pa.source_organization_id = apl_asg_rec.source_organization_id
       ,pa.people_group_id = apl_asg_rec.people_group_id
       ,pa.soft_coding_keyflex_id = apl_asg_rec.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       ,pa.vacancy_id = apl_asg_rec.vacancy_id
       ,pa.application_id = apl_asg_rec.application_id
       ,pa.comment_id = apl_asg_rec.comment_id
       ,pa.date_probation_end = apl_asg_rec.date_probation_end
       ,pa.default_code_comb_id = apl_asg_rec.default_code_comb_id
       ,pa.employment_category = apl_asg_rec.employment_category
       ,pa.frequency = apl_asg_rec.frequency
       ,pa.internal_address_line = apl_asg_rec.internal_address_line
       ,pa.manager_flag = apl_asg_rec.manager_flag
       ,pa.normal_hours = apl_asg_rec.normal_hours
       ,pa.probation_period = apl_asg_rec.probation_period
       ,pa.probation_unit = apl_asg_rec.probation_unit
       ,pa.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       ,pa.source_type = apl_asg_rec.source_type
       ,pa.time_normal_finish = apl_asg_rec.time_normal_finish
       ,pa.time_normal_start = apl_asg_rec.time_normal_start
       ,pa.pay_basis_id = apl_asg_rec.pay_basis_id
       ,pa.ass_attribute_category = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E',pa.ass_attribute_category)
       ,pa.ass_attribute1 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute1
       ,pa.ass_attribute2 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute2
       ,pa.ass_attribute3 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute3
       ,pa.ass_attribute4 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute4
       ,pa.ass_attribute5 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute5
       ,pa.ass_attribute6 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute6
       ,pa.ass_attribute7 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute7
       ,pa.ass_attribute8 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute8
       ,pa.ass_attribute9 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute9
       ,pa.ass_attribute10 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute10
       ,pa.ass_attribute11 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute11
       ,pa.ass_attribute12 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute12
       ,pa.ass_attribute13 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute13
       ,pa.ass_attribute14 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute14
       ,pa.ass_attribute15 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute15
       ,pa.ass_attribute16 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute16
       ,pa.ass_attribute17 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute17
       ,pa.ass_attribute18 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute18
       ,pa.ass_attribute19 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute19
       ,pa.ass_attribute20 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute20
       ,pa.ass_attribute21 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute21
       ,pa.ass_attribute22 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute22
       ,pa.ass_attribute23 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute23
       ,pa.ass_attribute24 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute24
       ,pa.ass_attribute25 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute25
       ,pa.ass_attribute26 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute26
       ,pa.ass_attribute27 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute27
       ,pa.ass_attribute28 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute28
       ,pa.ass_attribute29 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute29
       ,pa.ass_attribute30 = apl_asg_rec.ass_attribute30
       ,pa.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID=apl_asg_rec.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID-- added for bug 5513751
       ,pa.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY=apl_asg_rec.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY--added for bug 5513751
       ,pa.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id=apl_asg_rec.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id-- added for bug 5513751
       where pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 3560

select nvl(src_apl_asg_id,-1)  into l_irc_link_exists
   where tgt_apl_asg_id =  emp_asg_rec.assignment_id
   and sysdate between nvl(start_date,sysdate) and nvl(end_date,sysdate) ;
Line: 3570

select assignment_status_type_id into l_irc_spl_status
from per_assignment_status_types
Line: 3636

       hr_utility.set_location('Updated EMP assignment',11);
Line: 3695

         Delete_future_assignments(p_assignment_id => emp_asg_rec.assignment_id); -- modified for bug 9644377
Line: 3698

  elsif p_update_primary_flag = 'V' then
    hr_utility.set_location('Overwrite EMP assignment',15);
Line: 3874

       hr_utility.set_location('Updated EMP assignment',90);
Line: 4021

       update per_assignments_f pa
       set pa.organization_id = emp_asg_rec.organization_id
       ,pa.effective_start_date = p_start_date
       --,pa.effective_end_date = p_end_of_time -- #1769702 what if future asg exist?
       ,pa.recruiter_id = emp_asg_rec.recruiter_id
       ,pa.grade_id = emp_asg_rec.grade_id
       ,pa.position_id = emp_asg_rec.position_id
       ,pa.job_id = emp_asg_rec.job_id
       ,pa.payroll_id = emp_asg_rec.payroll_id
       ,pa.location_id = emp_asg_rec.location_id
       ,pa.person_referred_by_id = emp_asg_rec.person_referred_by_id
       ,pa.supervisor_id = emp_asg_rec.supervisor_id
       ,pa.supervisor_assignment_id = emp_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id -- #4053244
       ,pa.special_ceiling_step_id = emp_asg_rec.special_ceiling_step_id
       ,pa.recruitment_activity_id = emp_asg_rec.recruitment_activity_id
       ,pa.source_organization_id = emp_asg_rec.source_organization_id
       ,pa.people_group_id = emp_asg_rec.people_group_id
       ,pa.soft_coding_keyflex_id = emp_asg_rec.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       ,pa.vacancy_id = emp_asg_rec.vacancy_id
       ,pa.application_id = emp_asg_rec.application_id
       ,pa.comment_id = emp_asg_rec.comment_id
       ,pa.date_probation_end = emp_asg_rec.date_probation_end
       ,pa.default_code_comb_id = emp_asg_rec.default_code_comb_id
       ,pa.employment_category = emp_asg_rec.employment_category
       ,pa.frequency = emp_asg_rec.frequency
       ,pa.internal_address_line = emp_asg_rec.internal_address_line
       ,pa.manager_flag = emp_asg_rec.manager_flag
       ,pa.normal_hours = emp_asg_rec.normal_hours
       ,pa.probation_period = emp_asg_rec.probation_period
       ,pa.probation_unit = emp_asg_rec.probation_unit
       ,pa.set_of_books_id = emp_asg_rec.set_of_books_id
       ,pa.source_type = emp_asg_rec.source_type
       ,pa.time_normal_finish = emp_asg_rec.time_normal_finish
       ,pa.time_normal_start = emp_asg_rec.time_normal_start
       ,pa.pay_basis_id = emp_asg_rec.pay_basis_id
       ,pa.ass_attribute_category = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E',pa.ass_attribute_category)
       ,pa.ass_attribute1 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute1
       ,pa.ass_attribute2 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute2
       ,pa.ass_attribute3 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute3
       ,pa.ass_attribute4 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute4
       ,pa.ass_attribute5 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute5
       ,pa.ass_attribute6 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute6
       ,pa.ass_attribute7 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute7
       ,pa.ass_attribute8 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute8
       ,pa.ass_attribute9 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute9
       ,pa.ass_attribute10 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute10
       ,pa.ass_attribute11 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute11
       ,pa.ass_attribute12 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute12
       ,pa.ass_attribute13 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute13
       ,pa.ass_attribute14 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute14
       ,pa.ass_attribute15 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute15
       ,pa.ass_attribute16 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute16
       ,pa.ass_attribute17 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute17
       ,pa.ass_attribute18 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute18
       ,pa.ass_attribute19 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute19
       ,pa.ass_attribute20 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute20
       ,pa.ass_attribute21 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute21
       ,pa.ass_attribute22 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute22
       ,pa.ass_attribute23 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute23
       ,pa.ass_attribute24 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute24
       ,pa.ass_attribute25 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute25
       ,pa.ass_attribute26 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute26
       ,pa.ass_attribute27 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute27
       ,pa.ass_attribute28 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute28
       ,pa.ass_attribute29 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute29
       ,pa.ass_attribute30 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute30
       ,pa.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID= emp_asg_rec.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID --  5513751
       ,pa.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY= emp_asg_rec.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY -- 5513751
       ,pa.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id= emp_asg_rec.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id  -- 5513751
       where pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 4250

           update per_assignments_f pa
           set pa.organization_id = emp_asg_rec.organization_id
           ,pa.recruiter_id = emp_asg_rec.recruiter_id
           ,pa.grade_id = emp_asg_rec.grade_id
           ,pa.position_id = emp_asg_rec.position_id
           ,pa.job_id = emp_asg_rec.job_id
           ,pa.payroll_id = emp_asg_rec.payroll_id
           ,pa.location_id = emp_asg_rec.location_id
           ,pa.person_referred_by_id = emp_asg_rec.person_referred_by_id
           ,pa.supervisor_id = emp_asg_rec.supervisor_id
	   ,pa.supervisor_assignment_id = emp_asg_rec.supervisor_assignment_id -- #4053244
           ,pa.special_ceiling_step_id = emp_asg_rec.special_ceiling_step_id
           ,pa.recruitment_activity_id = emp_asg_rec.recruitment_activity_id
           ,pa.source_organization_id = emp_asg_rec.source_organization_id
           ,pa.people_group_id = emp_asg_rec.people_group_id
           ,pa.soft_coding_keyflex_id = emp_asg_rec.soft_coding_keyflex_id
           ,pa.vacancy_id = emp_asg_rec.vacancy_id
           ,pa.application_id = emp_asg_rec.application_id
           ,pa.comment_id = emp_asg_rec.comment_id
           ,pa.date_probation_end = emp_asg_rec.date_probation_end
           ,pa.default_code_comb_id = emp_asg_rec.default_code_comb_id
           ,pa.employment_category = emp_asg_rec.employment_category
           ,pa.frequency = emp_asg_rec.frequency
           ,pa.internal_address_line = emp_asg_rec.internal_address_line
           ,pa.manager_flag = emp_asg_rec.manager_flag
           ,pa.normal_hours = emp_asg_rec.normal_hours
           ,pa.probation_period = emp_asg_rec.probation_period
           ,pa.probation_unit = emp_asg_rec.probation_unit
           ,pa.set_of_books_id = emp_asg_rec.set_of_books_id
           ,pa.source_type = emp_asg_rec.source_type
           ,pa.time_normal_finish = emp_asg_rec.time_normal_finish
           ,pa.time_normal_start = emp_asg_rec.time_normal_start
           ,pa.pay_basis_id = emp_asg_rec.pay_basis_id
           ,pa.ass_attribute_category = decode(l_col_name,'ASSIGNMENT_TYPE','E',pa.ass_attribute_category)
           ,pa.ass_attribute1 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute1
           ,pa.ass_attribute2 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute2
           ,pa.ass_attribute3 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute3
           ,pa.ass_attribute4 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute4
           ,pa.ass_attribute5 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute5
           ,pa.ass_attribute6 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute6
           ,pa.ass_attribute7 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute7
           ,pa.ass_attribute8 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute8
           ,pa.ass_attribute9 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute9
           ,pa.ass_attribute10 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute10
           ,pa.ass_attribute11 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute11
           ,pa.ass_attribute12 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute12
           ,pa.ass_attribute13 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute13
           ,pa.ass_attribute14 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute14
           ,pa.ass_attribute15 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute15
           ,pa.ass_attribute16 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute16
           ,pa.ass_attribute17 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute17
           ,pa.ass_attribute18 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute18
           ,pa.ass_attribute19 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute19
           ,pa.ass_attribute20 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute20
           ,pa.ass_attribute21 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute21
           ,pa.ass_attribute22 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute22
           ,pa.ass_attribute23 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute23
           ,pa.ass_attribute24 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute24
           ,pa.ass_attribute25 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute25
           ,pa.ass_attribute26 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute26
           ,pa.ass_attribute27 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute27
           ,pa.ass_attribute28 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute28
           ,pa.ass_attribute29 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute29
           ,pa.ass_attribute30 = emp_asg_rec.ass_attribute30
	   ,pa.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID= emp_asg_rec.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID --  5513751
           ,pa.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY= emp_asg_rec.EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY -- 5513751
           ,pa.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id= emp_asg_rec.COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_id  -- 5513751
           where pa.rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 4326

Line: 4336

Line: 4369

			      ,p_mode                 => 'UPDATE'
			      ,p_location_id          => emp_asg_rec.location_id
			      ,p_return_code          => l_return_code
			      ,p_return_text          => l_return_text
Line: 4394

                            p_datetrack_mode        => hr_api.g_update,
                            p_validation_start_date => p_start_date,
                            p_validation_end_date   => p_end_of_time,
                            p_grade_id              => apl_asg_rec.grade_id,
                            p_spp_delete_warning    => l_delete_warn);
Line: 4405

                              ,l_asg_end_date); -- #1769702
Line: 4426

                                 ,l_asg_end_date); -- #1769702
Line: 4457

			      ,p_mode                 => 'UPDATE'
			      ,p_location_id          => emp_asg_rec.location_id
			      ,p_return_code          => l_return_code
			      ,p_return_text          => l_return_text
Line: 4478

     select pa.rowid
     from per_assignments_f pa
     where pa.assignment_id = p_new_primary_id
     and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
                        and pa.effective_end_date
     for update of pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 4486

      hr_utility.trace('    Update APL asg id => '||to_char(p_new_primary_id));
Line: 4492

       update per_assignments_f
       set effective_end_date = p_start_date - 1
       where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 4511

  hr_assignment.update_assgn_context_value (p_business_group_id,
Line: 4547

   if p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','C','V') then
Line: 4569

Line: 4587

Line: 4610

Line: 4618

   if l_proposal_exists ='Y' and p_update_primary_flag = 'Y' then
     open get_primary_approved_proposal(p_new_primary_id);
Line: 4631

   else -- update_primary_flag = 'N'
Line: 4642

Line: 4653

 else -- employing an applicant; update_primary_flag = 'N'
Line: 4664

Line: 4684

Line: 4708

if per_otherbg_apl_api.isMultiRegVac(p_new_primary_id) and p_update_primary_flag in ('Y','V') then
-- if per_otherbg_apl_api.isMultiRegVac(p_new_primary_id) then
Line: 4719

    cursor asg_cur is select *
      from per_all_assignments_f
      where primary_flag          ='Y'
      and   assignment_type       = 'E'
      and   person_id             = p_person_id
      and   business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and   p_start_date between effective_start_date
      and   effective_end_date;
Line: 4733

                     p_action    => 'INSERT');
Line: 4747

    cursor asg_cur is select *
      from per_all_assignments_f
           assignment_type       = 'E'
      and   person_id             = p_person_id
      and   business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and   p_start_date between effective_start_date
      and   effective_end_date;
Line: 4757

   select projected_hire_date
   from per_applications
   where application_id =l_appl_id;
Line: 4801

      update per_all_assignments_f
      set date_probation_end =l_date_probation_end
      assignment_type       = 'E'
      and   person_id             = p_person_id
      and   business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
      and   p_start_date between effective_start_date
      and   effective_end_date
      and assignment_id = l_asg_probation_det.assignment_id;
Line: 4858

select pa.assignment_id
,      pa.effective_start_date
from   per_all_assignments_f pa
,     per_assignment_status_types past
where nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = pa.business_group_id + 0
and   pa.person_id               = p_person_id
and   pa.business_group_id + 0   = p_business_group_id
      (( p_apl           = 'Y'
      and  nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code) = p_legislation_code
      and  past.per_system_status   = 'ACCEPTED'
      and    pa.assignment_type     = 'A'
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id
      and   p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
              and   pa.effective_end_date
--if this is a current employee, no need to check legislation code,or
--system status.
      (p_emp            =  'Y'
      and    pa.assignment_type     =  'E'
      and    p_start_date between pa.effective_start_date
                              and pa.effective_end_date
      and    past.assignment_status_type_id = pa.assignment_status_type_id));
Line: 4885

  select 1
  from per_periods_of_service pps
  where pps.person_id =p_person_id
  and date_start <= (select effective_date
                     from   fnd_sessions
                     where  session_id =
Line: 4893

  select 1
  from per_periods_of_service pps
  where pps.person_id =p_person_id;
Line: 4959

   select pa.assignment_id
    from per_assignments_f pa
    where  pa.person_id = p_person_id
    and    pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    and    pa.assignment_type = 'A'
    and p_end_date between pa.effective_start_date
                    and pa.effective_end_date -- fix for bug 6036285
    and    pa.assignment_status_type_id IN (
                       select past.assignment_status_type_id
                       from   per_assignment_status_types past
                       ,      per_ass_status_type_amends pasa
                       where  pasa.assignment_status_type_id(+)=
                       and    pasa.business_group_id(+) + 0 = p_business_group_id
                       and    nvl(past.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) =
                       and    nvl(past.legislation_code, p_legislation_code) =
                       and    nvl(pasa.per_system_status,past.per_system_status) <>
      for update of pa.effective_end_date;
Line: 5008

          update per_assignments pa
          set    pa.effective_end_date = l_end_date
          where current of unacc_cur;
Line: 5068

select pe.event_id
from  per_events pe
,     per_assignments_f a
where pe.business_group_id  +0 = a.business_group_id
and   a.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
and   pe.assignment_id         = a.assignment_id
and   pe.date_start >=p_start_date
and   a.person_id              = p_person_id
and   p_start_date between a.effective_start_date
and   a.effective_end_date
and   pe.event_or_interview = 'E'
for   update of event_id;
Line: 5082

select booking_id
from   per_bookings pb
where   pb.event_id           = l_event_id
for update of booking_id;
Line: 5113

   delete from per_bookings pb
   where pb.event_id = l_event_id;
Line: 5126

   delete from per_events
   where event_id = l_event_id;