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2 --$Header: cnpntxs.pls 115.3 2002/11/21 21:04:52 hlchen ship $
4 -- Start of comments
5 --	API name 	: Create_Notification
6 --	Type		: Public
7 --	Function	: This Public API is used to create a Collection Notification
8 --	Pre-reqs	: None.
9 --	Parameters	:
10 --	IN		:	p_api_version        NUMBER    Required
11 --				p_init_msg_list      VARCHAR2  Optional
12 --					Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
13 --				p_commit	           VARCHAR2  Optional
14 --					Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
15 --				p_validation_level   NUMBER    Optional
16 --					Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
17 --
18 --	OUT		:	x_return_status	VARCHAR2(1)
19 --				x_msg_count	     NUMBER
20 --				x_msg_data	     VARCHAR2(2000)
21 --
22 --   IN        :    p_line_id         NUMBER        Required
23 --                  p_source_doc_type VARCHAR2      Required
24 --                  p_adjusted_flag   VARCHAR2      Optional
25 --                        Default = 'N'
26 --                  p_header_id       NUMBER        Optional
27 --                        Default = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
28 --                  p_org_id          NUMBER        Optional
29 --                        Default = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
30 --
31 --	OUT		:	x_loading_status  VARCHAR2(4000)
32 --
33 --	Version	: Current version	1.0
34 --				12-Apr-00  Dave Maskell
35 --			  previous version	y.y
36 --				Changed....
37 --			  Initial version 	1.0
38 --				12-Apr-00  Dave Maskell
39 --
40 --	Notes:
41 --         If you wish to create a notification for the collection of a
42 --         new transaction, set P_ADJUSTED_FLAG to 'N' (or omit it).
43 --         If you wish to create a notification for the collection of an
44 --         adjusted existing transaction, set P_ADJUSTED_FLAG to 'Y'
45 --         The only difference between the two is that the value of
46 --         P_ADJUSTED_FLAG is used to set the value of
47 --         CN_NOT_TRX_ALL.ADJUSTED_FLAG. During the Collection process,
48 --         if the Notification line has ADJUSTED_FLAG = 'Y', then as well
49 --         as collecting the transaction information from the Data Source,
50 --         the process will look to see if the transaction already exists
51 --         in OSC and will create a reversing entry for it.
52 --
53 --         If P_ORG_ID is passed in (even if the value is NULL),
54 --         then that value will be used for ORG_ID in the Notification
55 --         line which is created in CN_NOT_TRX_ALL. If P_ORG_ID is not
56 --         passed then the procedure will derive the ORG_ID from the user
57 --         environment in the standard manner. The procedure allows the
58 --         specification of an ORG_ID so that it can be called from non-user
59 --         processes, such as triggers, which cannot be org-striped.
60 --
61 --         P_LINE_ID must represent a unique identifier for the transaction line
62 --         which is to be collected from the Data Source
63 --
64 --         P_SOURCE_DOC_TYPE must match the value of MAPPING_TYPE (in CN_TABLE_MAPS)
65 --         for the Data Source from which the transaction is to be collected. The
66 --         appropriate value can be seen on the OSC Collections screen, as the
67 --         abbreviated Data Source name, which is displayed to right of the Name itself
68 --         (e.g. SOURCE_DOC_TYPE for Order Capture is 'OC' and for Receivables is 'AR').
69 --
70 -- End of comments
72 PROCEDURE Create_Notification
73   ( p_api_version        IN NUMBER,
74     p_init_msg_list      IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
75     p_commit             IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
76     p_validation_level   IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
77     x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
78     x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
79     x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
80     p_line_id            IN NUMBER,
81     p_source_doc_type    IN VARCHAR2,
82     p_adjusted_flag      IN VARCHAR2 := 'N',
83     p_header_id          IN NUMBER := NULL,
84     p_org_id             IN NUMBER := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
85     x_loading_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
86     );
88 END CN_Notification_PUB;